How does church relate to Halloween holiday. Orthodox Church about Halloween holiday: celebrate or not

04.04.2021 Numerology

As you know, this nasty holiday approached by the West is approaching. I would like to warn all the Orthodox so that they are not tightened by chance for this obscurantism. After all, Halloween was banned by the Orthodox Church at the time of the Russian Empire. For a long time, the holiday was banned, as it has a pagan origin.

What is common with the light with dirt?
What consent between Christ and Veliar? "
(2 Cor. 6: 14-15)

The worst thing is that after the collapse of the USSR, this holiday is now increasingly cultivated in Russia and Ukraine. There is no doubt that such a tendency indicates ever-increasingly promotion of Satanism. Let's see where the roots of this "holiday" come from.

"Halloween's holiday" leads from the Celtic ritual festival Samkhai injured by the German tribes moved to Britain (Angles, Saksa and Utah) after the VI century of our era. Halloween became one of the main folk holidays in British Ireland. In the XIX century, the waves of Irish emigration brought a holiday in the United States, where he is celebrated since 1846. In the US, the holiday received special distribution due to the gay community. In the 1970s, San Francisco became a popular show of transvestites in the Gay Quarters of the city. They put on bright theatrical costumes and conducted a parade on the street district. Over time, such events began to be held everywhere, with the participation of children, or adolescents. The tradition of costume was stylized under existing images of monsters and character stories characters.

Halloween has a very rich attribute, interest in which is actively operated by modern manufacturers of goods for children (costumes, masks, candy, decorations, etc.). The desire of various companies (mainly American) to increase their profitability is largely explained by the spread of Halloween outside the United States, since in this country the market for Halloween products is already oversaturated.

One of the main attributes of the "holiday" is the "Jack lamp" in the form of a head carved from pumpkin with illumination. Eaves, balconies and household entrances are usually decorated with artificial web, spiders, volatile mice, witch, owls, cats, width meters, etc.

Halloween costumes are also based on the themes of witchcraft and its images in cinema and literature. Children, dressed in costumes and masks, go to poke sweets from homeowners, pronouncing the traditional phrase "Trick or Treat!" - "candies or life!". Especially popular outfits of witches, mages, sorcerents, vampires, dead mans, werewolves, ghosts, mermaids, fairies, elves, various night animals (cat, bat, wolf, etc.) are held parties, carnivals, accompanied by ominous, cemetery music, wolves , Wuhan owls and other sounds recorded in audio or video format. Popular posters and decomposed books depicting draracula, witches, vampires and their symbolism (aspen col, black balls, etc.).
It turns out, a new era of hellish propaganda has come. Propaganda of social occult! If you used to touch the secrets of magic, only a small part of society could, now the door handle into the world of demons is quite low enough to even a child, without much effort, could open it.

Occultism begins with sweets, bright masquerade costumes, orange lights and "harmless" casper, helplessly hanging on trees. Children's dream to join the soot and scare someone, has become unusually available! The child is no longer scared of evil! Cemeteries, skeletons, bloody zombies no longer cause a natural feeling of rejection. Everything that the years perceived, as the end of hell now causes merry. It turns out that evil may be kind, and even necessary. It is called, release adrenaline into blood. You noticed that children love to play hide and seek and at the same time scare each other with shouts? Most of the attractions offer to "risk health." You will be thrown off your heads down, twisted, let's get down with a steep slide, will be transported on a dark cave with mysterious shores and sudden croutons of Egyptian mummies, you will attack the cemetery dead. Creek, the screech is so natural at the same time, because it is for such a "pleasure" you paid!

And only growing, we understand that there is no Santa Claus, and the immortal is not so immortal. Teenager becomes bored! The search for such adrenaline is even more strengthened and here, as a magic wand, a "good holiday" Helloin comes. He brings light nostalgia by childhood and at the same time makes it possible to spend this time at all in childish.

The Russian Orthodox Church does not bless with Halloween's pagan festival in any form for a number of reasons:

1. The origin, form and essence of this "death holiday" - pagan and incompatible with faith in the Resurrection Christ - the winner of hell and death. The origins of it belong to the beliefs of the ancient Celts, who believed that the door was opened on this night and the instead of hell penetrated the Earth. By glorifying the pagan god Samkhaein (Death Lord), the ancient Celts brought him sacrifices, which will be paid to the fact that Self-Schain will allow the souls of the dead to visit their homes on this day. From here and takes the beginning of the custom, rooted in the pagan world, wander on Halloween night discharged in costumes of ghosts, witches and all sorts of other spirits, symbolizing communication with the afterlife and unclean power.

2. Halloween is a blasphemous mockery over the day of all saints and over the saints themselves: a day when the saints are remembered, Christians dress the costumes of demons that in accordance with church canons are a serious sin.

3. In addition, the very celebration of the Day of All Saints on November 1 for Orthodox Christians is unacceptable, because the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of all saints not November 1 (on this day, the memory of all saints from 835 celebrates the Western Church), and on Sunday, following The holiday of Pentecost, i.e. at the beginning of summer.

4. The whole symbolism of this holiday is unacceptable for the Orthodox Christian, because it is the substitution of Christian values \u200b\u200band representations of anti-Christian: divination, witchcraft, the personification of death and spirits evil, the pagan rites of bringing victims to evil spirits, the custom of putting a pumpkin with a terrible face Dead, as well as draws of dubious character. Associative communication between wild "Halloween" and Satanist cults is so obvious that even in the US themselves, many consider Halloween to the holiday of Satanists.

5. Halloween is a means of dehumanization and demonization of children's consciousness, introducing fashion on attributes and clothing depicting death, destruction, disharmony, poeticing cruelty. The game in demonic globility, like every game for a child, is associated with the characterization of the image of the hero. Children copy human sacrifices of Satanists, mowing over human suffering and death - it cannot pass without a trace for their mental state, nor for personal development. The withdrawal of the taboo and domestic censorship of the children's psyche for the human and especially angry psyche over death and the suffering of a person, to use even in the game form of the blood of the victims as a delicacy, acts of vandalism, etc. leads to serious mental and personal violations of the child.

At the same time, all the convictions are that Halloween and the holidays like him, despite its explicit pagan origins and idolatry essence, harmless, innocent and have no importance, thereby undermines the traditional spiritual foundations. If for any reason an Orthodox Christian was drawn into the blasphemous rites of this holiday, he must be brought before God sincere repentance for confession.

Officially registered American church Satan openly proclaimed Halloween with its main holiday. For them, the purpose of the celebration, the end of the main black essay of the year, is made by the demonstration of his worship and devotion to the devil. In addition to Satanists, he was elected his main holiday and those who in our days deliberately betray themselves in serving evil - sorcerers, witches, all-incredible restorers of ancient pagan cultures. Halloween Night For them - the time of one of the four main sabers.

Despite all this, Halloween slowly begins to become a nationwide holiday. (Why would this?) Sociologists consider the adoption by the Company of such holidays the most anxious approach of our time. In their opinion, the celebration of Halloween and the Events like him talks about the crisis of culture. People just cease to distinguish good and evil.

The traditions of this holiday, represented by harmless fun, are in fact the ancient rites of the imitation of the dead, the offer of victims of spirits, directly related to Satan. In this "comic holiday" it seems to you "rare opportunity" to feel like a demon, to act as a demon ...

True, an interesting perspective?

For believers, such words sound like betrayal. This is the betrayal of God, treason with its own culture. There are actions that can not even be done. For example, playing terrorists who seized hostages ... Also, the game in Halloween with a mandatory sacrifice of demons - there is a spiritual betrayal. Remember why children are forbidden to play with matches - you can arrange a fire, with electricity - because it can strike the current, with a knife - so that it is not cut into the lacquer.

We will pray for the conservation of the light of Christ and about the outlock of the darkness of falsehoods. Pads we are thin; Therefore, it is not wild that the lies and take the top. She now walks through the streets of the city openly, then as he had previously hid from the gaze of believers Christians.
Saint Feofan Reasanizer (1893 g).

Father Paul, very soon part of our population rushes to nightclubs, will go to the streets to celebrate the "holiday" called. That is bad, all Orthodox Christians are so well known, so I would like to talk about a friend: how to behave in that situation when part of relatives and acquaintances begins to go crazy?

I, as a parish priest, has repeatedly had to hear questions from parents of children and adolescents, who in school in one way or another draw all this; Sometimes even such an initiative comes from the school administration, from teachers. Especially the celebration is characteristic of private educational institutions. And although in schools people are studying completely different views on life, different denominations, with this, nevertheless, are completely not considered. When I studied at school, we also had bald-masquearas, carnivals, and parents should have helped their child to make some costume so that he was in it on New Year or other ball. But now special costumed parties are satisfied with the widening of masks of vampires, zombies, witches, all kinds of unclean power, and, of course, children who do not have more spiritual experience are not very understanding what is happening. Especially since they perceive all with confidence, it comes from the teacher - an adult, an authoritative person.

How to act in this case? First, it seems to me, first of all, it is necessary to figure out what we are imposed on us. Probably, many of the various sources are known that it has purely pagan roots, although it is formally called in the evening before all saints. In fact, this is a purely pagan feast of sacrifice to the Celtic Death God during the Samine Holiday. People who serve the prince of darkness, put on the masks of all sorts of terrible, depicting the dead, who returned to their homes if God was satisfied. Gradually, this pagan festival was actually replaced and displaced the memory of the festival of all the saints, celebrated by the Western Church on this day, and there was no other connection between them, except the calendar. So Halloween has nothing to do with Christianity and is a pagan holiday. And for each Christian, even formal participation in paganism, in pagan rites is a bet of Christ.

A Christian should always feel his responsibility for what is happening around him, and first of all - for his own deeds. And as stated in the Holy Scripture, the person will give an answer to the terrible court not only for the act, but even for every idle word. Especially since the action associated with the pagan cult.

The lives of martyrs are remembered for faith, which they offered formally (this is known from the protocols) to renounce the cross. They were told: "Stay Christians, bow to Christ, pray to him. I don't even need any renunciation, just lower the incense to the altar of Zeus or Artemis ... These most you will witness your reconciliation with the paganism and the law-ability to our pagan laws ... "But Christians did not go for it, they never understood that God, not even silence, and not The fact that direct participation in the pagan cult.

Here is the same: we are trying to pull us into a completely alien to us in culture and on ideology, the action, someone else's and by our national affiliation, and by religion. We, Orthodox Christians, can not participate in pagan rites. It is known that this "holiday" came out of the Irish and Celtic cults and distributed in English-speaking countries, and we need it?

Why is America he is so popular? When there is a certain phenomenon of mass madness, launion, you should always ask a question: to whom it is profitable? It is very easy to find out because there are real numbers. Every year, Halloween-related attractions give an income from $ 300 to $ 500 million, and this is only in the United States. But in other English-speaking countries, this holiday is also very common. Only in 2006, revenues from the sale of costumes, vampire masks, waswolf and other unclean in the same United States amounted to about $ 5 million. It is clear that Halloween besides completely godless, occult, the dark base has a purely commercial component, as well as. This is such a marketing move required by a certain group of persons to sell more goods and entertainment.

I would like to emphasize once again that in any case, even formal participation in paganism is always very and equivalent to treason.

But in some schools may insist in participating in Halloween and Orthodox children - together with all other classmates. What should Orthodox parents take to protect their children from this?

I think that this holiday is not completely obligatory for everyone, it has nothing to do with the education system. Therefore, you can simply evade the participation in it under some kind of pretext or directly explain with the teachers. In times, not so distant many courageous believers, they even walked on the fact that they did not agree to the entry of their children in Pioneers. Why? Because there it was necessary to bring an oath to "live, learn and fight, as the Great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches", the Red Banner to kiss, that is, too, to pass a kind of pagan rites of initiation. Some took it, they told the pioneer tie, some - persistent people - no. Everything depended on the degree of faith and personal courage. But now everything is much easier: we are free in your choice. In the current day, when the world is deeply aggressive spirituality and morality, our task is all the time in our children to educate the hardness and strength of the Spirit, to show that a Christian is a person who cannot behave like everything, to live like everything, even if no There is no condemnation to his actions. As the reverend Wronsonophogus spoke Optina: "Try to live, as God tells, and not how everyone lives, because the world is in evil lies." The world in evil lies - this is just about our time.

Every time has its own challenges. The Soviet period, for example, had some kind of morality, decency, but did its challenges - the communist, atheistic, and the task of the parents was to show children, why teachers like people would be reputable, respectable - sometimes they tell a lie and do not always obey them. I remember when I was studying at school, until the end of the 1980s was an atheist's corner. For an incomprehensible reason, he was placed in the office of chemistry, there were some atheistic books and brochophiles. Now the time of the landing, time, about which you can say with the words of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov: "It's hard in teaching - easy to fight," the time when we need to learn to resist these challenges and get used to the fact that our faith is not under any pretext should be hidden that we should not be shy. On the contrary, now we must raise children in the fact that it is completely natural - going, for example, in a cafe, pray before meals; Passing by the temple, cross on the church. That I try to teach my children. If someone laughs over for us, then this is not a complex of inferiority in us brings up, and the ability to resist, increase armor, train the power of will. Conversely, when a person floats downstream, it is weak. Who is faithful in Malom, he will be faithful, and who is not faithful in small, he will show weakness and in another situation.

And, maybe some other holiday will be offered, much worse. We do not know what awaits us in the future, "what the coming day is preparing for us," although it is still known that world history should end with great persecutions for Christians and. Maybe we will not live before that maybe our children or grandchildren will live. And our task is to raise the Warriors of Christ, and not inventious lipics, which will be tolerant to any infection.

What words to the child explain that Halloween is not just fun? And how to instill an understanding of the fact that this is alien to us the tradition?

On the Internet, in other sources is very, about its pagan, occult roots - in our time the information is very available. But if we want a child to ban something, undoubtedly, we must justify our ban. From the child just with a okhrik, and they will not achieve anything. We must talk with him as a person, as with an adult person, reasonably, reasonably. Therefore, it is necessary to collect more information and spend a conversation with Chad. I have a familiar dad - you can say the devotee of family education: he does not only have his own, but also adoptive children, a very big family. So, he regularly after dinner spends conversations in the evenings with all his numerous family: about the dangers of foul language, smoking, winepathy, etc. - and it gives its fruits. Thus, he causes such projected strikes, because he knows: the children still face it. Moreover, it is necessary to do if you already see your children some kind of manifestations. So with children need to talk, and, of course, tell them about their holidays, about their traditions.

Now we see how one ideology that had its own holidays collapsed, and people needed some other pseudo-oscillates, because "the soul wants a holiday," as the protagonist of the film V. Shukshina said. But this character, as well as modern, torn away from the spiritual roots, did not know what is a real holiday, what is genuine. And the desire of the holiday, joy, something bright, some experiences, emotions - the usual human desire. And even more so, this is craving for a children's soul. Children's holiday impressions are remembered all life. Remember, I. Schmelev, in his famous books "Summer Lord" and "Bogomol", the most joyful, memorable memories of childhood appear precisely holidays?

We, Orthodox, are happy people: we have no lack of holidays. Just need to take care of the organization of the celebrations. For example, cooperate with other parents and during the holidays to organize Christmas and Easter holidays for children at the parish, with a performance, concert, distribution of gifts. To release birds after the service. In our temple, parish kids every year must help in the Great Saturday when consecrated by Kulukhai, sing the holiday of the holiday and go with the father, collecting donations in the basket - eggs and cakes. And of course, the child should feel the atmosphere of the holiday at home. If children are interested and joyfully at home with parents, brothers, sisters and friends, they will not want to run away for some dubious school parties.

When a person comes into adulthood, which is mainly from childhood? Something is a bright, positive. Bad is forgotten - good remains. And God forbid that our children have a memory of the Night Easter Cross Procedure, about the celebration, how together went with their parents to some trip, for example, on the Golden Ring, which shrines visited, how they bathed in sources. This should remain in child memory, and not terrible ugly masks and some restlessness.

It seems to me that any normal person has all these shortens of other feelings, besides disgust, do not cause. Although, of course, some people have traction to all sorts of horrors, the world of infernal. And what it leads, another Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol described very well in his story "Viy": Homa Brutus showed curiosity, looked at Viya, although he was not looking at the inside, - and thereby opened the doors of the unclean power, which broke through the defending His barrier ... What happened next, we know. Each person has, of course, a certain thrust for the unexplored, but this attraction is completely unhealthy and unsafe.

And what examples will lead, explaining why it is impossible to wear a larva of witches, vampires, gourdalaks and just unclean power?

Sometimes we say that, of course, there are satanists, there are occultists who are completely real in all of this believe, in this exercise, serve Satan and are quite consciously are real admirers of unclean strength, and - this is just a certain show ... Like, and in America In the evil, they also do not believe. But there, in my opinion, most likely they do not think about anything: just a very powerful advertising is triggered, very powerful Halloween propaganda. But they are still connected with their roots with this holiday, unlike us. We also have some rudiments of paganism in Russia: fortune telling on the sagnes, the burning of Maslenitsa, dances on Ivan Kapahuh - and it should also be struggling with this.

So, someone can say that all this is non-serious, Ponarochka, and there is no difference, wear a vampire costume or, say, Cheburashka's costume on a matinee. However, the difference is big. We will not forget that for a child, the game and reality is always a little intertwined. For example, a colon of a child on a computer game is much easier than an adult who is mentally stronger, and for him a virtual game reality and reality, the usual always have a clear boundary. And for the child, this facet is very blurred, so it may even seriously affect in pagan rites.

I had to talk with people creative, with actors who are engaged in a hyseride. History is putting on some kind of larva, masks in order to continue to depict something, representing some kind of image. And even for these people, this does not pass without a trace. These people are unhappy in general, because, on the one hand, they are very sensitive, they stretch to faith, they even easier, maybe come to faith, to God, than people of some technical specialties, more Ultired, but the spiritual life of them is much more complicated, because they are to enter some kind of image, especially if a person is a professional actor, a reincarnation is required, and not a formal entry. One woman who used to be an actress, I told me that now she moved away from this, it took another activity because the necessary reincarnations, to bring into the image, working on the role very much prevented her spiritual life. Let's say if a person plays a Hero-lover, he sometimes needs to worry about the same passionate emotions, the love he is going to play. Some actors become just in love dependent. It's not by chance that the actors, actresses, creating a full-fledged family, a relationship for life - very, very rarity, because they constantly fall in love with one, then in another, then in the third and can no longer live without it. It happens that they flirt: playing lovers on stage, on one set, often become lovers and in life.

So even on the nervous system of an adult, with the already established psyche, his mental and spiritual, first of all, the health of the hypocrisy is very influenced. It becomes a kind of carrier of the image that embodies, especially dark. And very many believers actors refuse when they are offered to play unclean power; Among the actors are also very common, for example, prejudice to the scenes, where it is necessary to play their own death: there is an opinion that it may not end.

I repeat: a person for every idle word is not only for the idle action - is responsible before God.

Nothing passes without a trace. Anyone who watched a horror film is also under the impression of what he saw, it is then pursued by these images for a long time, are in dreams. To the effect, to rush the nerves to the person and seriously affect his mind, on his subconscious.

And personal participation in paganism, the occult, even simply formal, without any faith, can not pass in vain. People open the gate with these essences, which are depicting in which children are trying to play, putting on the larvae of demons, vampires and other unclean.

Interest in the infernal, demonic theme does not pass without a trace. In China, several horror films were prohibited, since schoolchildren began to copy the behavior of their characters. We have a group of adolescents in Russia, after watching the films about vampires, lured the girl in the forest, killed her and drank blood.

So our task as parents, as educators, be able to watch our children, with whom they communicate, what games they play and what holidays are celebrated.

Recently, in Russia, it became fashionable to celebrate the so-called Halloween or the masquerads similar to him, where the main participants of the events are of different kinds of evil spirits - vampires, witches, sorcerers, wildcraft, etc. Despite the Halloween's gaining popularity in our country, most people have no idea about its essence and history. We can remove from participation in the Halloween pagan festival. If we understand that the spiritual danger that he carries, and learn the story of this Antichristian holiday.

history of the holiday

It's believed that Halloween (Halloween, or as it is also called Hallow Evening) - a holiday, up to the traditions of ancient Celts of Ireland and Scotland. It is celebrated on October 31, on the eve of the day of all saints and traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries. But since the end of the 20th century, during the process of Americanization and globalization, the fashion for Halloween attributes also arose in most non-English-speaking European countries and in the CIS.

Hallow's holiday originated in pre-Christian times among Celtic tribes of Scotland, Ireland and Northern France. The prototype of this holiday is the Celtic Festival Samchain SAMHAIN. It is believed that in the pagan times the holiday did not have any particular importance, except for agricultural and seasonal. However, this is not quite true. Samchain (or Saunes, Samine) is the Celtic God of Death. Some researchers considered the word "Samine" taking place on behalf of Satan.

Celtic tribes lived in the ancient lands of this England and in the cold parts of France. These tribes were pagans and how all the pagans they worshiped the elements of nature, the most revered God they had the sun. Ancient Celts shared a calendar year on 2 parts - summer and winter. And each of these parts of the year had His God. With the arrival of winter, November 1 - the God of the Sun fell into captivity to Samha - it is the Lord of the Dead and Prince Darkness. Celts were also believed that the (correct) day begins with the sunset, and the mysterious doors of the dark world opened on this night, all the obstacles between our material and other worlds were eliminated, and the inhabitants of the Dark Ada fell to our land, the door between the worlds opened only on one night.

An important part of the pagan cult was the act of sacrifices of the dark forces in the service of Samha. It was believed that the souls of the dead, marveling in the world of darkness, cold and death, on the day of their visit to the world of living experiences unfortunate famous hunger. Therefore, the Celian pagans prepared the treats wandering in the darkness of the night to the spirits, because they believed that if they were not conserved by the offices, then the anger and curses of Samchahin would hit people.

In the 9th century, when Christianity spread on the territory of the UK, these pagan traditions were mixed with the Christian holiday - the Catholic Day of all saints (All Hallows Even). The Catholic Church fought for a long time with the pagan customs to scare and ensure evil spirits, so he moved the celebration of the Day of All Saints to November 1st. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe combination of Christian veneration of the saints and pagan worship of evil spirits belonged to Pope Grigory III, who thus hurts to Christianize the holiday and eradicate paganism. However, it should be noted that the Christianization of the pagan holiday Samchahin failed. In a few centuries in medieval England, he will be called "Hallowe'en" All Hallows EVE). Even later, the name is transformed into Hallowe "EN, and in the end it will become familiar already Halloween. Thus, a pagan holiday not only survived, in the minds of the people he was just merged with church. Therefore, Halloween celebration, rather, is a blasphemous mockery over saints, t. To. He does not promote the Lord Jesus Christ, as Christmas and Easter do it. Most on the contrary, the personality glorified in Halloween is the devil.

Attributes and customs

On the night of October 31 to November 1 druids - The priests of the ancient Celts - they gathered in oak groves on the tops of the hills (the Celts considered oaks with sacred trees), lit besters and brought the victims to the evil spirits to die. And in the mornings, the Druids gave people coals from their bonfires so that they roasted the foci of their homes. The fire of Druids warmed the house for a long winter and guarded the house from unclean power.

A very important attribute of this celebration is a pumpkin, namely the pumpkin head - "Jack lamp." It is a head carved from a pumpkin with backlight from the inside. What is the point lies for the tradition of jack-lantern? World Encyclopedia (1977 release, Volume 9, p. 24-26) reads: "Credit on the view of the glowing pumpkin depicting the face of Jack Lonar, is an ancient symbol of the damned soul" . There are different versions from where it is a symbol of the holiday Samene. On the one hand, the rank pumpkin is a symbol of completing the harvest from the fields, on the other - this is the symbolism of an evil spirit and fire that scares it. But still the true source of origin of tradition with pumpkins is a legend of drunken with the name Jack, who signed a deal with the devil himself. After that, Jack could not get into the paradise or in hell, and was damned on the ground until the time of a terrible court.

Also, part of the festival is "fun" TRICK-OR-Treat, which is a ritualized act of offerings by dark forces. That evening, according to the customs of the ancient Celts, the spirits put out the treats so that they do not invade the house. Animals and sacred fire are sacrificed on this night in the house.

The main topics of Halloween are death, evil, occultism and monsters. Traditional colors are black and orange.

The holiday menu must include hellish dishes and vile cocktails. You need to please all invited guests so that they do not eat the owner of the party with the hunger. It can be "chopped hands and fingers", the soup from the "Eye", "ears and nose" of the old dead Joe, as well as various drinks and desserts from "bloody hearts and poisonous amansor."

The essence of Halloween

The ancient meaning of Halloween is to establish a connection between the world to be otherworldly and our. At that night, the gate is open and in the past and to the future. Witches and demons of the keepers of these gates. It was believed that this evening all the extinces comes to life and suits his festival - Goblins, witches, evil spirits, werewolves.

The creation of this holiday was not without the influence of dark forces, otherwise where so much the attributes of death, evil and fear. It is sad that many having fun in the intricate costumes of the holiday, forgets or even knows the main essence of Halloween. Halloween perfumes this those very demons who seduce the human souls from the righteous way. This holiday is associated with sacrifices and with worship before the dark forces, because the objects of honor at Halloween events are devils, demons, witches, evil spirits, etc., constituting the "lower row" of the religious cult of serving Satan as an opponent of God. By the way, for Satanists Halloween - the most important holiday of death, directly glorifying Satan.

Therefore, celebrating the day of unclean forces, not knowing this or not perceiving seriously, we celebrate it with Satanists, because the connection between their cults and wild "Halloween's rites" is obvious. After all, for Druids, the night of spirits - the time of the death of Sunny God.

Many celebrate this holiday without thinking about his meaning and content. For some people, Halloween is another reason to meet and have fun. But flirting with unclean strength, even if they are not perceived seriously, lead from faith in a single God. Young people are mistaken, thinking that such festivities are nothing more than a fun time.

Halloween is an attempt to make friends with unclean power. This is the round of the occult, and his deftly uses the devil, inspiring people, that this is a wonderful harmless holiday, which is just fun and interesting.The most common reaction of people for whom Halloween is a holiday is a call to consider the phenomenon is neutral.

However, Halloween is not a fabulous carnival, but a completely defined oriented quasi-effective action, which is directly related to religious satanism. Halloween celebration is a hidden form of spiritual and cultural genocide.Society, convincing us that Halloween and Holidays like him, despite their explicit pagan origins and idolatry essence, harmless, innocent, and do not matter, thereby undermining our spiritual foundations, contributes to the spread of small and atheism.

It should be borne in mind that the religious culture of Satanism is largely based on primitive Magism. According to magical ideas it is believed that the human participation in a certain ritualized action changes this essence (spiritual and bodily) that this change can no longer be eliminated, "ether."With this, the "trick" of Halloween as "Holiday all holy" is connected. It is believed that man, even a deceit involved in the religious reverence of Satan (even in a "joking" form) so changes in his spiritual essence, that he will never be able to serve God, even if it does not become a "conscious" Satanist. In this way, the religious goal of Satanism, which is not to give a person to achieve religious salvation, eternal life with God (destroy the soul)anyway is achieved. The man demonstratively rejects from God (shifting the "demonskie Rogue") and, thus, can not serve God and count on life after death, even if he does not become "dedicated to" a follower of the Satan religious cult, will not perform satanist rites , participate in satanan rituals, etc. His soul will still "die", God "will not accept".

It should be noted that in a Christian understanding it is also seen as "Satan's trick", another lie - anyone in any circumstances can bring repentance for any sins, including intentional or unassigned worship of evil spirits and rely on the mercy and the forgiveness of God.

Cultivation of the holiday in Russia

The West has long been frankly promotes the ideology of Satanism, therefore Hallowvin's holiday began in the west of "good" tradition ... The most terrible thing is that this holiday is increasingly cultivated in Russia. There is no doubt that such a tendency indicates ever-increasingly promotion of Satanism.

Cultivation of this holiday among our youth is one of the methods repulsing it from the church. The presence of elements of religious content in the celebration of Halloween (a cult of death or mockery over death, the personification of death and the spirits of evil, etc.) contradicts Orthodoxy and destructively affects the mental and spiritual and moral health of young people.

Orthodox Christians should understand that by taking part in such actions, they indulge in idolatry and thereby betray our Lord and our holy faith. Moreover, handing out the treats, we do not give the sweets to innocent children, and bring sacrifice to the God of the death of Sauna, whose servants they become, wandering in the darkness to imitate the dead.

Halloween symbolizes victory over Christ, as well as other aspects of modern rock and pop culture, preaching pathological aggression.

Influence on children

Many contemporaries perceive the holiday as a cheerful event for children. But the game in demonic globility, like every game for a child, is associated with the characterization of the image of the hero. Children copy human sacrifices of Satanists, mowing over human suffering and death - it cannot pass without a trace for their mental state, nor for personal development.

According to many scientists - psychologists and psychiatrists - Halloween carries a greater danger to children. The children who took in such events often feel fear, depressed mood, aggression and tendency to suicide. All Halloween events are devastable for children and adults in psychological, pedagogical and social relations.

Halloween organizers speculate on children to fabulous, magical and unusual. None of the children in a sense reason will agree to take part in the ritual, having a relationship to Satanism, while any child will be happy to participate in a suitful colorful carnival of a joking oriental direction. Do people think in the costumes of Vurdalakov and the Gays, what and who they pay?

Rituals associated with this afternoon, since childhood, people are involved in the fact that it is necessary to give evil some tribute to reconcile with him, even cooperate - instead of fighting evil and resolutely reject it.

Church attitude to Halloween celebration

Despite the growing popularity of this holiday in Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Council of Muftis of Russia negatively belong to the celebration of Halloween and he considers it the "carnival evil".

In the countries of Eastern Europe, many representatives of the Orthodox Church are sharply against the celebration of Halloween, believing that this is the "holiday of the internal emptiness and a side sign of globalization."

However, some parishes of the Anglican Church support the holiday, considering it a part of the Christian traditions of the Day of All Saints. The cause of this is the mistakes of liberalism of the Anglican Church.

It should be emphasized that even the formal participation in paganism has always been very strictly condemned by the Church and was equivalent to treason.

Christians should not celebrate such holidays, because they give us away from God and bring closer to darkness. Halloween's "holiday" undermines the very foundations of St. Church, based on the blood of martyrs who have refused to somehow read or serve as idols. St. Church should take a strict position of opposition to such phenomena, since Christ the Savior said to us, the Lord God is judged in all our actions and beliefs and that our business can be or "for God" or "against God." No medium "neutral" path.

Bible against Halloween

What does the Bible say: " Hold against all kinds of evil and do not participate in dullness of darkness, but also give, sober, hike, because your enemy does the devil walks like a roaring lion, walks by looking for whom to absorb ".

In the figurative meaning, the word "darkness" in the Bible personifies the power of hostile to God, which, by virtue of its holiness and perfection, is light (1 in. 1: 5). Darkness serves as a symbol of the world of pagans who do not know the Lord and do not believe in it (Is. 9: 2; 60: 2). Darkness is the world of sin and worn (Is. 5:20; Mf. 6:23). Therefore, sins are darkness of darkness (Rome. 13:12; Eph. 6:12). In the world of sin, Satan owes, and the "Spirits of the Evil" represent the power of darkness (bow 22:53; Act. 26:18; Eph. 6:12). The Christian, being the son of Christ, does not belong to the darkness (Eph. 5: 4-13).

Conclusions for believers

Satan seeks to captivate a person in the world of darkness and keep it there. He is trying to enter a person in delusion and dismiss it from God (life. 3: 5). If Satan succeeds, the human mind is overshadowed and dulled by perception, and the whole person with his mind, soul and body becomes dark (Matt. 6:23.).

MIR ( in meaningThis century) is the enemy of the Christian and between friendship with the world and friendship with a deep abyss. Nothing causes such harm to the Christian as a whole as the influence of the Mira. Not only obvious sins and open disbelief plays Christ, depriving his devotees, how many love for the Mira and to Mirian pleasures. Having hitting this rock, thousands of young people constantly suffer shipwreck in faith, for they want to have everything that "this MIR" offers them.

Youth, young families and all Christians are obliged to know that the word "MIR" in the broadest understanding is spoiled and evil. Due to the hostility of the Mira to God, the plant dominates (2 Peter. 1: 4). It is impossible to be friends with the Mir and at the same time love God (Jac. 4: 4; 1 in. 2: 15-17).

Get out of the Mira completely hard. To resolve the sins of the Mira of this, it seems to be a difficult task until the essence of a person remains the same. In addition, the devil busy by his black work is always somewhere nearby. The output from the Mira requires continuous struggle and stress; He will attract the incessant internal self-denial.

When it comes to the Mir and about the MIR, then Christians should firmly know and remember that they need to follow a certain line of behavior; What they need unshakably and constantly abandon the following MIR standards regarding what is right and wrong. A Christian should not swim downstream, behave "like everything", follow the majority, imitating evil.

"This world passes", and those who hold on him and thinks only about him, will disappear with him and will be punished by eternal death. Satan seduced the whole universe. Teens and young people without fear and shame "fell down the fruit from the Tree of Prohibition." The main trouble of young people on the one hand deception and seduction, on the other - ignorance. But ignorance of sin does not exempt from the harmful consequences for the fragile human soul. "The ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility" - neither on that light, neither on this.

Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

for the Temple of the Liberal Trinity on the Sparrow Mountains

The American Halloween Holiday is gaining popularity in the post-Soviet space - the shops are filled with black and yellow decor and attributes, educational institutions hold concerts and holidays for students. What does Orthodoxy talk about Halloween?

Despite the perturbation of students of the educational and cultural sector, there is no official ban on his conduct. But many people categorically do not want to accept and maintain this festival.

Halloween: History

Does Orthodoxy speak about Halloween some opinion? Of course, but before you get acquainted with it, you should learn the story of this festival. Initially, Halloween was part of the Celtic paganism, he was only called then - Samine and was not quite a holiday.

Celtic festival Samine

Samine was a day of reference of the new year, but it was not a good holiday as today. Celts and Druids believed that this day the door was opened between the world and the world of spirits and the latter can safely visit the first. The road at the same time was opened to people to the world of perfume, but unlike those people never returned back.

As refers to non-church holidays:

Therefore, Samine was evil in the afternoon, because it was not good ghosts on the street, but real monsters. They were filled with malice and sought to harm the person as much as possible. But they could be "dropping" - to bring sacrifice. Some evidence says the Celts sometimes sacrificed even their own children.

Druids on this day lit a bonfire on a mountain, which was supposed to protect the world of people from spirits. Over the country, no one should be lit the focus, and only in the morning the Druids were distributed from the fire of the head so that people could burn the focus. This tradition is intertwined with another pagan holiday - Beltine. People were afraid of death, which performed perfumes therefore strictly observed both festivities.

The first who showed people the sinfulness of these rituals was St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It was he who preached throughout Ireland of Christ (namely Ireland was a country of the Celts) and openly spoke about sin, who went down on people after sacrifices of spirits. It is thanks to Saint Patrick that the Celts were liberated from superstitions and paganism, as well as from all terrible traditions that were accompanied by them.

The Religion of Celts is not just a beautiful story and faith in live trees, as they draw today in films and cartoons. It is terrible, bloody paganism, which poisoned people and prevented them to accept the true Savior - Jesus Christ and the Unified Lord. The whole history of Samayne's holiday or modern Halloween is based on Celtic paganism and terrible traditions.

Important! Holy Patrick offered instead of fear in front of the spirits to celebrate November 1, the day of all saints, which later approved the Catholic Church and that today for the Orthodox Christian closer than the Halloween holiday.

Saint Patrick


The most apparent and important accessory of this festival is the pumpkin lamp - "Jack lamp." It is a large pumpkin, from which the entire inside is removed, the frightened muzzle is cut and the lamp is supplied so that when it is ignited, the pumpkin becomes "head" with a frightening facial expression.

What is the meaning of Jack-lantern? In the global directory from 1977, it is possible to find such a description of this light - a harmless pumpkin with a lantern, in fact, is an ancient symbol of the soul, which was cursed.

There are three versions of such a strange attribute:

  • it was a symbol of the end of the harvest;
  • was a way to scare the evil spirit (so the face must necessarily draw the evil);
  • the last legend narrates about drunk Jack, who made a deal with the Devil. Such an act God did not forgive him and obstructed him for eternal wanderings on the ground.

No less important, and for some is the main reason for the celebration, this is a tradition to walk around the houses and sprinkle sweets, saying trick-or-treat - sweetness or joke. His true essence is the ritual of sacrifices of evil forces. Celtic beliefs said that on this day the spirits roam the earth, and so that they did not harm, they need to put a treat on the threshold of the house - the victim, usually it was a certain animal. Otherwise, the spirits will play a cruel joke - cause harm to the house.

About evil forces:

In addition to these two main attributes, all halloween is filled with symbols and attributes of death, evil and occult.

Halloween, or the so-called "Pumpkin Holiday"

Orthodoxy and Halloween

The Russian Orthodox Church has a clear opinion - it does not bless Christians to participate in Halloween holiday. Moreover, not only not to participate, but also not to support those who spend it. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The origin of this holiday, its way of holding and the essence are strictly pagan and incompatible with the principles and indices of the Christian faith.
  2. Halloween is a blasphemous mockery over the day of all saints.
  3. The venues of people in the costumes of sorcerers and monsters are unacceptable for a believer, since contradicts Scripture and church canons.
  4. The attribute of the holiday is unacceptable for the Orthodox man, since completely opposed to Christian values \u200b\u200band replaces them: magic, witchcraft, spirits, evil rites, sacrifice, evil draws. The explicit association of Halloween's holiday with paganism does not allow a real Christian to take part in this.
  5. Halloween acts as a weapon of demonization of the consciousness of children and young people, it promotes fashion on the attributes of death and witchcraft, deals with cruelty and leveals mercy and good.

The last item of this list is especially important, since children's consciousness is extremely vulnerable to information coming from outside. Children are not simply changed in evil characters, they identify themselves with them, and they have a much closer connection than an adult. That is why it would seem, merry dressing makes serious destruction of children's consciousness.

Attention! Active participation in such events leads to serious mental and personal violations.

Bible against Halloween

Any believer should relate all movements in the world with the Bible, because it is God's Word and tells people the opinion of the Lord regarding all events.

What does she talk about Halloween? Apostle Paul said:

"Hold against all kinds of evil ...".

Darkness in the Bible personifies the devil and all the power of the demonic, who oppose the Lord, who is light.

Darkness is the symbol of all worldly and pagan, all opponents of the Lord, all those who do not believe in it. Darkness is a sin, blessing, the Christian needs to run away from her. After reading the history of Halloween's celebration, didn't it become obvious to a Christian, what should be communicated with this? A Christian is the son of Christ, it does not belong to darkness (Eph. 5: 4-13).

Satan uses all the tools, the brightest, colorful things to captivate a Christian from the truth, from God. Holiday with lantern pumpkins and scary costumes is one of the tools of Satan. Do you want young people to spend the time fun than going to the temple or read God's Word? The human mind is very quickly interested in and his perception is dulled, he quickly flies to sin and completely loses touch with the Lord.

Young people should be understood that it is impossible to stand on two chairs at the same time - it is impossible to love the Lord and walk in monsters costumes through the streets. Christians must bear light and love in the world, Is it possible to do this by participating in the witches and mummy processions?

Apostle John writes that it is impossible to love the world and God at the same time. Therefore, it should be removed from all worldly.

Can Halloween celebrate. Priest Igor Silchenkov

Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov: Word about Halloween

- Father Dmitry, tell me, please, how does the church refer to Halloween holiday?

In the form we see on the streets, in some institutions - in my opinion, this is a disgusting restlessness.

- What form do you see?

People wear demons masks, all sorts of crushing, disgusting behavior - it is rather similar to all sorts of horror, rather than on the feast of all saints. This is a completely outbreak of European tradition. We have a completely different tradition in Russia. We even, when in some regions of Russia, we went to the Christmas - for Christmas, it was more cute forms, and that, the church always said that all the sacronism was completely unacceptable, when Christ came to Earth.

And it is different, as an interested person, can not be called. Why then we do not glorify the Indian God Ganesh? Would an elephant decorated, according to the Basna Ivan Andreevich Krylova - the elephant was led by a deposit. Take this holiday in India, he would walk down the street ... there is a wonderful expression - from which frost? We have something - not enough holidays? Why this is this?

I understand the commercial attack of this. People think that if it works in the West, this can be earned on this, as in Holy Valentine, let and we are here. Once this shortness I like Western Europeans, let it be swallowed and eastern. But absolutely not everyone needs to be a monkey.

- It is terrible that not only adults are taken in this shortness, but the little children are attracted.

That's it. Moreover, it was noticed that many children fall after this holiday in such states of spiritual, mental, when they need medical care. As far as I know, in Moscow it was banned by a special decree of the Ministry of Education.

- Do you think in other regions it is also worth banning?

Of course, why wait for the Great all over Russia, in my opinion, this could well do the Ministry of Education, or who is competent in this matter. But we, as always - first try everything, go out of the puddles, we will be treated from dysentery, and then we can already ban drinking from the puddles. In my opinion, this thing is obvious. It seems that those people who have trusted children lost generally common sense. What is sad.

About Halloween Pumpkin Holiday

The time has come when the society in which we live, with delight prepares for the "Holiday" Halloween (Halloween). However, not everyone knows that he represents his origin and essence and why he contradicts the teachings of the church.

Halloween's holiday appeared among the Celtic tribes of England, Ireland and Northern France (Gaul) in the Doharistian era. Being pagans, Celts believed in the birth of life from death. The beginning of the "new" year, a new life in general, they celebrated in the fall, on the night of October 31 to November 1When it started, the cold, darkness and death began. At that night, they glorified Samkai's pagan god, revered by them as a master of death.

On the eve of the "New Year's Celebration" of Druids (Celtic priests) extinguished homemade foci, lights, fires, lamps. In the evening of the next day, they lit a huge bonfire, on which the sacrifices of the prince of Darkness and death were committed. Druids believed that if Samkhain would remain satisfied with the sacrificial rewards of his faithful, he would allow his souls to visit his homes on this day. From here and takes the beginning of the custom of roaming in the pagan world to wander on the night on Halloween discharged in the costumes of bringing, witches and all sorts of other spirits, symbolizing communication with the afterlife and unclean power.

An important part of the pagan cult is also "fun" TRICK-OR-Treat, which is a ritualized act of offering to the dark forces in the service of Samkai. It was believed that the souls of the dead, marveling in the world of darkness, cold and death, on the day of their visit to the world of living experiences unfortunate famous hunger. Therefore, the Celian pagans prepared the treats wandering in the darkness of the night spirits, because they believed that if they were not conserved by the offices, then the anger and curses of Samkai would hit people.

This is what the true meaning of this pagan holiday. It is clear that the Orthodox Christian is impossible to take part in such "celebrations," because it is direct expression of idolatry, betrayal to the Lord God of our and our St. Church. Taking the participation in the ritual of the imitation of the dead, waving in the darkness of the night and facing or distributing the treats, we show the desire to enter into communicating with the dead, whose Lord is no longer Samhana, but Satan himself, the cherished who risen against the Lord God. Rotating treatments, we do not just give candy in innocent children, but the gift of the gift in memory and honor of Samka, and therefore Satans.

There are other customs related to downeen from which we should move away. For example, all kinds of fortune telling, prophecy, witchcraft and a burning or the custom of putting a pumpkin with a scary face carved on it and burning inside the candle, called "Jack O" Lantern "(Jack Lampaded). In pumpkins (and other vegetables were used in ancient times) brought "New" fire from the sacred fire, and the rhodes on a pumpkin served as dead. Such a "sacred lamp", who was burning all night, is a demonic perversion of the Holy Lampada, lit in front of the Savior and his aspirations. Even the decoration of the house with such a pumpkin with a "funny" fabric Already participation in the pagan festival of death.

The holy fathers of the early Christian church, which at that time was strictly Orthodox, tried to confront the pagan tradition of the Celts and installed the Christian holiday of all saints on the same day (in the eastern church, the commemoration of all the saints is performed on the first Sunday of Pentecost). From the holiday of all saints and the word Halloween occurs - i.e. All Hallows "Even, which means" the eve of all saints ", which over time has decreased to" Hallow E "EN." Unfortunately, according to ignorance or ignorance of people, the pagan festival, celebrated in one day with the Christian holiday of all saints (in the West), became mistaken to call Halloween.

For the efforts of the Church, overcome the pagan feast of Anti-Christian, the tuned people answered even a great manifestation of jealousy this evening. Mobile rites were made in defense and mockery of Christian worst, dressed up with skeletons in a mockery over the honor of the church of the relics of the saints, stolen crosses and even the holy gifts were used for blasphemous actions. The simplicity of the fairness turned into systematic persecution of Christians, which, by virtue of their convictions, could not take part in a festival dedicated to the prince of darkness and death.

The commitment of Western society to the pagan holiday suggests that the attempts of the Western Church replace the pagan celebration of the Christian holiday and the concepts did not have success. But why is the pagan cult, explicitly contrary to the Orthodox faith, so firmly rooted among many Christians? The reasons for all this are rooted primarily in the spiritual apathy and the lethargy of Christians who abundantly nourish barking, atheism and human beastness. Society, convincing us in the fact that Halloween and his holidays, despite its explicit pagan sources and idolatry essence, harmless, innocent and have no importance, thereby undermining our spiritual foundations, contributes to the spread of small and atheism.

Halloween's "holiday" undermines the very foundations of St. Church, based on the blood of martyrs who have refused to somehow read or serve as idols. St. Church should take a strict position of opposition to such phenomena, since Christ the Savior said to us, the Lord God is judged in all our actions and beliefs and that our business can be or "for God" or "against God." No medium "neutral" path.

Today we are witnessing the origin of the Satanian cults. On the night of November 1, the Satanian "services" are committed, there are information about the abduction and killing by the ministers of Satan of small children. Now Satanists have already begun to the ritual killing of Orthodox priests, as repeatedly happened in California ... Everywhere Satan stretches the network to catch as many innocent people as possible. Newspaper shops are full of printed material about spiritualism, supernatural phenomena, sessions, prophecies and all sorts of devices, inspired by demons. All these things serve Satan, for they proceed not from the Holy Spirit, but from the spirit of the regrettable world of this.

Bishop Alexander (Mileant)