How to draw your dream the world around you. V

01.11.2019 Past life

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Rationale for choosing a topic

Human society at all times needed, above all, a healthy person. The culture of attitudes towards one's health is formed in every child, of course, in the family. But the school and the teacher play an equally important role in its formation. Much depends on the prospect of a child's life on whether the attitude to health is value-based, whether the skills of maintaining and strengthening it are taught.

Therefore, one of the tasks of my work, I set the education of students to respect their health, the need for a healthy lifestyle, the desire for physical improvement, the prevention of bad habits. Younger schoolchildren need to develop an understanding of the importance of health as the most important value in life.

I attach great importance to the lessons of the surrounding world. In these lessons, children learn the "art of hearing" their body, are attentive to their health. The teaching of the surrounding world is conducted according to the textbook by A.A. Pleshakova "The World Around Us". The tutorial is divided into four blocks:

  1. What and who?
  2. How, where and where?
  3. Where and when?
  4. Why and why?

The main goal of the course is to teach children to ask questions about the world around them and find answers to them. This lesson is part of the system of lessons on the topic "Why and why?". With the help of different tasks, children should understand and understand: why do we sleep at night, answer the problematic question: what should be done to make our sleep healthy?

Using the material of this lesson, I tried to awaken in children curiosity, ingenuity, the ability to observe, analyze, compare, talk about their emotions and feelings. I think that the ability to empathize, sympathize, be attentive to their health will help children in the future to love themselves and the world.

I hope that the knowledge gained by the children in the lesson will be remembered for a long time. And my students will take care of their health and the health of loved ones.


  • Create favorable conditions for the formation of students' understanding of sleep as a component of human health; find out the meaning of sleep in people's lives.
  • Promote the development of the ability to reason, analyze, draw conclusions.
  • Foster curiosity, interest in reading additional literature on human health.

Lesson objectives:

  • Help children understand the meaning of sleep in human life.
  • Together with the children, develop rules for preparing for bed.
  • Show that not only people are sleeping, but also animals.
  • To systematize children's ideas about the work of people working at night.

Equipment:textbook "The World Around Us", workbook on a printed basis, colored pencils, a projector, a multimedia presentation in the Power Point program, phonograms of the songs "Bayu-bye", "Tired toys are sleeping", "We shake our heads".

Estimated results:

1. To learn that we are sleeping in order to rest and gain strength, to learn how to behave correctly before going to bed.
2. Using the knowledge gained in everyday life.
3. Positive emotional attitude.
4. Organization of work with the greatest effect for the preservation and strengthening of health.


I. Creating a positive emotional mood in the lesson

- Hello dear friends! I say hello to you, which means that I wish you all good health! Have you ever wondered why in greeting people there is a wish for each other health? Probably because. That human health is the most important value.
- Today we have an unusual lesson. What do you expect from him? (Children express their assumptions)
- Thank. I am very pleased to hear such words from you. I wish that your desires come true, and you really learn something new for yourself, find answers to your questions.

II. Lesson topic message

- And today we will bring out a part of the health formula, and which one, you yourself will determine.
- Sit comfortably, relax. And, plunging into your emotional state, try to introduce the topic of the lesson.

The music of children's relaxation sounds - a lullaby. There is a presentation slideshow with photographs of the coming night. Children watching a multimedia presentation (slides 2-12)

- Guys, what feelings did you experience while listening to music and watching slides? (Children sayings)
- What do you think is the topic of today's lesson? What we're going to talk? (Children's answers)
- Listen carefully to the riddle and name the answer.

Will not knock, will not blur, but will suit everyone. (This is a dream")

- Right. The topic of the lesson is "Healthy sleep". (slide 13)

Sh. Knowledge update, planning

- What would you like to know on this topic? (The teacher organizes the statements of the children and writes on the board a plan for studying the topic, consisting of children's questions) (slide 14)

1. What is sleep?
2. Why do we hoarse at night?
3. What are the sleep rules?
4. How do people know about sleep?
5. How do animals sleep?
6. Who does not sleep at night?

IV. Learning new material

The sun went down outside the village
The tits are sleeping, the jays are sleeping.
The mustachioed catfish sleeps in the river,
The forest, the steppe, and the garden are sleeping,
The herd is sleeping, the shepherd and the dog ...
Sleep took its own country.

- Guys, your first question: what is a dream? Maybe someone already knows? There are many different literature now, a large number of programs are broadcast - share your knowledge with friends. (Children express their assumptions, the teacher summarizes)
- Sleep is one of the most important types of daily rest. Without adequate sleep, health is unthinkable. The people have long noticed the very important role of sleep for human health, for the restoration of his physical and mental strength. Sleep is a state of rest and rest that comes at regular intervals.
- Guys, who will try to answer the question: why do we sleep at night? (Children's answers)
- So let's now try to understand this issue together. Listen carefully to one story. (Children listen, analyze)
- One boy decided to observe: what will happen if he goes to bed on time one evening and goes to bed late the next. He wrote down his observations in a personal diary. Here are his notes.

1 day.In the evening I went to bed at 9 o'clock. In the morning I woke up at 7 o'clock, did my exercises and went to school in a good mood. He worked actively in the lessons.
2nd day. Watched a movie on TV, which ended at 11 pm. Immediately failed to fall asleep. In the morning I didn't want to wake up and go to school, I had a headache, I was in a bad mood. I wanted to sleep in class. Eyes stuck together.
3rd day. Today I decided to go to bed on time, that is, at 9 pm. In the morning I woke up cheerful, cheerful and went to school. The lessons were very interesting.

- Guys, why do you think this could happen? Why do you need to sleep at night and go to bed on time? (Children express their opinion, prove)
As a result of the discussion, the result of the work appears. (slide 15)

We sleep to:
- relax;
- in the morning to be kind, cheerful and cheerful;
- be a hero;
- to fly in a dream;
- see interesting dreams;
- play with "cartoons".

- Right. Lack of sleep, especially systematic, leads to overwork, to the disease of the body. We like to watch interesting dreams: we fly in them and play with our favorite characters.
- Look closely at the illustration in the textbook. What happened to the boy in class? (Children's answers)
- Read the conclusion yourself. (Children read in the textbook)
- Our sleep will be sound, and our awakening will be easy when we observe the special rules of preparation for sleep. And just your third question, what are the rules healthy sleep? How do you prepare for bed? (Children sayings)
- Let's work out these rules together now. You need to complete the task at the bottom of the tutorial. Analyze the drawings on your own and paint the chips in different colors: what to do before going to bed - greenwhat can be done - in yellow, what cannot be done - in red. (Independent work of children)
- Please work in pairs now. Tell each other about your findings, discuss controversial situations. (Working in pairs)
- Guys, check the result of the work on the slide. Is everything here, in your opinion, done correctly? (Slide 16)

(Children analyze the presented answer option, correct mistakes, proving their choice)

- Scientists studying the effects of sleep on humans have also developed rules to be followed. Look carefully and tell me what we haven’t noted in our rules yet?
(slide 17) - the teacher reads and comments on the rules.

Children's answers:

- I noted for myself one more rule: go to bed and get up at the same time.
- It is advisable to sleep in complete darkness.
- Sleep on an even bed.
- But I didn't understand: why do you need to sleep on your back or on your right side?
- Guys, who can answer this question?
- Probably, it's more comfortable to sleep this way.
- I think it is easier for our heart to work this way, when we sleep, it should also rest. My mother told me that the heart is closer to the left side. And, if we sleep on the left side, then other organs will press on it.
- Well done! But let's leave this question open for now. When you come home, if you wish, ask your parents or look in books and try to find other answers.
- And now let's consolidate the rules of healthy sleep with the help of an outdoor game "True or False?" If the statement is correct, you fold your hands as in a dream, if not, then clap your hands and knock your feet. (Work in progress)

Before going to bed you need:

- brush your teeth and wash your face;
- jump and run;
- ventilate the room;
- watch a scary movie;
- read a book;
- eat well.

- Guys, remember, what words do you usually say to your parents and other family members when you go to bed? What do you hear in response? And what do these words mean? (Good night! Good sleep! Happy dreams!)
- Now draw your dream to a lullaby in your workbook. (slide 18)

(Children draw their dream to musical accompaniment)

- Look what wonderful dreams you have! Who would like to comment on their work?

(Optionally, students tell what they depicted in the drawings)

- Guys, back to our plan. The next question is, how do people know about sleep?
- Some people sleep so deeply that in the morning, waking up, they forget everything. Others, on the contrary, remember and try to unravel their dreams. Now this is helped by special books for explaining dreams - dream books. And if you are interested, remember your dream, and at home in the book you will find an explanation for it.
Do you know how it became known that when we sleep, we constantly see dreams? Doctors managed to find out with the help of a device called an electrocephalograph. It is a device that receives and records brain signals. It was found that the brain is constantly working during sleep.
“It's not just people who dream. Can you give examples to prove that animals also dream?

(Children share their observations of pets: if you watch a sleeping dog or cat, you can see that the animal sometimes twitches its paw in a dream, makes some sounds)

- Let's get some rest.

(Physical education is conducted under musical accompaniment - slide 19)

- your next questionhow do animals sleep? Let's continue our discussion of your observations further.
(Slides 20-24) - the teacher demonstrates the slides, the children watch the multimedia presentation.
- Now guess the riddles, and you will find out which animals do not sleep at night.

Flies all night
Extracts mice.
And it will become light
Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl)

He does not mind sleeping all day
But as soon as night falls
His bow will sing
Call the musician ... (Cricket)

Sleeps during the day
Hanging head down
Flies at night
Extracts food. (Bat)

It will go out
It will light up
At night there is a light in the grove.
Guess what it's called?
Well, of course… (Glowworm)

- Look at the illustration in the tutorial. What do you know about these animals?

Children talk.

Outcome: not all animals sleep at night, since night for many animals is the main time for obtaining food.

- Guys, the last question of our plan: who, besides animals, does not sleep at night? How do you suppose?
- I think that people who are ill do not sleep.
- I believe that these are people who travel and are on the road.
- And I think these are the people who work at night.
- Well done! You are reasoning correctly. Watch the presentation slides depicting the occupations of people working at night and explain the importance of these occupations.
(slides 25-27)

(Children give facts, cases from life, telling about the activities of firefighters, ambulance workers, police at night)

V. Reflection. Assessment of work

- Well, guys, pay attention to the questions that we posed at the beginning of the lesson. Let it be short, but we tried to find answers to them. Let's summarize the lesson. Everyone will continue the phrase for himself ... (slide 28)

Vi. Final conversation

- So, our lesson has come to an end, in which we have considered only a part that can affect our health. Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us wants to be strong and strong, never get sick. And if we follow the rules of healthy sleep, then the coming day will be more fun and life will be easier.

- Guys, if you wish, you can sketch the dream seen at night at home. You can tell your mom or friends how to properly prepare for bed in the evening.
- Guys, today I want to praise you all. You worked well! Thank!
(Slide 29)

Used Books:

1. World of childhood: Younger schoolboy / ed. A.G. Khripkova, - M .: Pedagogy, 1981.
2. Grow healthy: Children's encyclopedia / R. Rotenberg, - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1991.
3. A fabulous reference book of health. T. 2 / A. Lopatina, M .: Amrita - Rus, 2005.
4. What? What for? Why? The big Book questions and answers / per. K. Mishina, A. Zykova, - M .: Eksmo, 2005.
5. I know the world: Children's encyclopedia: Medicine / comp. N. Yu. Buyanova, - M .: AST, 1998.
6. Internet resources.

The author is absolutely inadequate. The tasks in the notebook involve the work of the parent with the printer and the Internet, but not the work of the child. What all this nonsense should give to the child is a big question, but to the parent - neuroses. The author got his hands on a magic device called "printer" and figured out how to include it in a notebook. I'd like to ask if he saw living first-graders? Who do not paint like Surikov, do not make layouts like a professional designer, and do not go to a photo studio far away from the world to print photos at 15-20 rubles apiece? I put the age category "from 11 years old", because this is not a notebook for a first grader.

Here are examples of assignments from the second part of the notebook (the first one has already been passed and thrown away). All this, I want to note, is adjacent to tasks such as arrange the days of the week in order or draw a sad and cheerful sun.

Remember and tell us how you felt on the first day of school. Stick on a photo taken on the first day of school.

Draw a portrait of your teacher or take a photo.

On these pages, submit a photo story about the life of your class and school. Try in photographs to express your attitude towards classmates, the teacher, and events in the life of the class and school. (here, apparently, a personal photographer with access to the school should be attached)

Find an old photograph of your city (village). Paste or redraw it in a notebook. (and then two more tasks in the same spirit: paste a modern photograph and draw a city of the future)

If you have a bike, draw it or put a photo on it (WHY ???? isn't it enough to tell about your bike, you must definitely print something somewhere?)

Review the family album with the adults. What did the adults look like when they were little? How did they change with age? Post photos of your loved ones at different ages. (the son did this task, being at his grandmother's weekend, they drew something similar, so he separately underlined in the notebook with a red pen "Place photos")

Come up with and discuss your model of a lunar rover. Discuss the proposed models in class. Choose the most successful ones (will they launch a satellite in the third grade?)

Prepare a photo story about the life of your pets. Try to express your attitude towards them in photographs and captions.

Visit the meadow. Admire its beauty. Here you can place your photo of a meadow or complete a drawing (by the way, this task will be somewhere in mid-late April, what the fuck is a meadow ?! Shit, shit, at best, snow, not beauty)

Dreams whimsically mix what happened at school, at home, in a book, in a film and in your dreams. Try to remember your dream. Think about why you had such a dream. Draw what you dreamed. (I can't do it myself)

Ask an adult to teach you how to cook a vegetable or fruit salad. Here is a photo of the prepared dish.

Design and design packaging for new varieties of toothpaste and soap.

Find out about the latest events in the country and the world using any of the media. Here, place a newspaper clipping or printout from the Internet about the event that interests you. (I still see Vasya, who studies news sites and newspapers. And then he goes somewhere to print this stuff, oha).

If the opportunity presents itself, visit the exhibition of modern cars. Take photos. stick one of the photos here.

Here you can place a photo of the children's railroad or draw one. (Before that, there was a long sheet about the fact that you need to go to this children's railway station. And, as it were, it's okay that they are all at the devil's horns, the nearest one is in Ramenskoye, and work, due to the fact that the employees are children, only in the summer, during the holidays?)

Design and sketch a poster encouraging safety in cars, trains, and railways. Run a poster competition in the classroom. (one more exactly the same about the ship and the plane)

Find out about the latest developments in space exploration from a TV news program, the Internet or other sources of information. Prepare to share this in class. Paste a newspaper clipping or printout on the subject here.

Draw a wonderful natural world. Post photos of your good deeds in nature.

The article on the topic: "children's dream book" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

If you dreamed about a drawing, it is worth remembering who created it, what was used for this, and exactly what image was drawn on it.

Often, drawings dreamed in a dream are a sign of joy and a favorable life period.

However, in some cases, such a plot is able to warn the dreamer about the threat. You want to find out what the drawing is about, and when this dream predicts happiness, and when sadness, look in the dream book.

Children's creativity

We saw in a dream a picture drawn on a paper sheet, made by a child - to the good news from relatives, explains Miller's dream book.

I dreamed that a child showed you an album sheet where beautiful bright butterflies were drawn - for carefree and free leisure.

The children began to carry out illustrations, and they want you to help them - in reality, pay attention to close people, they probably have troubles that they hide from you.

Consider children's scribbles in the drawing of a small toddler - be prepared for minor troubles that you can resolve in a short time and without much difficulty, says Miss Hasse's dream book.

The art of permanent makeup

There is a dream where the master draws on the client's body - you have to perform an unexpected act that the people around you will judge.

To make a tattoo on your own on your body - in reality, due to careless actions, you can harm yourself, warns the Lunar Dream Book.

I dreamed that you were choosing an attractive sketch for a future tattoo - in fact, you will go for what you have long wanted, but did not do because of fear.

You see a man with a tattoo on his back - you are deeply mistaken in any matter, do not rush to draw conclusions, or go on rash actions. Think well, ask your friends for advice.

Chinese characters on your body are a sign that you are capable of making a major mistake in the workplace. The main thing at work is to do everything diligently, without rushing.

Graffiti like painting

I dreamed that you were drawing on the wall what was originally written on a piece of paper - a dream gives your personality characteristics, indicating caution. You never arrive at risk due to your nature.

Graffiti that depict images of people or animals placed on the entire wall of a living room - expect great happiness and pleasure. A long-standing wish will probably come true, the Women's Dream Book indicates.

Learning to draw graffiti in a dream - you will receive an interested offer for a job that gives significant profit.

Drawings on marble - to troubles and difficulties in any endeavors, Tsvetkov's dream book indicates.

I dreamed about a sketch made with ordinary pencils - in your destiny everything is elementary. Your joy is not overshadowed by anything, Vanga's dream book portends.

A dream where they considered a still life painted with bright watercolors promises great fun. Expect an event that will fundamentally change the future.

Painted asphalt by someone with the help of chalk in night dreams indicates clarity and innocence. It is not so easy to mislead you, you can spot a lie without difficulty.

Painting painted with pencils different colors, or with felt-tip pens - you will receive a written notification, or a welcome surprise from a stranger.

Textile art

A large sketch on the wallpaper is a sign of a positive relationship with the nearby people you are likely to meet soon.

Tights with an interesting image made on them, dreamed in a dream, indicate prosperity at work and good profit.

Sketching on paper or fabric material intended for embroidering a carpet runner - an influential comrade will help you in resolving difficulties.

Dream Interpretation Drawings, why dream Drawings in a dream to see

From this article you can find out why you dream of Drawings from dream books of different authors. What does what what he saw will tell the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards. And even more accurately understand the dream will help the lunar calendar.

What is the dream of Drawings: interpretation of sleep

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Dreaming Drawings, why?

Drawings - Get a lot of fun; get it as a gift - you will be popular.

Dream interpretation of the apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do I dream of Drawings in my dreams?

Drawings - Get a lot of pleasant things - get a gift - you will be popular

Drawing - If you dream that you are drawing, this means that in reality you will want to have several love affairs at once. You are tired of boredom and monotony, you strive to diversify your sex life, so you dream of having relationships with several partners at once, as the interpreter informs about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why dream of Drawings in a dream?

Seeing in a dream Drawing - To draw a portrait of a friend in a dream means in reality to rejoice in meeting this person or to receive a marriage proposal from him. Watching someone else draw - such a dream promises profit, prosperity, mutual understanding in the family. To draw something means to cheat successfully. If the drawing fails, your deception will be revealed. If you paint yourself - deserve the honor; if you see the artist, it means that you have to make plans for the future. Seeing yourself drawn means that you are loved; others - to a new acquaintance; landscapes or something else - the growth of your property; posing in a dream is an addition to the family. If you see an illustration in a book or magazine, it is a harbinger of your career advancement, promotion.

What are the drawings for?

The interpretation of sleep in the dream book: Drawing - you have a difficult conversation. Beware of being deceived or misunderstood.

Biblical dream book of Azar

What do you dream about drawings based on spiritual sources?

Drawing - Examining the drawing is a pleasant surprise.

Sleep value by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream had.

  • If you dream of Drawings in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why dream Drawings from a dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of Drawings from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of Drawings from a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why dream Drawings from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of Drawings in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why dream Drawings in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Drawings in the dream book. Tell your dream:

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Why is the drawing dreaming

Child's drawing

In a dream, you saw a drawing of a child - a joyful event soon. A dream in which the drawing was old - an unexpected rise in career ladder. Draw drawing - such a dream portends success at work. To spoil the drawing in a dream - to unexpected news. In a dream, you lost a drawing - easy money. Give it to someone - a pleasant surprise... The drawing on which the family was drawn in a dream - the plans built by you will certainly come true.

Prevailing color in the picture

If the drawing was in dark tones - deception from the side close friend. Drawing of bright colors in a dream, in reality - a pleasant meeting that will leave you with many memories. Black and white drawing dreams to romance in a relationship.

Where did you get the drawing?

Drawing for you painted by your child - a dream portends a change in your social circle. If your brother or sister drew it for you, your lie will be revealed. An unknown child drew a picture - your friends are preparing for you something very nice.

Dream interpretation child's drawing

A painted picture in dreams is a fairly popular symbol that will tell the dreamer about his inner world, predict possible future events, and indicate positive and negative character traits. Interpretations provided by dream books of what the drawings are dreaming of are divided into good meanings and warning signs. So that hasty conclusions do not turn out to be false, before analyzing night dreams, you will need to recall the accompanying details, images caused by the picture of emotion.

If the man drawn on the sheet in dreams was joyful, and bright colors prevailed against the background, then in reality the black stripe will end, luck will again be on the side of the sleeping person.

Also, visions with bright shades applied to the canvas from the dream book assure that the person will be able to establish relationships with loved ones, restore lost trust and reputation.

The picture is drawn by the kid

The good news is to be received after dreams of looking at a drawing drawn by a baby in a dream.

general characteristics

As he assures family dream book, the drawing received as a gift should be considered as an opportunity to atone for sins, correct mistakes. How do popular dream books interpret signs drawn on paper?

  • The interpreter Simon Kananita insists that a large number of illustrations in dreams prepares a sleeping person for a happy future, a strong family, and a high position in the service.
  • According to the esoteric interpreter, a man who has taken a brush and an easel is eager to change hateful everyday life for cheerful adventures.
  • The one whose portrait was blurred in dreams, according to Vanga, must prepare for the intrigues of enemies, a serious illness, and loss of control over the situation.
  • Landscapes dream before a big waste of money, says Morozova's dream book.

Many pleasant words will be addressed to the dreamer if he is dreaming of a presented picture, but do not forget that some compliments will turn out to be the flattery of envious people, the medium Hasse is convinced.

Short explanations for everyone

In order not to waste a lot of time looking for the necessary answer, dream books recommend using the meanings of short interpretations.

Dreaming of a painted landscape

  • Seeing your own picture in dreams - your opinion has weight among colleagues.
  • Have a chance to look at someone else's children's drawing? Life will be carefree, joyful events will encourage the dreamer.
  • The work of art on the wall symbolizes possible perspectives, personal growth.
  • A landscape is a dream of profit, a still life indicates popularity with the opposite sex, and often it is necessary for people in love to draw roses.
  • If you had to buy a painting, then this is a warning sign indicating a prepared trap, a scam.
  • He dreams of how a guy painstakingly draws a girl - a man is a romantic, love inspires him.

According to a modern interpreter, a portrait painted with a brush foreshadows new acquaintances with influential people who will help solve the accumulated problems.

Miller's opinion

Image means identification with family

The psychoanalyst believes that he is dreaming of a drawing of a friend before making an important decision that will radically change the current situation in reality.

Children dream of pictures of women before conceiving a child; for men, this image is identified with infantilism, irresponsible behavior.

Drawings in dreams, according to Miller, are a parent-child link. If you had to draw a family on your own, then the dreamer misses the parental home, needs the support of relatives and friends.

Dreaming pictures of babies

The one to whom in a dream the child draws a picture of a beach or a summer field will have a good rest with a cheerful company in reality.

Someone from your environment needs help when, according to the plot, a boy asks for help to draw a picture of an animal.

Children's doodles are a sign of confusion in life. After the vision, difficulties will arise on the way to achieving the goal, but persevering and hardworking people at the end of the path will receive a worthy reward.

Considering the drawings with the baby - you have to do socially useful work.

Image in dreams

Why dream of drawing a butterfly, what to expect after visions of horror-causing paintings?

Tear a picture in a dream

  • Such popular pictures as spiders, butterflies, birds will tell about spiritual harmony, calmness, serenity.
  • A terrible picture of a demon may dream for those who are afraid of a superior person, afraid of parental anger.
  • To break a painted picture in dreams is an expression of disagreement with the decision made, and to hang it in a frame is to provide a service to a friend, to help someone in need.

If you dream of colored scribbles, the future prepares only pleasant surprises.

What is the picture painted on

The decision made in a dream to get a tattoo symbolizes the person's readiness to radically change not only the appearance, but also the way of life.

  • The dream book identifies roses stuffed on the body with passion, feelings burning in the chest.
  • Did you see graffiti on the wall? Quarrels with neighbors cannot be avoided.
  • The picture drawn by the painter predicts a good set of circumstances for starting work on a new project.
  • If you dream of a picture on the wallpaper, then in reality you will be able to find friends with the same interests.

Visions, where the dreamer drew outlines on carbon paper or transparent paper, speak of caution.

What drew

The person who draws is not always as important as the subject he uses.

  • The markers and pencils used are a symbol of good news.
  • Those who drew with crayons on the pavement will be able to recognize a lie.
  • Watercolors are dreaming before radical changes, the interpreter predicts unbridled fun and a lot of impressions.

Oil paints dream of pedantic and responsible people who do not deviate from the principles of honor and morality.

If a nonsense is drawn

If you draw incomprehensible hieroglyphs in a dream, then in reality confusion and turmoil will reign in life.

An incomprehensible picture, inspiring unpleasant feelings, dreams of persons who are tormented by conscience.

Huge letters of an unknown alphabet will tell you that it is time to change your occupation, to delve into the business being studied.

Drawing on the dream book

I dreamed about a drawing, remember who drew it, what and what was shown in the picture. For the most part, the drawings seen in a dream are a sign of joy and pleasure. But it also happens that the picture can warn the sleeping person about the danger. Do you want to know what the drawing is for, and in what cases this dream promises joy, and in what sadness, curl up with the dream book!

Children's creativity

Seeing a child's drawing on paper in a dream is good news from parents, Miller's dream book promises.

I dreamed that the kid brought an album sheet, which depicts butterflies - for an easy and relaxed rest.

The children sat down to draw and ask you to help - in reality, take a closer look at your loved ones, perhaps they have some problems that they are silent about.

Seeing a drawing of a kid, consisting of doodles - you will face minor difficulties that can be solved quickly and easily, Miss Hasse's dream book promises.

The art of tattooing

I have a dream in which a tattoo artist applies a drawing to the client's body - you will commit an act that is unexpected even for yourself, which will have a public resonance.

To stuff a tattoo on your own body - in reality, you can harm yourself through carelessness, warns the Lunar Dream Book.

I dreamed that you are choosing a beautiful drawing for a tattoo - in real life you will decide on what you have long dreamed of, but were afraid to do.

A man with a tattoo on his back is dreaming - you are greatly mistaken about something, do not rush to draw conclusions or take actions, think it over again or consult with friends.

The Chinese characters on the body are a symbol that you can make a very big and serious mistake at work. Be extremely collected and focused when it comes to work.

Graffiti like painting

Dreams that you are transferring art that was depicted on paper to the wall - the dream characterizes you as a very careful person. You are not the type to take risks.

Graffiti depicting people or animals and occupying the entire wall of the house - to great joy and pleasure. Perhaps one of the desires will come true, the Women's Dream Book suggests.

Learning to draw graffiti in a dream - you will be offered a very interesting job with a good income.

The image on the stones - to problems and obstacles in business, Tsvetkov's dream book warns.

Pencil, watercolor, crayons

I dreamed of a sketch drawn with a simple pencil - everything in your life is simple and clear. Your happiness is cloudless, Vanga's dream book pleases.

A dream in which a still life, painted with bright watercolors appears, prophesies unrestrained fun. An event awaits you that will turn life upside down.

Crayon drawing on the pavement means simplicity and clarity. You are difficult to deceive, you feel lies and hypocrisy.

A picture drawn with colored pencils or felt-tip pens - you will receive a letter or a gift from a secret admirer.

Textile art

The volumetric pattern on the wallpaper is a sign of good and good neighborly relations. Perhaps to meet new neighbors.

Printed tights seen in a dream speak of stability in business and good income.

A pattern printed on paper or carpet embroidery - you will have the support of an influential friend in solving a problem.

Why dream Drawing on a dream book

According to the Oracle's dream book, drawing is identified with a positive life period filled with joy, sincere feelings, vivid emotions, new impressions. There is a chance that you will be able to spend time in a circle with nice, close people, good friends.

The dream has not only positive interpretations, therefore it is important to observe responsibility and thoroughness, take into account absolutely all the details and the smallest details in order to get a more accurate meaning

Dreaming of drawings on paper

Did you dream about drawings on paper? Dizzying success awaits in business. In all endeavors, luck will accompany you, you can successfully cope with any set task, achieve your goals in the shortest possible period of time.

Give up recklessness, carelessness and carelessness, so as not to miss your luck due to stupid mistakes. Otherwise, failure is expected in all matters.

Children's drawings dream

The meaning of sleep, where children's drawings appeared, informs about positive events in his personal life. There is a high probability of receiving good news from family members, parents.

Do not forget your loved ones, be attentive to their achievements and successes, surround them with care, make them feel your love. All this will help strengthen relationships, achieve vivid emotions.

Dreamed of pencil drawings

Do you dream about pencil drawings? Everything in life is simple and clear. Cloudlessness, harmony are able to present previously unknown emotions and sensations. In the near future, you can achieve sincere happiness and well-being.

Try not to commit rash actions so as not to lose everything that you already have. Otherwise, you will have to regret what you have done in the future.

I dreamed of an incomprehensible drawing

The interpretation of a dream, where an incomprehensible pattern appeared, reports on encountering difficulties in professional activity, due to which the emotional state can be seriously affected.

Do not be afraid of the difficulties that arise on the way to your goals. With your best effort, you can deal with them quickly and easily.

Dreaming of drawings on the body

The dream, where the drawings on the body appeared, informs that at any moment you are able to perform an original, unexpected act even for yourself. The consequences are difficult to predict, much will depend on what exactly you do.

Try to think carefully about the actions you are taking, do not give in to momentary desires and do not lose control over emotions. Otherwise, stupid mistakes cannot be avoided.

Looking at the paintings of abstract artists, we are trying to understand what is depicted on them?

But isn't that how we "read" the child's drawings? After all, they are as abstract as possible: there are many multi-colored straight and wavy lines, spots, geometric shapes. Moreover, the author himself can always say for sure what exactly he depicted - a cat, a dog or a tree.

The child is a spontaneous abstractionist

Experimenting with color, shape, the artist spontaneously expresses his inner world and your perception of the surrounding space. In the same way, the child conveys the mood, emerging feelings, sensations in the drawing through playing with form, line, color. Preschoolers of any age play with color with great pleasure, mix paints, lighten and darken them, apply arbitrary color spots on a sheet of paper.

All this led me to the decision to use elements of abstractionism in the classroom for fine arts. The desire to express the "ineffable" requires a new, unconventional pictorial language. To convey the emotional state in the drawing allows the technique of non-objective painting - abstraction, one of the directions of the avant-garde. But the ability to paint an abstract picture does not arise by itself.

First, you need to make the child receptive to the beauty of color and shape, develop the ability to notice the beautiful, unusual in nature and enjoy such discoveries. This approach allows children not only to master new techniques of drawing, application, but also to look at the world around them in a new way, and awakens their imagination. After all, the most important thing for a teacher is to support what is inherent in the child by nature itself - fantasy, imagination. Therefore, you can draw anything in our classes, and with any visual materials.

Joy and sadness are different

Introducing the guys to abstract art in our kindergarten takes place in several stages (taking into account the age characteristics of children). First, we try to express the mood, depict various objects, phenomena using color spots, geometric shapes. It is possible to understand the meaning of many children's drawings ("joy", "sadness", "anger") only after talking with their author. But some guys also get recognizable images: "lilacs are blooming", "a beetle is crawling." It is important that each child comes up with his own, different from others, image. Comparing their works, children, perhaps for the first time in their lives, think that joy and sadness are different, that all people are also different, and they need to learn to understand each other, including with the help of drawings.

How to draw your dream

I introduce children of older preschool age to various visual techniques, using which you can get an abstract drawing. I use different methods of work: blotting, blowing, monotyping, printing, collage. All this gradually brings children to an understanding of the world of abstract drawing - the world of the game of line, shape and color. It is important not to limit the child in such experimentation, to give him the opportunity to "play enough" with color and shape. Young artists should not be limited in their choice of paper size and visual material. The child should not have a sense of fear of the work ahead. It is always necessary to "put" him in a situation of success, not to make comments, but to try to see, emphasize and praise the individuality in the drawing, without bringing the children's work to the existing stereotypes.

The next stage of acquaintance with abstract drawing is based on the construction of associative analogies between emerging artistic images and tactile, gustatory and other sensations. If at the first stage we play with color, now the children are doing drawings on the unusual theme I proposed: create a composition "My Dream", draw "delicious" colors (cherry, chocolate), "precious" colors (gold, emerald), depict music (for example, "Flight of the Bumblebee" by Rimsky-Korsakov). I noticed that while completing such tasks, children have special feelings that they are happy to express through drawing.

How to portray a hiding cat

At the senior preschool age, children are already able to understand and draw an abstract drawing that goes from a real image through the avant-garde to abstraction. This is the third, more difficult stage of creating an abstract drawing.

Children's realistic drawing is based on observations of the surrounding world. This is a real classic image according to all the rules of visual activity - the transfer in the drawing of proportions, symmetry, perspective, horizon line, the use of real color. But most often the child draws the objects around him in the "wrong" color, not observing the proportions. For example, a cat can be pink with polka dots, checkered and even patterned, long or short legs in slippers. This is a stylized drawing. We can attribute such a children's work to the avant-garde, which is based on folklore, decorative and applied art. Using a variety of visual techniques, preschooler d creates an abstract image of a real object. In the resulting image, he finds a hidden recognizable object or part of it. If necessary, draws or underlines a characteristic element. For example, there is a stain on the sheet. It can be a stone, part of a wall or a sofa. Or maybe you can see the tail of a cat, or its whiskers, or ear. In the latter case, a picture is obtained called "The Hidden Cat". Often in a child's drawing there is a mixture of all styles, for example: real trees and houses are depicted on an abstract background; the apple has a regular shape, but an unusual color and huge size.

Abstraction in applications

Abstract work can be performed not only in drawing, but also in modeling and application. From pieces, scraps of colored paper, the child composes compositions, correctly selecting and arranging various forms, looking for a coloristic solution in accordance with the conceived theme. It conveys mood, movement through the characteristic arrangement of parts of the applique. Then, just like in an abstract drawing, he adds recognizable elements, focuses on one or another element of the image.

Why is abstraction an art for preschoolers?

Why is it best to introduce abstract drawing in preschool age? The fact is that the child singles out in the world around him only that which, in his opinion, deserves attention and helps to understand different phenomena. The details are not so important. The preschooler exaggerates the allegorical meaning of those phenomena that seem important to him, but are of no interest to an adult. Over time, the child begins to abandon the original way of portraying the outside world, giving it more and more plausibility, accuracy and reality. Therefore, it is advisable to learn to "read" the drawings of children and evaluate them in order to understand the processes of development of the child's personality, his relationship with outside world... It is very important to stimulate children to search for something new (what else does it look like?), To show constant interest in their drawings. You can return to the same abstract work several times, examining it in a new interpretation, adding something, changing the details of the composition.

Our children enjoy looking at works of abstract art, they have a desire to understand the beauty and meaning of color, plastic play, its rhythms. Abstract drawing is not only a special fine art technology. He develops the child as a person, his abstract thinking, creative imagination and fantasy.