Patriarch Kirill is true that he is a Jew. Where do the legs grow from: Patriarch Kirill is a halachic Jew! The application of St. Basil Christ for the sake of the holy fool

08.12.2019 Divination

Endless, ugly
  In the muddy month of the game
  The demons spun different
  Like leaves in November ...
  Swarm of demons rush after swarm
  In unlimited heights
  Screeching and howling
  Tearing my heart apart ...
  (A.S. Pushkin. Demons)

The public outcry around the chain of high-profile scandals associated with the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill is rapidly gaining momentum.

The scandal’s development model is the same as the pre-election “fight” against Putin - the “opposition” trolls the object toughly without any hope of a positive resolution of issues, and the “guards” strictly adhere to the well-established doctrine of “piss in the eyes - all of God's dew” .

The only difference is that the opposing "fronts" are more blurred, and the tragedy is increasingly reminiscent of cheap farce ...

What is the essence of the conflict, how is it dangerous for the Church and secular society, and what is the role of Patriarch Kirill in it?

First, let us designate its sides, which are by no means two, and, accordingly, each side has its own position in the conflict. For example, in secular society there are at least two positions (expectantly pragmatic and radical), and in church society the number of positions is also not limited to one - among believers there are both supporters of His Holiness Father Cyril and his opponents.

The position of secular pragmatists is that they do not separate the current church hierarchs from power and believe that Patriarch Kirill is a little more than Putin’s protege and, accordingly, the fight against the patriarch does not make any sense - Putin will disappear and His Holiness His Holiness will disappear immediately Patriarch Kirill: will deny "due to illness"; suddenly dies, struck by a mysterious ailment, like Alexy II or will be cut off and dump somewhere in America, as the business partner of Cyril, bishop Victor (Pyankov), now living as a private person in the USA ... And vice versa, while Putin is in power, everything It will be normal with the Patriarch, and all attacks on him will bring no more sense than peas on the wall.

The position of secular radicals is based mainly on the fact that they see in the actions of the current Russian Orthodox Church a direct threat to the Constitution (where it is stated in Article 14 that the Russian Federation is a secular state, all religions are equal before the law and no religion can be established as a state or mandatory) and the growing interference of the Church in their personal lives.

Among believers, too, there is no single position. Some, recalling that the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church is a monk who, according to the charter of Vasily the Great in accordance with the 6th rule of the Two-time Council and the charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, are not entitled to own any property, transferring only personal property by inheritance, i.e. personal items, household goods (Clause 14 of Chap. 4 of the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church) are perplexed by the money-grubbing of the Holy Father, reflected, for example, in documents for a "bad apartment." Others are indignant at the fact that Patriarch Kirill turns the church into a laughing stock, condemning the Patriarch’s "love" for business, and demanding the Moscow Patriarchate to completely abandon Sergianism - a policy of unlimited church adaptation and conformism that guarantees the preservation of legal church administration even during the reign of Antichrist.

However, the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church and the opinion of the majority of believers (especially fanatical neophytes) is that all the scandals are an “information war of the West” against the Church, initiated by “fake stuffing” and “dirty PR technologies” (in particular, Berezovsky’s machinations are mentioned). And what kind of lies and slander against the Patriarch, those responsible must answer.

It is noteworthy that in the current Church, almost everyone recognizes the authority of Patriarch Kirill: liberals, conservatives, modernists, and orthodoxes. And to all his “mistakes” they always find the “highest” excuses: for example, his passion for business, which once shocked the whole church community, is now declared the only way to preserve the independence of the Church in the context of building a tough “power vertical” that seeks to embrace and subjugate all the social institutions of modern Russia.

We note right away that the image of Patriarch Kirill has always been very contradictory, so it is impossible to choose any one paint for him. He is either a zealous ecumenist, or a notorious fighter with globalization; either a liberal Westerner, or a leavened patriot-soilman; then a supporter of the oligarchs, then the confessor of the "siloviks."

Moreover, Cyril’s inconsistency is not the result of his intellect, complex nature or worldview features. Of course, Cyril is a fairly strong intellectual and has a remarkable mind - we recall at least the facts that in five years he graduated from the eight-year course of seminary and academy and at 27 became the rector of the Leningrad Theological Academy - the youngest in the entire 200-year history of this educational institutions. At the age of 29, Cyril became the bishop of Vyborg, although according to Orthodox canons, even the priesthood can be obtained only at 30.

However, several historical epochs of lies and hypocrisy in which his life passed, undoubtedly influenced this bright and strong personality, making Cyril the most controversial and scandalous figure in the Russian Orthodox Church of the late XX - early XXI centuries.

Our service is both dangerous and difficult ...

We note that there are many convincing arguments in favor of the pragmatic secular position and the inextricable connection of Patriarch Kirill with Putin.
  So, for example, from the age of 30, the future Patriarch holds many various posts in international religious organizations. What kind of confidence did a young man have to enjoy in the mid-Brezhnev 70s in order to reach such heights and constantly go abroad and even to capitalist countries?

The parliamentary commission of Yakunin-Ponomarev had already once published the reports of Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev to the KGB, signed with the pseudonym Mikhailov (the then Bishop Kirill took the name of his father, Father Mikhail, as an agent "nickname").

Later, Cyril’s close-knit business team included a former KGB general who personally led a number of affiliated commercial structures. Even in the distant 90s, those who were “lucky” to get into the business units of the Russian Orthodox Church had an indelible impression on the situation - computers with licensed software, self-locking doors with key cards even in toilets, short-haired employees in identical jackets ... No, now it’s possible it would not seem out of the ordinary, but in those years it made a shocking impression.

Cyril even tried to create his own influential media, but Free People’s Television, which claimed a 11-decimeter channel in Moscow, owing a lot of money, sunk into oblivion, without appearing on the air, and the very poorly working Orthodox Informational Television Agency , which released the Word of the Shepherd program on Saturdays (and distributed it on videotapes), did not make the proper impression. Moreover, the church authorities, far from television, spent insane funds on the coverage of church events on the one hand, and on the other hand, delayed the salaries of their employees (and some performers simply threw them).

However, the position of secular pragmatists in the part that Putin is the main in this "tandem" seems naive. For it is still unknown who is the most important and influential in the same "bodies" - Putin or Gundyaev. Compare at least their biographies. Who is Putin? At school, he was a middle peasant, he was accepted to the university through a sports line (although he was also a middle peasant in sports and did not achieve anything outstanding), he was fired from the KGB “by reduction,” that is, he was not a particularly valuable employee there, etc. And compare this with the brilliant biography of Gunlyaev - both in intellectual and in career meanings. Therefore, it is still unknown who is in charge of them, even according to the "organs".

And in this sense, the position of secular radicals is closer to the truth. After all, KGB personnel were always sure that laws and other boltology were not for them. It is for the general population that there are some formalities, and a real state security officer is always at war, and in war there are enemies around: obvious, secret and potential. Therefore, peacetime laws, of course, do not apply, but are applied only when necessary, and very selectively.

It is only naive citizens who seriously believe that the System exists to maintain the rule of law and that laws are supposedly something that everyone must implicitly observe. People "admitted" have long been aware that everything is exactly the opposite, and that these laws exist to maintain a system that applies them as necessary, as a tool that is required only where and when its use is more effective than others methods of influence and only to those whom the System chooses to kill.

And now look at all the latest scandals in this vein: that with the Pussy Riot campaign, that with the “bad apartment”, the approaches are the same - a formal detachment from solving the problem with the actual demonstration of the church’s ability to use administrative resources, including power.

Moreover, secular radicals are also right in their fear that, contrary to the Constitution, the intervention of the Church in their personal lives will only increase. The ideological justification for this expansion is the doctrine of “Orthodox by birth” developed by Cyril, which allegedly includes 85-90% of the Russian population. The essence of the theory is that a person may not go to church, disbelieve in God and be unbaptized, but since he is Russian or even if he was just born in an “Orthodox cultural environment”, he is “Orthodox by birth” regardless of his beliefs and he won’t get anywhere from this!

From this materialistic, genetic-demographic doctrine, the inevitable conclusion follows, proclaimed by His Holiness Father Cyril, when he was still Metropolitan: "We must generally forget this common term:" a multi-confessional country. " Russia is an Orthodox country with national and religious minorities. ” What does the Constitution say? Forget it ...

And in this sense, the materialist doctrine of Patriarch Kirill echoes the doctrine of “priesthood above the kingdom,” which Patriarch Nikon preached to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Accordingly, everything further is obvious - the Russian state should be based on the Russian Orthodox Church, and its head should become the co-governor of the state (and the resources behind it). Earlier, the Russian Orthodox Church kept relative neutrality on this issue, but now, with the return of Putin to the presidency, she will try to implement her plans (including regarding restitution). All the talk that the Patriarch and secular power begin rapprochement is connected with this. The implementation of these plans, especially considering that the Church is now completely economically independent of the state, will lead to the fact that the state system will depend not so much on “royal will” as on following the latter in line with the requirements of the Church. And such a “world order” will not be able to change only from the change of the “king,” so any efforts to change domestic politics by replacing the president will prove futile if there is such a “tandem”. Perhaps that is why those of the "opposition" who understood this are now actively opposing Patriarch Kirill.

Coercion to charity

The history of Vladimir Gundyaev’s acquaintance with Lidia Mikhailovna Leonova, a pretty daughter of the cook of the Leningrad Regional Party Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, has never been included in any of the official biographies of Patriarch Kirill, although for the past 30 years they have been connected by the warmest relations that, incidentally, gave rise to some Western journalists, are bad versed in Orthodox canons, call Vladyka Cyril “an exemplary family man”. They say that now at the home address of Lydia Mikhailovna in Smolensk (where Patriarch Kirill was the diocesan bishop), a number of commercial enterprises are registered in one way or another connected with the business of the Patriarch himself. Officially, Patriarch Kirill calls Leonov his “second cousin,” supporters of the patriarch call her “a sincerely believing Orthodox Christian, living a nun in the world,” and it is one of today's high-profile scandals connected with a “bad apartment.”

Leaving aside the details of this scandal and the search for the guilty parties (those who wish themselves can familiarize themselves with this case according to the court documents), we only note the characteristic features of this event.

Firstly, it is unsightly in this event that the conflict broke out between the two priests of the Orthodox Church - one deceased from worldly life, His Holiness the schemer, His Holiness Father Kirill (Gundyaev), requires another of the same schema of Father George (Shevchenko), forcing the latter to charity (the Holy Father has already managed to hypocritically declare that he will spend money not only on apartment renovation, but also on charity).

Data on the owners of apartments is publicly available in cadastral books and statements of various kinds. Yuri Leonidovich Shevchenko is a former colonel general of the medical service and a brilliant cardiac surgeon. He was the chief cardiac surgeon of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, then he headed the regional cardiac surgery center, and later became the Minister of Health of Russia. However, the period of ministerial activity of Yuri Leonidovich was overshadowed by various public scandals. But relatively recently, he graduated from the Tashkent seminary and was ordained a priest. Now he is terminally ill. Oncology.

Secondly, this case has already taken such an anecdotal form that it is it that is being discussed, and not the content of the conflict. It is possible that during the repair there were some irregularities, and the facts noted in the documents that “all the ventilation ducts were demolished in different places”, and “all openings of the ventilation ducts in different places were sewn up with drywall” really took place. However, firstly, why these claims were not presented to the construction organization that carried out the repairs (after all, it is usually she who is responsible for all the damage caused during the repair), and secondly, all the following overshadowed the actual part of the conflict.

Judge for yourself: the lawsuit abounds with such enchanting terms as “ property cleaning", Rental costs" similar in utility»Apartments for a period from the time of the damage to the end of all work related to the repair, etc.

But the most anecdotal accusation is that in the process of “dust analyzes” were “identified nanoparticleswhich, with possible prolonged contact with a person, can have a negative effect on health, causing diseases, including oncological ones. ”

Note that these permissions to say “research” were carried out by the “Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after I.S. Kurnakov, ”which was named in the court’s conclusion“ the parent organization of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Materials ”. It is noteworthy that dust research was carried out by "leading specialists" of this institute: Alikhanyan, Doctor of Chemistry Zh.V. Dobrokhotova, Ph.D. I.Yu. Pinus and Ph.D. VC. Ivanov, but at the same time, SiO2 in official custody is called "aluminum dioxide." And it was especially enchanting in the conclusion that “the study of the local chemical composition of nanoparticles was performed on an electron microscope, presented in Russia in a single copy”.

In general, the list of equipment and analyzes of banal dust amazes the imagination of even a sophisticated reader: methods such as scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction with determination of the phase composition of the substance, mass spectral analysis with determination of elemental analysis of all samples, and differential scanning were used for physical and chemical examination calorimetry with analysis of gaseous decomposition products. X-ray phase, thermogravimetric and elemental analyzes were carried out, a unique diffractometer, a CarlZeissNVision 40 electron microscope equipped with an Oxford Instruments detector, a thermal weight, a mass spectral laser were used ...

Well, of course, such complex matter as " nanoparticles"Demanded" special cleaning”And according to the conclusion of the Federal State Institution“ Russian State Library ”, recommendations were made on“ leaf ”cleaning books from dust, and given the presence of“ nanoparticles on documents, ”which“ with possible prolonged contact with a person can have a negative impact on health, causing diseases, including oncological "- required multiple  “Sheeted” cleaning of such masterpieces of printing as “The Way of Abay” by Mukhtar Auezov or “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe with repeated analyzes of these masterpieces “in order to determine the remaining number of nanoparticles”.

It is surprising that the approximate price of this “multiple purification” with intermediate analyzes “experts” identified for these “recommendations” only 12-15 million rubles, when it would be possible to put any amount set in advance ...

The plaintiff hypocritically refused the claim for compensation for non-pecuniary damage and the claims for pecuniary damage in the course of court proceedings were humanely  “Clarified” from 26,095,000 to 18,970,000 rubles.

The case, in fact, has been going on for almost two years and attracted the attention of the press only after two courts (the district and Moscow city courts) took a completely inadequate decision on this anecdotal case, moreover, in the absence of Mrs. Leonova of any power of attorney from the owner of the apartment (they according to the cadastral lists, Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev himself), as well as Leonova’s lawyer, who was conducting this case, did not have the proper documents to represent the interests of the plaintiff. That is, those who have administrative resources, it is not necessary to comply with the subtleties of legislation.

“Do not wish your neighbor’s house ...” - the last, tenth commandment

In fact, in church circles it is said that the Patriarch thus simply wanted to expand his apartment (144 sq. Meters), making it a two-level apartment. For this, an attempt was made to evict tenants from the apartment below.

In any case, it is precisely this version that Yuri Shevchenko, the son of Fr. George (the owner of the "bad apartment"). Moreover, he explains his version and the desire to make it public precisely because, on his submission, the case is nothing more than a well-planned raider seizure of the apartment: in fact, the property and the apartment were seized prohibiting any action with them (i.e., nothing can be sold to compensate for the damage caused and even donated to the owner’s daughter, the mother of four children, canceled by a court decision), and at the same time the apartment itself was estimated at BTI at only 15 million rubles, although its market value is at the most modest under accounts accounts for 50-60 million rubles. That is, even if the apartment is selected, its owners will not cover the amount of the claim and will remain to the plaintiffs. Moreover, Yuri Shevchenko insists that the purpose of the lawsuit is to take their apartment from them - after all, the plaintiffs do not agree to any other agreements, despite attempts to negotiate peacefully and pay damages (and Yuri Shevchenko has already sold his apartment for this in St. Petersburg ) They say that Fr. George did not want to publicize this story at all, but his family decided to make it public contrary to the will of their father - since they see no other way to save their property.

It is clear that for all believers this conflict between the priests made the most painful impression. It was then that they had a hope that in this case the issue could be somehow solved “secretly” and subordinately, without bringing it to a secular court and without exposing the Church to ridicule.

Moreover, the matter is complicated by the fact that the priesthood of Father George (Shevchenko) is not so simple - he was ordained in Kiev, that is, in the relatively independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church (in 1990, the UOC received a new charter from the newly elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, which she called "independent and independent"). By the way, therefore, the scandal began to develop precisely in the Ukrainian media, and later again, the Ukrainian media initiated another scandal, with a watch, which we will discuss below. In this regard, the "defenders" of Cyril blame the schismatics parallel to the official church of the structure for everything that happens: they say that they, the sectarians, unearthed this "dirty linen", wanting to compromise the Holy and official Orthodoxy.

In addition, this case is aggravated by rumors of a previous church conflict between Patriarch Kirill and Father Georgy (Shevchenko). The fact is that conservative Orthodox movements began to poison Fr. George for the fact that in the Pirogov Clinical Center there is an abortion, and he served just in the Holy Cross Exaltation Church at Pirogovka. In principle, abortions are performed in most Russian hospitals - and often house churches are also located with them, however, this mortal sin was persistently "attributed" only to Fr. George. Oddly enough, the official church did not defend its minister, and the Patriarch even demanded from Fr. George removed the priestly office, to which the latter refused. But when the scandal with abortion reached its peak, there was a conflict with the dusty apartment of the Patriarch.

Thus, the church schism also mixes with the housing conflict, and the Patriarch’s personal revenge is completely unacceptable for any believer. And even if these versions are incorrect and are only a “throw-in” and use of “methods and means of language aggression”, as the “defenders” of the Patriarch assert, their appearance in connection with the conflict described above is quite natural, and the behavior of the Patriarch himself in conflict with “a bad apartment "- in itself is extremely vile, deceitful and hypocritical, whatever the reasons for this conflict would be caused.

After all, even if one imagines that all of the above with the damage done is true, is it fair — even for legal concepts, Christian, universal, human beings — to expel neighbors from their apartment for this?

Unmotivated lies are a clear sign of a sinful person

A man in sin is mad, and this madness is manifested in a variety of things. It would seem that no one is forcing to come up with some excuses - who cares? That is, unnecessary lies are in no way determined by necessity. But such unmotivated lies are a very clear sign of the madness of a sinful person. At another level, it manifested itself, for example, in the gospel scene, when Herod almost became friends with John the Baptist, whom he put in an adviser on religious and moral issues. But then his daughter danced and he promised her to fulfill any desire, and his mother persuaded her to ask for the head of the enemy. And that's it - for Herod it turned out to be more important than morality and religious issues. It is possible that the same thing is with the Patriarch’s apartment.

Another scandalous attribute of Cyril's life, which has become the subject of wide discussion, is a Breguet watch worth about 30 thousand euros, which Ukrainian journalists photographed on the left hand of the patriarch next to the monastic rosary and put it on public display. After the scandal with the "bad apartment", these "mythical hours" are widely quoted by all Russian media.

It is noteworthy that the Ukrainian publication followed the day after Cyril pompously broadcast live on the main Ukrainian television channels: It is very important to learn Christian austerity ... Asceticism is the ability to regulate one's consumption ... This is a person’s victory over lust, over passions, over instinct. And it is important that both rich and poor possess this quality.».

But the point, in fact, is not that the Patriarch had this watch. In the end, he is not an official to convict him of bribes and not a civil servant to demand his income statement. Well presented and presented - donated. In the end, the Church has a good, suitable excuse for such cases:

But why lie? Why say he never wore this watch? Why come up with some kind of “collages”, “montages”, “Photoshop”, and naively justify that “when we put on a robe for the service, it’s impossible to wear a watch, it’s impossible to wear a watch”.

And the lies were somehow awkward from the very beginning: “But after this photo appeared, I went and began to look. After all, many come and give. And often there are boxes that you do not open and do not know what is there. And I saw that there really is a Breguet watch, and therefore I did not give comments anywhere that the patriarch does not have such a watch. Because yes, there is never a box with such a watch, and it lies. ”

That is, distant Ukrainian journalists somehow guessed that the Patriarch somewhere has exactly the Breguet watch, and just such a model in an unopened box? Or did Berezovsky throw them specially in advance to use them later in the “collage”?

Well, it would be possible to accept this funny conspiracy theological version if the official website of the Moscow Patriarchate did not contain photographs with the same watch already in the other clothes of the Patriarch and taken for another reason. And there are hundreds of such photographs and it’s absurd to think that different photographers and different media at different times published fake photographs of the patriarch in this watch!

Photo of the Patriarch with a Breguet watch on the website of the Moscow Patriarchate

Who is all this lies intended for, which the Patriarch piles up tons for any reason? Grandparents who believe everything? Who are the denials of the head of the Synodal Information Department, Vladimir Legoyda, who considers all these scandals to be special informational “stuffing” that are part of the campaign to discredit the Russian Orthodox Church? Why say that the Patriarch has “nothing to do” with his apartment?

What kind of “stuffing” can there be if the Patriarch himself admits that this is his apartment, that two of his “second cousins” live there, that he himself was there during the repair of his neighbor’s apartment, saw how “nuclear dust covered everything” and advised the sisters to turn to the authorities, though for some reason he adds that he "did not spend a week in his apartment." And who cares how much he spent there when it comes to litigation over his property?

No stains on conscience

Fear of power never rests on its own, but well rests on fear of an external enemy. And you have to invent an external enemy all the time or create it artificially. And even if it turns out to be very difficult and confusing, but in comparison with the pandemic of fear in society, material justice and honesty are in the face of God such an insignificant and miserable thing that it seems that you should not break it for the sake of this - after all, a more important task is at stake, but "end justifies the means".

When materials about all these scandals related to the Church first appear in the media, the official church authorities prefer not to comment on what is happening and remain silent for a long time. At the same time, it really seems that we are dealing with some kind of misinformation - these events are too wild and unrealistic. Then, gradually getting drawn into the discussion, Church representatives constantly change their rhetoric, “rebuilding on the march” and almost by the word of the Apostle Paul try to “be everything to everyone”, but not in order to “save at least some”, like that but the Apostle Paul, and in order to remain unsinkable in case of any changes in the situation.

And the attempts to link all these shameful scandals with each other and present them in the light that they are a single share of some “State Department” or “Berezovsky’s machinations” are completely disgusting. Well, what kind of "machinations" can be if the events themselves are not unsightly, but the reaction to them from the church hierarchs?

Why, for example, link the scandal with the “bad apartment”, which has been going on for two years, with “revenge” for Putin’s election support or with the action of the girls from Pussi Riot? Only in order to call all this together compromising? But this is precisely the very “unscrupulous technology” in which the Church is trying to blame its “enemies”!

Can it be that the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate do not see that thanks to their behavior the Church is rapidly losing authority in society? Why is the patriarchy so insistent that all conflicts must be resolved in a secular, administrative way, even if these are everyday conflicts between the clergy themselves? Why is it so important for the present Church to show that it has an administrative resource that can compensate for the decline in its spiritual authority?

And what kind of “spiritual nourishment of believers” can be discussed if the Church is so mired in lies and hypocrisy?

The application of St. Basil Christ for the sake of the holy fool

Patriarch Kirill. The real name in the world is Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev. Born November 20, 1946 in Leningrad. Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, since February 1, 2009, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Named Kirill  and tonsured to monasticism by Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod Nicodemus (real name - Boris Georgievich Rotov) April 3, 1969. He took the name in honor of Saint Cyril (the real name in the world is Constantine, nickname Philosopher) - a Byzantine missionary. Together with his brother Methodius, he was the creator of the Slavic alphabet. Brothers Kirill  and Methodius canonized and revered as saints in the East and in the West. In Slavic Orthodoxy they are revered as saints of equal apostles "Slovenian teachers." Accepted order - Methodius and Kirill».

After publications in the journal Christian Bulletin for October 1992, the operational became known about the relations of church hierarchs with the Fifth Directorate of the KGB pseudonym  (agent nickname) belonging to the then young hierarch - Mikhailov. NicknameApparently, formed on behalf of the father of the patriarch - Michael. Himself Kirill  meeting with MSU students, he made excuses: "The fact of a meeting between the clergy and representatives of the KGB is morally indifferent."

After the Tobacco scandal * in the late 90's. V.M. Gundyaev, at that time occupying the post of Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, appeared pseudonymnickname "Tobacco Metropolitan." In various publications of that time, the Metropolitan, now the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Cyrilwere also called: “Kundyaev”, “Moscow Pope” and “Russian Caesar of Borgia”.

Short biography:

Born November 20, 1946 in Leningrad in the family of the chief mechanic of the Leningrad plant named after M. I. Kalinin, later an Orthodox priest.

After graduating from the 8th grade of high school, he entered the Leningrad Comprehensive Geological Expedition of the North-West Geological Administration, where he worked from 1962 to 1965 as a cartographer, combining work with training in high school.

In 1965 he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, then - at the Leningrad Theological Academy, accelerated (a year in two) graduated with honors in 1970.

Swift career of the future patriarch Cyril  began already at the academy: on April 3, 1969 he was tonsured a monk, after 3 days he was ordained a hierodeacon, and already on June 1 of the same year, he became a hieromonk. After graduation, he was left at the academy as a professor scholar, teacher of dogmatic theology and assistant inspector.

On August 30, 1970, he obeyed the personal secretary of the Metropolitan of Leningrad Nicodemus. September 12, 1971 was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

Since 1971 - Representative of the Moscow Patriarchate at the World Council of Churches in Geneva.

On December 26, 1974, at the age of 28, he became rector of the Leningrad Theological Academy and Seminary, where he created a special regency class for girls and introduced physical education lessons.

Since December 1975, he has been a member of the Central Committee and Executive Committee of the World Council of Churches, since 1975 a member of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches, and since March 3, 1976, a member of the Synodal Commission for Christian Unity and Inter-Church Relations.

March 14, 1976 was ordained (consecrated) to the Bishop of Vyborg, Vicar of the Leningrad Diocese. From November 1976 to October 1978, he obeyed the Deputy Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe, Metropolitan Nicodemus. September 9, 1977 was elevated to the rank of archbishop.

On October 12, 1978, he was relieved of his post as Deputy Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe and appointed manager of the patriarchal parishes in Finland.

In 1978, he was appointed deputy chairman of the Department for External Church Relations.

Since 1983, a teacher in graduate school at the Moscow Theological Academy. Since December 26, 1984 - Archbishop of Smolensk and Vyazemsky; relieved of the post of rector of the Leningrad Theological Academy and Seminary. In April 1989, the title was changed to Smolensky and Kaliningrad.

November 14, 1989 was appointed Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, a permanent member of the Holy Synod by office.

Since 1990 - Chairman of the Commission of the Holy Synod on the revival of religious and moral education and charity, member of the Synodal Bible Commission. February 25, 1991 was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan.

Since 1993 - co-chair, since 1995 - Deputy Head of the World Russian National Council. Since 1994, Honorary President of the World Conference of Religion and Peace. Since February 26, 1994 - Member of the Synodal Theological Commission.

Since 1994, she has been conducting the spiritual and educational program “The Word of the Shepherd” on Channel One.

In 1995-2000 he was the chairman of the Synodal Working Group on the development of the concept of the Russian Orthodox Church on church-state relations and the problems of modern society.

December 6, 2008, the day after the death of Patriarch Alexy II, at a meeting of the Holy Synod, chaired by the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Vladimir, the Metropolitan was elected by secret ballot Cyril  Patriarchal Locum Tenens.

Original taken from vena45   in

Dad already abandoned the cross,
and Patriarch Kirill perfected it!

“However, no less“ strange ”fact became known from the biography of Patriarch Kirill - it turns out his mother had the maiden name Vekselman!” Where does the information about the surname "Vekselman" come from? Share links, so as not to be unfounded. ps in that it was possible to find you can meet several different surnames, but not this ..

Earlier, we already noticed the strange gesture of Pope Francis ... who replaced his Cross with Jesus ... by a certain shepherd STADA (cattle?)

However, no less “strange” fact became known from the biography of Patriarch Kirill - it turns out he mother had a maiden name Vekselman!  And this means that our patriarch from the Russian Orthodox Church ... - halachic Jew (!)  Well, that explains a lot then (his servile “meeting” with Pope Francis, in particular!) ... as well as the “improved” cross on the Head of the Patriarch, as well as the lack of general education and a MORE STRANGE attraction to ecumenism.

Quote: “... At least we recall the speech of September 21, 2010, Metropolitan Kirill - Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev, who publicly called the Slavs beasts. And this becomes understandable and understandable if you know the maiden name of Cyril's mother - Vekselman. Everything comes primarily from the human gene pool. If a man is half-beast by nature, he will behave accordingly ... ”

Vladimir Gundyaev - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church (Stages of the Great Way!)

1) BEFORE you start your church activity graduated from eight classes of high school.   He also tried himself in geology - since 1962 he worked as a cartographer in the Leningrad geological expedition. After three years of fruitful work, he entered the theological seminary, and upon graduation, he entered the theological academy of the city of Leningrad.

In 1969, Vladimir was tonsured a monk and named Cyril. A year later, he graduated with honors from the Academy, with a Ph.D. in theology. In 1971, Hieromonk Cyril was elevated to the rank of Archimandrite. A great achievement of his path was the appointment of Cyril as the representative of the Moscow Patriarch in Geneva, where the World Council of Churches is held. (more than a strange and dizzying career in 2 years from a simple monk to an archimandrite !!!)

One of the first scandals that arose with the mention of the name of Metropolitan Kirill was the case of the use of tax incentives for the import of alcohol and tobacco products in the early 90s. The Novaya Gazeta published an article that spoke of the Metropolitan’s personal interest in import excisable goods transactions. However, the vast majority of religious leaders said that this was nothing more than a provocation; A planned campaign that aims to tarnish the name of an honest person.

Metropolitan Kirill was also accused of having links with the KGB. In 2003, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin received a letter expressly stating that Cyril was an agent of the KGB. The author of the letter was a priest of the Moscow Helsinki Group, but his provocation did not bring any results.

In 2012, a new scandal arose with the name of Patriarch Kirill related to his apartment. His second cousin, registered with the Patriarch, sued his neighbor for the fact that, according to her, the building dust from his apartment contained harmful substances and was hazardous to health. The total amount of damage amounted to about 20 million rubles. Patriarch himself, in response to   sensitive questions about the vow of non-possessiveness   replied that he personally had nothing to do with his sister’s suit. He considers all the noise raised on this issue to be aimed at undermining his authority and at humiliating the Russian Orthodox Church as a whole.

The first religion appeared when the first hypocrite met the first fool ... And now there are THOUSAND "religions" !!! What is this "patriarch", that absolutely all other individuals, "preaching" to PEOPLE about their THOUSANDS of "gods" ( For all THOUSAND "religions" are institutions of power, and they have nothing to do with faith ), it is SPECIALS necessary for zombifying the PEOPLES of the WORLD and covering itself in the power of SELF-elected psychopaths, thieves, crooks, perverts ...

All SELF-chosen thieves that usurped power over PEOPLE regularly visit religious “sinks”, where priests wash away blood, lawlessness, theft and lies from them - blessing them with all new Misconducts over PEOPLE!

Each Shelomov should have his own bill of exchange, Shaposhnikov ... - "holy," that is, the kosher trinity of the Russian Federation and EXCELLENT SYMBIOSIS OF COMFORMISM AND AFERISM !!!

Any religion is one of the tools for managing people! From the most ancient times to the present, religion has always been the best tool for controlling the masses. And any protest against religion and its representatives will be regarded by the authorities as "insight". And the consequence of this "insight", isolation from the main zombie mass, the conclusion and so on and so, so as not to embarrass the people! A mass example, the same Ruslan Sokolovsky ...

POP of the whole of Russia Jew Jew Kirill Gundyaev (Vekselman) wringing out national and state property!

St. Isaac's dispossession: cult instead of culture ...

In the case of the transfer of the national and state St. Isaac’s Cathedral to a commercial organization, ROC CJSC is somewhat annoying that the said ROC does not have any rights to this monument of culture, art and architecture of world significance. It is annoying that such dispossession takes place everywhere throughout the country. So, in Perm, as a result of the transfer of the former cathedral or Gallery into the ownership of ROC CJSC, three such secular cultural institutions as an art gallery, a local history museum and a Perm zoo were thrown out of it.
As a result of this dispossession, local budgets laid down concerns for the construction and transfer to new places of all these organizations. Instead of allocating funds for the Russian Orthodox Church to build one new cathedral in return for the seized one, the budget should now spend three times as much for all dispossessed. This is not businesslike. I’m not talking about the moral side.

In 2000, we had 68 thousand schools, and now there are 44.7 thousand according to 2013 data. There were 2.9 thousand operating churches of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1990, and now their number is approaching 30 thousand. Schools and hospitals are closing, but like mushrooms after the rain, new churches and monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church are opened. As Putin’s less fortunate predecessor used to say: no hygiene for the Slavs — only vodka and tobacco. Putin adds to this a dope of religion. (burckina-new)

Well, norg_norg issued on the topic;
In this particular case, there can be no talk of any restitution of speech. St. Isaac's Cathedral always belonged to the ministry of the court, and not to the parish. Robbery and racket in its purest form!

Original taken from yurisokolov   Church manager Jewish by nationality Kirill Gundyaev (Vekselman) takes everything national and state into his hands ...

Dad has already abandoned the cross, and Patriarch Kirill improved it!

Earlier, we already noticed the strange gesture of Pope Francis ... who replaced his Cross with Jesus ... by some pastor STADA (cattle?)
A fresh fact about the Pope - what was noticed on his cross?

But the image of Christ from the cross has disappeared !!!
And they replaced his luminous Image with the image of the Dark Church of the "new World Order"!
And with this Pope the "pgHavoslavsky" patriarch Cyril fraternized?

However, no less “strange” fact became known from the biography of Patriarch Kirill - it turns out that his mother had the maiden name Vekselman! And this means that our patriarch from the Russian Orthodox Church ... a halachic Jew (!) Well, that explains a lot then (his servile "meeting" with Pope Francis, in particular!) ... as well as the "improved" cross on the Chapter the patriarch, as well as a lack of general education and a MORE STRANGE attraction to ecumenism.

Quote: “... At least we recall the speech of September 21, 2010, Metropolitan Kirill - Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev, who publicly called the Slavs beasts. And this becomes understandable and understandable if you know the maiden name of Cyril's mother - Vekselman. Everything comes primarily from the human gene pool. If a man is half-beast by nature, he will behave accordingly ... ”

Vladimir Gundyaev - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church (Stages of the Great Way!)
1) Before starting his church activity, he graduated from eight classes of high school. He also tried himself in geology - since 1962 he worked as a cartographer in the Leningrad geological expedition. After three years of fruitful work, he entered the theological seminary, and upon graduation, he entered the theological academy of the city of Leningrad.

In 1969, Vladimir was tonsured a monk and named Cyril. A year later, he graduated with honors from the Academy, with a Ph.D. in theology. In 1971, Hieromonk Cyril was elevated to the rank of Archimandrite. A great achievement of his path was the appointment of Cyril as the representative of the Moscow Patriarch in Geneva, where the World Council of Churches is held. (more than a strange and dizzying career in 2 years from a simple monk to an archimandrite !!!)

One of the first scandals that arose with the mention of the name of Metropolitan Kirill was the case of the use of tax incentives for the import of alcohol and tobacco products in the early 90s. The Novaya Gazeta published an article that spoke of the Metropolitan’s personal interest in import excisable goods transactions. However, the vast majority of religious leaders said that this was nothing more than a provocation; A planned campaign that aims to tarnish the name of an honest person.

Metropolitan Kirill was also accused of having links with the KGB. In 2003, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin received a letter expressly stating that Cyril was an agent of the KGB. The author of the letter was a priest of the Moscow Helsinki Group, but his provocation did not bring any results.

In 1012, a new scandal arose in the name of Patriarch Kirill related to the apartment he owned. His second cousin, registered with the Patriarch, sued his neighbor for the fact that, according to her, the building dust from his apartment contained harmful substances and was hazardous to health. The total amount of damage amounted to about 20 million rubles. Patriarch himself, in response to   sensitive questions about the vow of non-possessiveness   replied that he personally had nothing to do with his sister’s suit. He considers all the noise raised on this issue to be aimed at undermining his authority and at humiliating the Russian Orthodox Church as a whole.

"The bishop should be blameless as God's housekeeper, not impudent, not angry, not a drunkard, not a fighter, not a greedy, but strange-loving (hospitable), loving kind, chaste, fair, pious, restrained, adhering to a true word that agrees with the teaching, that he be strong and instruct  in sound doctrine and opposing denounce. For there are many rebellious, idle talkers and deceivers, especially croppedwhat the mouth should block: they corrupting whole houses, teaching, which should not, from shameful self-interest. Of these, one poet himself said: "The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy wombs." The evidence is fair. For this reason, convict them severely, so that they may be sound in faith, not heeding Jewish fables  and the decrees of people turning away from the truth. For the pure, everything is clean; but for the defiled and unfaithful there is nothing pure, but their mind and conscience are defiled. They say that they know God, and deny by deeds, being vile and rebellious and not capable of any good deed. "(Epistle of Paul. Titus. 1: 7-16).

This, as you already understood, is a fragment of the BIBLE, where the apostle Paul, a follower of Jesus Christ, talks about JEWSspeaking of them as about "rebellious, idle talk and deceivers", which "need to block the mouth" because they "corrupting whole houses, teaching, which should not, from shameful self-interest."

Paul admonished all who accepted the WORD of Christ to be HEALTHY in faith without heeding Jewish fablesbecause for them, the Jews, "there is nothing pure, but their mind and conscience are defiled."

If someone does not know or does not understand who they are Jewsexplain: the Jews  (colloquially - the Jews) these are the Jews and their leaderswhich "they say that they know God, and deny by deeds, being vile and rebellious, and are not capable of any good deed... "It is about them that the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah said: “This is because My people are stupid, do not know Me: they are unreasonable children, and they have no sense; they are smart at evil, but they can’t do good”  (Jer. 4: 22). Insolently declaring to everyone that they are “God's chosen people,” the Jews are doing everything against God, against Christ and, accordingly, against Christians. Christ the Savior therefore said to them: "your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father ..."   (John 8: 44). And he taught people such wisdom: "By their fruits you shall know them."   (Matthew 7:16).

What do they generate fruitshould be clear to everyone: the Jewseverywhere they sow death, incite gradually disagreement between peoples, arrange revolutions, thereby striving to gain at all costs power over the world. They did everything possible to achieve the death of Christ, as there are many testimonies in the Bible. Finally the Jews  achieved their goal - they crucified Christ on the cross. And now instrument of death  - crucifix - became a symbol  modern Christianity.

And if the Jews HANGED  Christ, then a symbol of modern Christianity would become GALLOWS? And would Christians wear something like that depicted in the image below instead of a cross with Jesus crucified?

Do not think that I am blaspheming! In Israel the Jews  spread the rumor that Christ was not crucified, namely hung!

I was recently sent a book published in Jerusalem, which is called "The Story of the Hanged Man or the Story of Yeshu of Nazareth".

Her translation from Hebrew was made by P. GIL. Here is the book's output: "PROGRESS Publishing House, JERUSALEM * 5746 (1985), 1985 Copyright by PROGRESS Publishers, PROGRESS Publishers P.O.B. 6608, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, ISBN 965 -293 -007-5.

What struck me most was the preface from the translator. Here it is.

IN "The Stories of the Hanged Man"  legends about Yeshu (Jesus Christ) and the first Christians are collected, which are contained in the Talmud and Midrash. This small volume book was compiled many centuries ago. The famous scholar of ancient and medieval Jewish literature, Dr. Shmuel Kraus, in his book "Das Leben Jesu" (Berlin, 1902) suggests that the "History of the Hanged Man" was written in Aramaic, probably as early as the 5th century AD ., but in any case no later than the XI century. Later, obviously, in the XI-XII centuries, during the time of Rashi and Rambam, when the Aramaic language ceased to be the spoken language of a significant part of the Jewish people, the book was translated into Hebrew.

In those days, Jews in Spain, France, Italy, Germany began to be severely persecuted by the Christian rulers of these countries. The Story of the Hanged Man was very popular among the broadest Jewish masses. There is reason to believe that at that time additional stories from the Talmud were included in the History of the Hanged Man, as well as certain elements of what might be called Jewish folk art.

Since Yeshu presented in this book in a very unsightly light, then it’s clear that the scribes and readers of “The Story of the Hanged Man” tried not to give her too much publicity, in any case, made efforts, so that she does not fall into the hands of Christians. Nevertheless, in 1681 a certain German by the name of Wagenzail published a Latin translation of "History", calling it "Tricks of the Devil" ("Tela ignae Satanae"). Later translations of The Story of the Hanged Man were published in many other languages. The present translation is made from the Hebrew text published in the book "Ozar Wikuhim" ("Collection of Disputes"), published in the late 1920s in New York by I.-D. Eisenstein.

Jewish sages did not consider the "History of the Hanged Man" a sufficiently authoritative source. The reason for this attitude was, in particular, that some of the stories cited in this book are either absent from the Talmudic literature or significantly different from what the Talmud says about Yeshu. On the other hand, many of the allegations contained in The Story of the Hanged Man, and sometimes even the most unexpected at first glance, find confirmation in quite authoritative sources. Thus, for example, Rashi writes in his commentary on the Talmud, referring to the “History of the Hanged Man,” that the apostles were sent by Jewish sages to Christians in order to induce them to finally separate from the Jews. In general, it can be said that despite the differences in details, the Talmudic sources and the “History of the Hanged Man” are united in their attitude to Yesh and Christianity.

The Jewish people have always - from the moment of the emergence of Christianity to this day - with the deepest contempt for this religion, considering the Christian dogma as a heap stupid thingsand absurditiesand Christian morality is like lying  and hypocritical. Jews tried not to even mention the name of the founder of this religion, except in those cases when Christians forced them to conduct theological disputes with them. Jews did not see any danger for themselves in Christian ideology. If, for example, in the teaching of the so-called tsdukim (Sadducees) Talmud saw a serious threat to the very foundations of Jewish dogma, the claims of Yeshu and his followers caused only a contemptuous grin. Illiterate and ridiculously naive interpretations of the Tanakh (Bible) by Christians could, of course, not be taken seriously by Jews familiar with the true meaning of the texts of the holy books. Neither the Christian faith nor the lifestyle of Christians attracted Jews. On the contrary, the unbridled morals of the Christian peoples, their cruelty and bloodthirstiness, their attitude towards the Jews caused our ancestors only disgust and fear. Christianity could not offer any lofty ideas, great thoughts, anything spiritual to the Jewish people, with whom the Most High Himself concluded an indissoluble alliance in Sinai.

However, being for many centuries among the peoples who sacrilegiously declared Yesha “God-man” or even simply “God”, the Jews still had to have some idea of \u200b\u200bthe life and work of this person, as well as of the foundations of Christian doctrine. And we must assume that they had such an idea: they could not help but hear stories about the miracles that Yesha allegedly did about the persecution that Jews subjected him to, etc. But they heard all these stories from Christians, who had no reason to believe, and, obviously, they had a need to learn about the same events from their own Jewish sources.

The fact that such a need really existed is eloquently evidenced by the fact that several dozen versions of The Story of the Hanged Man survived to this day.

It should be noted that the life path of Yeshu and the history of the emergence of Christianity in the description of the author (or authors) of the "Stories of the Hanged Man" are significantly different from what is affirmed by the gospels and other Christian literature. This is not surprising: the author of The Story of the Hanged Man hardly considered it necessary to study the gospels.

It is likely that there are historical inaccuracies, distortions, etc. in The Story of the Hanged Man, but one can safely say that this small pamphlet book (occupying, of course, its own, much more modest place in comparison with a deep, unshakable faith in Almighty and His Torah) helped a Jew in Christian Europe maintain spiritual balance, withstand the onslaught of Christian propaganda, often accompanied by persecution, the cruelty of which exceeded all that the human imagination could imagine.

The present translation of The Story of the Hanged Man is intended primarily for those Russian-speaking Jews who — we regret to note this fact — are generally completely unfamiliar with the great spiritual values \u200b\u200bof Judaism, with the foundations of the faith and culture of their people, but often with respect (albeit unaccountable, subconscious) relate to Christianity and closely related European culture. It seems that our readers will be interested in learning how their ancestors related to Yesh and the religion he founded. Pinchas GIL

This book is freely available on the Internet. anyone can read it.

For me personally, who considers the WORD of Christ and his enlightening feat to be the ideal of morality, and his philosophy as the source of the deepest wisdom, to read these words was tantamount to how to get a slap in the face. And when next I saw and heard on TV on the All-Russian channel "TV Center"  interview Burl Lazar, the chief rabbi of Russia, was completely speechless for some time. It turns out that everything is so, jews consider Christ an impostor, who once came to them as a troublemaker, no more.

Here is an interview. The conversation with the chief rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, was conducted by the Russian TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov.

Dibrov: “The main book of Judaism is The Torah. For example, in Orthodoxy we believe that there is a book called the Bible in the world, and it is equally valid for everyone. And we see the Old Testament and the New Testament in the Bible Where is the place of the Torah?

Lazar: “The Old Testament” is the “Torah”. There is the “Pentateuch of Moses” - this is the “Torah”, then there are 24 more books: “Prophets”, “Scriptures”, “Psalms of David”, “Songs of Songs” and so on.

Dibrov: Do you recognize the New Testament?

Lazar: Not!

The third participant in the discussion: “Hm! There is an opinion that Jesus came up creatively, rethinking the Torah, and created a new teaching, developed it, and this would be a continuation of the Torah. How do you feel about it?

Lazar: There is such an opinion. In fact, it is negative for the Jews! Why? Because the Torah says that the Torah will never be changed. And it is impossible to change the word, the law, even the wisest person in the world! Imagine that all the rabbis came together and decided that something small needed to be changed in the Torah. Just one letter, which was probably spelled incorrectly. Then the whole Torah is already wrong! If the “Torah” is from God, and we received it as divine knowledge, then a person has no right to change something! Therefore, the “Torah” can only be commented, but not changed!

A reasonable question arises: what are these Jews doing this time in Russia, which more than 1000 years ago adopted Christianity as a state-forming religion? The second state-forming religion in Russia is ISLAM, which recognizes Christ as a prophet, equal to Muhammad. JUDAISM has always been recognized in Russia why in all ages the Jews were expelled from the Russian Empireby orders of sovereigns.

Another reasonable question arises: why on earth for 11 years in a row Jews  celebrate their religious holiday in the Moscow Kremlin? And not just anyhow, but an analogue of our Victory Day - Hanukkah ?!

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday founded in honor of jewish military victory committed in 165 BC over King Antiochus of Greek descent from Syria.  . Along with this, Hanukkah is a celebration of the miracle that occurred with the ritual Jewish lamp during this victory. “Hanukkah is a celebration of the [miracle] when the Greeks entered the Sanctuary and desecrated all the oil, and then when the Hasmonaean house defeated them, and searched for oil to light the Menorah (temple lamp), and found only one jug, and there was oil in it for only one day, then a miracle happened, and the oil burned for eight days [needed to make a new one]. And the next year, these days were made festive, they established for them the reading of thankful prayers and Psalms that glorify Gd. ”   (Talmud, Shabbat 21a). .

Thus, it turns out that on December 4, the JEWS annually celebrate their VICTORY DAY in the Moscow Kremlin with lit menorah lamps!

They defeated us ??? The Jews celebrate their victory over Christians and Muslims ???

Who then is the Patriarch of All Russia, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, for all citizens of Russia ?

Another Judas?

It turns out, yes, Judas!

The answer is: if we talk about symbolism, then the best way to the philosophy of Christ is a lit candle. "Light the light - and the darkness itself will recede!" - said the Savior. So let's stop there. The cross can also be left, but without the crucified Jesus on it. The cross for many peoples was in the past a symbol of the Sun and, accordingly, it was symbol of life. With the crucifixion of Christ on him, he began to symbolize DEATH. Who changed the meaning and significance of the cross as a symbol to the diametrically opposite? Guess for yourself.