Sisterhood "Otrada and consolation. Holy Ascension Male Monastery

04.04.2021 Esoterics


What drives man who spends all his time, strength and money for gambling? Why does he become a slave seemingly completely harmless hobbies? We learned to beware of temptations that can cause physical dependence, but the enemy of human genus found a more sophisticated way to destroy people. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Specialist in Medical Psychology and Psychiatry, Director of the Regional Clinical Psychology and Psychiatric Hospital - Medical and Psychological Center Mikhail Pavlovich Bero, tells about a non-verification dependence.

- Mikhail Pavlovich, what is no chemical addiction? What are the main causes and consequences of its occurrence?

- Non-chemical addiction is a conditional name. With a chemical dependence of a person's body for the sake of obtaining pleasure, artificially stimulated by various drugs, while in non-chemical addiction, this stimulation is made due to the appearance of strong hobbies than anything, and this leads to the production of neurochemical substances in its own brain.
The psychology of a person involves the fact that the person should be harmonious. The concept of "harmony", except for the ability to realize and understand the world around the world, includes the concept of spirituality, faith in God. When the harmony breaks, a blank cell is formed in the personality structure, and this emptiness must be filled with something. A person finds a different hobbies that often cause the emergence of psychological dependence. This leads to the enhancement of sin, to various unacceptable actions, and, in the end, the life of a person turns into a tragedy.
The dependency spectrum is very large. It may be a passion for gambling, pathological dependence on slot machines, transmission SMS-Ok, computer games, and so on. It occurs artificial stimulation, and careful production of too large doses of hormones begins, adrenaline, in particular, which leads to early aging of the body. Such a large emission of active biochemical substances causes a stomach or duodenal ulcer, hypertensive disease, thyroid disease. The man destroys himself, his circle of interest is narrowed, all life becomes dedicated to this pathological attitude.
In addition, one sin, one dependency causes another. This is a closed vicious circle.

- Non-chemical dependencies are divided into women's and men?

- There is no clear separation. Women are more emotional. To say that men play the slot machines, unfortunately, it is impossible. Nowadays, you can often watch the picture when pension grandmothers play gambling and lose their pensions. In Western countries, gaming zones are ended outside the city, in order not to have a strong temptation to play. In our country, legislation does not provide a ban on the location of the game zones in public places.

- Can a person self get rid of this dependence?

- Dependence has its criteria - mental and somatic, that is, it is manifested by the psyche and from the internal organs. When these two components are present - this is a complete dependence that man very hard to overcome. Basically, in the treatment, a combination of drug therapy and psychological impact is used, which involves the mandatory intervention of specialists.

- Many people hide their hobbies. How to understand that a close person has a problem?

- If a person appears in a person, this is primarily changing his life priorities. He moves away from his old hobbies, begins to form a circle of interest around this dependence. Man avoids friends, he otherwise distributes his working and non-working time. Around one dependent immediately arises a team of people who involves it, supports and "pumps" money. A person will instantly begin to experience the material dependence - and it will also be born.

- The problem of non-chemical dependence has existed for a long time. What is the danger of non-chemical dependence in our time?

- Such scales as now, she never acquired. Who used to be carried away, for example, gambling in cards? Only wealthy middle-aged people who entered specialized clubs. Now with the spread of the casino, slot machines there is a tendency to involve youth in all this.
The peculiar feature of the teenager is such that a person during this period of life is on the verge of childhood and adult life. The teenager needs the care of his parents and at the same time tries to be separated from them, begins to try himself in real life. Such a search comes down to the fact that the suggestion of playing computer games can stand the threat of a serious mental disorder. We treated adolescents whom the guards literally kicked out of computer clubs. The dependence was so strong that the man was afraid to leave the club, he did not think of herself outside this club. The children threw their studies, neglected the rules of personal hygiene, they literally lived in these clubs. A teenager is trying to assert and such a confused, non-church education, the lack of traditions has such planning consequences.

- But after all, in Orthodox families, this problem is also present. What mistakes made parents? Is this not connected with the fact that adults trying to protect, protect the child from the outside world?

- Each human action has external and subconscious reasons. If the church of the child in the subconscious of his parents is to protect it from the poor external influence of the world, then this may lead to the fact that the child does not want to go to the temple. Teen will still look for himself, he will look for an answer to the questions: Who am I? Where I am? What am I? The child must understand why he believes in God, for which he was told on Sunday school, why it makes it forced to read the Bible, learn Psalms and pray.
One of the laws of the adolescence of life is a tendency to imitation. But what will he imitate? The child is also inclined to the organization of groupings. We want or not, but it will still be so. Reaction of emancipation, liberation from the parent and teacher influence. And already depends on the upbringing, whether it will be interesting for himself to be in a group of believers Christians or in a group of gambling players. He will see that his comrades on Sunday morning go for a walk, there are fun, and he leads to the temple where you need to pray and repent. Therefore, within the framework of the children's Sunday school, events can also be committed, which would be gaming in the form, but by educational and formative religious worldview in content.
The upbringing and education of children is a global problem. In our country, everything obeys fashion trends. Now it is fashionable to marry - and people do it. But this sacrament is not as familiar as registration in the registry office. It is necessary that a person can contact God at any time so that in each institution there was a place where it would be possible to pray that people surrounded people who divide his faith. We are not protected from the fact that the child brought up in Orthodox traditions, in society will not face the fight against these traditions.

- In our country, there is no prospects for improving the situation. What can be done in these conditions, how to avoid "bursts" of care from faith?

- The family goes to the temple, she addresses the advice and spiritual cake to some priest. This priest should be competent and at the present level should be able to understand all family members, and the child, in particular, its age characteristics.

- If one of the family members has a non-chemical dependence - where can I contact relatives?

- relatives should be attentive, and first aid must come first of all from close people. Parents are obliged to understand what the child is missing why he fills the mental emptiness in this way. A visit to the temple, faith in the Lord significantly accelerates the process of recovery not only from non-smoke dependencies, but also from other psychological disorders. For example, in our clinic there is a certain installation - the patient is highly recommended to visit the temple, which is located on the territory of our center, to take part in the sacraments, discuss its problem with the priest.
Rarely, but it happens that people are born with predisposition to non-chemical dependence - the slightly slightest provocation, and the person is fully drawn into it. But I want to pay attention to the fact that it is very difficult to cure from non-chemical addiction, it is better not to acquire it.

Anastasia Patritch talked

Donbass Orthodox

40 p., Soft cover, 84 * 108/4. Price 25 rubles.

Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky is one of the countless host of the confessors of the Faith of Christ 20th century. The confessor of the monastery sisters, a shepherd of a high spiritual life who served in the monastery since 1903, he was arrested in 1930 and sent to reference first in Uglich, and then in Tver, where he died of hunger in 1942. Until our time, he was preserved by a deepest faith and love to the Lord willow to his sons, as well as numerous manuscripts of sermons for all holidays and commemorative days of the church year, partially placed in this edition.

Livestocking Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovo

"The twentieth century is a special time in the life of the Russian Church. This is the era of unprecedented persecution of faith, in its scale, cynicism, cunning and cruelty superior, everything that has ever fallen out to the share of the followers of Christ, "said the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy in the preface to the book of Jeromonach Damascus (Orlovsky)" Martyrs, confessors And the devotees of the piety of the Russian Orthodox Church of the XX Century "(Tver: Bulat, 1995). "In the twentieth century, one Russia gave the world more martyrs and confessors than the entire previous history of the whole Christian church."

One of the countless host of the confessors of the faith of Christ in the years of persecution was Archpriest Mikhail Nikolaevich Ivanovsky (1874-1942).

Archpriest Nikolai Ivanovsky

Father Mikhail Ivanovsky - a hereditary Moscow priest. The Ivanovo family belonged to the educated circle of the Moscow clergy, its basis was the clergymen, most of them had a higher spiritual education. From this big friendly family, where there was spiritual unity above the blood connection, Mikhail Nikolayevich's nephew - the priest of Archpriest Boris Pavlovich Ivanovsky, the abbot of the temple of Grigoria Neokezarovsky on the clearing. Shot at the Butovsky landfill in 1937, now it is ranked in the face of the Saints of the Russian Orthodox Church (memory on November 27 / December 10). Mikhail Ivanovsky's father - Archpriest Nikolai Alexandrovich Ivanovsky - almost all his life served in the Moscow Virgin Mary-Christmas Maiden Monastery (6). One of the oldest monasteries of Moscow, he was founded in 1386 by the prince of Maria, the wife of Prince Andrei Serpukhovsky, the son of Ivan Kalita. The first of his insecakes were the widow of the warriors who died on the culish field. In the nineteenth century, this is one of the largest monastery of the capital, there are about 800 nuns in it. Archpriest Nikolai was a senior priest. The Ivanovo family belonged to a spacious one-storey house opposite the monastery. Strict, at times, even severe, father Nikolai loved silence and order in the house. A wonderful library of spiritual and fiction occupied a separate room in which he spent a lot of time. His wife, Anna Pavlovna, a meek, friendly woman, also originated from the spiritual estate. With all the completeness of Christian responsibility, Spouse Ivanovsky treated the upbringing of their children: three sons and daughters. Senior Son, Mikhail, was born on November 8, 1874. He studied in a Zaiconoscope Spiritual School, located near the Christmas Monastery, in Nikolskaya Street, and at the end he continued to education in the seminary. After graduating from the seminary, he in 1896 entered the Moscow Education Academy. In the recommendation given to him, the priest of the Christmas monastery Vladimir Sokolov, it was said that "the student of the Moscow spiritual seminary Mikhail Ivanovsky not only during his teaching in the seminary, but at the exit of it to this time behaved in religious and moral terms very commendable: in Festive days church services visited inexustiously, attending the altar, served in worship; In moral terms, there was nothing reprehensible for him, that and I certify my signature and an application of church press "(2, l. 4).

The Moscow Spiritual Academy in those years experienced a heyday period. Among professors and teachers names A.P. Lebedeva, V.O. Kuevsky, E.E. Golubinsky, A.I. Introduced, ppm Muretova, N.F. Capteleva and other prominent historians and theologians of that time. Student Mikhail Ivanovsky, who was accustomed in the parental house to in-depth classes, could not help but love the Academy and Lavra of Rev. Sergius, who grown up under his own darling of talented and capable young men, the life path of many of which is crowned in the future martyr's crown.

Listeners of the Moscow Spiritual Academy Belyaev, Ivanovsky and Sobolev before the release. Sergiev Posad. 1900

Successfully completing the Academy in 1900, Mikhail Ivanovsky was "awarded the title of a valid student and approved in this rank with high envy Vladimir, Metropolitan Moscow and Kolomensky" (2, L.12-13). According to the charter of spiritual academies, the graduate was to work in the spiritual and educational department for three years. Initially, Mikhail Ivanovsky is determined by the teacher of the Church Greater School at the Christmas Monastery, as well as the Psalmar to Nikolaev, "On Persians", Church (2, l. 9). Then, in 1901, he is appointed by the teacher of Russian and Church Slavic languages \u200b\u200bto the Tver Spiritual School (2, l. 11-12). In Tver, Mikhail Ivanovsky stayed for a long time: he gives a pet, and he was appointed with a supervisor to the Perverter Spiritual School, where he serves with his friend Sergius Lebedev (later Michael will be his guarantor at the wedding), the future priest. Could the young graduate of the Academy then think that in the thirty years will return to this little provincial city, where will serve an indefinite link and where the Lord judges him to finish the days?

In 1902, Mikhail Ivanovsky claim to the degree of candidate of theology. At this time, he is a psalmaster and a teacher of the church-risk school at the Spassky Monastery.

Mikhail Nikolaevich and Alexander Alexandrovna Ivanovsky. 1903

In 1903, shortly after marriage to Alexander Aleksandrovna Dobunzorsk - daughter of the priest of the Temple of St. Nicholas in the forge Sloboda - he is handicked in priests for the Becacious Device Monastery. Since then, his whole life, like the life of his father, is associated with women's monasses. Here, in the oldest monastery, founded in 1360 by St. Alexy, for his sisters - Rev. Julia and Eupraxia, he passed his pastoral ministry. Here are brief extracts from the service list of Jerey Mikhail Ivanovsky: "In 1907 he was awarded a boiler. In 1909 for the diligent and useful service - Skuchery "(3, d. 71).

The priest of the Bezchensky Monastery Mikhail Ivanovsky. 1900s.

Father Mikhail acquired on credit, which has extended for many years, one of the students of the party - two-storey house number 14 on the third Zacchyevsky Lane (House No. 12 belonged to the Archpriest Nikolai Stogov, the confessor of the Bezchensky sisters, the peer of Father Mikhail and his fellow at the Academy, and the house number 16 - Deon Monastery). The spouses of Ivanovo were born three sons - Alexander (1905), Alexey (1908) and George (1913). Here, on the Bezchenskaya "Popovka", pass the best years of life of Father Mikhail, years filled with creative labor in the ocker of monastishes, scientists, the preparation of sermons, the upbringing of hot favorite sons.

In 1916, Ivanovo's family suffered an irreplaceable loss - Alexander Alexandrovna died from Scarlantine, who became infected with the eldest son, causing him during the souls.

Now, on the father of Mikhail, in addition to concern about the flock, there was a completely concern for children. For them, he was a gentle father, a wise teacher and a spiritual mentor. This is evidenced by the memories of his younger Son - Georgy. The boy, who remained three years old without a mother, was very attached to the nurse. And when she left after a couple of years in family circumstances, he could not recognize a new nurse. My father did not punish the baby and, sorry him, early in the morning he dressed him and again put in bed, and then went to the monastery to serve an early dinner. The father followed the spiritual development of the Son and tactfully directed it to the right direction. George was remembered that when he was carried away by reading Dostoevsky, his father turned his attention to the subtle psychologist of the writer. For example, on such episodes as the alarm of the senior Zosima, the future sufferings of Dmitry Karamazov or a stunning moment of mutual insight in the Raulmichina and Skolnikov in "Crime and Punishment".

Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky for the commitment of the Divine Service

Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky was a highly educated person with deep interests and knowledge in theology, philosophy, Russian history and literature. He tirelessly replenished his library. Not limited to theological works, Mikhail's father was interested in novelties of literature, philosophical and socio-political thought. On the latitude of his interests, it was possible to judge the remains of the library in the Third Benevian alley, when its owner was not survivors for a long time (5, p. 5-6). "Father Mikhail was an extremely educated person. He had a wonderful philosophical library .... There were Hegel, Nietzsche, frying pan, all sorts of other philosophers. Even there was a brochure published by Lenin under the pseudonym. ... That is, My Father Mikhail was interested in and knew a lot. He was very popular and loved by people. He was extremely benevolent, he loved him very much, "said the daughter-in-law of Father Mikhail M.V. Ivanovo (9).

Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky

1917 came - the time of great shocks and tests for the Russian people. The new government announced the war of Russian holiness. In 1917, when the shots of the monastery were thundered, Mother of Juming Mary was prudently not let the sisters beyond the monastery, and the monastery continued, maybe not quite calm, but the usual monastic life (8). In this difficult time, Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky was appointed to the confessor of the Bezchensky sisters. From this point on, the concern for the sisters of the ancient Moscow monastery became the main thing about his life. Back in 1914, the Archimandrite of the Male Lavrentiev of the Monastery of the city of Kaluga, the father of NIL, whose spiritual advice was used by the nuns of the Zacchievsky monastery of Antonina (Anna Yakovlevna Yakovlev; † 1969), so responded about father Mikhail: "He is not a monk, but the spiritual life is going through Life is spiritual one that for monks and priests and laitys "(7, p. 11). And later, in conversations with her, notes: "You are listening to him, he is good, and ask everything about everything, it will be easier for you" (7, p. 35).

In early 1918, after the release of the Decision about the nationalization of monasteries, about a hundred sisters were evicted from the monastery, which had to be used in the basements of nearby houses. The rest went to work in state enterprises arising in the territory of the monastery. Thus, Children's Aksakovsky shelter, which existed at the monastery since 1910, turned into a labor colony of the drug addict for benutrodists (8). Many sisters, working there, were able to stay in the monastery for some time. In his house, Father Mikhail gave the four nuns: "Mothers Antonine and Nina gave two rooms in his apartment, and Mothers of Antonia and Juveniles are a large room with a separate entrance in the first floor" (4, p. 2).

The clergy, the inequers and the parishioners of the monastery were a tireless struggle against the monastery temples, for the ability to commit worship. The authorities agreed not to close the temples, but demanded exceptions from the Parish Council of all monastications and wanted to put the clergymen from the renewer. After the closure of the monastery and the destruction of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mikhail continued to serve in the noticeless temple in honor of the delicious image of the Savior.

Mikhail Ivanovsky's father with nuns Antonina, Nina and Juvenalia in the courtyard of house number 14 in the third Zacchyevsky lane. 1930s.

On October 8, 1930, Father Mikhail Ivanovsky had a search in his house in the third Bezchuvsky lane. At the request of the Commissioner of the Operational Department, which made a search, "Citizen Ivanovsky should be delayed, as his home serves as a homely church, he himself lives rich and, judging by the reserves, does not need" (1, l. 21-21). So, after repeated drives and short-term detentions, Mikhail's father was arrested and an investigative case was established at him.

Here is a certificate of investigative case No. 104150: "Ivanovsky Mikhail Nikolaevich, a native of the city of Moscow, Russian, non-partisan. Before the revolution and after - Pop Spasskaya Church. Deprived of electoral rights. Ivanovsky M.N.- Pop and Lyshetica. Arrested by Order No. 717, 7 / 10-30 and content. In a Taganskaya prison "(1, l. 188).

Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky. Photos from the investigative case. 1930

Two weeks spent about. Mikhail in a Taganskaya prison, and on October 23, a special meeting under the college of OGPU decided: "Ivanovsky M.N. - from custody to free, depriving the rights of residence in the Moscow, Leningrad region, Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa, CCM, CCM, Dagestan and borderholders, for a period of three years, counting term from 7 / 10-30 years "(1, l. 234 ).

The place of the Link Father Mikhail became Uglich. He settled there near the Resurrection (wondered) Church of the Alekseevsky monastery in a small room of a wooden house. This monastery was founded in 1371 by Inok Adrian at the request of Metropolitan of Moscow Alexia, and from 1439, after acquiring the relics of Saint Alexy, became known as Alekseevsky. The sons and nuns Antonina and Nina came to Uglich to help Father Mikhail to get a new, forced place of residence. Here, under the cover of Saint Alexy, Mikhail's father spent three long years.

As it was usually for any priest in the 20s-30th years, who did not remove the San and who did not change the clothes to secular, Mikhail's father was often subjected to the streets of ridicule and bullying hooligans, but he transferred them to meekly, knowing that "they don't know that Creating. " The coal hooligans were especially ingenious, about which Mikhail's father told his sons with a smile. During his reference, local authorities destroyed the cemetery in the wondrous church. And the hooligans, without sparing forces, were systematically damped to the window of his camork, squeezing crosses and skulls from the ruled graves, "the daughter-in-law was remembered. Mikhail, T.G. Maklakova, according to his husband, Georgy Mikhailovich (5, p. 7).

At the end of the term of the link, Father Mikhail was not allowed to return to Moscow, and he settled in Tver (the city soon received the name of "All-Union Older" - M.I. Kalinin). True, at first, Mikhail's father wanted to return to Uglich, to which she was accustomed for three years, but there was a very bad message between Moscow and Uglich, and Mikhail's father still chose Tver (9). Taking advantage of the comparative proximity of the capital, he came to Moscow to the Great Holidays and Mikhailov Day. "Parishioners loved and respected by Father Mikhail. None of his numerous arrings to Moscow has no denunciations about his stay in the city. ... All who recognized about his arrival, hurried to see him and get spiritual ignition and consolation "(5, p. 7). He was a loving shepherd in the days of the world, he was he and in times of persecution.

The spiritual connection was not interrupted and with the sisters of the Bezchenovsky Monastery. All these years, Mikhail's father was a spiritual support for nuns, forced to live in peace. A kind of secret monastic community was formed, born with a reference priest. Such communities, male and female, existed in the years of persecution throughout Russia. Father Mikhail continued to spiritually lead his Chads and in his arrivals to Moscow, and in letters. Unfortunately, this correspondence is not preserved. The time was such that the letters received often immediately destroyed so that in the case of a search, not to bring to the written even more serious troubles.

Sons and spiritual children visited a reference priest and in Tver. "I married Alexander Mikhailovich Ivanovsky in 1933 in May, - recalled M.V. Ivanovo, - when Mikhail Nikolaevich was still referenced in Uglich. I was then a completely unchurched man and drove into Uglich with reluctance: now he will instruct, learn life, but, as it turned out, I was deeply mistaken. Mikhail's father was very happy, seeing us, and all the time our stay there tried to please in every way: to feed well, give the conditions for rest. It was a smart, delicate, well-educated person who never bought asked questions and instructions. We lived with him a month, and I was very pleased with the acquaintance with such a pleasant person.

He was high height, strong, had a beard, as he was the priest, wonderful teeth, and in general, looked like a bogatyr.

Then he moved to Tver, and we had there. He met my father, and the latter really appreciated him. My son, my grandson, Father Mikhail gave some toys and was very nim.

His sons loved him very much, but there were bellish, and all the concern for father Mikhail lay on Mother Antonina and Nina. Mother Antonina had some kind of gold coins, silver - she all sold it, and I bought the money to the provisions and what the necessary things "(9).

"Everything was very complicated with the beginning of the war, when without official passing to Moscow, it was impossible to come. The tragic days have come in the German occupation Tver.

Although the Germans, as a rule, have not pursued the clergy, and sometimes contributed to the opening of temples, disgusting to the occupiers and patriotism of Father Mikhail did not allow him to surrender to their patronage. He went on foot from Tver and in the cold winter months of the occupation of the city wandered around the villages, free from the Germans. ... After the intelligence of the Germans, he, hungry and very patient, returned to Tver, in that cell that he took off ... She was dilapidated, but fortunately, Most books and manuscripts of his sermons over which he worked, survived "(5, p. 7-8). Mikhail's father is in the same way, on the sort of hardwood, in the neighboring house number 116 in the passing kitchen.

Here are a small excerpt from his letters to the younger son in the army.

February 14, 1942 "Live I am alive, but my health I strongly donated during a heavy three-month wandering around the villages in 35 versts from the city and to leave it, until the Germans have knocked out."

March 25, 1942 "I missed with the answer to your letter, because I did not want to upset you. I am all riff, one time is very strong. Food for about a month with one bread solder and therefore barely walked: the hands, legs and face were swollen. "

April 18, 1942 "I have work, an old man, no one and it turns out an empty life, aimless. Previously, most of all I filled time you know, of course, than (they say.)(Prayer. - Red.), And now the home furnishings do not have to do what I used to consult me \u200b\u200bbefore, understood my life. "

In Tver, Father Mikhail returned in a serious physical condition, his health was finally undermined: until the last days he was tormented by a permanent fever, the temperature rose to 39 degrees, the situation was aggravated by hunger and dystrophy.

"Three months later he had a stroke, but obviously not so strong, since he retained the opportunity to move with great difficulty with a wand: after all, it was necessary to stand a few hours in line for a dependent solder in 300 grams of black bread" (5, p. 8).

May 19, 1942 "I get 600 grams of bread for 2 days, but I almost all eat it for the first day, and I live without bread. Potatoes all came out. There is no strength to walk in the temple. ... Still, somehow you need to exist - and exist. That's when the time of patience, humility, humility of God came. The Lord obviously experiencing me. But now the Lord can see if I sincerely spoke earlier and now I say: yes will be the will of yours, and not mine. Help me, Lord, so that these words were not hypocritical and sincerely, as well as my words: Thank God for everything! ".

Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky in recent years

On the day, when Mikhail's father wrote this letter, paralysis broke him. Despite the hardest physical condition, he retained clear consciousness and lived with hope that he was allowed to return to Moscow and die among close people ... "The Middle Son of Father Mikhail, who remained in Moscow, was able to get a pass (on the certified telegram of the attending physician) for travel to Tver, But there he was not allowed to take a sick father: local authorities demanded the permission of Moscow, Moscow - local, first urban, then regional. All these official games and mockery over dying continued until his death in October 1942. The last letters of Father Mikhail Son in the army can not be read without tears: he suffered with such meekness and humility. The last letter is dated September 18, 1942. More than Lesta from Father Mikhail was not "(5, p. 8).

In November 1942, George Ivanovsky, the youngest son, with great difficulty managed to come to Kalinin. Neighbors could not say for sure when Father Mikhail died and where he was buried. The son managed to transport the archive and surviving books to Moscow. Among the manuscripts were found and the spiritual will of Father Mikhail Sons:

« My suicide making testament.

Leaving this earthly life to another, afterlife, in another image of being, I want, dear my sons, tell you a few words.

Cute, my nice children! I'm afraid, as if the modern spirit of disbelief, the undivided immersion of all the soul into this sensual material world, did not and for you are infectious and disadvantaged, because I ask me to listen to me, your parent, with all the heart of a fading and good of good. Be careful, careful. Do not succumb to this modern contraction. Sure, convince yourself of what they have always been convinced (and now there is a good soul and a clean heart, people (philosophers, scientists and artists), which is the other, the best world. "Everything," said, for example, Meterlink, - that the imagination of a person can be erected and tight in space and time, the most impossible, what he can imagine - nothing in comparison with what really exists. " All the best people (the beauty of mankind) has always recognized that there is God - the Creator of the World, there is a savior, the Redeemer, Christ the Son of God, who came to the world of sinners to save, which pointed to people the right way of life, the path of salvation. On him and it is necessary to go to inherit the blessed life of the eternal. This is the path of faith and love for God and near. Go on this path. Support communication with a source of life - God through prayer; Make a criste in front of food and after, in the morning and evening for the night; Every year in your sins and join the Major Body and the Blood of Christ. Listen to your conscience to your conscience so that she does not finish you in anything. Live in the world with everyone, avoid quarrels, be no proud, friendly to everyone, loving, honest, respectable, fear the addiction to winepitia. Live so, and you will be not far from the kingdom of God. Here is my father's request and testament to you. Listen to me: good will you, and to me, who looks at you from another world, deliver joy and consolation.

I pray the Lord God, may he help you make your life path in faith and love. Do not forget for me to pray to the all-storey Lord to fulfill our hope that the Lord will not give us away from Himself, sinners, on the terrible court of his own and honor us to glorify the magnificent name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit in his eternal blissful kingdom . Amen».

Only in 2006 by the efforts of the athlests of the revived Zacchievsky monastery managed to find out the exact date of death of the father of Mikhail. Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky died on October 12, 1942, on 69 years of life, leaving a bright memory *. According to the testimony of the employees of the Tver registry office, in the archive of which a certificate of death was found is the only document that has been preserved since that time. The burial place of Father Mikhail is unknown.

Archpriest Mikhail Nikolaevich Ivanovsky was rehabilitated on March 29, 1989: "Ivanovsky M.N. falls under the action of Art. I decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 16, 1989 "On additional measures to restore justice in relation to victims of repression that took place in the period of the 30-40s and early 50s" "" (1, l. 263-264) .

Currently reborn from the ruins an ancient Beginning Resident, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, destroyed in the years of godless power, and the monastery of the monastery show that the restoration of the monastery comes by the grace of God on the prayers of the saints. The sisters believe that Mikhail's father, who had a lot of sorry and who took the death in poverty and exile, but always thanked the Lord and invariably, "thank God for everything", and now in the church, the triumphant is to the throne of the lithuanian of the prayer and inhabited about his children, so that all There were encouraged to become parties to the kingdom of heaven.

Father Mikhail, moth of God about us!

* Tatiana Georgievna Maklakova, daughter-in-law of the father, remembers: "Over the years of service, he learned him well and loved everyone who came across him and received spiritual consolation from him, and ordinary people, and aristocrats, and intellectuals. When his youngest son married (after almost 18 years after his father's death), his wife often stopped unfamiliar people (former parishioners about. Mikhail), congratulated that she entered the family of such a wonderful person, and recalled him with love "( 5, p. 8).

Used sources

  1. Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Case № Р-42296.
  2. Central historical archive of Moscow. Foundation 229. Inventory 4. Case No. 1488.
  3. Central historical archive of Moscow. Foundation 203. Inventory 763. Case 71.
  4. Ivanovskaya M.V. The newest history and the fate of the people of the Bezchenovsky Monastery (1925-1995). Manuscript. Archive of the Bezchenovsky Stavropigial Women's Monastery.
  5. Maklakova T.G. Archpriest Mikhail Nikolaevich Ivanovsky (1874-1942). Manuscript. 1998. Archive of the Bezchensky Stavropigial Women's Monastery.
  6. Solneva K.P. To the history of the Russian priesthood. Part 1-2. Feat faith. Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky. Manuscript. 2006. Archive of the Bezchensky Stavropigial Women's Monastery.
  7. Conversations of Schirchimandrit Nile with the nun Antonina. Manuscript. Archive of the Bezchenovsky Stavropigial Women's Monastery.
  8. Ieromona Nicodemus (Chibisov). Zacchyevsky Stavropigial Women's Monastery of Moscow. Dissertation thesis on the degree of candidate of theology. Sergiev Posad, 2001.
  9. Bortsova M.. Because a female monastery and some of his confessors. Diploma. M., Orthodox Holy Tikhonovsky Humanitarian University, 2006.

From the spiritual heritage Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky

Teaching on the day of the holiday of the glorification of the icon of the Mother of God "Sleepy"Is it possible to complete life outside the church of Christ? Mother of God as the first church decoration

Is it possible to live without church? Is it possible to live for the fence of God's temple? Is it possible to comprehend all the beauty of life, all its deepest meaning is, can you learn to love God and the near, not like a church? Is it finally fighting with a bunch of evil, with inevitable sorrows in human life, can be boldly to look into the face of death, in general it is possible to live a high spiritual life, without drawing forces in the Church of Christ, in the temple, in worship, in the sacraments ? I can't imagine it. Yes, it seems, and it is impossible, it is impossible not to say people who do not recognize the churches, people who have come from her, who call themselves Christians, but do not know what it means to live in Christian.

And the best of this is best about their own life. They left the church, they broke away from her, as the branch squeezes from the tree. And what did they become for life?

Restless mood, despite the external visible seemingly, fear of losing the slightest from the benefits of earthly, because all their soul is tied to these benefits, very often malicious and irritation when interpreted with the near, the fear of death is the usual mood that they are worried.

How slaves fulfill the work that fell into their share, try to grasp themselves more pleasure and merry from life, and when the disease sneaks to them or suddenly overtakes death, then one darkness, one confusion in their soul.

And how often it is possible to observe that in the last minute in the longing they are looking for the cross of the Cross of Christ Church, tears pour this cross, if he brings the hand of the priest to their mouths, and the blessing of this cross is carried with them to another world, entering into the seniority.

And, thank God, if at least in the last moment a person will turn to the church. But how many, how endlessly, he loses, passing his earthly path not under the Seni of the Church, and the fascination of the capricious wind of different views, fashionable teachings, philosophical theories, constantly replacing one other, and even without any views and theories, living just , how are you!

What does he lose, what is deprived of? One devotee on Mount Athos asked how he feels. He answered: Oh, I have joy from the ground to the sky! In fact, there is no limit for the joy, which person is experiencing at the moments of communicating with the Lord God.

But to this joy, to the joy not from the world of this world, all Christians are called. "Rejoice always in the Lord, and I also say: Rejoice," the apostle wrote (Phil. 4, 4). Are we often believers, we are in such a mood? Are we often experiencing this joy, we are given everything to drink from a source of life and joy?

This does not mean that a Christian must constantly be in a state of some kind of spiritual delight, religious ecstasy; No, but in the soul of a true Christian one must be attended by "grace, peace and joy about the Holy Spirit"; His soul should always be illuminated by the quiet rays of the disoberbly light of Christ.

"Christ in the midst of us! And there will be and will be. In such a greeting, we exchange the clergy, before singing the Symbol of Faith during the liturgy. And this is a living, constant remembrance that Christ is invisibly present among us must fill the soul as us, clergy and the soul of any Christian of this holy joy.

But to feel this closeness to yourself of Christ of the Lord, it is impossible to feel this joy anywhere, except for the Church of Christ, nowhere will not be warm up so warmly by the grace of God, as in the temple of God; There is nothing to rise to God, as on the wings of prayer, and mostly prayer church.

The Holy Church is the support of the Christian. The Holy Church is the mother of us, believers. And the Blessed person who knows how to understand the language of his mother. Blessed man who, like a child, rests on her chest. The Blessed person, the soul of which grew under the shadow of the church, the melted aroma of her prayers, wielded by the Holy Spirit living in it; "Blazheniy living in your home: in the eyelids praise you" (Ps. 83, 5), "the Psalm operator exclaimed. And those who are accustomed to often to be in the house of God, in the temple of the Lord, they know what a powerful influence on the whole life was provided by church worship.

Some think that being a church man, know the charter of the church, know the worship service, to know the prayers of the church and the care of her about people it is necessary only to CLIRA: bishops, priests, devices.

Thus, because or do not understand, or forget that every Christian is a living stone in the Church of Christ, a living member of her; And if so, then he should really live her life, breathe her in spirit, to be obedient to her voice, to make her little private life on the light, pouring from the church altar, and then this life will become in small - great, then it will become In the rapid sorces.

It is never that the influence of the church is never felt that the grace of God, living in it, as in the days when disasters are broken over our head, the storm of sorrels and temptations rushes over our head.

At these minutes all the power of the Church of Christ is comprehended, the power of the grace of God living in it. In these minutes, the Lord mysteriously concerns the soul mysteriously, it concerns invisibly, but so sensitively, fills the soul with such joy, which forces her to forget all earthly sadness. In the most cruel sorrow, the Lord also gives a Christian to experience him and for it to bless the experienced storms and flour.

But all this is possible only in the church and through the church.

One woman who survived the painful spiritual drama, that's what I said: "I was undermined by everything I lived; Offended was all the most holy for me; My faith was heard. With horror, I felt that I could not resist, would not resist on the edge of the abundance of despair, over which I suddenly turned out to be, and in the church, only in the church I came to my senses.

With a hot plea, I went to the icon of Our Lady. I sobbed so that almost losing consciousness. And only when my lips touched the holy icon, as if it was the live Mother of God, - I felt some power that was poured into me. When the sounds of church prayers and chants concerned my hearing, when my candle was lighting up in the sheath of the candle, when I, as a child kneeling, poured my flour before the laddy, unbearable sincere pain pokes, returned the power to continue his life, forgive And love.

Only now I know, "she said," What a power lives in the church, in that church that has a merciful Savior - the Son of God - and the silent mother, a strong motion of the Most Most Mary. "

Indeed, after faith in Christ the Savior - the Divine Founder of the Holy Church - nothing else can console a person and to delight him, like Faith in the Mother of God's Mother of God - this first church decoration; Faith in the fact that she and now, as always, overgrown with sinners, disappears from the rux, pleases the tears of crying, hears her sighs, takes our prayers, does not allow to petition for contacting her intercession. The incomparable greatness, her love, her mercy is it possible to portray? He is perplexed by the language to praise in the heritage of Queen Heaven.

Beloved brothers and sisters! Having gathered now on a bright solemn holiday in honor of the "gracious" icon of the Mother of God, we will tell me a report: Is our heart burning with sacred chants in honor of the limit? Feelring, do we know the proximity of our mestless intercession? Is our heart update among sinful life, is it looking for salvation? If so, our heart should be filled with joy when an "gracious" icon of the intercession and comforter. If I preferred, fierce, our heart does not feel joy, although they are unclean mouthpiece join the face of the angels and the Cathedral of the people, praising with the sacred songs the most pretty. The humble virgin and the Virgin will not give singing, although unworthy, but their children; She does not reject any of the sinners; It seems on our pussy, our sorrow, if we only with humility, the consciousness of sinfulness fall to her, in repentance calling from the depths of the soul: "Vladychitsa, the pumps on us are merciful." And such a repeated laying, the consciousness of the poverty may be the beginning of joy. The preching and one sincere and deep breath of the sinner will accept, fill out with his daring and love, will give to feel the joy of salvation and his proximity, if only faith in her intercession does not weaken and enjoy the sinner.

Let us appear with the taste and joy of spiritual to appeal to the limp of the Akathist: "Rejoice, freeing to Christians assistant!"

Give us to the end of our lives to stay in the Holy Church, finding here help, fade, joy and consolation, in the church that you make the first decoration. Amen.

Teaching on the day of conception of the righteous Anna Blessed VirginGrief of earthly life bring a great benefit of Christian

Human life is full of sorrows. There is no man who would not complain about any trouble at one time. Grief - the inevitable fate of poor and rich, simple and noble, sinners and righteous. So, the righteous Joachim and Anna received joyful consolation in conception from them the Blessed Virgin Mary, which we celebrate today, already in the deepest old age, and before that time they had to endure all their lives, in the expression of one church chant, "Defecture of Begotia." After all, unchaluedness was considered from the Jews a sign of a special wrath and punishment of God; The dismantuous people were bent, despised, were subjected to all disadvantages and insults. But whatever sorrow with us, we will thank God for them. The good of the Lord in the joys, we sent, but not less good, and in the sorrows found with us in life. We will see this, we will understand, especially when I put it in another life after death. But if we distinguish, we will see that in the real earthly life of grief bring us great benefit. What?

Grief with the help of God contribute to our mental salvation. Griefs rejected by the gates of Paradise, griefly weighing us with the saints, in short, grief consecrates us. How? - Grief hold us from sins. Sometimes gusts of passions in us are so strong that no edification, no convictions, do not see us and do not hold out of sin. Being in this position, we can not help them, defeat our bad inclines and turn our sinful habits. It happens here with us what the Apostle Paul says: "It's not a good worship, but I'm not a wig, evil, sowing" (Rome 7, 19). What in this case can give us a help hand? There is something sorrow and can take us the greatest benefit. They are visiting our heart, you are striking our pride, suppress our pride, they have to humility, awaken the fear of God and thus little to pick us up from our beloved sins. Grief chase sin, curb will, drag, they are dried up and make a person unable to promote Satan in the case of their corruption. As the hammer breaks the stone, so grief crushes rudeness, insensitation, pride and fearless hearts. As the heat of the Sun dries the dampness of the tree and it becomes able to ignite, and the tribulations tear the passionate moisture of the hearts, make it capable of ignited from the fire of God's grace and burn the holy flame of love for God. A man who was amazed by sorry feels disgust from sin, comes often in repentance of his delusion and turns to God, to virtue. The proof of this may be an example of a prodigal son referred to in the Gospel. The joy corrupted the prodigal son, and the grief turned to the path of repentance. Joy killed him soul, and the grief revived her. The happiness of the prodigal son in hell, disaster built him to the monastery of Paradise.

But the grief is useful not only for people vicious, they are useful for people of virtuous and even righteous life. By the court, human, the people are virtuous worthy of constant joys. Where they live in the world with God, in the world with conscience, there should be as if to be more than fun. But does it happen in practice? People are virtuous, as, for example, the righteous Joacim and Anna, often suffer the greatest sorrows. It can not be without a special will of God. Not negligible, but he does not fall from the head of man, according to God, without the will of the creator. Moreover, the heart is human, and with a good heart, cannot be thrown without the will of the almighty in the burned temptation, in the burned sorrows. Why does God send grief to virtuous people?

There is no such virtuous person who would not have his weaknesses, his, although small, sins. Witness John theologian. "Thus, he," he writes in his first message, "Yako sin is not imma, he is pretty and truth to bear in us" (1 in. 1, 8). To cleanse these sins, the right-to-herdd God and sends sorrow to people virtuously. These people include the following words of the Holy Scriptures: "In Male, punish the former in life, the great things will be" (Prem. 3, 5), that is, in the future of the afterlime world. Here is the first reason why God sends sadness to virtuous people.

In addition, sometimes the Lord sends grief to the virtuous people in order to show them the unsurdiousness of their faith, as well as the wrong evaluation, the ghostity of their virtues.

Often, in minutes of well-being, we apparently felt the firm faith in God and consider ourselves the heroes of devotion to the fishery of the Most High: but hits the hour of sorrows, disasters and we fall in the spirit, we will weaken in faith, feel the lack of hope for God and lose calming in omnipotence and The goodness of the Almighty. Our idea of \u200b\u200bour faith is deceiving us, we were in charms. Now the errors have fallen with our eyes. We begin to feel that we did not have a real living faith that we need to repent, torture, to grow to true solid faith in God.

The same happens with us and in the affairs of virtue. Often, in happiness, we try to keep the life of a unspanitious, crucial honor, willingly at the favorable cases express our readiness for the feats of virtue; But you will comprehend us with grief, and we have disappeared to good deeds, we are no longer as in the moments of happiness, fall into weakness, believing a stain on our morality. What happened to us? What does this mean that we have changed in sorrows, began to indulge in derail? Not we were in the moments of happiness. We then lived virtuously, unspanitious. This means that our virtues were constructed on unclean grounds that do not notice us. We did good on pride, by vanity, in pride, on the assumption that prosperity with good deeds is inseparably. Now happened opposite. We suffered sorrow and with virtues. Respect, the location of our virtue was adjusted, and we were cooled to her. The fishery of God by visiting us by the sorrows, wanted to show us our deception in a high opinion about our devotion to the rules of virtue, to protect us from delusions and build on clean, on the strong foundations of moral life, depending not from human calculations and species, but from love to God, From love for good.

However, the Lord God sends grief and such pious, virtuous people who believes faith in the sorrows not only to be hesitated, but who, on the contrary, faith from sorrows is strengthened, and virtue of disasters increases. In this case, the grief sent to us make up a cross or test of our faith, our patience. This test is sent to deliver us the case to earn itself new wins of the grace of God and Heavenly Glory through the hardness of the hardness in faith and constancy in virtue and among temptations.

The righteous John and Anna, which, as I said, had to suffer to deep old age, were subjected to such a test. Since they did not grow up in either God, nor on their offenders, but patiently transferred their grief with a strong faith and prayer to God about the resolution of their misfortune, then the Lord and honored them with the highest happiness to get a notice from him about conception and birth from them Blessed Virgin Mary. Gold is harness to make it cleaner, and the Righteous pierces the Lord's sorrowers in order to exalt, increase their holiness and make them worthy of the highest degrees of the kingdom of heaven.

What lesson, we will take out of all of the foregoing?

First, seeing the great benefit from sorrows, we will thank the Creator of the Lord God for these precious funds that promote our cleansing, sanctification and salvation. Secondly, if we see and virtuous people in sorrows, we will not be seduced by this, weaken in faith and in good morality: these sorrow are sent or allowed by God for the purpose of an important, disbelief. Thirdly, I will alleep and glorify the righteous Joachim and Anna, who for their virtuous life, for the patient transfer of sorrows to be the parents of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the main culprit after the Lord Jesus Christ and our salvation. At the same time, they pray for them that, when they meet with life sorrowers, they helped us to carry these sorrow to us, with a humility of the goodwill of God. Amen.

Teaching on the day of the festive honoring of the delicious image of the SaviorWhat teaches and what feelings is exciting the delicious image of the Savior in a Christian

Today we make a celebration in honor of the wrong image of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is, the image, not the human hands in the articulated, but the Savior himself wonderfully in the prescribed canvas. Why did the Savior left our way? In order for the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Cathedral, so that we constantly remembered his incarnation, suffering, lively death and the redemption of the human race.

Indeed, looking at the holy image of the Savior's face, unwittingly recalls the entire path of his earthly life from Bethlehem to Calvary and even to the mountain of Eleon; It seems on this face all the endless love of him to the genus of human. On this simple canvas, he is all, our Savior, appears to us with all its perfections, with all his goals and aspirations, with all his God-human advantages and, finally, with its gospel appeal: "Get to me VSI Brushing and burdennia, and az You causthely "(Matt. 11, 28). Therefore, in progress now to stop our attention on this appeal, as if coming to us from his image.

"Prick to me VSI briefing and burdenennia ...". Who is speaking? Does anyone ever call about human teachers so simple and so at the same time confidently, with a decisive promise: "I still do you"? Was there, whether, can there be such a person who, with all his mental and moral strength, could turn his word to all who are worried and burdened - to all without exception, without any restriction of nationality, time and space? To accept everyone, take on all the grief and severity of the depressed life and, without embarrassing, to give everyone an unconditional promise of peace - is it a human case?

And not all. The same one who calls everyone to calm down, speaks of itself and even more: "I'm the light of the world. Who will follow me, he will not walk in darkness, but will have light of life "(in. 8, 12); Even more: "I am a resurrection and life that believes in me, if it dies, will revive" (John 11, 25). So who is that saying so? Who could of people whoever he would be, to carry a firm conviction in their power to give: rest all worry and burdened shineenlightening every person and a life From earthly life? Who is this for whom to say the patient relaxed: "Your sins are forgiven" (Matt. 9, 2) is as easy as: "Take your bed, and go to your house" (Matt 9, 6)? Can really be any doubt responsible for these questions? Remember, the Orthodox, which said to Christ healed by Christ, who came to him by Pharisees: "It is amazing that you do not know where he (that is Christ), and he rejected me the eyes" (John 9, 30). Here is the same, you can say our unbelievers, shameful to say that their inner consciousness, the unbiased voice of the conscience themselves they say: talking and incoming as I said, there is no other, as "Christ's Son of God Livago."

And so, if we need peace (and it is necessary for all of us: In fact, we are all who are weakened and burdened), then we must look for it and find it only in the Son of God - Jesus Christ. If we did not find this rest so far, then because they did not look for, or were looking for little, or did not want to look, or doubted the possibility of his stay. No one like us and are responsible for this and before God, and before themselves. History indicates that those who were looking for peace in Christ, they were found. Millions found and lived in peace and died towards it.

But peace in Christ is not a peace of indifference and stupid fearlessness, which is preached by Buddhism, and not peace of frivolity, temporary oblivion from the seals, on which our burghers often do not lead; No, it is peaceful of sin and peaceful conscience, peace of clear consciousness of confidence in the victory over all sophistication, over any passion for the power of who defeated the world with all the carnal passions and his lusts. Peace in Christ is not any dwelling state, which has accuracy, this is an active, active direction. will, distinct disability meaning of life, elevated, complacent, even joyful mood hearts. And this is not just beautiful words, not one poetry, which cannot satisfy anyone and does not bind anything to anyone. No, this life itself appeared in history. About such peace in Christ, I repeat, says the story, the history of numerous experiences of the life and death of the best people in the world living Christ and die for faith in him.

"My life is Christ," said the Apostle Paul. For the sake of Christ, he, like other apostles, as well as all the saints similar to them, were left, all the carnal, like a litter, discarded from themselves and went to the thorny path of the cross, preferring to be in labor, hunger, height, in contempt and dishonor. "Gloss us, we bless; drive us, we tolerate; Hoolas us, we molim, "says the apostle (1 Cor. 4, 12).

What to say, the path of this to Christ, from the point of view of this world, is heavy for people. For the severity of him, many retreats, they try to not even talk about him. Nowadays, many are ready to completely abolish the cross from the road life and wear the name of the Christian without thought about the cross. But this clearly contradicts the words of Christ himself: "If someone wants to go after me, reject himself and take his cross" (Matthew 16, 24). These words do not allow objections: they are clear, categorical. And if you think about their inner meaning and search for explanations of their examples from life, it turns out that otherwise it can not be in life. Every serious matter requires selfless work. Success is never given to anyone in vain: neither to the black-worker nor the worker of science nor the devotee virtue. It is known to all honest people and, taking care, do not hide the inevitable tests, and patience, and different deprivities. And yet workers work and work, deepen into their work, they make love to him, find the spiritual pleasure in it, without which they are already incomprehensible and unacceptable. That's exactly how the Cross of Christ, Igor Faith in Him, for a decisiveness, it seems to be no heavy, overwhelming, but good and easy, as Christ himself says about it. Lifting to the high mountain is always heavy for a person. Take the severity of the cross in essence the same thing to climb the mountain. But who sincerely believes in Christ and consciously goes on a life path to him, he will never remain alone with its own natural forces. He will always remember the grace of Christ. Impossible from a person is made possible from God (Matt. 19, 26) with the assistance of grace that "weak doctors and replenishable replenishes." Even the very first call on the path of Christ is performed under the invisible treason of the Spirit of God. It is necessary to be only attentive to this trend. And since the person became on the road, then it will be even more significant to be a trend, it will promote him to truly great, where Christ himself is the Odessa Father. In Christ, and in it, only one, and our hopes should be approved, the names and taking us all higher and higher.

So, worshiping today the preching image of the Savior, we turn your thoughts and feelings to the Lord himself and we will give yourself a clear report in our Christian History. Do we strive to be sincere, the hot followers, his students? What is the main goal, the treasure of our life is Christ or earthly, ammunition, transient, vigorous benefits? Do you remember whether it is clear for yourself what nothing earthly can give the calm of our god-like soul; It can only be found in Christ. But here is our grief: we often understand it and realize, and still do not give ourselves and our lives to Christ, wandering unmet on the dissatisfaction of the world. And how many people who are not satisfied with the life of people, stands at the crossroads! Who deceived the hopes, whom the need puts, who, full of love and sympathy, met one indifference and hostility in people who lost hot loved ones who gave the disease to whom the thirst for unconditional good, comprehensive knowledge ... and we are not knowing that Do with you than quenching our soul.

But there is no other outcome from this situation, how to go to Christ. His delicious image, his bad face, which today is before us, calls everyone to him. Christ is eager for us, the opening of his arms, in which all the grief will heal, in which every thirst will be saturated. To him and turn with a trusting blow, he will carry our sorrows and needs, our aspirations and tomorrow, our restless thought, our alarming heart, finally, our hot plenty: "Lord, forgive us, if we don't always remember you about you. Sorry, if often, confused by everyday bustle or beyond yourself from grief, we rush, looking for relief, by different false ways, bring us back from these ways to yourself! After all, for us, you suffered, and really your godpaure will be left not touched us! Help us take your good need for yourself, because you yourself said that only then we welcome the rest of our souls! " Amen.

Weaching on the Day of the Holy Trinity or the Day of the Holy SpiritSpiritual work of a Christian to comply with the grace of the Holy Spirit

The Lord who ascended to heaven did not leave us, according to his expression, "orphans" (John 14, 18). He sent the Spirit of his comforter who enriched us with his gifts, armed us with his grace to fight sin, temptations and evil.

The Svetov's Summary was the greatest God's favor to humanity.

"Spell Father," Jesus Christ said to his disciples in a farewell conversation with them, "and give you another comforter, and there will be forever" (John 14, 16). The same promise of the Lord repeated after the resurrection of her. "You will take power," the Savior said to the disciples, "the Holy Spirit comes to you, and you will witness in Jerusalem and in all Juda and Samaria and even to the edge of the Earth" (Acts 1, 8). This promise of your Divine teacher believers expected to be unanimously in prayer and sampling, in pre-preparation of themselves to the adoption of the Great Dara. And you know that on the tenth day for the Ascension of the Lord, the Holy Spirit came up on the apostles in the form of fiery languages, filled them with his grace and completely reincarnated them. Of the simple Galilee fishermen of the contiguous, they became speaking in different languages \u200b\u200bby the skills of the universe. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, they like eagles flew into all the ends of the world and illuminated their light of the Divine Teaching of Christ.

But not one of the apostles was the promise of the Holy Spirit, and not alone they received him inenerious grace. The Holy Spirit, according to the word of the Savior promised Christ, is forever (in. 14, 16), filling with his grace of the soul of all believers. Holy Spirit every soul is lived.

Since the Saint Spirit is always near us in the holy sacnesses of the Church, the Great Treasury of the spiritual power, from which we can draw without the limit of omnipotent support in the ways of true life. There are an inexhaustible source of live water near us, able to resurrect the tired soul, make the hero of good the weakest.

We are perhaps the richer even the first vehicles of the Spirit: with us, together with the Holy Spirit, the face of the same apostles, a whole dream of saints, always ready to help us with their prayers and an example of becoming the path of true, Christian, spiritual life. Why, however, are we still weak and weak? Why do not we light the world with fire of the Holy Spirit? Why?

Because we do not store the gifts of the Holy Spirit; We alllee the living water of his grace.

The sun can not grow a plant, if for a minute it looks like and lights it. It lives when shines for a long time and feeds the long-term current of the life-quality light. So in spiritual life, we accepted and accept the Holy Spirit in the sacraments; But there is little good benefit from them, if the life-giving light of them, the scattering of the lightning of our souls, gulls not a detained soul, not saved by it.

The fire of the Holy Spirit burns in us only when we save him how the fire in its focus is lost in the stupus in the snow desert and not having anything than he could be lighting the fire. A gracious light, taped in our soul, threatens to fade with the slightest inattention on our part. The fellow fire of the Holy Spirit, received by us, says Saint John Zlatoust, we can, if we want, strengthen; If you do not want to fade it. And when he fuses in our souls, nothing will remain anything except Darkness. Therefore, it is said by the apostle: "Spirit do not fade" (1 Salt. 5, 19). It fades the same when we do not have a bare time when it is subjected to some strong wind pressure; when suppressed and shy; And it is suppressed by everyday concerns and fuses from evil wishes. So says Zlatoust.

In addition, the Holy Spirit cannot live in a dirty and desecrated dwelling. If we do not break our soul and body from the bad and dirt, the Holy Spirit will leave us. For what communication to the light to darkness? Look at the temple today. How fun green he, how happily removed green branches! And whether we are removed if the soul is revised? Is it young and fresh sprouts of good deeds? True, on this day our soul may be a lighter ordinary, it has live sprouts of prayers and desire for God.

This is good: in it, it means there is a place of the Holy Spirit. But are the roots of these bright sprouts of good thoughts, desires, aspirations? Maybe they are without the roots, like conceded birch trees: then there is indefinitely our communication with the Holy Spirit, the grace and strength.

Finally, that the Doors of our soul must always be opened to the Holy Spirit. To the sun, for example, entered into our hut, warmed, illuminated it, you need to challenge the doors; Through the gate doors it will not pass, despite all its strength. In the same way that the Holy Spirit goes into the soul, you need to have cut-out doors of the soul ... The Holy Spirit will not come there, where he is not met. He does not enslave anyone and does not force us to anything. He is looking for a voluntary obedience.

I will give out to him today, on the day of the glorification of him, irrevocably and fully, praying for him so that he came and united in us.

We will remember that the source of grace of the Holy Spirit is the Holy Church with its sacraments - always close to us; We will use them more often.

Let the Holy Spirit, which we accepted in our baptism; Let only ashes stayed from the fire from the fire. The gracious light of the Holy Spirit may still light up in us if we try again to ignite it with repentance and virtuous life. But, having received the warmth of the Holy Spirit, you need it, I repeat, keep, cover fire from the wind, warm - from the darkness of the outside world, from dark sinful affairs.

One sculptor created a wonderful statue of Christ. The man he was poor, and at night of the day when he finished his job, hit the frost. Not dried still statue could perish from frost. To save her, the sculptor closed the statue with his own warm clothing. He himself almost froze at night, but the statue remained the whole.

Oh, if we also shouted our soul from everything that removes the Spirit of God from us, I sincerely sought him to instill it in us and, having watched him, they would keep their fellow warmth in their soul, without fear of any suffering. Christ and the Spirit of God would always live in her. We would feel then really saved. We would acquire the world, joy, gentle course, peace of mind, despite all the grief and adversity of everyday, that is, they would get here, on Earth, the key to eternal salvation, eternal endless joy (Gal. 5, 22). Amen.

Teaching on the day of the Holy SpiritHoly Spirit - Comforter in Life Muses

All of us, brethren, more or less complaining of life, which is performed by works and deprivation, worries and chagrin. Poor worker complains, which is suppressed by the game of worries and care about the needs of his house. The one who apparently does not appear are complaining of these ordinary concerns, but on whom there is an even more serious burden of works and concerns of public. The unfortunate complains, which is pursued by deprivation and failures, sorrow and illness. It's complaining about the imaginary lucky man who does not seem to be a special need to take care, neither work, but which is thrown and presses if the moral sensitivity of the soul has not extinguished in it, the most emptiness of his life. All this produces in the soul of our sense of discontent, sadness, despondency. All this encourages us to look for some time, consolation. Some are looking for this reflection and consolation in the so-called sophisticated, arranged pleasures, which for a while and drowning souls, others - in the richest sensual pleasures: winepitium, carnal sins and so on. But all sorts of similar consolation are deceptive and false. They do not strengthen, but relax and the soul, and the body; do not calm down and do not encourage in the tightness of life, they make them even more sensitive and severe; Leave in the heart not a feeling of contentment, peace and joy, but a feeling of even greater discontent, languishing and boredom.

Where is the source of true consolation, soothing, to which it would be possible to resort to different vital adversities and the mournful circumstances of our life? This source indicates the current Apostolic reading: "Performed by Spirit," says the apostle (Eph. 5, 18). Indeed, our spirit can truly live and breathe only the treason of the Holy Spirit, and in this just the trends to comply for themselves peace, an animation and a repel. One Spirit of God, as a spirit of life-giving, can constantly and continuously revive and strengthen our forces on everything difficult, heavy, regrettable. One Spirit of God, as the spirit of the Comforter, may effectively and completely comfort us in every sadness. One spirit of God, as a god of life and the treasure of good, can fulfill the heart of our sense of holiday, peace and joy. An animated spirit of God is a Christian towers over all earthly, and therefore he does not feel the sharpness of earthly peasants and sorrow, their special burden. Here, the brotherhood, where it is necessary to seek that enthusiasm, which would make everything difficult and hard in life in life, everything is unpleasant and sorrowful - good, all sacrifice of selflessness is pleasant and sacred.

How to look for and what to hand with from this dodged source of consolation? First, live faith. Who truly believes in the Lord and His Holy Industion, the care of the world, that in all the events of his life, not dependent on our will, sees the will of God, the good and perfect, and lies the Lord's hand with love and thanksgiving. Whether the Lord sends him the gifts of earthly happiness - he thanks the Lord and prays, but he will not serve as his temptation of his faith, his pious, his humility. Whether his Lord will be tested by the sorcements and sophistication - it is more likely to humble in God's strong hand, especially thanks the Lord that he does not leave him without his fatherly punishment, the inspection that through the grief keeps him from immersion into the carnal sinful life removing him from the Lord , source of true joy. Who truly believes in the Lord - a generous, gracious Redeemer, the Savior of His, can it be difficult and hard every good deed and can not be painful, unpleasant and disappearing any matter of evil and the opposite will of God? Who sincerely believes the eternal who sees in front of those benefits who prepared God who loves him, which are enjoying everything we who are worried and burdened here, on earth, and searched to calm down in God; He can be tired overly somehow, to be tied up before the crushing of the heart and the decline of the Spirit, what could be lost, burdened before relaxing and despondency whatever care and sorrow? So sincere Live faith can inspire and encourage us in all circumstances of life. "Yes, your heart is not embarrassed; Believe in God and believe in me "(in. 14, 1; 27), so strengthened and argued the Lord of the Hearts of his students to all the heavy, unpleasant and sorrowful in life.

But our faith can be strong and alive only with love, which is therefore there is a good faithful means of enthusiastic on everything, which not only facilitates, but also delays any burden of life. Who sincerely loves his Lord, he's willingly, with love tries to live himself with the execution of the father's will; In order, on the contrary, it is unpleasant and hard not only to do, but also to threaten anything nasty will of God; That is pleasant to every feat of selflessness in the glory of God. Who truly loves God, he accepts from his hand not only good, but also angry, not only joy, but also grief with humility, complacent and thanksgiving, being convinced that the Heavenly Father will not give him a stone instead of bread.

Increasingly, who truly loves their neighbors, he will not be much difficult for the good of the neighbor, for the true love suffers, he will not turn his eyes from the unfortunate fellow, whatever the distance of their ranks and states, because love is merciful, not exalt, Does not pride. He does not upset the spirit from insulting, he will not be aspired by the heart from the sloes and slander, will not come into irritation from ungratefulness, for love long-suffering, not annoying, does not think evil. He can't not rejoice in sincerity to every success of his fellow, I unfortunately sortily about any of his loss, not to guard him by advice and help from any mistake and misconception, do not compare him with his heart in every sort of grudge, for love does not envy, not looking for his Rejoices of not true, rejoices about the truth.

Yes, well, a person who raised and roasted in his heart such love for God and his neighbor! How calmly calmly in his soul! How light and joyfully in his heart! What bliss the whole soul is filled with!

In order for this inspiriness from the Spirit of God, the peace, calm of the soul, acquired by faith and love, was constantly maintained and strengthened, never got angry, did not fade, it was necessary to pour him to the unceasing prayer, which brings and connects our spirit with the Spirit of God. Therefore, the apostle, who taught the commandment: "Performed by Spirit", pointed out the means to that, saying: "By finding themselves with the psalms themselves, and the sall climbs, and the chants of spiritual, singing and singing in the hearts of the Lord" (Eph 5, 18). Prayer contains the mind and the heart praying in constant proximity to God, from which his mind is melted with the light of the truth, and the heart is warmed by the warmth of love. Prayer, having a soul of Christian Mount, to God, the source of peace, peace and all of the good, makes him patient and deceased when a meeting with earthly grief and sadness, strengthens and revitalizes his hope for interpreting and help from the Lord, on his cover and protection.

We will remember that we can get true, comfort, comfort, consolation for your soul, according to the word of the apostle, only when exposed to the Holy Spirit on us, and to allow the perception of the Holy Spirit, for this you need a solid, undoubted faith and sincere, clean , hot love for God and neighbor; And faith and love must be maintained and praised attentive, zealous prayer.

Then it can only be cheerfully and safely twist eternally growing sea of \u200b\u200beveryday care and sorrows - to work and do not bother, carry a lot of life and not tire, suffer and not to feel temporary grief for the joy of eternal life, to mourn on an external person, to rejoice in spirit.

True, such a fertile light state of the soul may seem too sublime, as if unearthly, and therefore inaccessible to us, it can be portrayed only in words, as we did now, in life, in practice, it is impracticable. But if we had such a thought, it would indicate how deeply we plunged into sin and the human bustle, as we disamed, magazine, how far in the soul we were evaluated from true Christian mood. No, for that Christ and came to Earth, suffered, resurrected and ascended to heaven to send us the Holy Spirit - the comforter, the gift of which every believer in Christ could freely receive in the holy sacraments of the Holy Church, based on the earth of Christ the Lord. And if we do not touch the Holy Spirit on your difficult life path, it means that we are bad Christians, we work a little over the purification of your heart from sin and passions to award fertile consolation from the Holy Spirit. If we strive to be true Christians, we will live as Christ commanded us, we will, as I said, ignite the faith, love, will be diligent, it will undoubtedly get the bright Christian fertile mood that will help us easily bear the burden of life will console us in all sorrowful and sad circumstances of life. Amen.

To this day, a lot of spiritual heritage is preserved. Mikhail: "Weekly on the weeks of Pentecost" and "Preaching for some holidays". Since 1942, manuscripts were kept in the family of Ivanovo. Then they were transferred to the temple of the Prophet of God Elii in the ordinary lane about. Alexander Egorov, and in the 1990s. The manuscripts were returned to the son of about. Mikhail - G.M. Ivanovo.

The sixteenth year is conducting trusteeship activities in a psychoneurological hospital No. 1 of Kiev Sisterhood in honor of the Afonov icon of the Mother of God "Otrada and consolation" of the Kirillov parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Annually the spiritual and material assistance to patients of 28 branches, including two children, as well as a branch for people who have overwhelmed law and undergoing forensic psychiatric examination. With all the sisterhood for the year more than 11 thousand patients are going around.

Cyrilovsky arrival was organized in 1993 and became the first "sick" in Kiev. The sacred synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was repeatedly recognized as one of the best in Ukraine.


Primer of the parish - Archpriest Feodor Sheremet. In 1993, the Batyushka served in the Pokrovsky monastery, and in the fall at the request of spiritual chad came to Pavlovskaya hospital, as a psychic hostility number 1 Kievan. Several future parishioners brought a chair and a vessel to consecrate water. The hospital is near the ancient Kirillovsky Church (XII century), the world's famous world and the artworks of Mikhail Vrubel, and for many years already operating as a museum - the temple has been closed in 1926. And for the first time in 67 years old above this corner of Kiev, the words of a water prayer were sounded. After some time, the patients of hospitals were approaching, which was allowed free exit from offices. Some approached the Father Theodore and the hands concerned him with the words: "Is this a real father?". After the prayer, the father of Feodor began to distribute crosses and icons. The patients were happy to take shrines, they were baptized, who was skillful, exclamation: "So God came to us! .. This is a father of Christ sent! .. And the Mother of God ...".

In fact, it was in that autumn day that the Kirillovsky arrival and began his evil activity. The head physician of the Hospital Vitaly Lisovenko responded to the initiative of Orthodox. In the building of the old club, where the dispersion of the Kirillovsky monastery was once located, a premises were allocated for worship. And then the church was transferred to the use of the entire one-storey case, while in the emergency condition. A few sisters on the blessing of the abbot gave themselves to work in a native hospital department of the clinic, they are, and then other sisters and the brothers began to bring patients with divine services. So the sisterhood of mercy began its activities.

Then a charitable dining room was built on the territory of the hospital. Near Kiev, in p. Tarasovka Baryshevsky District, there was a parish skete with the temple of the martyr Alexander Rimsky. Here, the arrival was rented 60 hectares of arable land for agricultural work. It grown here, as well as honey with apiary, meat and dairy products is provided by a charitable dining room, where more than 100 people eat daily. The fact is that in the extensive territory of the hospital "Lives" many homeless people: discharged by the former hospitals, who have nowhere to return, chronic patients and simply learning that "Harci's church gives clothes and can warm up." Some of this vagabond cohorts are becoming normal and joined in the labor Orthodox community. On the territory of the hospital itself - it is located on the ancient Kirillov hills covered with oak and mixed forest, "there is a so-called" desert ", also with a garden, vegetable vegetable storage facilities and an apiary. "Lost sheep" work here. All of these undertakings, including the conversion of the old corps of the refectory to the new temple of Vasily the Great, the device library, local broadcasting, publishing, - the initiatives of the tireless father of Feodor Sheremethenet, an experienced confessor and a shepherd, graduate of the St. Petersburg Academy, Candidate of theological Sciences and the teacher liturgics in Kiev's spiritual schools. Over these 16 years, Father Theodore has brought a whole pestpers, many of which are currently experimental protoerets, lap of temples, including hospitals.

Hospital's medical staff soon noted the improvement of the condition in patients attending the temple involved in the sacraments of confession and communion. So, one of the patients of the hospital, Tamara K., unsuccessfully undergoing treatment for several years, was discharged with a significant improvement in health, and now it is one of the permanent sisters of sisterhood and doctors do not appeal to doctors. Another example. The young man and the girl, once patients hospitals, began to visit the temple, sang on the closer, and then walked in the Kirillovsky Church and now lead their kids to the sacrament, still help the father of theodore in its multifaceted activity. And there are many such examples: a certain percentage of parishioners make up former hospital patients (this is the phenomenon of the Kirillov community), which recall their illness as a nightmare. But neither the abbot, nor sister of mercy, as a rule, is not announced loudly about healing: believers know that God is everything possible, and unbelievers will explain the fact of recovery in the church "the favorable effects of melodic singing and adopting the temple and the psychological influence of priests" or "a mistake in diagnosis.

A bit of history

In the Kirillovsky monastery, founded by the Grand Duke in Vsevolod, Olgovich in the XII century, began his spiritual path of the Saint-Wonderworker Dimitri Rostovsky, nicknamed by the Russian Zlatoust.

As the story is evidenced, the Cyril Resident has always been characterized by the Board of Trustees about "sirah and poor". After the abolition of Catherine II monastery in 1786, shelter was organized here for military disabilities. For him were used former monastic cells. And in the then built new buildings a psychiatric hospital was located, which before that was located on Podol (st. Konstantinovskaya, 6/8). In 1823, a complex of three architectural structures (architect I. Charleman) was built in the eastern part of the monastery (Architect I. Charleman), where hedgerers are located for former military personnel - participants in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the elderly.

Before the revolution, the hospital was a whole medical complex with scientific departments, therapeutic and surgical departments, an obstetric and paramedic school was even opened here. Yet new hospital buildings in the modern territory in 60 hectares are already built in Soviet times.

The ancient Kirillov temple before the revolution acted as hospital. On the territory of the hospital, the monks and pious laity, caring for sick, lived on the territory of the hospital. In total, in Kiev, under the auspices of the Church before the revolution, nine was fed. It would seem that a small number, but if we consider that in 1913 the population of Kiev was 150 thousand people (the number of one city district today), a different picture is reserved. In addition, under the head of the church there was a mass of charitable shares. The church was a soul and cruise of guardianship, mercy, upbringing and education of the people. But over 70 years she was deprived of the rights to do the affairs of mercy, and she had to do it secretly. For example, at the Pokrovsky monastery in Khrushchevsky and Brezhnev time, a delict for the elderly nuns acted, where the pious parishioners were often determined, which were in old age in solitude.

Alarm statistics

As already mentioned, the Kirillov parish was the first in Kiev resumed charitable care for patients. Essentially, the basis for the interaction of the Church and State Medical Institutions was found.

Severe statistics of WHO gives disappointing figures and forecasts regarding the growth of mental diseases in the world. One of the terrible consequences is sometimes hidden by state disorders of modern humanity - suicide. No wonder most suicides (more than 25 cases per 100 thousand people) are just in countries with a fairly high material standard of living, such as Austria, Scandinavian countries, Switzerland, Germany, Japan. This sad list gets and not gloomy by economic achievements Ukraine. Most suicides are recorded in our industrial cities and areas affected by the accident for Chaises - an average of 35 cases per 100 thousand population. However, sociologists believe that the real figure is two to four times higher than official statistics.

The number of mental disorders suffering from the last 30 years will grow further. According to WHO forecasts, by 2020, mental disorders will enter the top five diseases leading in terms of human labor. WHO experts believe that in the developed countries of the world, 5-10% of the population needs in psychiatric care. By 2020, depressive diseases will overturn the current world "leader" - diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Of particular anxiety is the growth of mental illness in children. In Ukraine, it has acquired almost catastrophic. According to statistics, the incidence of the nervous system for the period from 1992 to 2000 increased by 43%, and this figure continues to grow. The incidence of the nervous system in children in the next five years - from 2000 to 2005 - increased by almost 30%. Over the years of study at school, the number of neuropsychiatric disorders in children increases one and a half times, the proportion of patients with such violations, according to some researchers, from 1st to 8th grade grows from 15 to 40%. At the same time, 68% of school-age children smoke, more than 6% use drugs.

Therefore, in the contract concluded between the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine there is a paragraph regarding the mental diseases in the country, for the beneficial influence of the Church in the treatment of such ailments is known. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Bero, Director of Donetsk Regional Psychoneurological Hospital, I am confident that Orthodox psychotherapy, based on the patristic experience, "introduces to the kingdom of genuine therapy of the soul, the origins of which lead to Christ himself and His Holy Pupils. It is a moral and religious direction of psychotherapy and is based on Christian increditative values, cementing many centuries the foundation of the state with its original culture, sciences, crafts, determining the entire social life. " The doctor believes that the revival of Orthodox psychotherapy with the participation of the Church in working with patients with psyche disorder and nervous diseases reflects the urgent need of our patient and deeply tragic time of change that has made chaos and the diversion of human minds.


Three years ago, the eldest sister of sisterhood Love Andreevna Shinkarenko took the responsibility of his predecessor - Ekaterina Andreevna Logovkova, who obedient sister over the past five years. Now Ekaterina Andreevna - a nun Preislav, the inhabitant of the ancient flor monastery on Podol, where at one time he accepted the blessing of Young Prokhor Moshnin - the future lamp of the land of the Russian Rev. Seraphi Sarovsky. Actually, spiritual relationship permeates all the ancient Kiev temples and the abode, as a rule, who played a special role in the spiritual formation of the devotees of Christ. And for the abylls of these, leading their history from the times of the baptism of Russia and the activities of the equivalent Great Prince Vladimir, are characterized by the affairs of mercy and guardianship about "suffering, sore, sirah and poor". It is not by chance the Grand Duke-Baptist himself, before baptism, the cruel pagan, was named the people of the Red Sun - for great love and compassion for poor people - the qualities that were given to him were God with the grace of Saint Baptism. The ancient trees tell us about the cases of wonderful healing of insane. In the cave of St. Anthony of Pechersk, the iron ring in the wall was maintained, to which they tied the obsessed, suffering from an unclean spirit. And now the Kiev caves with the relics of St. People are attracted to themselves thousands of people, among whom many suggestions.

From the first days of the sisterhood of "Otrada and consolation", the patients themselves say that after visiting the temple and especially after the adoption of the holy gifts of the flesh and blood of Christ, they received a huge relief.

I was a man with secular and distant from the church, but then it was about the call of the Lord to be an Orthodox Christian and serve him in the affairs of mercy, "says the love of Andreevna Shinkarenko. "Having moved to Kiev with her husband, a retired officer, I began to visit the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and there he heard about the Kirillov parish, which fears mentally sick people. I really wanted to somehow help these unfortunate. I came to Kirillovskaya and turned to the Father Theodore with a request to give me some obedience. He looked at my elegant look (and then I loved to look spectacularly), shook my head and said: "I really don't know what obedience you give. We have no obedience for you ... ". I was very upset, went to the temple and began to tearfully pray. Then came to the father of Feodoru again with the same question, and he immediately sent me the ravis. As I understand it, the wise confessor experienced my intention. I really walked home to God's Mother. And I think: Well, if the third time refuses, it means there is no will of God. I come and say: "Batyushka, I can do everything, even though the floors wash, wash the rags ...". And he is so surprised: "Wash the floors?" "And he turned to the sisters of the temple:" Give her a bucket and a rag, let him wash. " And left. I was, as they say, in the seventh heaven. I also dreamed of these floors with such an effort, and Father Theodore passes by, looks, smiles and says nothing. In general, I passed the obedience of the cleaner on perfectly, so soon the father blessed me to be a sister of mercy. So the Lord brought me to this godly business. But one desire to help the closest little, you need to be patient, ask the Lord's help and strength to undergo various sorts of temptation. For the enemy of human genus does not tolerate such cases and begins to create a goat. Only confession and frank conversations with the confessor helps to overcome difficulties. After all, the case we have with people who have soul sick. And to work with such ancading, first of all, to itself be very attentive.

In the sister of 18 sisters of mercy. These are women of different ages and various classes. Many with higher education: lawyers, teachers, economists. Most of them combine labor with obedience in sisterhood. As a rule, on Sundays and holidays, they are going to all the composition, and on weekly duty in turn. But they would never have coped with this amount of work, if there were no assistants from among the parishioners. For example, once a month, a group of elderly female pensioners arrives at the parish, which from their pension allocate funds for the purchase of products. As a rule, they buy high-quality fat and packs from it with garlic and parsley, they bring bread and other products on the car and then they make sandwiches that are spreading in departments. Andreyevna's love leads little statistics for accounting, and it turned out that about 80 thousand sandwiches are prepared in a month and sick. Found and benefactors among business representatives, regularly sending products.

Looking at the works of these humble women in white clothes with red embroidered crosses, unwittingly remember the words from the Savior's Nagorno Protection: "Bluges of the Milostivia, Yako Tii Pardon will" (MF. 5: 7).

Sky and Easter

Sunday school students, headed by the clergy and sisters of mercy, to the hospital branches are sent with the Christmas star, icons and singing of the card. Parish minibus, loaded with christmas gifts, icons, holy water and candles, follows. More toys, board games, drawing albums, markers and pencils, children's Bible are being taken to children's offices. I have taken part in these festive volunteer marchs and see what joy was met by the patients, languishing behind the closed doors of the hospital separations. How did their faces come to life and glittered views from the diseases and medicines, as they happily baptized and answered the Christmas greeting "Christ!": "Slavm him!". And for Easter in hospital wards and dining rooms, they sound - and it will be sounded this year too - the blesses: "Christ is risen!" - "Verily Risen!".


What drives man who spends all his time, strength and money for gambling? Why does he become a slave seemingly completely harmless hobbies? We learned to beware of temptations that can cause physical dependence, but the enemy of human genus found a more sophisticated way to destroy people. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Specialist in Medical Psychology and Psychiatry, Director of the Regional Clinical Psychology and Psychiatric Hospital - Medical and Psychological Center Mikhail Pavlovich Bero, tells about a non-verification dependence.

- Mikhail Pavlovich, what is no chemical addiction? What are the main causes and consequences of its occurrence?

- Non-chemical addiction is a conditional name. With a chemical dependence of a person's body for the sake of obtaining pleasure, artificially stimulated by various drugs, while in non-chemical addiction, this stimulation is made due to the appearance of strong hobbies than anything, and this leads to the production of neurochemical substances in its own brain.
The psychology of a person involves the fact that the person should be harmonious. The concept of "harmony", except for the ability to realize and understand the world around the world, includes the concept of spirituality, faith in God. When the harmony breaks, a blank cell is formed in the personality structure, and this emptiness must be filled with something. A person finds a different hobbies that often cause the emergence of psychological dependence. This leads to the enhancement of sin, to various unacceptable actions, and, in the end, the life of a person turns into a tragedy.
The dependency spectrum is very large. It may be a passion for gambling, pathological dependence on slot machines, transmission SMS-Ok, computer games, and so on. It occurs artificial stimulation, and careful production of too large doses of hormones begins, adrenaline, in particular, which leads to early aging of the body. Such a large emission of active biochemical substances causes a stomach or duodenal ulcer, hypertensive disease, thyroid disease. The man destroys himself, his circle of interest is narrowed, all life becomes dedicated to this pathological attitude.
In addition, one sin, one dependency causes another. This is a closed vicious circle.

- Non-chemical dependencies are divided into women's and men?

- There is no clear separation. Women are more emotional. To say that men play the slot machines, unfortunately, it is impossible. Nowadays, you can often watch the picture when pension grandmothers play gambling and lose their pensions. In Western countries, gaming zones are ended outside the city, in order not to have a strong temptation to play. In our country, legislation does not provide a ban on the location of the game zones in public places.

- Can a person self get rid of this dependence?

- Dependence has its criteria - mental and somatic, that is, it is manifested by the psyche and from the internal organs. When these two components are present - this is a complete dependence that man very hard to overcome. Basically, in the treatment, a combination of drug therapy and psychological impact is used, which involves the mandatory intervention of specialists.

- Many people hide their hobbies. How to understand that a close person has a problem?

- If a person appears in a person, this is primarily changing his life priorities. He moves away from his old hobbies, begins to form a circle of interest around this dependence. Man avoids friends, he otherwise distributes his working and non-working time. Around one dependent immediately arises a team of people who involves it, supports and "pumps" money. A person will instantly begin to experience the material dependence - and it will also be born.

- The problem of non-chemical dependence has existed for a long time. What is the danger of non-chemical dependence in our time?

- Such scales as now, she never acquired. Who used to be carried away, for example, gambling in cards? Only wealthy middle-aged people who entered specialized clubs. Now with the spread of the casino, slot machines there is a tendency to involve youth in all this.
The peculiar feature of the teenager is such that a person during this period of life is on the verge of childhood and adult life. The teenager needs the care of his parents and at the same time tries to be separated from them, begins to try himself in real life. Such a search comes down to the fact that the suggestion of playing computer games can stand the threat of a serious mental disorder. We treated adolescents whom the guards literally kicked out of computer clubs. The dependence was so strong that the man was afraid to leave the club, he did not think of herself outside this club. The children threw their studies, neglected the rules of personal hygiene, they literally lived in these clubs. A teenager is trying to assert and such a confused, non-church education, the lack of traditions has such planning consequences.

- But after all, in Orthodox families, this problem is also present. What mistakes made parents? Is this not connected with the fact that adults trying to protect, protect the child from the outside world?

- Each human action has external and subconscious reasons. If the church of the child in the subconscious of his parents is to protect it from the poor external influence of the world, then this may lead to the fact that the child does not want to go to the temple. Teen will still look for himself, he will look for an answer to the questions: Who am I? Where I am? What am I? The child must understand why he believes in God, for which he was told on Sunday school, why it makes it forced to read the Bible, learn Psalms and pray.
One of the laws of the adolescence of life is a tendency to imitation. But what will he imitate? The child is also inclined to the organization of groupings. We want or not, but it will still be so. Reaction of emancipation, liberation from the parent and teacher influence. And already depends on the upbringing, whether it will be interesting for himself to be in a group of believers Christians or in a group of gambling players. He will see that his comrades on Sunday morning go for a walk, there are fun, and he leads to the temple where you need to pray and repent. Therefore, within the framework of the children's Sunday school, events can also be committed, which would be gaming in the form, but by educational and formative religious worldview in content.
The upbringing and education of children is a global problem. In our country, everything obeys fashion trends. Now it is fashionable to marry - and people do it. But this sacrament is not as familiar as registration in the registry office. It is necessary that a person can contact God at any time so that in each institution there was a place where it would be possible to pray that people surrounded people who divide his faith. We are not protected from the fact that the child brought up in Orthodox traditions, in society will not face the fight against these traditions.

- In our country, there is no prospects for improving the situation. What in these conditions can be done how to avoid "bursts" of leaving faith?

- The family goes to the temple, she addresses the advice and spiritual cake to some priest. This priest should be competent and at the present level should be able to understand all family members, and the child, in particular, its age characteristics.

- If one of the family members has a non-chemical dependence - where can I contact relatives?

- relatives should be attentive, and first aid must come first of all from close people. Parents are obliged to understand what the child is missing why he fills the mental emptiness in this way. A visit to the temple, faith in the Lord significantly accelerates the process of recovery not only from non-smoke dependencies, but also from other psychological disorders. For example, in our clinic there is a certain installation - the patient is highly recommended to visit the temple, which is located on the territory of our center, to take part in the sacraments, discuss its problem with the priest.
Rarely, but it happens that people are born with predisposition to non-chemical dependence - the slightly slightest provocation, and the person is fully drawn into it. But I want to pay attention to the fact that it is very difficult to cure from non-chemical addiction, it is better not to acquire it.

Anastasia Patritch talked

Donbass OrthodoxPress service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

I do not know why it is so difficult for me to start writing this article ... I had the impressions of the trip for a long time had to move and calm down. But something is constantly disturbing, something does not make it possible to lay out his thoughts and memories on paper ... on an indifferent keyboard. And constantly have to remember and sort out all the details of this unusual trip.

Before you a very interesting place. Of course, my calf camera cannot transmit all the magic of these endless Dale. But imagine - there, away, at a distance of all seven kilometers a foreign country begins. Once all this belonged to Romania. But in 1939, by the strange whim of Joseph Vissarionovich, in coordination with Ribbentrop, the direct line was held on the map, and the Romanian lands, along with all Romanians with their children and households, were suddenly Soviet. And in the Soviet Union, the Gerzhaev district appeared. So that you are clearer - Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. A place that my story is a red circle to which my terrible red arrow leads.

But it's all - a surcharge. This fairy tale is ahead.

Last year, making a little journey along the route Netishin-Kamenets-Podolsky-Chernivtsi, approaching the end item, the guide turned our attention to the emerged of a small hill, which brightly glistened under the autumn sun church domes. "This monastery founded Longin's father, which adopted several hundred children." These words turned out to be enough for me to appear a great desire to visit such an unusual place. And, as I have already spoken - dreams come true!

I know that some of my friends with the word "monastery" immediately disappears any interest in such writings. But, I assure you that this is a completely unusual monastery. Therefore, I ask - do not switch, and see and read to the end!

So, the Gerzhaev district. The village of Bantia. Near the mountain was a wasteland. It was here that in 1994, Longin's father (then Mikhail's father), together with four monks laid the first stone of the cathedral. It is difficult to believe that after 18 years, a huge complex of the Holy Ascension Men's Monastery has grown here.

When the first building was built, Longin's father brought here the first orphans. Rather, former orphans, since each of them he adopted. The first child, Vanya, was adopted in 1992. A sickly, sick porch 3-year-old boy was taken to the family from Chernivtsi orphanage. Everything started with him. When the pages ended in the passport, where the adopted children were recorded (and by 1994 it was 29), Father Longin began to take children under his official custody. Children's shelter on the territory of the monastery Ros, the number of monks, which in addition to services took care of these children. It was decided to build individual buildings for children. So there was a children's town in the village of Nizarda - in 4 km from the monastery.

It is possible to get inside only by the resolution of Longin's father. And this, of course, is correct. Why disturbing children with their curiosity and unnecessary asked?! After all, it can be seen with what love this fabulous town is made.

His children Father Longin collected and collects throughout Ukraine. As a rule, these are round orphans, children with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, heavy disabled, mentally retarded. Children whom no one wanted to adopt.

The heart goes away when you imagine how a woman dying from cancer brought to the father of Longin his son-epileptic - a deaf, silent, blind from birth. And this boy grows here, feels warm and affection, responds to them, knows Longin's father. And when it grows, it will remain in the monastery. And the Bezless Boy, who hesitated his father Longin, who visited the orphanage, take him to himself! It is impossible to think about the fact that children-orphans suffered and transferred. And if even cripples, offended by life and fate. And that the sin is to hide, we don't even want to think about it, not what to represent ...

I can not call the exact figure, how many children are now in the town. Approximately more than 250 people. Four people live in the room. The service personnel is more than a hundred people, of which most of them are a nun from the Boyansky Women's Monastery. The rest are qualified teachers and doctors.

Children refusal with a diagnosis of AIDS are also collected here by Father Longin. And there are about 60 them here! They have their own medical staff, separate care and, of course, qualified treatment. And they say, there are already cases of absolute recovery!

Here is your church.

We do not impose a faith to children, on the contrary: we try everyone to send his heart to call. Our children are resting on the sea every year, in the mountains. They are taught music, singing, drawing. We console children's souls, and are they happy here - judge ourselves ...

Of course, I drew attention to a huge jug in front of the temple. Moreover, such people met on all my ways through the Chernivtsi region. So decorated well. The ratio is special in these places. I have seen wells in the form of swans, VAZ and other architectures.

The swimming pool is visible. And here there are tracks so that children ride on the rollers. There is a small zoo with pony and peacocks. And a lot of beauty. To soften the sealing children's hearts.

In children with disabilities in the eyes of life. Of course, they want to live, like anyone ... and not all people understand, appreciate the life that they got. And the children without hands, without legs, with other heavy diagnoses - to live and say that the most important thing is that they have a life. To be honest, it is sad and cruel ... And what they say is to cause tears, most likely, they simply do not understand all the severity of their state and would be ready to despair, but, like all the children - the chists, naive and absolute injustice, do not know how and Desperately want to believe in a miracle. Batyushka, thanks to his big, kind heart, his selfless, limitless, sincere faith proved them that there is this miracle. And there is a real, non-estate fell, selflessness, cleanliness, love in the world, and not only evil, injustice, cruelty, pain, suffering ... and someone can just love, do good, without requiring nothing in return. And, perhaps, from the awareness of this, the chain of misfortunes, the human cruel eye on these children will interrupt, because someone once did not answer the malice, indifferent, disregard, so often found in our world, and stretched out his hand, fed, dressed, gave love and became a good, caring dad, which even native parents could not give"Http://

Of course, I really wanted to look at the kids. And I managed it.

Who says there that monks are idlers?! The monastery has its own fields, gardens, gardens, greenhouses, flower greenhouse and even farm. That is, they fully provide themselves with almost all products. And what is the baking here! True bought in the monastery shop. In addition, for everyone, there is an absolutely free monastic dining room, where I appetled with the appetite in the awards, pilaf and cauliflower in unmatched sauce. And all this was grown here on these fields. Joint labor of monks, nuns and children of Father Longin.

Carefully dressed, well-groomed guys waited for a bus that lucky on that fabulous town, where we just visited you.

And here is the harvest. What remains unused in the monastery is delivered completely free of charge for nearby boarding schools, hospitals and shelters.

Whether you read the amazing autobiographical book "White on Black" Ruben David Gonzalez Gallago. In addition to the horrors of orphanages of the Soviet Union, there are no less terrible nursing homes that have grown disabled children. Yes Yes! Nursing home. And Longin's father built a house for his grown pupils, where they will continue to live under his care. This house, near which the ambulance is constantly worth it. They take their all the same nuns from the Boyan Women's Monastery. Tested on their backs, wash, feed, sing ... It is worth this house separate from the children's town, next to the monastery.

Father Longin, abbot of the Holy Ascension of the Male Monastery, Hero of Ukraine and a lot of a multi-fashioned common dad. For the huge heart of which I want to pray and pray.

Three heart attacks, heart surgery, chemotherapy - this is the price of this dimensionless, limitless, unearthly kindness, faith and love.

Little help: Father Mikhail. After posturing, i.e. The adoption of monastics, Father Longin. In the world - Mikhail Vasilyevich Fire.

Why Longin? Longin is the name of one of the soldiers of Pilate, who stood on guard when crucified Jesus Christ. He pushed the rib to the Savior. A drop of blood got a warrior in his eyes, and he was clear - became a true Christian. For his sermons suffered - "... he was truncated to the chapter." Warrior Longin is erected into the rank of saints.

And now I have a request for you. Please take time and watch this movie to the end. I would call it not "outpost", but "know yourself". Do you really want it?

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