Years of rooster on the Chinese horoscope. Rooster - Description and Characteristics

25.03.2021 Esoterics
  • From 01/22/1909 to 09.02.1910 - the year of earth (yellow) rooster;
  • From 08.02.1921 to 01/27/1922 - the year of metallic (white) rooster;
  • From 01/26/1933 to 02/12/1934 - a year of water (black) rooster;
  • From 02/13/1945 to 02/01/1946 - a year of wooden (blue) rooster;
  • From 01/31/1957 to 02/19/1958 - the year of fire (red) rooster;
  • From 02/17/1969 to 05.02.1970 - the year of earth (yellow) rooster;
  • From 05.02.1981 to 24.01.1982 - the year of the metal (white) rooster;
  • From 01/23/1993 to 09.02.1994 - a year of water (black) rooster;
  • From 09.02.2005 to January 28, 2006 - the year of the wooden (blue) rooster;
  • From 01/28/2017 to 02/15/2018 - the year of fire (red) rooster;
  • From 02/13/2029 to 02.02.2030 - the year of earth (yellow) rooster;
  • From 01.02.2041 to 20.01.2042 - the year of the metal (white) rooster.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Capricorn.

Strengths of character

The man born a year of the rooster on the Eastern Horoscope has a volitional character and is not lost under any circumstances. He loves accuracy in all, so it quickly makes decisions without unnecessary oscillations. For these qualities, the roosters are very valued by less decisive people associated with him related, friendship or work. Responsibility This person is not afraid, and in addition, it is very often participating in solving problems created by not by him.

The rooster is not amenable to someone else's influence and is able to defend his own point of view to the latter, especially when he feels that rights. It is fundamental and does not suffer injustice, so does not claim someone else and does not infringe the interests of those who are not so strong in spirit. One of the main qualities of its characteristics is a nobility based on compassion and sympathy for those who trust him.

Weaknesses of character

As mentioned above, the rooster is confident and reaches the target due to the power of character. The main problem of this sign is that these quality of nature borders with reference and the tendency to act thoughtlessly. The rooster often goes on the planned course to slip, and if suddenly changed circumstances somehow violate his plans, he flows into anger.

To restrain your emotions to this person too hard. If he has time to think about the current position, it may be cool and does not block firewood, but if there is no time, the situation can get out of control. It is not happy to quickly addness, so he often regrets spoiled relationships when it's too late to correct anything.

Another weakness is the paddiness to flatter. For the rooster it is important to be irresistible outwardly, interesting in a conversation, inimitable in creativity or in its field of activity. Due to compliments, many people enjoy its capabilities and benefit from communicating with him. Rooster Nacking, and lies from the truth distinguishes, but, nevertheless, distracts, loses his vigilance, and with all its organization, it can even become a victim of fraudsters acting on the most primitive scheme.

In love

In the love relationship, the rooster loves to dominate, so he manifests the initiative to approach the one who is sympathetic to him. This person does not tolerate indifferent relationships, so long to achieve that, from whose party does not see a response interest, he will not. For the representative of this sign it is very important to be loved and desirable, so if he has to choose between whom he loves, and those who love him, in priority will be the second option. The rooster may not even feel strong feelings for his partner, but his infinite dedication will be very appreciated by his own person. Most often, in this way, he suits his personal life.

Rooster like interesting and bright people, but he himself wants to be even more interesting and brighter to be in the first place, and it is better not to interfere with this. The one he loves must like himself first of all, and not his surrounding, and even more so, the crowd. Rooster jealous, and if you call it out, it may be very aggressive.

The rooster is able to extend the unprecedented generosity towards his beloved person, sink his gifts and do everything so that he does not need anything. However, a man born in the year of the rooster makes it for the most part for himself to feel successful and even in some extent almighty. Nevertheless, it is nice to both that it undoubtedly gives a positive charge and impresses with positive emotions to the relationship of this pair.

In a career

Rooster - executive worker and by nature is a perfectionist. Everything, for which he takes, must be performed on perfectly, and does it, first of all at his own request. The cock throughout his life proves not only the surrounding, but also to himself that he is the best, therefore it applies to his session with some fanaticism. Seeing the zeal of this man, the bosses promotes it through the career ladder, sometimes even having no documentary basis. The rooster can be a leader who did not have time to defend a diploma of higher education, which often dismisses the misinterpretative office clerks with an unenviable characteristic, which decades cannot move from their base.

If he is a leader, then responsible and demanding. The rooster can take under his guardian of a young and inexperienced employee, in which he sees the sparkle of the talent and the tendency to non-standard thinking, and maybe in five minutes to overclock the well-established working team from which there is no sense. As a rule, the measures taken by them bring real benefits or a company, for whose blessing it works.

Man cock

Bright, charming, and incredibly sexual - such qualities have a typical representative of this sign. He always has a crowd of fans who want to share their destiny with him and ready to bring their own interests for this sacrificing. It will be unfair to teach that a man rooster actively uses this.

Youth of this guy is saturated with events, so he is in no hurry to part with freedom. Most girls and women in his life are beautiful and are relaxed, but novels are rarely long. The fact is that initially a man cock draws attention to the appearance, and if the representative of the opposite sex aroused his interest, he without thinking does everything to ensure that the relationship was raised as soon as possible. In the process, it may not justify his hopes, because no less interesting content is far behind the bright wrapper.

For family life, he will choose an intelligent and active woman who follows his appearance and knowing beautifully behaving in society. He should become the only man for her, which means that all the friends of the opposite sex, who were in her life before marriage, are simply obliged to move aside. At the same time, he allows him not only flirting, but also the intrigues on the side, believing what has the right to it. If the wife is ready to close her eyes, marriage can become strong and friendly.

Woman cock

A woman born in the year of the rooster can generally be described as a multifaceted personality. She has a personal life, numerous girlfriends, work and a lot of hobbies, and nothing remainsless. With all the deeds, it copes quickly, the problems decide so that the question is forever closed, and not just postponed for later. It is easily focused in any society and in any space, everywhere finds allies and friends in interest, and sometimes with their surroundings can surprise the closest people. Woman rooster communicates with everyone, regardless of gender, social status and type of temperament. If a person is at least a little interesting to her, she will find time on him and will do everything in order not to lose touch with him.

In relations with men, she behaves relaxed. If she likes a new acquaintance, she may well take the first step towards his happiness. You can conquer it in only one way - to make it understand that it became for the one who is interested in it, the center of the Universe, and for her, he is ready for everything.

Coming out married, the female rooster continues to lead an active lifestyle. In the ordinary housewife, it will not turn under any circumstances, the old ties do not break, even if they annoy her spouse, and do not stop watching themselves. In an amazing way, she will have a comfort in the house, the studied children, career growth and a husband who will not lose interest in it despite the solid experience of family life, so that his ability to manage to manage to learn everywhere.

Rooster on the Eastern Horoscope - Sign Characteristics

Let's find out what the character of a man will be, whose sign on the Eastern Horoscope is a rooster! Male cock - all the details will tell the horoscope.gur!

Man Rooster - beautiful and attractive

Roosters are very attractive and extraordinary. They dressed perfectly, well-groomed, are gallant, they know how to sue themselves, the body is kept in excellent shape. Adjust to be the center of attention and entertain society with their wit! As a rule, everything around the rooster is delighted - he also knows what to say to everyone like. And he spreads around himself a huge amount of magnetism, constantly attracting and waving people around! That's just a personal life of it is still too sturgee: the rooster cannot create a happy family in his youth, only to maturity he appears forces and abilities to become happy in his personal life.

Character features

Petukhu need to be in sight and in the spotlight, constantly exchanged by energies. But if you forget about such a man, he simply falls into depression! By the way, the rooster is sure that he is in all right, so it is useless to argue with him: he says out loud that he wants, and will never take care of other people's feelings. It does not tolerate critics in your address, and with others it speaks frankly and immediately. For its apparent self-liberty, deep complexes are always hidden. Let it be very well hidden!

The rooster is very well-read, formed, organized and neat. He is very proud of himself, is always attentive to detail and loves to observe everything. To him regularly appeal for advice! And the cock is very gullible, even childish naive. It's easy to deceive it, and where, where he can't command, the rooster simply begins apathy. Sometimes it is considered to be a bureaucrat: too often reinsured. For all the love for the command of the will, he lacks him, he does not believe his strength, and constantly jumps between uncertainty in himself and understated self-esteem, while doubting it loses his life energy, and this leads to failures ...

Career and Finance

As a rule, men in the year, men work a lot, constantly striving to do more than they can. Very active, active, purposeful, they perfectly understand that without difficulty with the sky do not fall. So gradually, on the grain, wink wealth! It is never risking in a large one, besides, it often spends everything that earns without a residue. Traditionally, they pass from poverty to wealth, from terrible family relationships to perfect love! But the old age in the rooster is usually prosperous and secured!

1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993 and 2005, 2017 year of birth

Chinese rooster name: Ji.
Tenth Sign of the Chinese Zodiac
Time of day under the control of the rooster: 17:00 - 19:00
The corresponding sign of the Western Zodiac:

Positive traits:
Cock - A devotee, noble, honest, caring and colorful, has many artistic talents.

Negative qualities:
Rooster - hot-tempered, surface, vain, tactless.

Recommendations for the choice of profession:
Man born in year of Petush Could be a good judge, a police officer, a politician, an entrepreneur, correspondent or artist, or even an outstanding singer. The main features of the rooster:
Cock - bright sunny sign, Song Petushforesaw dawn. He also personifies the hero, the keeper and the defender of life - you can see his image on the roofs of many houses. how CockYou are forever guard, look down, on people, and carefully pepper in the horizon. At night, you accelerate the ghosts - the army of the Forces of Darkness. Cock- The embodiment of the forces of youth, hopes and purity.

Childhood, youth and mature years of the roosterfull problems. Your life consists of solid takeoffs and falls. True, thanks to such contrasts, you will learn to understand the greatest joy and endless suffering. At times you will be rich, sometimes poor. One day you are surrounded by good friends, and tomorrow you are again alone. But as soon as you can easily gain emotional stability, as soon as you choose a profession, "your life will become much calmer. In any case, your old age will be cloudless and joyful.

Women born in the year of the rooster, Do not suffer from lack of charm. In the youngest years you are "driven by the nose" literally crowds of the riders. There is no need to worry about the future: you are judicial and almost always you can find a person who is also talented, and can be contacted your future family. To family life, you treat wisely and with humor. Female cock Friendly, sociable and very active in life. True, do not get along with her for everyone: you are roaringly protect your freedom and do not suffer any interference in your life.

People born in the year of the rooster,success will succeed in any profession that requires self-confidence, audacity and talent. You have the gift of conviction, with the help of your mind and professionalism you are able to persuade anyone. You feel comfort and safety, so you are all forces to seek high-paying and honorable work. But for daily routine and subordinate position you treat dislike. In any case, you will work only where you like it. Your life will never be boring and ordinary. Show a little patience - and you will definitely become rich and famous.

You are resolute and have sufficient intuition to follow what is happening around. Your life plans and goals are very realistic; With this approach, you can achieve a lot.

\u003e Year of Petush

Persons who were born in the year of the rooster, in their nature are aggressive and straightforward. These are sharp, not put by the framework of expressions and actions. Always say what they think. However, this behavior is just a mask.

Year of the Rooster: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033.

Year of the Rooster

Thanks to the table below, you will be able to find out when there will be a year of the rooster and in what numbers, in the power of which element it will be and what year will be next after the bull.

date Element
January 22, 1909 - February 9, 1910 Earthy cock
February 8, 1921 - January 27, 1922 Metal rooster
January 26, 1933 - February 13, 1934 Water rooster
February 13, 1945 - February 1, 1946 Wooden rooster
January 31, 1957 - 17 February 1958 Fire cock
February 17, 1969 - February 5, 1970 Earthy cock
February 5, 1981 - January 24, 1982 Metal rooster
January 23, 1993 - February 9, 1994 Water rooster
February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006 Wooden rooster
January 28, 2017 - February 15, 2018 Fire cock
February 13, 2029 - February 2 2030 Earthy cock

Now you know for what ages the year of the rooster comes and you can answer 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, someone or what animal on the Eastern calendar.

Petuha characteristic

What brings good luck:

  • Happy figures: 5, 7, 8 and numbers containing them
  • Happy days: 4th and 26th Chickens of the Lunar Month
  • Happy colors: Golden, Brown, Yellow
  • Happy flowers: Gladiolus, rooster comb
  • Happy sides of the world: south, southeast
  • Happy months: 2nd, 5th and 11th months of the lunar calendar

What fails:

  • Unlucky color: red
  • Unfortunate numbers: 1, 3 and 9
  • Unfortunate side of light: East
  • Unhappy months:3rd, 9th and 12th months of the lunar calendar

The rooster is inclined to embellish everything, especially if we are talking about your own talents and advantages. These are practical and self-confident personality. Telling conservative thinking and are configured to surround themselves with the best things.

By nature, the sign refers to perfectionists, which is why mercilessly criticizes everyone and everyone. This person knows its price and does not hesitate to declare this publicly. He loves to compete and always seeks to take a leading position. Losses are experiencing hard and offended if he does not receive a well-deserved praise.

This is a jealous pedant, which is extremely difficult to inhibit changes and novelty. The rooster is difficult hardworking, which allows him to become an excellent breadwinner providing the whole family. It looks attractive, watches fashion and attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

Positive traits character

It is not afraid of difficulties and competition, knows how to pushed elbows and adores any manifestation of rivalry. An attempt to become a winner allows him to take high positions on the career ladder, in sports competitions, as well as in a romantic plan. This is a jealous man and the owner, who considers the "his" family members, friends and a loved one. Enterprise and ambition make it popular in society.

Negative character traits

Before us, great critics, egoers and vain people, who sometimes in a conversation can behave extremely tactless. The rooster does not notice when it behaves too straightforward, because of which it is capable completely accidentally breaking someone else's mystery. Some signs of the sign in love behave too clamped.

The year of the rooster causes all the signs of the Eastern Horoscope to behave more noarly. It is necessary to adhere to the rules, follow the letter of the law, remain in the usual place. You can also get acquainted with new people and expand the scope of activity. Rat, dragon, rooster, pig and horses will be lucky to live a favorable period. Also lucky bull, dog, goat and monkey. But the tiger, snake and rabbit will have to lie.

Famous people

The year of the rooster was the date of birth for Catherine II, Natalie Portman, Richard Wagner, Nielsa Bora, Nero, Johann Strauss, Yuri Nikulina, Justin Timberlake and Giuseppe Verdi.

Petech characteristic by the elements

Year of black (blue) water rooster

Merry and hardworking man. Somehow combines love of parties and glory with the desire as much time as possible to spend in a family circle. Usually remains calm, but it comes out if faced with household problems. Any failures and losses hit the self-esteem and even negatively affect the appearance (for example, tidy and posture). It is always fun and interesting with him, because he knows how to find a positive side in any situation.

Green Wooden Rooster

This is the most balanced, discreet and calm sign among all Petush representatives. Able to stay in society. However, this is an incredibly stubborn person, ready to defend his own opinion to the last, so not every person withstands his company and becomes a friend. But this is a big mistake, because we are faithful friend and partner. High level of intelligence and rationality allow you to achieve a high material position.

Yellow Earth Rooster

In this rooster a lot of self-confidence, but all this is supported by real merit. Aware of its own importance, but does not go down to small disputes and empty boasting. He is experiencing strong love and respect for the native home and family members. These are conservative patriots that do not accept changes. He loves to cook, disassembled in fashion and pursues materialistic goals.

Year of white metal rooster

These are the greatest pedants among all the roosters. Do not rush to enter into a serious relationship and give up the marriage bonds for a long time. He has to be very laid out to move through the career staircase and get acquainted with the right people. However, luck on his side thanks to the enterprise and hardworking. This is a wonderful and ingenious lover. Sometimes too much chats on extra topics, but a great reputation is fixed behind it.

Year of the Red Fiery Rooster

This sign is least among all roosters inclined in pedantry and puritan behavior. We are cheerful and easy to communicate personality, quickly adapting to any new conditions. The truth can be too frivolous, but remain faithful to the family and a loved one. Prefers to discuss disagreements, not rolling into disputes. These are beautiful lovers and wonderful interlocutors.

Compatibility of the rooster with other signs

We bring to your attention a unique service with which you can check your compatibility on the Eastern calendar:

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog CabAN

Choose other signs

The overall compatibility of the rooster without specifying the floor is below.

Rooster and rat.

Unwanted union. These people have a lot in common, but there are even more differences. Despite the fact that they are both ambitious, charm and cunning inherent in the rat, are not combined with irresistible and magnetism of the rooster. The relationship between them will end with poverty and discord, which will cause a breaking of relationships. Friendly relationship between these signs is also impossible because of the strange sympathy of each other. In business, both will drag the blanket, but there will be no common income.

Rooster and bull

Very good union. However, we should consider the weaknesses of each other. A rooster, characterized by his vanity, must stop his manner to issue decrees at home, then everything will be good. They will also come out inseparable devotees. But the joint business is still not worth starting. The fact is that the bull is a true working that a rooster who does not have such qualities will be an unsuccessful assistant.

Rooster and tiger

This union is destroyed by a carriage and selfishness, since both signs love only to take, preferably more, and give much less. Tigra does not like the character of the rooster in terms of boasting and noise. He also does not notice in the rooster even his good features, and after a while it starts frankly unfair to treat his half. Friendship either will not come out either, as they are completely lacking understanding of each other. Any working bonds are inappropriate.

Rooster and rabbit

Unsuccessful union. Although they are similar, complementing each other at various points. The rabbit falls depressed from any "focus" from the rooster. Friendly relations between them are very relative. In business, the rooster will be beneficial for the rabbit one-way. It must be taken into account the rooster.

Rooster and dragon

This tandem takes place only with sincere mutual love, if you want both to create a family. And that, and another ambitious. The best way to consolidate this union is the presence of a high-position dragon in society and cash wealth, which the rooster would have the opportunity to use. Friendly relationships are attached only to the sympathy of each other and the money of the dragon. In business relations, the main condition is the mainstream of the dragon. Great achievements can be in the public activity industry, where they appear together and each separately.

Rooster and snake

These people perfectly fill each other, both in the love area and in family life. When the rooster judges everything only in appearance, the snake draws attention to the inner world of man. It may seem that these people do not bind anything, but they are perfectly found a common language. Of these, open friends are obtained. But working relationships are very relative, since there is a risk to break everything because of long friendly conversations.

Rooster and horse

Unsuccessful union. But if these people are already together, their tandem will save frequent separations, consisting in departures at work, business trips. Of these, there will be more comrades than friends found only in secular meetings and dances. In business, they are not better to cooperate, as the rooster clearly cannot rely and does not trust the horse, and the horse, at one time, is angry that the rooster does nothing.

Rooster and goat

Difficult tandem. Everyone in it seeks to their goals, thereby killing mutual feelings. In the case when each of them would see the positive qualities of his partner, began to appreciate and protect it, then they may have been able to be a pair. Friends of them will not come out due to many "oddities" in the nature of the rooster, including in many matters not understanding the goat. Their business does not work on the above reasons.

Rooster and monkey

Strong family they do not see. Living together, the rooster will not feel happy, and the monkey will be unhappy. Friendship is impossible on both sides. In the work of the monkey will always leave the fools of the unfortunate rooster.

Rooster and rooster

This Union is impossible! Endless family disassembly will continue until the break of the relationship. They don't have friends, as they will swear all the time. The business will fall apart, did not have time to start trying.

Rooster and dog

In this union, nothing good will be observed. The dog hates a rooster for his endless hype. They will not come out of any friendship or business.

Rooster and pig

These people are definitely not combined with each other. In the roostech, the vividly expressed energy and strength, courage and aggression, while pigs are zealous to justice and sensuality. Friends they will never be. They better be at a distance of each other. Worklines will cease due to complete distrust.

Select a symbol to always be aware when this year comes.