Antichrist is an opponent of Jesus Christ. Mention in the Bible

05.03.2021 Divination

"Yes, no one will sends you in any way: for the day he does not come, the Ministry will not come before the retreat and the man of sin will not open, the son of death, opposing and exhausting above the whole, called God or Shrine, so in the temple of God he will sit like God, Having granted yourself for God. "

Saint Cyril Jerusalem.

Who is Antichrist

The word Antichrist of Greek origin (ό αντί-χριςτος). In a broad sense, the name is nominal, means the enemy or the enemy of Christ, who is deceiving outstanding himself for him.

John Theologian calls the Antichrist of any rejecting that Jesus is Christ, who came in the flesh, who rejects the Father and Son. At the same time, John notes that there were many antichritists.

In the Holy Scripture, the Apostle Paul talks about the man of sin:

"The opposing and exhausting above all, called God, or shrine, so in the temple of God he will sit like God, giving himself to God."

Antichrist will be an ordinary person and will be born on Earth just as all people are born. According to one of the versions, he will be the son of earthly woman and Satan.

"Who will he be?" - asks John about Antichrist. "Satan already? No, but a person who will perceive all its power "(3rd talk. Message to thesalonians).

There are many assumptions who will be born and from whom the Antichrist will happen. In various versions, he will come out of the Jews, from the pagans, even from Christians. The place of birth is called: Babylon, Rome, Syria, Africa.

One thing is known exactly - the phenomenon of the antichrist will occur shortly before the second coming of Christ, before the death of the world. This is written in the prophecies of Daniel, in the "Revelations" of John the Godlov, in the books of the New Testament, in the second message of the Apostle Paul.

It is not known anyone, in which year the second coming of Jesus Christ will take place, and no one except God is unknown at the coming of the Antichrist.

On the image of the Second Coming of Christ

Symptoms and antichrist coming signs

"You know the signs of Antichrist: not alone, I remember them, but also every report generously."

Saint. Kirill Jerusalem.

Illustrations for the book Belyaeva A.D., Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy, "Antichrist"

Illustrations for the book Belyaeva A.D., Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy, "Antichrist". The Holy Scripture indicates the harbingers of the coming of the Antichrist. The Bible about the arrival of Antichrist states that his coming will prepare for a long time. Preparations of the coming of the Antichrist are people wicked and disturbing, in the broad sense of the word-antichrist.

John theologian wrote about such people:

"Children! recent times. And as you heard that the Antichrist will come, and now many antichritists have appeared: then we are learning from the fact that lately. " He also writes that the "Spirit of the Antichrist ... and now there is already in the world."

Nowadays, there is a lot of evil, worn, there is a decline of religion and morality, the spread of various and unthinkable vices. The spirit of the Antichrist is felt in everything. Jesus Christ in speech about the death of the world said that "in recent times, flavors, wickedness and disbelief will be spread and spread, and the faith will open, love is cooling." (Apostle Paul in Messages to Timothy.)

Prerefficers of the coming of the Antichrist mentioned in the Bible:

  • prolonged, bloody wars and natural cataclysms;
  • preaching the Gospel everywhere;
  • retreat in the last days of the world. Spiritual blindness of people.

People took many times for the Antichrist of different faces. But when the antichrist will really come, then with the help of the signs specified in the Scripture, truly believers recognize him, despite the fact that he will first show himself a virtuous orcrop. He will attract a large number of supporters to himself, will become even stronger, and then he will detect his anger in the whole strength. Antichrist is the opposite of Christ. As Christ came to Earth, to fulfill God's will, the Antichrist will come to fulfill the will of Satan.

The main intention of Satan to become equal to God in strength and power. And his tool will be an antichrist.

Prophecies relating to the coming of antichrist

Prophecies and conclusions regarding the coming of the antichrist set, below are some of them.

Old man of Mlinsky desert Ieromona Porphiry "Over time, faith will fall in Russia. The brilliance of earthly glory will blind off the mind, the words of truth will be in progress, but for faith rise from the people unknown peace and restore the filthy "
Archbishop Feofan (Bystrov) "The coming of the antichrist is approaching and it is very close. The time separating from it must be considered for years and as a last resort of several decades. But before the coming of Antichrist, Russia should still recover, of course, for a short time. And in Russia there must be a king, be elected by the Lord himself. He will be a man of fiery faith, great mind and iron will. So it is open about him. We will expect open execution "
Melanie Mathieu
Melanie Mattheu)
After his birth, all seasons change their move. There will no longer be a good harvest on Earth. In the solar system, all objects will come from their orbits. Destructive earthquakes, extensive fires. The circle will begin unusual phenomena. Fire from heaven will destroy three cities. All this happens, because a person has become disgusting to nature
Jean Dixon
Jeane Dixon)
Antichrist will be born 05.02.1962 in the Middle East. The world will become different, succumbing to his teachings. The antichrist will rule absolutely over everything. Receive a reputation as a peacemaker. In the fourth decade of the twenty-first century, the world is drawn into war between the West and China

Who is the third antichrist

Interpretation of the prophecies of Nostradamus

In his prophecies, Nostradamus also spoke of the coming to the world of Antichrist. In general, he predicted the emergence of three antichritists in world history. The Prophet is called famous antichritists in the history of mankind. The first one of them is Napoleon, who for 15 years led the conquest wars who have taken millions of human lives. Second Antichrist - Hitler. Possessing the foaming impact on the minds of people using fascism as an ideology, the devilishs destroyed about 50 million living souls.

And if you look at the personality: Stalin, Mao Jie Duna, Lenin, Marx, then it can definitely say about each of them that they are antichritists.

And yet, the third antichrist is who he? What is his name? What year will come to world domination? The prophet does not give certain answers to these questions. From the prophecies of Nostradamus it can be seen that this third, the last antichrist is not among the European political figures. This is a man whom Nostradamus called the name "Mabus", a terrorist who unleasted the Third World War.

In the 62nd Qatrene of the 2nd Centuria, Nostradamus writes:

Oh people and beasts! You are waiting for a catastrophe, Mabus goes to you, so that the environment will die.

The comet from the payway disrupts the covers, sweeping, blood, rushing on the tail.

Nostradamus warned the descendants about the global rampant of international terrorism based on the Middle East and in North Africa.

John Hog, who studied the works of the Nostadamus, assumed that the Antichrist had already come to the ground and called the names of people who were approaching, in his opinion, to the role of the third antichrist. Among them, Abu Abbas (died 08.04.2004), Abu Nidal (died on July 16, 2002), at one time having the opportunity to carry out an act of nuclear terrorism.

False interpretations are inevitable in the history of the study of prophecies.

Antichrist in Muslim

Predictions about Antichrist and Jesus Christ are also in Islam.

"In the history of mankind, since the time of Adam and ending with the moment of the end of the world, there is nothing more terrible than the appearance and dominance of Antichrist," said the Arab estate of the Prophet Mohammed over 1400 years ago.

Antichrist in Islam is called Dajal. In Arabic, this means "deceiver, charlatan". The Quran also emphasizes that the antichrist will be a man.

Dajal will revive the dead, there will be irreparable wealth, will be able to manage natural phenomena, according to his command, the Earth will give a rich harvest. His shine and luxury will blind people and will raise in their eyes to the level of God. He inspires the majority that he is a prophet, and maybe God himself.

Sin will be the norm and form of the manifestation of piousness, these times will become a serious test for humanity. Externally, the antichrist will be large, wide, curly, red, and one-eyed. In this physical flaw, people will be able to learn Dajaly. On his forehead, he has a letter of cafica or the word Kafir ("unbeliever")

Arabic letters of the café-ra, meaning "incorrect"

According to the Prophet, the Antichrist will be destroyed by Jesus, Son Mary. Jesus Christ will descend from heaven east of Damascus, leaning on the wings of two angels, and destroy Dazhal.

The words of the prayer of the prophet: "Oh, Lord! Truly, I ask you to protect you from the torment of hell, flour in the afterlife, from the temptations of life and death I.from the temptation of antichrist» .

What will the reign of antichrist

Some Bible Researchers believe that Antichrist is the future dictator, the world ruler, who has already appeared on Earth, and is waiting for its o'clock. The word "antichrist" in the Bible does not occur. However, when studying the Bible, it becomes clear that the antichrist is repeatedly mentioned under different names. The antichrist is a complete antithesis of the person of Christ.

It is referred to: "a man of sin", "defenseless", "Zverem", "the son of death." In Scripture, the Antichrist and other names are given. He is "wicked", "devastant", "manless man", "Small Rog", "Bagry Beast", leaving the abyss. All these names are nominal, describing its essence.

When the phenomenon of Antichrist will be held, he will begin to fight with the saints, giving himself to God. Infinite power will be given over people and even over the elements.

John says that there are many antichritists in the world, but as a ruler will come in the name of Satan just one, and assigns the place of Christ. The Bible talks about ten beast horns, which symbolize ten kings that support the Antichrist. He will come out of the Union of ten rulers, and will destroy three of them.

There is a prophecy of Daniel regarding the world government, association of ten kings who will support the antichrist on the eve of the second coming of Christ: "And during the days of those kingdoms, the God of Heavenly will erect the kingdom, which will not collapse in any way, and the kingdom will not be transmitted to another people." That is, Jesus will crush all the global human government and will reign himself.

13 The head of the book of John "Revelation" is divided into three parts. The first 8 poems are talking about the Antichrist and its World Government. The next 5 verses describe its religious partner - false prophet, and the last three verses describe the world economic system.

"And I became on the sand of the sea, and I saw the beast from the sea from the sea with my heads and ten horns: it was ten diadies on the horns, and on the heads of his names of Boguhul. The beast, which I saw was similar to Bars; His feet - like a bear, and he has a mouth - like a mouth of a lion. "


According to many Bible researchers, the kingdom of the beast will consist of merging the governments of several countries. A certain alliance of ten nations as a result of globalization will turn into a global government, which will lead an antichrist for three and a half years.

"And they were given to him, speaking proudly and blasphemy, and given him the power to act forty-two months."


The most influential religious leader on Earth will keep the antichrist in every way and to convince humanity to follow him. This man does the Bible calls false prophets. In the Bible it is written that through great wonders and fire from heaven, he will inspire the world to follow the antichrist.

From 11 to 15 verse "Revelation" describes a religious partner of the Antichrist. With its influence and authority, false prophet will be called Antichrist by God's Messenger and exalt it in the eyes of people. The false prophet will force all people on earth to worship the beast.

Number of beast

In the 13th chapter of the Book of John the Theologian "Revelation" describes the number of beast. This is the so-called antichrist sign, in other words - a sign of humility of the beast.

"And he will do what everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves, will be laid on their right hand or on the people of them, and that one can not buy anyone, neither to sell, besides who has it Inscription, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name ... Here is wisdom. Who has the mind, the number of the beast, because it is human number; His number six hundred sixty six. "


In the image of an antichrist sign.

FFF-veiled option of the number of the beast, since the letter F is the sixth in order of the letter of the English alphabet. The apocalypse is written in Greek, in which the letters of the alphabet means the same number.

This is the number of Antichrist name. Somehow the sum of signs in the name will be 666, and this will be one of the signs that will be recognized.

New Testament

Prophecies come true

I would like to identify the identity of the Antichrist, how will it be. What will look like? What year will it appear in? Does anyone know his name. Who will be the third antichrist? Can we find an antichrist photo on the Internet? What will be the phenomenon of the antichrist? Maybe he already came to our world? At one time we will definitely be able to find out.

Scientists studying religious literature speak about 53 prophecies relating to the arrival of the antichrist. Some people believe that this is not a man, but a global system. In the Bible about the arrival of Antichrist says that he King, ruler and man.The antichrist is already on the way, soon he will be revealed to the world.

According to Feofilakt Bulgarian:

"The antichrist is already in the world, of course, not independently, and in the face of falseprooroks, false apostles and heretics, which predicting and preserving his coming."

Predictions described on the Bible pages begin to come true.

Israel is the land promised. Earth, given by Jews on the basis of the Testament of God. Now it is the subject of the most hot disputes. When a peaceful treaty will be signed between Israel, the Palestine and the world community, according to scientists biblical, will begin the last seven years leading to Armageddon.

The antichrist will be revealed after three and a half after the signing of a peace agreement. The description says that the world will be a weapon in his hands, through the world he will destroy many. Antichrist will be a peacemaker.

The story is full of examples when terrible bloodshed began in the name of the world. According to the description, "the king with a ruthless and gloomy expression of the face, in appearance, more and more densely others," the Antichrist will challenge himself by God. This will happen in three and a half years before Armageddon battle. It is from this that the times of great grief will begin.

Initially, it will be perceived as an outstanding personality. The Prophet Daniel said that at the beginning the antichrist would talk about great things that he would be smart and would understand the riddles.

The Bible also says that the management of the world, he will face serious resistance. And also the fact that Jordan will not be occupied by an antichrist. It will not control the whole world, but will dominate and have limitless power.

Second Message of St. Ap. Paul to thesalonitians

John theologian wrote that

"Crashed was a beast and with him a false propeller ...; Both lives are thrown into the fiery lake, burning gray ..., and will suffer the day and night in the eyelids. "

The spirit of the Antichrist is present in the world of people. If we carefully study the prophecies and follow the events that are happening, then we immediately learn it.

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In many famous historical personalities, people saw Antichrist. Scientists and theologians for two thousand years have been fighting over the decoding of the mysterious number of the beast. The history of the birth, the life and death of the Antichrist is described in the "Revelation of John the Bogosla", as well as in numerous religious treatments. So who is he, the son of perch, son of the beast, the great false prophet and the eternal antitiza of Christ? And when should we wait for his arrival?

The Bible testifies.

The earliest mention of the Antichrist is found in the Old Testament in the book of Daniel, where it is written literally the following: "Many will be cleaned, will convince and remelted will be in temptation; The wicked will be dishonest, and no one of the wicked, and wise URSUMEUM "(Daniel. 12:10).

Already such prominent medieval theologies of the Christian Church, like Thomas Aquinas, saw in this passage direct proclamation of the arrival of the antichrist. After all, during his reign, there will be a clear separation of people on those who are predicted by Christ, and those who are devoted to Antichrist.

The Savior himself says about the coming reign of Antichrist: "For the falsehritists and false prophets rise and give great signs and wonders to close, if possible, and chosen" (Matt. 24:24, Mark. 13:22). These words of Christ should be attributed not only to the Antichrist itself, but also to its numerous minions and assistants that he surrounds himself to rule the world.

However, the main evidence of the arrival of the antichrist for medieval and modern scholasts is the "Revelation of John the Theologian", as well as the Second Message of the Apostle Paul Fesaloni Kytes. In them, despite some allegority and the nebula of terms, most of the Christian theologians and the Bible researchers see a detailed presentation of the life and acts of Antichrist.

In general, the peak of interest in the life of the antichrist falls on the Middle Ages. At this time, Miracle were very popular - pious performances, where one or another sacred story was told. The topic of the topics and the depth of the Antichrist also appeared to the popular plot of Miracle, since the main driving force of the Middle Ages was fear. So it was the fear forced people to relieve the story of the upcoming end of the world, whom they with neurotic perseverance were waiting at the beginning of each century and every millennium.

The word "antichrist" occurs in the Bible only in the "Revelation of John the Theologian", denoting, however, all people who oppose themselves Christ. This is what John says: "Who is a liar, if not the one who rejects that Jesus is Christ? This is an antichrist, rejecting father and son "(1 John 2:22, ibid 2:18).

In the Middle Ages, there were serious differences among theologians regarding whether one antichrist would be or somewhat and who should be considered an antichrist - just a man who rebelted Christ against Christ, or the very Son of the Beast, who is coming in the last time for the Earth?

But over time, the theologians still developed a single concept, according to which the Antichrist is the son of the devil, which will appear before the second coming of Christ, will rule the world three and a half years, and then will be defeated. Based on the apostolic certificates captured in the messages to different Christian communities, the words of Christ himself, as well as the "Revelations of John the Theologian", scientists and theologians managed to almost completely reconstruct the life of the Antichrist.

The life and death of the "antihero".

Most theologians tend to think that the Antichrist represents not only the exact opposite of Christ as a person, but his whole life will be a kind of parody of the sacred history of life, death and resurrection of the Son of God, described in the New Testament. The medieval theologians of Thomas Aquinas called the devil "Monkey of the Lord God." As you know, a monkey can very accurately copy-manners of a person, but it remains animals.

According to the Thomas of Akvinsky, the devil, and after him and his son Antichrist seek to imitate Christ in everything. After all, it is not by chance that all the secret ceremonies of San Tanstones are an inverted church service, as evidenced by not only the Protocols of the Inquisition, but also the criminal cases of modern law enforcement agencies. Guided by the idea that the devil does everything on the contrary, and at the same time tries to copy God, we will be able to understand the secret meaning of the lives of Antichrist.

It is generally recognized that the Antichrist will be born from a death woman from the Jewish knee. The devil is settled in it, and so she will start an antichrist. This detail turns one hundred eighty degrees to the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary.

Mary was from the Jewish tribe of Judah, glorified by the fact that many pious people came out of him, whose names were immortalized in the Old Testament. And the knee is given, on the contrary, it is known that he renounced the true God and was noticed in idolatry and many other sins.

The future of the birthplace of the Antichrist is also established - this is the territory of the ancient Babylonian kingdom, that is, the current Iran and narrow adjacent territories. Many theologians tend to believe that the Babylonian harmnica is the mother of Antichrist. In other words, he will be born or expensive whore, or just a depraved and influential woman living in this region.

Becoming an adult, the Antichrist will begin to gain a army of supporters. Moreover, initially he will behave like Christ, to work wonders, signs, prophesy and to do care of the patients. However, as soon as most people believe him, he will immediately show his true essence, turning into a merciless tyrant.

Repeating the path of Christ, he will enter Jerusalem to restore the ruined temple of Solomon destroyed in ancient times, and erect there with his own sculpture, which will force to worship. The reign of the Antichrist will last three and a half years, after which the victory will wish Christ.

The moment of death of the antichrist is also a mirror reflection of the last minutes of staying on the land of Christ. The Antichrist will go to the oil hydraulic mountain (Elion), from where Christ is opposed, where he will have to make a kind of great miracle. According to some theologian, it will be to finally immerse the world in darkness. However, he will not be able to do this, because he will be fighting Christ.

Opponents of antichrist.

Everyone, without exception, theologians come to the conclusion that to defeat the antichrist people would be impossible, but it does not mean that he does not need to resist.

In the "Revelation of John the Godlov" there are numerous mention of people who refuse to take the power of the Antichrist and will be forced to hide. On Earth, there are enough places where the antichrist will not be able to get. One of these places is a women's monastery in Diveyev, which was drawn up by Rev. Seraphim Sarov. The entire territory of the monastery is surrounded by the sacred groove, which nuns died. In Soviet years, she was practically burdard, but a few years ago, young nuns again tearned her.

Also, two Old Testament Prophet - Elijah and Enoch will be sent to the aid of people with God from Heaven. They will return many people who have fallen under the power of the Antichrist back to faith in Christ, but in confrontation with the antichrist will be defeated. For the kingdom of the son of darkness is part of the Divine Plan, which provides for the separation of the "Lamb from Koztsch."

Number of beast.

The symbol of the antichrist is almost the entire known number of the beast - 666. However, its meaning is interpreted by theologians in different ways. So, some of them believe that the name of the Antichrist is encrypted. The medieval theologians of the Primate in its "Comments to the Apocalypse", comparing the Greek alphabet and the number of the beast, displays the name of the Antemos, which means "opposite glory."

But the number of beast is not only the encoded name of the Antichrist, in which its strength is concluded, but also his coat of arms, a symbol and a kind of mark, which he will brand all the people who bowed to him. According to John the Theologian, a person who does not have this sign will not be able to buy anything or sell. That is, speaking in modern legal language, will lose all civil rights and freedoms.

This sign will be applied to the right hand and forehead. Why so, the theologians have already figured out the theologian for a long time: a person who has an antichrist will be inflicted on his forehead and right hand, it is physically not able to make a glooring sign, and, therefore, completely falls under the power of the devil.

John the Bologosov testifies that the most people will be under the fifth antichrist, because many will have to choose between life under his power and painful death. However, the hope for the forgiveness of people who succumbed to the Antichrist will still remain. Between the overthrow of the Antichrist and the arrival of Christ - already as the head of a terrible court - there will be some period of time, given to people specifically so that they can repent and come to Christ.

Did he already come?

As mentioned above, every generation of people saw in their daily life of the sign of the arrival of the Antichrist, and in many evil geniuses of their era and the son of the Son. In principle, this is quite consistent with the opinion of the said Foma of Aquinsky, which in its fundamental work "the amount of theology" writes that "all other evil people who preceded him, the essence of the antichrist image." As a rule, the theologians are interpreted in the sense that the obvious rascals of all times and peoples, although in reality, were not the embodiment of the Antichrist, however, they were a kind of forerunner. The very first of these people in whom saw the image of the Antichrist, was Simon Magic, the mention of which can be found in the "Acts of Apostles". This Mr was something like Kashpirovsky or Uri Geller's times of antiquity.

The antichrist was also considered the emperors of Antioch IV, the infant with the brutal persecution of Jews, and Nero, and Julian apostate. Contemporaries attributed the same gloomy role and many other monarchum, of which, for example, mention Peter the first and Napoleon Bonaparte. From Prostrollov, this name was assigned to Martin Luther, Maximil-en Robespiera, Gregory Rasputin. However, none of all the above-mentioned persons, according to theologians, cannot even be closely compared to the cruelty, which the true son of perched, a real antichrist.

Apocalypse begins ...

Among modern researchers of the "Revelations of John the Theologian" and other ancient texts, one way or another raising the theme of the Antichrist, there is an opinion that the eschatological events preceding the focus of the Antichrist and the subsequent terrible court already occur on Earth.

Among the worldly scientists and theologians there is a very interesting theory. The fact is that the Aramaic language, which was initially written "Revelation", is extremely poor and, of course, could not contain concepts, images, symbols, names of objects that are familiar with the modern person. Therefore, John, who received revelations, in which he was given the vision of the events preceding the end of the world, used allegory and metaphors in order for, overcoming the poverty of the native language, to record on it all captured in his spiritual memory.

And then it all depends on the personal perception of a person who is trying to decipher the mysterious signs, images, numbers and symbols mentioned in "Revelation". So, some authors are a bitter star, which will take up, an arrangement of the birth of an antichrist, associate with the Chernobyl catastrophe. The number of a beast, without which it is impossible to buy anything or sell, sometimes interpreted as the appearance of universal electronic media, replacing and wallet, and a credit card, and a passport that allegedly will be sewn into the right hand. The union of all kingdoms at hand is understood as a single unified system of powerful international corporations, the president of which will become the son of death.

In each era, people subconsciously sought signs of the arrival of the antichrist. But when it happens, no one knows. And we only have to hope that this will happen not at our life - "Yes, the bowl of this is ... ...

In Christian eschatology, the Antichrist is the personification of the forces of hostile to God. According to prophecies, he will appear at the end of times to tempt humanity in the form of Christ, and only the arrival of the True Messiah will allow to overthrow the false prophet.

In Greek, the prefix "Anti" has two meanings - "against" and "instead." In other words, the Antichrist is one who acts simultaneously under the name of Christ, and against him.

According to the Apostle Paul, Antichrist - "opposing and extending above all, called God or Shrine, so in the temple of God he will sit like God, giving himself to God" (2 FES 2.4). Saint Paul understands Antichrist and as a collective image - "a man of sin." This is the personification of the forces of evil, which can be embodied in a separate person - "both now and in the future."

Often, Antichrist represented as a real historical person, such as the Old Believers of Peter I., however, in the Biblical McCenzi dictionary, there is a good reason to question the version of which the Antichrist is a real historical eschatological character.

When did it appear?

Although the image of the antichrist originated on the Christian soil of its forerunner can be found in Judaism. The Jews saw an antichrist represented by the wicked Syrian king of Antioch Epifan (approx. 215 BC. E. - 164 BC), who sought to incline Jews to the adoption of the Allensky paganism. This image is also contained in the prophecy of Gogh (the Book of Ezekiel), who came to war on Israel's lands from the earth Magog, but in the end, destroyed by heavenly fire.

What does it look like?

The apocalypse from St. John describes the Antichrist: "And I became on the sand of the sea, and I saw the beast from the sea from the sea with my heads and ten horns: there was ten Diadis on his horns, and on the heads of his names to blasphemy. The beast, which I saw was similar to Bars; His legs - like a bear, and fall from him - like a mouth of a lion; And he gave him a dragon with his own and the throne and great power. "

In the Late time Judaism, there is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe antichrist under the name of Armillia ("People's destruction") as a monstrous giant, redhead, pleadsya, "twelve feet of growth and twelve thickness."

There is also a description of the Islamic Antichrist - Dajzhal, which Muslims were represented by red-sided, wide with curly hair, with the letter-drawn letter "Kaf" or the word "Kafir" ("unbelingible").

How will come?

The early Christian author of Ippolit Roman writes that the Antichrist, "Walking over all the kings and over every God, will build the city of Jerusalem and restore the destroyed temple, and it will return it to the Jews" with the very goal that the Jews wonder how to God.

The saint of Ignatius Bryanchaninov warns of the false image of the Antichrist: "He brings himself to the Antichrist with meek, gracious, filled with love, performed by any virtue: recognize it, and conjugate him because of his sublime virtue."

Jewish, Christian and Muslim theologians are unanimous in opinion: in what way the antichrist did not appear, the chief of people will be the main tool, and the conquest of human souls is the main goal.

When did you wait?

The first waiting for the arrival of the Antichrist is mentioned on the eve of the 1000th year of our era, in the future the apocalyptic sentiments returned during the first crusades (1096-1099), during the plague pandemic (1346-1353). In Byzantium in the XIII century, the Antichrist was considered to be Pope III, who organized the fourth crusade, and in the XV century - the Turkish Sultan Mehmeda II, who won Constantinople. Antichrist saw in the form of Napoleon, Lenin, Hitler and many other persons whose activity led to social cataclysms.

What is the number of beast?

The image of the antichrist is firmly associated with the so-called animal of the beast - 666, which is given in the book of Revelation. One of the most popular interpretations takes it from the numerical meaning of the name of the Roman emperor Caesar Nero (KSR NRWN), which in the first century of our era severely pursued Christians. Addition of digits 100, 60, 200, 50, 200, 6, 50 and gives the desired number 666.

Sometimes, when explaining the number of beasts resort to numerology, in which the number 6, which displays everything imperfect, is opposed to the number 7 - the symbol of the fullness and purity. One of the uses of the number 6 is a triple six, meaning the extreme degree of imperfection.

When will come?

The fathers of the church were repeated more than once that nor the time of the second coming of the Messiah, nor the timing of the antichrist's phenomenon, we are not known, "For the Lord said: It's not your business to know times or dates." However, some theologians still attempt to interpret the sacred scripture and determine at least the approximate date of the appearance of the antichrist.

The founder of the "Church of John the Theologian" preacher Oleg Molenko says that "the arrival of the antichrist, like the glorious coming of Christ of the Lord" will be held in the coming third millennium. He refers to the rows of the Gospel about Luke (13:32): "And he told them: Go, tell me this fox: CE, I expel demons and make healing today and tomorrow, and on the third day I'm cun." [C-Block]

The key to these words Molenko sees in the rows of the Apostle Peter in the Second Cathedral Message of the Apostle (GL.3): "One thing should not be hidden from you, beloved that the Lord has one day, like a thousand years old, and a thousand years as one day " The third day, according to the preacher, this is the third millennium, when "the Lord will stop in his church and among people on earth heal and cast out demons, for his everlasting kingdom will come."

Professor of theology Viktor Chernyshev speaks about 5 signs described in the New Testament, which will be energized about the arrival of the Antichrist. The first is the widespread spread of the Gospel, the second is the appearance of false prophets, the third is a deep drop in morality, the fourth - destructive war, and the fifth - the frequent natural cataclysms. What we see is currently.

What will come for?

According to the theological point of view, the meaning of the arrival of the antichrist was formed in the Garden of Eden. Then the biblical adams and Eva disgraced the instructions of God and tasted the forbidden fruit. And then the Prophecy of the Snake-Tempener was fulfilled: their eyes opened, and they began to know good and evil gods.

Later, as we know from the texts of the New Testament, the devil tried to tempt Christ. However, he did not succumb to the temptations of the world, having sought the cup of suffering to the end, thereby redeeming the sins of fallen humanity.

Now the purpose of the devil is the temptation of the Church of Christ. For this, he intends to use the Antichrist, who should prevent the Lord's plans in establishing his will and kingdoms on Earth.

How will it be born?

Archbishop Trinity and Syracuse Averki claims that "the antichrist will not be a spirit of any or a demon, but the death of the human race, who did not realize the devil, as some thought, and man." Many suggest that the Antichrist will be born from the connection of the Virgin and Satan.

The Apostle Paul calls the Antichrist man of sin, the son of death (2 Salt. 2: 3). "According to the most reliable and more common opinion, the Antichrist will be a true person, he will be born from the lawless marriage, from the imaginary maiden - a bad wife, in contrast to Jesus Christ, born from the Blessed Virgin Mary," the saint prophesies.

How will it be defeated?

The Bible says that the infantologist will be an antichrist century and prevents his ambulance, after which the Earth will be established by the 1000-year-old kingdom of Christ with the saints elected, which will be the transition period for the eternal kingdom of God. The battle of the military of Christ with the forces of darkness, which the Jewish tradition calls Armageddon, is described in the revelation of John the Bogoslov:

"And I saw the beasts and the kings of the earth and the host of them collected to fight with the sitting on horseback and with his military. And he was captured by a beast and with him a false prophet, who made miracles before him, he seduced by the drawing of the beast and worshiping his image: both lives were thrown into the fiery lake, burning gray; And the other killed by the sword sitting on a horse emanating from his mouth. "

In many famous historical personalities, people saw Antichrist. Scientists and theologians for two thousand years have been fighting over the decoding of the mysterious number of the beast. The history of the birth, the life and death of the Antichrist is described in the "Revelation of John the Bogosla", as well as in numerous religious treatments. So who is he, the son of perch, son of the beast, the great false prophet and the eternal antitiza of Christ? And when should we wait for his arrival?

The Bible testifies.
The earliest mention of the Antichrist is found in the Old Testament in the book of Daniel, where it is written literally the following: "Many will be cleaned, will convince and remelted will be in temptation; The wicked will be dishonest, and no one of the wicked, and wise URSUMEUM "(Daniel. 12:10).

Already such prominent medieval theologies of the Christian Church, like Thomas Aquinas, saw in this passage direct proclamation of the arrival of the antichrist. After all, during his reign, there will be a clear separation of people on those who are predicted by Christ, and those who are devoted to Antichrist.

The Savior himself says about the coming reign of Antichrist: "For the falsehritists and false prophets rise and give great signs and wonders to close, if possible, and chosen" (Matt. 24:24, Mark. 13:22). These words of Christ should be attributed not only to the Antichrist itself, but also to its numerous minions and assistants that he surrounds himself to rule the world.

However, the main evidence of the arrival of the antichrist for medieval and modern scholasts is the "Revelation of John the Theologian", as well as the Second Message of the Apostle Paul Fesaloni Kytes. In them, despite some allegority and the nebula of terms, most of the Christian theologians and the Bible researchers see a detailed presentation of the life and acts of Antichrist.

In general, the peak of interest in the life of the antichrist falls on the Middle Ages. At this time, Miracle were very popular - pious performances, where one or another sacred story was told. The topic of the topics and the depth of the Antichrist also appeared to the popular plot of Miracle, since the main driving force of the Middle Ages was fear. So it was the fear forced people to relieve the story of the upcoming end of the world, whom they with neurotic perseverance were waiting at the beginning of each century and every millennium.

The word "antichrist" occurs in the Bible only in the "Revelation of John the Theologian", denoting, however, all people who oppose themselves Christ. This is what John says: "Who is a liar, if not the one who rejects that Jesus is Christ? This is an antichrist, rejecting father and son "(1 John 2:22, ibid 2:18).

In the Middle Ages, there were serious differences among theologians regarding whether one antichrist would be or somewhat and who should be considered an antichrist - just a man who rebelted Christ against Christ, or the very Son of the Beast, who is coming in the last time for the Earth?

But over time, the theologians still developed a single concept, according to which the Antichrist is the son of the devil, which will appear before the second coming of Christ, will rule the world three and a half years, and then will be defeated. Based on the apostolic certificates captured in the messages to different Christian communities, the words of Christ himself, as well as the "Revelations of John the Theologian", scientists and theologians managed to almost completely reconstruct the life of the Antichrist.

The life and death of the "antihero".
Most theologians tend to think that the Antichrist represents not only the exact opposite of Christ as a person, but his whole life will be a kind of parody of the sacred history of life, death and resurrection of the Son of God, described in the New Testament. The medieval theologians of Thomas Aquinas called the devil "Monkey of the Lord God." As you know, a monkey can very accurately copy-manners of a person, but it remains animals.

According to the Thomas of Akvinsky, the devil, and after him and his son Antichrist seek to imitate Christ in everything. After all, it is not by chance that all the secret ceremonies of San Tanstones are an inverted church service, as evidenced by not only the Protocols of the Inquisition, but also the criminal cases of modern law enforcement agencies. Guided by the idea that the devil does everything on the contrary, and at the same time tries to copy God, we will be able to understand the secret meaning of the lives of Antichrist.

It is generally recognized that the Antichrist will be born from a death woman from the Jewish knee. The devil is settled in it, and so she will start an antichrist. This detail turns one hundred eighty degrees to the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary.

Mary was from the Jewish tribe of Judah, glorified by the fact that many pious people came out of him, whose names were immortalized in the Old Testament. And the knee is given, on the contrary, it is known that he renounced the true God and was noticed in idolatry and many other sins.

The future of the birthplace of the Antichrist is also established - this is the territory of the ancient Babylonian kingdom, that is, the current Iran and narrow adjacent territories. Many theologians tend to believe that the Babylonian harmnica is the mother of Antichrist. In other words, he will be born or expensive whore, or just a depraved and influential woman living in this region.

Becoming an adult, the Antichrist will begin to gain a army of supporters. Moreover, initially he will behave like Christ, to work wonders, signs, prophesy and to do care of the patients. However, as soon as most people believe him, he will immediately show his true essence, turning into a merciless tyrant.

Repeating the path of Christ, he will enter Jerusalem to restore the ruined temple of Solomon destroyed in ancient times, and erect there with his own sculpture, which will force to worship. The reign of the Antichrist will last three and a half years, after which the victory will wish Christ.

The moment of death of the antichrist is also a mirror reflection of the last minutes of staying on the land of Christ. The Antichrist will go to the oil hydraulic mountain (Elion), from where Christ is opposed, where he will have to make a kind of great miracle. According to some theologian, it will be to finally immerse the world in darkness. However, he will not be able to do this, because he will be fighting Christ.

Opponents of antichrist.
Everyone, without exception, theologians come to the conclusion that to defeat the antichrist people would be impossible, but it does not mean that he does not need to resist.

In the "Revelation of John the Godlov" there are numerous mention of people who refuse to take the power of the Antichrist and will be forced to hide. On Earth, there are enough places where the antichrist will not be able to get. One of these places is a women's monastery in Diveyev, which was drawn up by Rev. Seraphim Sarov. The entire territory of the monastery is surrounded by the sacred groove, which nuns died. In Soviet years, she was practically burdard, but a few years ago, young nuns again tearned her.

Also, two Old Testament Prophet - Elijah and Enoch will be sent to the aid of people with God from Heaven. They will return many people who have fallen under the power of the Antichrist back to faith in Christ, but in confrontation with the antichrist will be defeated. For the kingdom of the son of darkness is part of the Divine Plan, which provides for the separation of the "Lamb from Koztsch."

Number of beast.
The symbol of the antichrist is almost the entire known number of the beast - 666. However, its meaning is interpreted by theologians in different ways. So, some of them believe that the name of the Antichrist is encrypted. The medieval theologians of the Primate in its "Comments to the Apocalypse", comparing the Greek alphabet and the number of the beast, displays the name of the Antemos, which means "opposite glory."

But the number of beast is not only the encoded name of the Antichrist, in which its strength is concluded, but also his coat of arms, a symbol and a kind of mark, which he will brand all the people who bowed to him. According to John the Theologian, a person who does not have this sign will not be able to buy anything or sell. That is, speaking in modern legal language, will lose all civil rights and freedoms.

This sign will be applied to the right hand and forehead. Why so, the theologians have already figured out the theologian for a long time: a person who has an antichrist will be inflicted on his forehead and right hand, it is physically not able to make a glooring sign, and, therefore, completely falls under the power of the devil.

John the Bologosov testifies that the most people will be under the fifth antichrist, because many will have to choose between life under his power and painful death. However, the hope for the forgiveness of people who succumbed to the Antichrist will still remain. Between the overthrow of the Antichrist and the arrival of Christ - already as the head of a terrible court - there will be some period of time, given to people specifically so that they can repent and come to Christ.

Did he already come?
As mentioned above, every generation of people saw in their daily life of the sign of the arrival of the Antichrist, and in many evil geniuses of their era and the son of the Son. In principle, this is quite consistent with the opinion of the said Foma of Aquinsky, which in its fundamental work "the amount of theology" writes that "all other evil people who preceded him, the essence of the antichrist image." As a rule, the theologians are interpreted in the sense that the obvious rascals of all times and peoples, although in reality, were not the embodiment of the Antichrist, however, they were a kind of forerunner. The very first of these people in whom saw the image of the Antichrist, was Simon Magic, the mention of which can be found in the "Acts of Apostles". This Mr was something like Kashpirovsky or Uri Geller's times of antiquity.

The antichrist was also considered the emperors of Antioch IV, the infant with the brutal persecution of Jews, and Nero, and Julian apostate. Contemporaries attributed the same gloomy role and many other monarchum, of which, for example, mention Peter the first and Napoleon Bonaparte. From Prostrollov, this name was assigned to Martin Luther, Maximil-en Robespiera, Gregory Rasputin. However, none of all the above-mentioned persons, according to theologians, cannot even be closely compared to the cruelty, which the true son of perched, a real antichrist.

Apocalypse begins ...
Among modern researchers of the "Revelations of John the Theologian" and other ancient texts, one way or another raising the theme of the Antichrist, there is an opinion that the eschatological events preceding the focus of the Antichrist and the subsequent terrible court already occur on Earth.

Among the worldly scientists and theologians there is a very interesting theory. The fact is that the Aramaic language, which was initially written "Revelation", is extremely poor and, of course, could not contain concepts, images, symbols, names of objects that are familiar with the modern person. Therefore, John, who received revelations, in which he was given the vision of the events preceding the end of the world, used allegory and metaphors in order for, overcoming the poverty of the native language, to record on it all captured in his spiritual memory.

And then it all depends on the personal perception of a person who is trying to decipher the mysterious signs, images, numbers and symbols mentioned in "Revelation". So, some authors are a bitter star, which will take up, an arrangement of the birth of an antichrist, associate with the Chernobyl catastrophe. The number of a beast, without which it is impossible to buy anything or sell, sometimes interpreted as the appearance of universal electronic media, replacing and wallet, and a credit card, and a passport that allegedly will be sewn into the right hand. The union of all kingdoms at hand is understood as a single unified system of powerful international corporations, the president of which will become the son of death.

In each era, people subconsciously sought signs of the arrival of the antichrist. But when it happens, no one knows. And we only have to hope that this will happen not at our life - "Yes, the bowl of this is ... ...

edited news Vendetta. - 8-07-2012, 11:06

Antichrist people saw in many famous historical personalities. The theologians and scientists have been fighting over the decoding of the mystical number of the beast over two thousand years. The history of the birth, the life and death of the Antichrist is described in the "Revelation of John the Bogosla", as well as in many religious treatments. So who is he, the son of perch, son of the beast, the great false prophet and the eternal antitiza of Christ? And when should we wait?

The Bible testifies

The mention of the antichrist is the earliest in the Old Testament in the book of Daniel, where it is written literally the following: "Many will be cleaned, they will convince and remelted in temptation; The dishonest will come acceleratively, and no one of the woeful, and wise URSUMUME "(Daniel 12:10).

Already such well-known medieval theologies of the Christian Church, like Thomas Aquinas, saw in this passage direct proclamation of the arrival of the antichrist. After all, with his reign, there will be a clear division of people on those who are presented to Christ, and those who are devoted to Antichrist.

The Savior himself says about the upcoming reign of Antichrist: "For the falsehritists and false prophets rise and give great signs and wonders to close, if possible, and selected" (Matt. 24:24, Mark. 13:22). These words of Christ should be attributed not only to the Antichrist itself, but also to the many of his minions and assistants, which he surrounds himself to rule the world.

But the basic evidence of the arrival of an antichrist for medieval and modern Scholastov is the "Revelation of John the Theologian", as well as the second message of the Apostle Paul Fassalonians. In them, despite some allegority and the nebula of terms, most of the Christian theologians and the Bible researchers see a detailed presentation of the life and acts of Antichrist.

The peak of interest in the life of the Antichrist fell on the Middle Ages. In those days, miracle were quite popular - pious performances, which described those or other sacred stories. The topic of the jurisdiction and the depth of Antichrist also was a popular plot of Miracle, because the main driving force of the Middle Ages was fear. So it was the fear forced people to relieve the stories that they with neurotic perseverance were expected at the beginning of each century and every millennium.

The word "antichrist" occurs in the Bible only in the "Revelation of John the Theologian", denoting, with all people who oppose themselves Christ. This is what John said: "Who is a liar, if not the one who rejects that Jesus is Christ? This is an antichrist, rejecting father and son "(1 John 2:22, ibid 2:18).

In the Middle Ages between theologians, serious disagreements arose about whether one antichrist would be or somewhat and whom should be considered an antichrist - just a man who rebelled against Christ, or the very Son of the Beast, coming in the latter for the Earth times?

However, over time, the theologists still developed a single concept, according to which the antichrist is the son of the devil, which will appear before the second coming of Christ, will rule the world for three and a half years, and after will be defeated. Based on the apostolic certificates, captured in the messages to different Christian communities, the words of Christ himself, as well as the "Revelations of John the Theologian", scientists and theologians managed to almost completely reconstruct the life of the Antichrist.

Life and death of "Antiroi"

Most of theologians tends to think that the Antichrist represents not only the complete opposite of Christ as a person, but his whole life will be a kind of parody of the sacred history of life, death and resurrection of the Son of God, described in the New Testament. The medieval theologians of Thomas Aquinas called the devil "Monkey of the Lord God." As you know, the monkey can quite accurately copy-manners of a person, but it remains animals.

According to the Thomas of Akvinsky, the devil, and after him and his son Antichrist seek to imitate Christ in everything. After all, it is not by chance that all the secret ceremonies of Satanists represent an inverted church service, which is evidence of not only the Protocols of the Inquisition, but also criminal cases of modern law enforcement agencies. Guided by the idea that the devil does everything on the contrary, and at the same time she tries to copy God, we can understand the secret meaning of the lives of Antichrist.

It is generally recognized that the Antichrist will be born from a death woman from the Jewish knee. The devil is settled in it, and so she will start an antichrist. This item turns over a hundred 180 degrees immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary.
Maria was from Judah's Jewish Knee, glorified by the fact that many pious people came out of it, whose names are immortalized in the Old Testament. And the knee is given, on the contrary, it is known that he renounced the true God and was noticed in idolatry and many other sins.

The future of the birthplace of the antichrist is also established - this is the territory of the ancient Babylonian kingdom, that is, modern Iran and narrow adjacent territories. Many theologians believe that the Babylonian Bludnica is the mother of Antichrist. In other words, he will be born or expensive whore, or just a depraved and influential woman living in these places.

Having become an adult, the Antichrist will dial the army of supporters. In this case, initially he will behave like Christ, to work wonders, signs, prophesy and to do the patients. But only most people believe him, he will immediately show his true essence, turning into a merciless tyrant.

Repeating the path of Christ, he will enter Jerusalem to restore the ruined temple of Solomon destroyed in ancient times, and erect there with his own sculpture, which will force to worship. The reign of the Antichrist will continue three and a half years, after which the victory will won Christ.

The moment the death of the antichrist itself is also a mirror reflection of the last minutes of staying on the land of Christ. The Antichrist will go to the oil hydraulic mountain (Elion), from where Christ is opposed, where he will have to make a kind of great miracle. According to some of the theologians, it will be to finally immerse the world into darkness. However, he will not be able to do this, because he will be fighting Christ.

Opponents of Antichrist

Everyone, without exception, the theologians came to the conclusion that the defeating Antichrist would be impossible to defeat the Antichrist, but it does not mean that he does not need to resist.
In the "Revelation of John the Bogoslev" there are multiple mentions of people who refused to accept the power of the Antichrist and will be forced to hide. On Earth there are enough places where the antichrist cannot get. One of these places is a women's monastery in Diveyev, which was drawn up by Rev. Seraphim Sarov. The entire territory of the monastery is surrounded by the sacred groove, which nuns died. In Soviet times, it was almost buried, but a few years ago, young nuns were opening her again.

Also, two Old Testament Prophet - Elijah and Enoch will be sent to the aid of people with God from Heaven. They will return a lot of people who fell under the power of the Antichrist back to faith in Christ, but in confrontation with the antichrist will be defeated. For the kingdom of the son of darkness is part of the Divine Plan, which provides for the separation of the "Lamb of Koztschi".

Number of beast

Antichrist symbol This is the number of beast - 666. But its meaning of theologian is interpreted in different ways. So, some of them believe that the name of the antichrist is encrypted. The medieval theologians of Primate in its "comments to the apocalypse", comparing the Greek alphabet and the number of the beast, displays the name of the Antemos, which means "opposite glory."

But the number of beast is not only the encoded name of the Antichrist, in which its strength is concluded, but also his coat of arms, a symbol and a kind of mark, which he will brand all the people who bowed to him. According to John the Theologian, a person who does not have this sign will not be able to buy anything or sell. That is, if we speak modern legal language, will lose all civil rights and freedoms.

This sign will be applied to the right hand and forehead. Why so, the theologians have already figured out the theologian for a long time: a person who has an antichrist will be inflicted on his forehead and right hand, it is physically not able to make a glooring sign, and, therefore, completely falls under the power of the devil.

John theologian testifies that the most people will be under the fifth antichrist, because many have to make a choice between life under his power and painful death. But hope for forgiveness in people who succumbed to the Antichrist will still remain. Between the overthrow of the Antichrist and the arrival of Christ - already as the head of a terrible court - there will be some period of time, given to people specifically so that they can repent and come to Christ.

Did he already come?

As mentioned earlier, each generation of people saw in their daily life of the sign of the arrival of the Antichrist, and in many evil geniuses of their era and the very son of the Son. In principle, this is quite consistent with the opinion of the said Foma Aquinas, which in its fundamental work "the amount of theology" wrote that "all other evil people who preceded him, the essence of the antichrist image. Usually, the theologians are interpreted in the sense that the obvious scoundrels of all times and peoples, although in reality and were not the embodiment of the Antichrist, but were a kind of forerunner. The very first of these people in which the image of the Antichrist was seen was Simon Magic, the mention of it can be found in the "Acts of Apostles". This Mr was something like Kashpirovsky or Uri Geller's times of antiquity.

Antichrist was also called the Emperors of Antioch IV, the infamous to the brutal persecution of the Jews, and Nero, and Julian apostate. Contemporaries attributed the same gloomy role and many other monarchum, of which for example, mention Peter the first and. From Prostrolov, this name was assigned to Martin Luther, Maximilen Robespiera ,. But no one, as the theologians consider, from all of the above-mentioned persons, will not even be able to compare in cruelty, which the true son of perched, a real antichrist.

Apocalypse begins ...

Among the modern researchers of the "Revelations of John the Theologian" and other ancient texts, one way or another raising the theme of the Antichrist, there is an opinion that the eschatological events preceding the focus of the Antichrist and the subsequent terrible court have already begun on Earth.

In the environment of worldly scientists and theologians there is a very interesting theory. The fact is that the Aramaic language, which was initially written "Revelation", extremely poor and, of course, could not contain concepts, images, symbols, names of objects that are familiar to a modern person. Because John, who received revelations, in which he was given the vision of the events preceding the end of the world, used allegory and metaphors in order for, overcoming the poverty of the native language, to record everything imprinted in his spiritual memory on it.

And then it all depends on the personal perception of a person who tries to decipher the mysterious signs, images, numbers and symbols mentioned in "Revelation". So, some authors are a bitter star of wormwood, which will exalteniate the birth of an antichrist, associate with a catastrophe in Chernobyl. The number of the beast, without which it is impossible to buy anything, nor to sell, sometimes interpreted as the appearance of a universal electronic media, replacing and wallet, and a credit card, and a passport that allegedly will be covered in the right hand. The union of all kingdoms at hand is understood as a single unified system of powerful international corporations, the president of which will become the son of death.

In all the epochs, people subconsciously sought signs of the arrival of the antichrist. But when this happens, no one knows. And we can only hope that this will happen with our life - "Yes, the bowl of this" ...