God does not give a man. "What if you need a wife, and God does not give"

04.04.2021 Astrology

"Relmir" publishes another attempt to answer - Elena from St. Petersburg. Recall that the woman asked to help her find a way to accept the cross of loneliness.

Dear Elena!

I read on the website of "Lemale", and it took me deeply touched and responded in my heart to the sharp desire to help you and find the word of consolation for you and, perhaps, explaining your destiny that you are looking for. The consolation is not powdered, but of the one that gives the impulse of comprehension and overcoming, the impulse is not conservation, but movement. And although you are waiting for the answer, first of all, from the priest, I decided not to restrain my impulse and write to you.

Avoiding standard responses

In his letter you are talking about what you cannot understand the relationship between your chaste behavior and the lack of love and family in the life. You look at your girlfriends and colleagues who have all this, and ask God: "For what?" After all, punish you, it seems, and nothing.

You say that you can't understand the idea of \u200b\u200bGod about yourself, notice that for those years that you lived, you could have been tenth times, as it happens with your friends. "Who needs my misfortune?" - You ask. And rightly notice that none of the "standard" Orthodox answers from the series "By sins", "This is your cross", etc. It is not suitable for explaining your condition. Indeed, the standard is not the key with which you can explain the inexplicable.

Refuse pity

Let's let the pragmatists and begin with the fact that you will stop allowing yourself the luxury of the subjunctive rings in the style "But I could have been in those years that I live, more than once to become my mother."

Such designs, in my opinion, are very malicious and destructive, because by simulating our life in our imagination, the only thing they do is put on pity - our pity for yourself. They cherish it, jeep it, squeeze the tears perfectly and meaninglessly.

The design "I could become my mother" makes sense only in one case - when a woman could really become a mother, but did not become her on his own will, that is, he committed an abortion. And then she is not allowed to pity himself, and to mourn their sin before God and the killed child, that is, bring repentance.

If you get up again for yourself and your bitter fate, then such a retrospective will be useless. Anyway, this is not your case - an abortion you, to great happiness, did not. Therefore, for you such appeals to the non-existent happiness - pure water masochism and a self-impaired, from which you need to immediately refuse, banning this thoroughly enter your heart. It is necessary to abandon the bitter pleasure that this thoughtlessness delivers.

Paradox, but to refuse to enjoy pain not much easier than from enjoying pleasure and happiness. This may be the reason why we are constantly returned to this. We regret ourselves because too love themselves, we think too much about yourself, you pay too much attention, we will immediately tell around our own axis and your "unfortunate" Ya. We, our ego, consisting, including from our desires - This is our favorite stumbling block, which we all stumble all the time.

The design "I could already become a mother" (millionaire, great actress, etc.) - she is also quite bare. Listen, those girls or boys who were born with disabilities and lie, chained to bed or a wheelchair, could also be good mothers and fathers, but no hope - no disfect.

And those who died in childhood or adolescence from illness or accident could also. And my bridegroom, with whom we did not have a relationship, too, maybe I could have been the Father at the moment, but it was so happened that he was killed, and he did not. People suffering from infertility that lost reproductive health due to certain operations, could also ...

Do you understand all the absurdity of such buildings?

We ourselves do not know how much we will live, and what will happen tomorrow. We, it seems, we live with church life, but how our life is not a church, but in general, recruitment, remember only in the days of severe tests when the danger approaches it to really lose. On the other days, I prefer to grieve about unfulfilled happiness.

Do not confuse paradise with reality

You as the unnaturalness of your lonely position give the words of the Lord, who said Adam and Eve: fruit and multiply, and inhabit the land. But let's not forget that these words were told by our forefathers in paradise, and it was before the sin.

This is how it should have been, this is the idea of \u200b\u200bGod about a person and about the relationship of a man and a woman. But since then, the world "a little" has changed, everything went "a little bit" wrong. And now it is very naive to wait that everyone will just be fine.

We will easily be revealed with the fact that you are not fine with others, but for some reason you think that this should not touch us.

I have familiar couples where husband and wife, the bride and the bride are suitable for a very friend. Looking at them, I am very happy, because all the pity shutters and envy, as the holy fathers teach us, you can chop on the root of confession and a courageous ban, and then they just stop bothering.

The main thing is not to try to assign this joy to yourself. Do not compare yourself with anyone and someone else's fate to try on yourself. There is no identical person and the same destinies. God we have such completely alone, and about each of us he has their own design.

Trust "blindly"

You say: how to understand this idea? This is a very interesting question. It often seems to us that if we suddenly learned why God arranged everything like that, and not otherwise, for which he "punishes us" and what he behaves, what he wants from us and what methods intend to achieve this, then we would immediately go They understood and calmed down.

We would be roughly clear, in what direction to move, what to want from life, and why not want, what to spend efforts, and what is not worth trying to try. Here is the idea - here is the way, there are no more questions ...

Over time, I realized that this is also another very funny design. So it will not be. Nobody will offer us such information about us on a saucer, except for the fortune teller. And not in this information case.

The fact is to give up the will of God, this will, not knowing what is called "blindly". To trust him, how the child trusts his parents, without unnecessary reasoning, without questioning, and what will happen to me and where are you, Lord, do you, but if it will be fine there, right there, right there I will be happy and is not very hurt there. And most importantly - without a unwell "for what?"

This question is one of the wrong. It is pointless to weigh their sins on the scales of Divine Justice and to understand to understand, but if I deserve this "Goruschko" or do not come with me "not on the concepts"?

You say that you have special sins, thank God, no. But the fact is that the lack of sins is not yet a reason for happiness, but their presence is for its absence. Not everything is so linear. The Lord is not a constitutional court. And not the Hague tribunal. This is a lively Supreme Person, which is better known to know what to do with us and our lives to bring us to yourself.

Whatever we are sinless in terms of external actions, this in itself is still not enough to drive us into something completely new, in those new people who are able to enter the kingdom of heaven.

"Gods are" - said the Lord about us, meaning our divine potency. And what are we in your current state of gods? And will they become them if we are extremely calm and happy in your earthly life?

When Archangel Gabriel told the Mother of God that she would soon be the mother of the Savior of the Savior of Human and It would happen to the way that I had the earthly nature, she thought, was not very good to imagine what it was happening to her and why, and how much it would cost it . She did not appreciate and did not reason. She simply agreed, regardless of the consequences. "Being a slave of the Lord, let me be for your word."

Is it easy for her? Was her feeling that she just lies on the water and swims by the flow of the Divine Will or the feeling was more like when you enter the ice water when it seems that you know what you die? We do not know that.

In any case, there was an obscurity ahead, except happiness, drowned and "weapons", which should pass her soul, but the consent was still given. Similarly, we must take an example from the Virgin and will definitely agree to everyone. We should not be afraid of possible pain, should not run from her.

All this does not mean that happiness is that ordinary earthly happiness, which we are so dreaming, no. But only abandoning the chase incessant behind him, you can become truly happy.

"CE, the groom is coming ..."

The Lord gives us a husband not only so that we were happy with him, but first of all, so that we understand something important through it and learned something. And he gives a child, too, not to fry our pride and a sense of female usefulness, but that we can feel another line of Divine Love through this child.

Similarly, the absence of a husband and child can be a means of feeling this love. Only this will happen not indirectly, but what is called directly.

Perhaps I am mistaken, but it seems to me that when a woman has a husband, her relationship with God add up differently. A significant part of the Energy of Love is leaving the husband, if he is beloved, takes a significant part in the female heart, it will be fully belonging to him. A woman who does not have a husband has a chance to give himself to God, as if her bridegroom or at least just more towards him towards him.

You say that you are not a monastic warehouse - this is not important in this case. If the Lord does not give you anyone, it means that he himself at this particular point in time is waiting for a meeting with you and does not want to share you with anyone. And it would be very rampant this moment not to take advantage.

After all, it often happens to us that we live with church life for years, we do not commit any particularly heavy sins and in this state we are imperceptibly preserved. And then suddenly it turns out that God is calling us at all towards other tops, and we are hopelessly behind ...

Do you ask how to accept women's loneliness? How to stop wanting to marry? But when we find the strength (and this, including the question of a volitional effort) and make this spiritual high-quality jerk, then suddenly understand that there is no "female loneliness". How no loneliness is male. That there is no loneliness at all. This is a myth invented by people who do not know what they are capable of.

No need sharp movements

You can still insist on what is created for simple female happiness, and such an alliance scares you with God. But the fact is that everyone is one of us to such an alliance in one way or another, regardless of gender and marital status. Anyway, we must love the first place of God, and then a husband and children.

Because the time will come, when the husband and the children will take away from us, and we will stay one on one with those who created us and who created our grooms, husbands and children. And our heart should not be tied to them more than to it. It should not be strong, before despondency, sadness from the fact that the Lord does not give us something less than he himself, because in return for this smaller he is always ready to give us. And the more of this gift is unlikely to be something.

So you want - you do not want, and you have to learn.

You suffer because you share the opinion that the Lord defined us only two ways - or family life, or monastic. And you do not belong to any other. Meanwhile, I am sure that such an artificial separation of people into two main categories strongly reality simplifies.

Life shows that each of us the Lord leads to themselves as a special way. And there are no screen trajectories on this path as there are no age limitations. Your future husband can be found at any age and at any age take the monastic stop. And you can live and some third way, if it is the path that is pleasing to God.

And I do not see any need to make some sharp rapid movements on this path.

It would be a complete failure to go to the monastery only because of the failed personal life, without feeling for this special vocation. In the same way, it would be madness hysterically to marry himself only on the basis of a "nemonash warehouse". We ourselves do not know what kind of warehouse we are. The Lord knows.

You say, trying to comprehend your plight that even Nick Vuily has a wife and children, although he is without hands and without legs! This fact is really a stunning, testifying to the infinite grace of God to all of us and to everyone individually. But I read Nick, and you know what I understood? The fact that without a wife and son he could do the same as he did without hands and without legs. And just like this happy.

So we need to learn to be happy, no matter what. Not in order to turn it into a kind of deal, not with the thought that when we learn this, then God for us exactly someone will send, but solely for the sake of himself.

You write that you do not lose hope and never cease to pray that the Lord gives you the groom. But maybe it is still worth praying for this to stop? Maybe you should forget about your dream, at least for a while? It is possible that one of the ways to marry - stop it desperately want. And it can really be what happens then when you forget about it. As Nick Vuychich says, let God act in your life. Let be this is Will comes to you.

Freedom ... from mom?

Perhaps someone accuse me in calls to passive things, but it seems to me that this is a much more productive way than convulsive attempts to change your life with some external actions. For example, some psychoanalysts advise lonely girls wishing to find a satellite, start with mother-in-law.

I understand that psychoanalysts are based on, when they say that Mother's scenario and mother's parent egoism can take over us, Eric Bern told us about it in detail. But you know, I do not believe that your mother, Elena, Makhrovaya Egoist. Most likely, she just loves you and wishes you good. And she would certainly be happy if you had the groom.

I do not believe that our very trouble is climbing you with you "Grooms chopping." I also do not believe that you are a dependent person, independent. Your description of your own life completely refutes. I do not think that the "female fluid" path depends on whether one lady lives or not alone. Men can be attracted completely regardless of it.

I think that it makes sense to live separately from Mom, if you are going to say, "bring home grooms" in the hope that all this will turn into marriage or in an unexpected pregnancy. But you are not going to do this.

Our independence does not depend on finding with us under one roof of parents. Especially if parents are already old, and they need care and care. Become, excuse me for the expression, a monad, as a respected Olga Gumanova advises, it is possible, and without dividing the parents. And on the contrary, living separately and even coming out married, it can not become her.

I know the girls who have long lived separately from their mothers and terribly with them depend on their installations and from their children's offense, which can not overcome and forgive. Their moms are still controlled and have a tremendous influence on them, from which they constantly and unsuccessfully try to free themselves. Instead of relaxing and allowing my mom to manage. Why not, if she is so calmer?

It seems to me that with mothers you need to not tear the connection with all the forces of your soul. Mom must just regret. Freedom is not to resist, freedom is to resolve and succumb to humble and give up. This is a truly adult position, and resistance and riot is the position of the teenager, besides, not confident. "Freedom to parrot!" - We have already passed, we will not step on these rakes.

We are still very connected with our moms. We are flesh from their flesh. You can leave, go, run away to another planet and still remain the daughter of your mother. And there is no terrible inevitability in it, so conceived by God, and it means that there must be a certain benefit.

As Klyiv Staiplz Lewis says, psychoanalysis should know his place. It can be used as a certain crutch, but it is not necessary to issue this crutch for the only way of movement. Trying to measure the fishery of God with the help of psychoanalysis - it is likely that with the help of the toolkit infusoria-shoes try to know the deity.

Naively think that all this time God did not give Elena Groom for only the reason that she lives with her mother. And that everything will completely change, as soon as she leaves from Mom.

You can try separately from my mother, especially if the circumstances allow. You can take many more different efforts - to change the wardrobe, buy cosmetics, start actively smiling to men in case of this there were any problems.

But you need to understand that it can all work, and may not work. You can spend a bunch of money on the rent of the apartment and live, refusing to yourself in the most needed. And the groom is never found. There are no guarantees ...

In short, you can go on the way to change your life circumstances, and you can, without changing circumstances, try to change the most. The case of taste, but the last path seems to me more productive.

It can be output

And one more thing I want to tell you, dear Elena. You mentioned that you would like to adopt the child, but you can't do it, because your mother is against this idea, and you can not go to her, because the apartment in which you live, belong to her.

I think not to reckon with mom is wrong, no matter whose apartment. The receiving child should not make a disorder in the family, he must combine it. But the Lord can over time so to arrange the heart of your mother, that she will not only stop resist your desire to adopt the child, but it will begin to wait for this child. But for this, you should definitely decide everything for yourself and ask God to help you.

Adopting and educate a reception child seems to me much more important and exciting than to give birth to your own. Because your child is not yet, but these kids are already there, and they have no mom. So why don't you help each other? The point is quite a godly.

The desire to give birth to your child is associated with the maternal instinct on the one hand, and with the fear of death, with the desire to consolidate his life and continue on the other. The child's desire to adopt is associated with the need to love and share love, regardless of the biological component. And this is much more valuable before God.

But whether we have our own children or others, or there will be no one, whether the Lord will give her husband or will insist on the notorious loneliness, our main task is to learn to love it with all our hearts, all the mind and thinking. Moreover, this there is no limit to study, and there is no such degree of intimacy that could not grow into even more intimacy if we want it.

Well, what are the grooms? And let the groom just appeal. Since they want so much ...

Fate sends us different people, we strive to find happiness with each of them, but are disappointed and we do not understand what was not so that the circumstances have so much that with all the irrespective prospects you suddenly part. It takes time, and sometimes quite a lot, before you realize that this lesson, who was sent by fate, is learned. That as it happened - an inevitable option, and there are only attempts to argue with fate, to predict her, that is, not to pass this lesson, but to burden the theory of practice, but one way or another it will happen. From your life will take something important at the same time who brought it important. And then, someday, you will understand what I had to be, you will understand why and ... Agree.

Life even a very self-sufficient woman flourishes and becomes brighter, when the most man comes to her life. All free women want to meet their man, with which everything will be different with whom everything will be fine, right? Most believes that the meeting prepared by fate looks like this: "Something inside it clicks. I feel it ... "

You probably think so too ...

But sad news lies in the fact that he strongly clicks, covers, hangs and blows the roof only when a karmic man came to worrying. It so clicks that you will not pass by. And it immediately seems that this is he ... I feel ... But 95% of women after such clicks it turns out that it is not him, but just a bad karma, from which only hurts!

How to understand that the same man came to your life that you need with which you will develop and disclose as a woman?

Let's start with the fact that whatever men come to our lives, they are all not random, necessary and very useful, but they come with different purposes.

Conditionally, they can be divided into three large groups to be clear.

First Group - Men Teachers

They come to teach us something and remain in our life exactly until the lesson is passed. They can be all sorts of: good, evil, married to your brain that breaks your personal boundaries who degrade you or infinitely causing pity, etc.

They will teach you female qualities, self-relief, faith in themselves, protecting their borders, correct building relationships with men.

It may be one man, and maybe a few with the same lesson. If a woman is stubborn, then such a man gives her as a husband or just on a very long time. But as soon as she comes out of his scenario and goes through the necessary lesson, this man leaves her life, all the conditions are created so that they dissolve. After all, now another man should come to her life and, most likely, not for lessons, but for normal life.

Second group - karmic debtors

Sometimes women come to the life of a man with whom she has karmic duty. And in such respects or she gives a lot, because he owed, or a man puts a lot of emotions in it, feelings, experiences or even funds, but a woman has no love or tenderness to him, neither warmth. Sometimes you know as it happens, it is impossible to even dispense to people if they were not satisfied with each other, they keep them together so that they finally filled each other and let go.

As soon as the necessary exchange of energy (karma, money, time, feelings) took place, they are also bred.

I had a client who had a good relationship with the spouse, they lived well together, moving a lot to each other, he filled her faith in himself, and she gave him a rear and female protection. And one day, they came from work, sat down opposite each other and saw that everyone, you understand, their more together does not hold anything, there was only gratitude for the warm years together. And nothing else ... They broke up, in half a year, both have a couple of them, in which they had very powerful development, and now they communicate with families and still remain very good friends, and are resting together. It happens like this, but this is the best option.

And basically it happens that a woman clinically clinically on a man who often does not feel anything, and she begins to love him, pray for him, to make practices, to invest a ton of energy, thinking that it is he is the most. And she can't do anything with what constantly gives or physically or energetically.

And in this relationship you need to just remove and send the love to this person, continuing to live your life, and not think that it is it.

And third group of men - men for life

This is the same group that we need. Men for life are those that we fill us, which we give to us, which we reveal with which you need to live, build a family, develop. We are now talking about a good option for the development and disclosure of a woman in its nature.

Sometimes a woman needs to go through two previous groups to mature for such a man.

We, women, very often there are immature relationships with men simply because we do not agree to pass our lessons and wait for the necessary moment in your life when what we need is. And then a woman either agrees on abona what man, or lives in his illusions and expectations of the Prince.
It is important to understand that a decent man will come when you are at least slightly polished in female or practitioners or good upbringing.

Relationships with a "man for life" can also be complex and incomprehensible, but there are several factors for which it can be understood that this man is really needed now in your life and that relationship with him will bring you good.

This does not mean that it will be a relationship until the end of life, but that exactly shows that this man is clearly not a random visitor of your life.

How to understand what is your man?

Successful women who live with decent men say that there was no click, there was no insight from heaven: "Oh God, it's he!", It was not even crazy love. These were gradual relationships in which there were no wildness, hurry, madness and all that is shown in films.

There is a first signal for which it becomes clear whether you need this man. And this signal is safety.

Next to your man you will feel safe. This is the base and the basis, without this, you should not go further. Your man can be an ordinary physique and not possess the skills of Kung Fu, but next to him you will feel protected, you will know that if something happens, he will not give you offense. Moreover, the man himself can belong to some dangerous profession, but when you will be next to him, you will stop thinking about your security, because he will take it on himself. It is laid by our female instincts, we are looking for a strong so that he can protect our children so that we are not scary to give birth to if something happens, that is, a back, for which you can hide.

This is the essence of all women - safety.

Many men take offense when women are conducted on their money, power and position in society, but there is nothing condemned in this, this is an ordinary psychological hypercompensation. The woman is just looking for security, and since she cannot rely on a man, then she is at least looking for a refuge in money, because the money is also a force that can protect.

So, if you have a man, feel and answer yourself honestly, do you feel safe with him? When there is a sense of security, a woman can relax, and when it relaxes, her best female qualities are revealed in it: hope, female bearer, a cute smile, carefree girl joy. Surely each at least once lived it.

This man will disclose women's qualities in you, or better to say, your best female qualities will be disclosed by themselves.

When the man will be "correct", then you want to cook, dress beautifully, follow yourself. You will begin to awaken the natural female qualities, the desire to serve, be soft, tender. Without any additional knowledge, you will want to make a massage to him, meet from work, even if you were before you were a banging woman who my head itself. It all happens so spontaneously and naturally, with a deep inner desire that many women simply stop learning themselves. They open in themselves what it seemed before that there was never at all. What we learn at trainings can be in yourself without any knowledge to join if your man will be nearby.

You will be better to look.

Yes, it is that way ... You will want beautiful clothes, a million robberies in the form of jewelry and good creams, but the case will not even care about yourself. The case will be in your condition, and possibly after one of the nights with him you will go around the city a little shaggy, not having time to clean and bring the royal marafet, but you will have a warm smile and a stunning radiance, and you will be the most beautiful woman on Earth at this moment. You will be turned around and shut down.

If you have a desire to care for yourself in relations with a man, you want to wear sports pants, tie a bundle and there is everything in a row, they say "I relaxed with him" is a very disturbing sign, he will not bring it to good. Sometimes such situations are useful, and you can be with a man relaxed and in such a vulnerable form, but if you always want this always, it means that the man does not start the necessary states in you. This can be achieved, of course, independent efforts, but we speak about a good option, and when it is good - we have such things automatically.

Your injuries will be healed.

If the man is "yours," he will be able to overwrite your energy matrix of past relations by filling out your inner space with its energy. And it will seem to you that there was no relationship before him, you will remember everything, but it will seem that it was in the past life. Energy dependence, traces, bindings from one man treats the love and adoption of another man. I saw it in my energy practice. Not only women's love creates wonders, the love of men is also capable of much. In addition, you will have forces on internal transformation, and it will launch for forgiveness and release processes, and you may have forces to forgive and let go of a huge number of acted in your life, because now you do not need this cargo and want to fill Internal state of grace, thanks and heat.

You will begin to love yourself anymore.

When a man is ready to give a woman to love her, invest in her, then after a while, when her mental rehabilitation passes, she will begin to see one's eyes, she will see themselves valuable, beautiful, meaningful, and most importantly beloved, and her self-esteem will start growing Woman will reveal in a new stunning light.

The statement of Breda Pitt in confirmation of this item:

"It all started with my wife's disease. She began problems at work, in his personal life because of what she was very often nervous. Also affected her health experience about their failures and children's problems. She has changed very much outwardly - the disgraced (40 kg in her 35 years!) I was loyal. Her eyes were almost always on a wet place, they were all annoyed. Joy went out of her life.

Health problems were manifested in headaches, heartfelt, pinched nerves in the back and ribs. She had a constant insomnia, she was tired and did not sleep. All this shake out our relationship.
She began to disseminately treat his appearance, sludge, her bags under the eyes began to appear. Also began to refuse the filming and the roles offered to it.

My hope was lost, and I was thinking about divorce. However, after a while I decided to change something. And in fact, I thought, I have the most wonderful woman in the world. She is the ideal of many men and women, but she is next to me. I fall asleep next to her, hug her shoulders ...

And I decided not to postpone the case in a long box. Began to give flowers, embroil the compliments, kiss ... I did unexpected gifts, surprises, everything was for her. All the time spoke about her, praised her to hear everything.

And everything turned out! She began to flourish like a flower. I looked, recovered to pleasant rounds, stopped worrying, and her love came to me even more. I did not assume that she could love so much! After that, I understood: a woman is a mirror of a man. If you love it before madness, she will become them. And I did not even assume that she knows how to love so much! "

"I'm already for 30 years already, and I'm still not married! But I need to give birth while I can! I want children and I want a husband to live family! I want my family! Why don't God give me a husband?! After all, I do everything: I go to the church every Sunday, I pray, I observe posts, I often confess, but he doesn't hear me, "many girls say with despair. "And not that young men are not. They are, but for family life, many of them are not suitable. They do not need anything, no families, no children, just with pleasure to spend time and that's it. Straight a dead end! And there is little Orthodox, the guys are generally not enough, and those of some infantile: and they don't get married and they do not go to the monastery. "Girls are indignant.

"Maybe I live incorrectly?" Probably very modest. It is necessary to more actively turn on the husband. Take this thing in your hands, to be more persistent. "Some decide.

And indeed, someone does it. There is a man, it seems to be decent, says that he loves. Marry. And what follows from this? ...

The first story

Lyudmila 28 years old put himself a goal: this year married. How much can one live! Let life with the first husband failed, but for 5 years have passed, the soul wounds healed, the child will grow up, he needs a father. Wait for someone to pay attention to her and wants to take into my wife, it seems impossible more. Need to act. She gave an advertisement to the newspaper. More than 30 men responded.

After all meetings with the applicants and the choice, one, however, is low and thin, and she is a large woman, but nothing, but a man in the house, all men will finally rewor.

Did he redo all the work, the story is silent. But after a month she walked with bruis. And after a year of nightmare life, he decided to sell his one-room "hotel" secretly from him and flee into another city. What I did. And otherwise it could part not only with the "hotel", but also with life.

History Second

Anna (29 years old) had to get an apartment soon. Sports her turn. His daughter, according to the law, was supposed to highlight a two-room apartment. The number of rooms Anna did not suit and she decided to urgently marry, give birth to another child and then it will have to give a three-room apartment.

Conceived - done. Soon she met a young man, though, younger than her for 7 years, but it seemed to love her, was devoted to her and fulfills all her wishes. They merried.

And then in her calmly well-established life, one after another various adventures began to occur and for some reason unpleasant. It began with the fact that he was attacked, beat and robbed, and both wedding rings disappeared, and he fell into the police. Anna Despite the fact that he was already in position, settled for another job. He earned and paid for him a fine and bought new wedding rings. Here she would think. But she decided: it was an annoying accident, and arranged his driver's job. Soon he fell into an accident, broke the car and shot down someone. For which he was planted. While he was sitting, she gave birth to her daughter and received the lined 3-room apartment. All this time supported it as morally and materially. I paid for repairing the car, I wore it to transfer. He herself constantly worked as he could, despite her breast-child.

She hoped after he came out, they would heal or happily. But that did not happen. In the zone, he blew his health, including mental, and became completely inadequate, especially when he drinks. Often satisfied scandals and hysterics, beat it, ran for it with a knife for some reason in his naked form.

Finally, she realized that it was not worthwhile to wait, and the elder daughter put forward to her ultimatum. Anna drove him out and settled separately in the hotel. But he did not lag behind them, occasionally came, arranged scandals. For the room did not pay. I paid and contained it.

Ultimately, she had to sell her, such an expensive price of the apartment, and go far to the north, bought the old one-room for this money. Here are just two examples of manifestation of a matter of many cases when "at any cost" married. Well, came out. And then what?

Recently, it became a fashionable acquaintance on the Internet. And, probably, it's good. But it happens.

Story Three

Marina and Andrey met the Internet. They corresponded for a whole year, liked each other: both come to each other in terms of intelligence, they are interested in the same television programs, books, on a lot in life they look equally, etc., they have a common love - a computer. At the meeting, they were even more agreed in nature. Got married.

And suddenly, everything was disappeared somewhere: and the desire to communicate, and be together, and the common interests. Children also for some reason did not start. Andrei was even more silent at the computer, he did not want to talk to his wife once again. And she was not enough for her, she wanted more lively communication, attention, understanding, finally. They moved further away from each other. Finally, she decided to go to her city, which she left for him. There were her parents, girlfriends, her more full-fledged life in the emotional plan.

Maybe they had to put 2 computers in different rooms and communicate via the Internet? Then, perhaps, they still live together, that is, in four words: he, she and 2 computers? But would this family be?

The manifestation of tenderness and love on the Internet, it turns out, is not the same as directly in communication. Yes, and the responsibility for the manifestation of his feelings is different. One thing to write the word "love", the other is to feel love, the other is to love. One thing to write tender words, the other is to experience tenderness to man and the other - to be gentle.

So the Internet does not save from loneliness.

Let's look at the problem on the other side.

Young men, in turn, are also looking for their halves, and they also have their own complaints. "Now there are no decent girls, they all think only about themselves, they all need only rich husbands, they all seek to command and do not want to obey her husband. And the Orthodox young people have special complaints. "

History Four

Vladimir has long looked at the girls who visit the temple. Finally he met Dasha. Well, everyone is good Girl: both beautiful, and high, and most importantly, believer. But the trouble is, there is one "disadvantage" - a candidate of science. And when only managed to go to her 26 years! After a short acquaintance, Vladimir shocked his chief statement: "When you get married: there will be many children, you will not work. In the meantime, he added, "I brought my little things here, so post." She immediately fell in love with eyes fell from such a housework. And not because it does not want to give birth and not a careerist is at all. And she wants children, and would give him how much God sent, but outrageous such a consumer attitude towards the future wife. Moreover, in the present earnings, it is not the fact that a large family, it hardly provides. They separated.

So it turns out that with our claims and high claims and the truth is difficult to find a husband or wife. We all know what we want from others, and we do not think about what we can and should give.

So, what do you need to do to get married?

Maybe it is not necessary to hurry and chase a ghost of her husband or wife with imaginary at leisure advantages, even when you already under 30 or 30?

Do not force events. Maybe while you are in search of your husband and lie at all in those doors and do not go to those trails, at this time the man intended for you has long been waiting for you somewhere near and you have already passed many times past? Look.

And maybe so that it is not yet ready for marriage, it is not ripe after another mistake and loss and he just needs to come to himself, to realize the reason for his mistakes, in order not to repeat them once again. Wait a little.

And maybe he was your narrowed, did not come to your city yet and does not even know himself that he should go there and meet you and exactly you and any other? God all seen: with whom, when and where we have to meet, to us well and useful.

It happens that you yourself are not ready for family life. Often girls dream of dissolving in a loved one, in the future child, forgetting about themselves, about her soul, which does not belong to anyone as soon as God. It becomes a slave of your loved ones. But from such dissolution, no one is beneficial: neither husband or child. After all, it is said: "Do not coordinate the idol", even from your own family.

It would be nice to understand: what I do wrong, because of what God does not give me a husband (wife). What is the trait of character, what passion bothers me?

Of course, it is very difficult for it to figure it out. Look for the one who helps you. First of all, these are your parents you have never listened to - listen. After all, it is their blessing solves a lot. Maybe this is your older brother or your friend. Perhaps you need to turn to an Orthodox psychologist - you will quickly understand yourself. And, of course, to the priest who knows you. Often everything opens after confession.

Believe, if you are ready for family life, if there were many men (women) around you, and they would all be completely unsuitable for you, then you still will be given to you who you deserve, and believe It will be much better than all those whom you wished yourself and chose. The Lord never mistakes.

And it happens. Sits a girl in a tiny office, working with papers. And there is nowhere to come out, except in the dining room at the lunch break. Around, too, some women work. Men go far from her cabinet. 26 years already married time. But she does not take any effort about her husband's search. Even at the disco does not go.

But one day the young man, whom she almost does not know, is woven, but people about it are only good talking about it.

How did he look at her in her camork? God knows! He suggested her to marry him. And she agreed.

So they happened. Although it was not friendly before that, only two months from submitting an application to the registry office did not meet before registration. And that's it.

And they live happily.

(All examples given in the article, from life. The characters are real, but the names are changed.)

Nadezhda Fedorovna Parenko,
psychologist, Tyumen

- Hello father! This question is what to do if God does not give me a husband, although I pray for a long time?

Well, you know what you can say? Of course, it is impossible, probably, it is pointless to give some instructions. Or telling a person: "Pray more or better", or: "Severy here, plunge into such a source." It will all be technical advice, in my opinion there are plenty, and they will look in the key of such a Magism: "Make it to be that." It is very important to understand that prayer is not an impact on God. Such a feeling of prayer was present at the pagans: "What I have to pronounce and what I have to burn or how I have to grind-clap, knock yourself on my back, so that somehow it is still to influence God, and that God gives what I want .

That is, the image of the Christian prayer is captured in the prayer of the Lord, in the prayer that Cam Christ gave the studies as the image of any Christian prayer. And these are the keywords of this prayer: "May will be your will." When we ask not just something and "Lord God", and when we say: "Let will be your will." When we appeal to God, not with a sense of hope only for ourselves, that "Lord I know for sure that I need it for sure, and where do you look, when you don't give it so long ago?", And when a person can in his prayer Assure the will of God. When a person is praying in the way: "Lord, I really want it, how do you see, do I really need it?" Or can be somehow deeper: "Here you are the Lord you are waiting for me, for what You need this (needed), what do you see my vocation in this world, what do you see the meaning of my presence in this world? And then this prayer really becomes Christian, the details of this prayer are not already important here, about marriage , about the car, about the apartment, about the profession or about anything ... But the tone of the prayer will be correct, it will be Christian. And when people from this are retreating, their prayer becomes low, incorrect. And even unfortunately among believers, this is used. The concept of what is: "It is necessary to pour out from God." And it is necessary to pour out under this, it is often not a Christian feeling of relationships with God. That I should somehow affect somehow: or a thick candle of some kind, or a significant victim for a temple or a monastery or somehow extinguishing post, or BKA to the floor, or a handkerchief on the whole head, either somehow ... Sometimes even people achieve anything with such external actions, but as practice shows, not always people, even having achieved something "pouring", (speaking of them Language) turn out to be happy. That is, it is not always the exhausted becoming a bodied.

And here, I think that every believer should understand that prayer is always a question, it is always the initial humility before the War of God, but no pressure on God. What "Lord I want this - give." I think that when the Lord does not immediately fulfill our prayer, or even as people say "does not hear", although the Lord hears any prayer since the utterly, then I think that the Lord does not fulfill our request because it is in disadvantage or For something punishes us, but because the Lord is not fulfilling, still wishes to us. As you remember, there is a very well-known case from the life of Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky. When Vladyka was still the taught, he was very fascinated, as his grandmother took off the plug-in teeth and significantly immersed them in a bowl with water. And "Little Vladyka" said that it depends on her, he said: "Lord give me the same insertion teeth like a grandmother ..." "And now" - continues the Vladyka Anthony: "I thank God that he did not fulfill my request .. . "


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All about religion and faith - "Prayer for God to send her husband" with a detailed description and photographs.

Holy Katerina, went to me nobleman ... oh, no, now 21 centuries - I went to me a husband of a millionaire sexy-intellectual handsome man! And so that love was, otherwise how without her?

And if you discard jokes to the side, then you tried to push the long-awaited family happiness? How long have prayed? Who?

Fortunately, there is someone: a prayer for marriage Nicholas the Wonderworker, a prayer for the marriage of Ksenia Moscow, a prayer for marriage Matron of Moscow, and so indefinitely. Orthodox saints do not help? Then you can try now popular overseas prayers - mantras.

If you add pilgrimage to holy places, chapels and monasteries, the blessing of the elders, as well as notes with cherished desires, stuck between the bricks of the Watch in Jerusalem, then God is simply nothing left how to send you a husband.

But, alas ... If you are reading my article now, I didn't help you prayers and monastic elders, they did not help the lined Israeli bricks and holy power. The years go, and that the only one man does not meet, the wedding is not playing, and children are not born ...

Believers will say that the prayer was not from the heart, so it was not fulfilled by your cherished desire to gain family happiness. But you know how they are wrong! Like from heart, with repentance and ascapes!

So what's the deal? Why does someone get a husband, or they think that they poured, but to the prayers of others in the Heavenly Office of the Deaf? By the way, the "speeches" is not so much, they simply speak more about them. A wonderful story is transmitted from mouth to mouth: there was one lonely, prayed, prayed and, finally, poured. And so she is happy now! The husband is in the arms of hand, and already a child wait will not wait.

Let's deal with why a miracle happens to someone. But first we need to consider the mechanism of execution of desires.

The mechanism of execution of desires

Probably, you noticed that some desires are performed as if automatically. I thought, I forgot, and I unexpectedly got. But, as a rule, these are small and not so important things. For example, they thought that it would not be bad to go to the theater, and accidentally acquaintances tweet a free ticket. Happened?

But when the desires are vital for us, then the picture is completely different.

For example, a woman dreams of love and happy marriage. But men attract married or problematic, and with those who like and would like - it does not work. Although crazy!

Why is her desire not fulfilled?

She wants! Visualizes its future family life, as advised at seminars and trainings "Happy wife and mother". It prays and believes that it will be given to her by faith, as the father teaches in the church. But nothing happens.

But the thing is that the materialization of any desire is needed energy. And the larger than the desire, the more energy is necessary for its execution.

So, what is this energy and where to take it?

Energy for the fulfillment of desires

Remember a wonderful toast from the movie "Caucasian Captive"? Let's drink to ensure that our desires coincide with our capabilities. Here is the main component for the fulfillment of desires - our capabilities. In other words, our energy resources.

Where do we take energy resources? You did not think about why someone easily conquers Everest, and someone hardly rises from the sofa to see the refrigerator?

I'll give you a good visual example now: a computer game. Imagine that you are the main character, and you need to save the world. You have some resources at your disposal. If you are in the green zone where there are a lot of resources, then you are actively moving towards the goal. In the yellow zone - you also have a chance to reach the finish. But if you are in the Red Zone - you are exhausted! Your most important task is to survive yourself, finding additional resources, and not to save the world.

Similarly occurs in life. All we have and whom we attract into our lives are due to our energy potential. We get this potential at the time of our conception.

Green, yellow, red?

You can understand your energy potential in two ways.

The first way is suitable for those who already have a certain life experience, as a rule, accumulated by 40 years. For example, you do not get a personal life. So, in the sphere of marriage and children you are in the red zone. Attract the money, the career flies to the mountain - it means here you are in the green zone.

The second way is more versatile. It does not depend on life experience and allows not only to assess the energy potential on the areas of life, but also to understand in what direction to move to move away from the dead point.

Of course, I'm talking about the birth game. After all, the map of birth or horoscope is nothing but an encrypted planets and stars, information about the energy potential of our soul.

If we now take a woman who has a personal life resource, then she has a chance to get the desired. But she needs an impetus, a certain additional energy supplement for the materialization of its desire. She is in the yellow zone, she needs feeding.

Where to take this extra energy?

The easiest way is to ask for Egrira. For example, religious. For those who do not know what Egregor is, a few simple explanations.

EGREGOR - Cash Community

Egregor is an information and energy field that creates any group of people united by a common idea. There is a constant exchange of energy between Egregor and his member. In one of the past articles, I wrote that the most valuable resource on the planet Earth is mental energy. The members of the group feed the Egregor of their mental energies, and instead of Egregor performs their physical aspirations and requests.

Religious egregors are one of the most powerful due to the number of their participants. Holy places, monasteries, candles, prayers about marriage - this is a request to get a portion of energy from the total boiler for their desires.

If your karmic luggage is not so great, you have some resources (green and yellow zones), then your desire will be: wonderful recovery, unexpected pregnancies and silent husbands are here.

But if the soul is old, many mistakes have been accumulated in past incarnations, then Egregor will never fulfill your desire. On your desire he needs to spend too much energy. Prayers about marriage, repentance, posts, holy places, expectations and worship - do not work!

You are in the red zone!

Before you 2 ways.

Path Fi: Continue to waste the last crumbs of energy on perennial recycling, empty visualization and magical rituals. Suddenly someone, healer, psychic or church, fit you with energy for a while, and you will get what you ask. But the result will not please you.

Asked, prayed for a child? Get a child with disabilities! Why? Yes, because another child you have, with your energy skew, just can not be born. You caught the universe by your desire!

The second way. He is long and difficult, but the most faithful. This is not to repeat a hundred or a thousand times super sacred prayer or mantra. This is a real internal work on changing yourself and restoring its energy balance. It is especially hard at the initial stage. Your sufferings seem endless against the background of prosperous, at first glance, acquaintances and girlfriends.

But believe me, the result is worth it!

One solar in the morning the one who you tried to pour it off for so long, he says in your door.

Here is such a village. What way to go - the choice is yours!

By the way, do not think that I am against prayers. I am for! Only "Lord, let's not give, went, coat ...", and "Lord, attendants and teaching ...".

I love you, whatever way in your life you have not chosen!

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Prayer for an ambulance meeting of the second half, a loved one

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site before starting to study information, please subscribe you to our group of VKontakte prayer for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her prayers for every day classmates. "God bless you!".

Prayer to meet the second half helps people who are tired of frivolous relationships, find real love. The reason for the absence of a mutual sincere feeling may be that a person cannot understand himself or who is near. Prayer for a meeting with a loved one will help you not only bring this event to bring it, but also to understand yourself.

Without real love, the life of even the most avid bachelor can be meaningless. Many are looking for a second half for a long time, and when they found, everything starts to collapse. Often people get tired of loneliness. It is at such moments that they are ready for everything, only to return her beloved or meet their soul mate. They can resort to petitions, conspiracies, attributes and even to magic.

Appeal to the Lord to a meeting with a loved one

Request for the help of heaven about a meeting with the second half is one of the strongest ways of influence on human destiny. In contrast to the privots, conspiracy, which zombie, deprive the will of the person and interfere with adequate behavior, the prayers do not carry any bad influence.

There will be no sin in reading this petition. By this you do not bind anyone. A request for an ambulance with my beloved, you are impact only on your destiny, but not on the fate of another person.

The conditions you need to fulfill before reading:

  • Refuse the use of petitions to holy and the Lord, if there is the slightest share of doubt that heaven will help come true.
  • Willingness is your serious relationship. Sometimes you should not rush time.
  • Thank the Most High for what is already in your life, and for which he hears you.

To the Lord send love:

"Oh, all-selling Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on that I love you all soul and with all my heart, and to fulfill you in all of your holy Will. Control the same, oh my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please you alone, for you are the creator and my God. Save me from pride and vague: mind, modesty and chastity let them decorate me. The idleness is opposed to you and gives rise to the vices, feed the hunt for hardworking and bless it. Alone the law of your law commands to live people in an honest marriage, bring me, the saint, to this, consecrated to you, the title, not to facilitate the lust of my, but for the fulfillment of your destination, for you told you: it's not good to be one and, creating He his wife in the assistant, blessed them to grow, multiplies and inhabit the land. Hear a humble prayer for my depth of the Maughty heart to you is distinguished; Give me a spouse of honestly and piety, so that we are in love with him and in consent to glorify you, the mercifulness of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer words for a meeting with a man should be sure to go from a pure heart. If you sincerely believe in what everything works out, you will definitely comprehend God's grace! You will find mutual love and create a strong family. After all, only mutual understanding, respect for support will help a person to achieve peace.

Do not forget that you need to contact the Lord not only with petitions, but also with thanks. And remember that when you find your loved one, do not forget about God.

All in your hands!

And in this video you will learn prayer for love Peter and Fevronia:

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6 Thoughts On "Prayer for an ambulance meeting of the second half, a loved one"

I read the prayer - "Oh, the Allbiz God, I know that ..." 5 times and met 5 guys do not like. And when they were executed, it seems to be instead of something, that is, the average troubles occurred. It seems like the words are good without harm, and why is executed and takes in return? Also, the guys sent do not like me, but you want to love and be loved. And yet, I do not understand why it turns out.

Hello, Lena! Maybe not fulfilled the conditions? For example, torfer time. Develop until the love of everything here, try to be filled with love and thanks, regardless of the presence of a cute person. I looked at this page, because I also dream of a friend Mil. But I have doubts, as indicated in Condition No. 1, is I ready, and whether it is worthy? Therefore, I will not solve help. This is an extreme case.

Girls, I'm alone, too, I wish everyone to find my loved ones, my dear, and the Lord will help us all

Very beautiful prayer. I believe that she will help us, girls. The main thing to believe ...

i read 10 times about my God's all-grade and nothing implied why tell me please

This is not a spell, but prayer. People read years, so believe it will help us with the Lord!

Prayer to the Lord God for her husband

Bless his work, let it bring him success and financial prosperity.

Let him get satisfaction by performing his work!

Let him respect and appreciate people!

Discover him the heart, Lord, so that everything he did coincide with your divine design.

Give him optimism, Lord, give energy and power so that he worries himself for the benefit of himself and all the society.

Help him to enjoy success and appreciate the achieved.

May each step and sigh will be sent to you, Lord!

Bless him on his way!

Help him to gain confidence and open the door of the future in front of him!

Protect him, Lord, from all enemies and unfriendly!

Fences from any ailment!

Help him grow and improve!

I pray, Lord, that I could be a decent companion my husband!

To maintain, please and inspire him to new accomplishments!

Let our union be strong and pleasing to you!

Thank you, Lord, for all you give us and indulge in the will of your holy!

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker Helping Find a good husband

If you wish to find a good husband, right now, consult a prayer help to Nikolai Wonderworker.

Wherever I look at one married men or those whom you can't call good.

Or drink, or beaten, or walk.

But not everything is so bad, my dear.

To help yourself find a good husband, it is even sometimes to read the prayer to Nicholasye to the prayer.

The more diligent you will pray, the faster the Lord will send you a good chosen one.

Before proceeding with heart moles, visit the Orthodox Church and put 3 candles to the image of Nicholas Wonderworker.

Looking at the burning flame of church candles, they say these prayer lines to ourselves:

Roman Nicholas, Wonderworker and Healer. I went to the spiritual, light, and not sinful. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen.

Digitly be baptized and leaving the temple.

Buy for home another 12 candles and the image of Nicholas.

In the cozy home setting ignite candles. Nearby put the Orthodox icon.

Mentally imagine legitimate, not a civil husband who leads you under the crown.

Let it be not beautiful, because the main thing is the beauty of the soul, and not the chargan bodies.

We begin to pray diligently, you slowly read these Orthodox lines.

Wonderworker Nikolai, Defender and Savior. Help me find a good husband, not a drinking, not walking, not walking and not sitting. Let it be not beautiful, but the heart is cute, reliable and worker, kids loving. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen.

Read this prayer when you feel that personal life will not work in any way.

There will be no instant result. Begun to pour out need.

And when the Lord God will be pleased with the Lord, you will meet in your way of a real man who will become a true spouse for many years.