I dreamed of an old house in which I used to live in a dream. Why is the house dreaming? Dream interpretation house

18.10.2019 Esoterics

House in a dream - A richly furnished house in its luxurious decoration indicates an old dream, so one should not miss the chance to finally fulfill it.
Be alert if you dreamed that you were destroying a house. This can be a harbinger of quarrels, disputes and illness of your loved ones.
Being a dumb witness that your house is being auctioned is for prosperity or for a good deal in reality.
Bathroom - this is purification, finding new thoughts and outlook on life.
A dilapidated or abandoned house dreams of loss or illness.
To dream about the house in which you spent your childhood - to well-being in the family.
Seeing in a dream a luxurious and rich house, the owner of which you own, means that an opportunity will soon arise to fulfill an old dream. It could be buying a long-awaited detached home or a car.
Seeing your father's house destroyed in a dream - to experiences associated with discord with a loved one.
Dreaming about how your house is on fire - to move or to great joy.
Dreaming about your house being demolished - to the implementation of long-standing plans.
See the old house and the loved ones who have died in it - a dream warns of the need to be more attentive to loved ones and to oneself.
In a dream, see unfinished new houses - means that the plans in reality, there is no possibility, and on the way to their implementation, fate has prepared for you a lot of obstacles that you will have to overcome. Having coped with them - you will find personal happiness.
Roof exit - extremely risky behavior and irresponsible attitude to one's own destiny.
A burning house does not bode well either. Failure in business, disappointment, danger - that's what such a dream can predict.
Do house repairs in a dream - to new acquaintances.
The house in a dream is a symbol of your spiritual or physical self, sometimes both at the same time. Everything that happens in a dream in the house and with the house is a reflection of events in your life. For example, if the pipes are clogged in the house, it means that you are emotionally exhausted, you need to rest in solitude.
The house must always be interpreted as a symbol of the situation in which a person is. More precisely, this is his attitude to the situation.
The house usually dreams of moving or news. But it so happens that the house dreams not only for this.
House, full of people - to achieve the goal.
If a big house tenants leave in panic or it collapses before your eyes - a terrible blow awaits you, after which you will have to rebuild life.
If the house is messy and dirty - so you should think about whether there are unnecessary things in your life that only litter it? Perhaps in order to take a step forward, you need to clear your way. In this sense, you need to remember which rooms were a mess, and then you will understand which areas of your life and personal aspects require cleansing.
If an additional room is suddenly discovered in the house, then you do not know all your capabilities.
If the roof collapsed in the old house and a large hole formed - to move.
If you dreamed, as in a dream, a realtor showed you new houses, such a dream testifies to your insecurity as a business person, as well as your desire to change the current state of affairs, not on your own, but at the expense of others.
If you dreamed that strangers occupied your house, it means that someone is spreading unpleasant rumors about you.
If you dreamed that there was a wasteland in the place of your house, then in reality you may lose respect for yourself.
If you dreamed about the house that you dreamed of - this is a good sign: your main dreams will come true very soon.
If you dreamed of a new home, you can expect a change of residence or a promotion at work.
If you dreamed of an empty house, do not expect that your plans will soon come true.
If a house is being built during sleep - this is a good sign for business people, businessmen. In the near future, there will certainly be an opportunity to make big profits. this dream predicts the acquisition of love happiness for single people.
If during sleep, the house collapses before your eyes - this means that there are strong destruction of the inner world of a person, which leads to decay family relations, severe depression and even illness.
If in a dream complete disorder reigns in the house, this vision can mean chaos in the life sphere and vice versa.
If in a dream you dreamed about your house as it is, it means that everything is going well for you, and you are on the right path to your goal.
If your house is on fire in a dream, then some of your ideas will never come true.
If you are homeless in a dream, be prepared for losses.
If in a dream you saw a multi-storey building, this suggests that soon you will have a meaning in life.
If in a dream you only make the roof of the house - this is to unnecessary expenses or to the failure of your plans.
If in a dream you moved to a new house, it means that big changes for the better await you.
If in a dream you buy a new house for yourself, then in reality you will be able to bring to life a great idea that many considered absurd. Through your ingenuity, you will become rich and famous.
If in a dream you saw a maternity hospital, then soon you will receive a profit or a bonus.
If in a dream you have to go down to a terrible and dark basement, then the origins of these problems lie very deep and you don't want to remember them.
If in a dream you saw not just new houses, but fabulous palaces, it means that you will not only be successful, but also significant, they will rush to contact you on various issues.
If you see an old house and see your deceased loved ones in it, this is a dream - a warning to you in something. Be more careful and considerate of yourself and your loved ones.
If you move to a new home in a dream, this is good news and good changes.
If you are lost in the house, then in reality you will not be able to understand the situation.
If you personally make repairs - expect nice guests soon.
If you tried to climb up, but found yourself in the basement, then you completely misunderstand the situation in which you find yourself.
If you are building a house in a dream, it means that in life you need to try to achieve your goals.
If you do something in this old house, notice what it is.
If you put things in order - a good sign, which means that you are changing your old past, putting things in order in it, which means that wonderful, bright changes await you.
The house seen in a dream characterizes the state of a person at a given period. He is the personification of the inner and physical self.
If you dreamed of a large multi-storey building, then this means that you have to understand many interrelated psychological problems.
If you dream of a house made of sand, blown by a gust of wind, most likely - you should not be sad that what you have planned is short-lived, it was simply not destined to come true. Thus, the real clue to the dream about the house lies in the interpretation of accompanying symbols, which directly or indirectly indicate the stability of their own position in society or precariousness, success or vulnerability.
Seeing new houses in a dream, it is worth waiting for a move to a new place. You should not worry about this, there you will find happiness and you can avoid the secret intrigues of enemies.
If you dream of an old house, the one in which you lived before, the house of your childhood, where your parents lived, who have not been with you for a long time, this suggests that you cannot calm down and let go of your deceased loved ones. You cannot live your life without going back to childhood. The memories of your parents haunt you. It is worth going to church and lighting a candle in memory of your parents and loved ones, if they are no longer in this world.
If the old house is abandoned - expect bad events. A destroyed old house dreams of moving, financial problems, divorce, quarrels or death.
If the buildings of the houses are high - wake up, happy and you will be promised success.
If you saw in a dream how you are visiting an old house - an auspicious sign that portends good news and long prosperity. However, this value is only suitable for sleeping if the old house was joyful and cozy.
If this is just a strange, crumbling house, it means that you are doing something wrong in life, destroying something, but at the same time you do not notice.
Even in ancient times, people noticed that dreams do not pass without a trace. Objects and events seen in a dream can warn of something in real life. The main thing is to be able to decipher the message correctly. Will be explained soon.
To have a new house in a dream, to restore order in it, to bother - is a success in the service. A good dream for everyone, but especially for the military. He will bring them a promotion in rank, a prize or award, an expression of gratitude for a noble deed.
Sometimes it happens that night sleep haunted for a long time. Why is the old house dreaming? Home is a person himself, his soul, thoughts and experiences.
Sometimes in a dream you can see an old, ruined house. It is important to remember what you are doing in this house, whether you see yourself there at all.
A bad dream is a dream in which you see old, abandoned and ruined houses. They are a harbinger of serious health problems or talk about the occurrence of a series of unpleasant events.
Rooms in your home represent different aspects of you as a person.
Corridors and hall - a transitional stage, it depends on their size how soon any changes will take place in your life.
A beautiful new home promises joy and surprise in real life.
If in a dream you dreamed of old houses, then such a dream warns you that it is time to finish all the work you have begun.
Kitchen is a symbol of creativity, the birth of new ideas and plans, emotional support and inner strength.
Breaking, destroying or demolishing a new house in a dream promises you poverty, large debts. Friends will turn away from you because of the offense inflicted on them.
A multi-storey building dreams of entertainment.
Clean up the old house - a favorable dream, speaks of your change in life, put it in order, and as a result, bright and wonderful changes await you. Sometimes a person gets up in the morning in a good mood, as if recharged in a dream.
Unfinished house in a dream - to the fact that you are unlikely to come to your goal. In this case, you should change your outlook on life.
A new house seen in a dream promises big changes, maybe even associated with moving to the place you desire.
Finding yourself in a dream in your parents' house or in your grandfather's house - there is a possibility of illness, grief, death. As you know, the house is a symbol of personality.
Fall asleep in your old home - to change for the better.
A very old house in a dream - old connections will remind of themselves.
Climbing to the attic means striving to understand yourself, to learn how to rationally build life.
Buy a house - to success in business and endeavors.
To receive a new house as a gift or inheritance means that in reality you will find a faithful helper, companion or patron.
Tidy up the house in a dream - to the guests.
An empty house seen in a dream suggests that your plans and hopes are not destined to come true.
Build new houses yourself in a dream, to open up new opportunities in life, soon a long trip awaits you, from which you cannot refuse.
Dreams about their own home indicate that a person needs to pay attention to the environment (gloomy dark or cheerful atmosphere, fear of the dark).
The old house dreams of disappointment and illness.
Build a house in a dream - to minor troubles. Sometimes such a dream is a dream of profit or a promotion.
Build a house yourself in a dream - happiness in love and family well-being you are provided.
Building a new house in a dream means that in real life you will receive some kind of gain or gift. This vision can also be interpreted as a limitation in the flight of fantasy in reality, something will prevent you from revealing and showing your talent to the fullest.
To dream of a large beautiful house that looks like a palace is a sign of wealth.
To dream of a small house - to a joyful event in the family.
See small, unsightly houses - adverse changes in life.
To see lonely new houses in the middle of the field in a dream, to the loss of connection with close friends, relatives and children. Moving to another city or country is possible.
The house in a dream symbolizes human life, body and destiny.
Seeing yourself in a good mood and in your own empty house, where there are only bare walls - in reality the family will help to cope with the problems and troubles that have arisen. The renovation situation in the house may indicate that you cannot find the correct answer to your question, and you rush between the opinions of others and your own.
To see how the house is falling apart, that is, it ceases to be a protection and refuge for a person - a dream tells you that it is time to think about what and who oppresses you and how this can affect life.
Someone else's house dreams of empty troubles and minor troubles.

Dreams ... What could be more mysterious, mysterious and interesting?

Sometimes they frighten to the frost on the skin, and sometimes they give fantastic emotions. But the most valuable thing in the world of dreams is probably the fact that in addition to the vivid experiences that they sometimes give, they can reveal valuable secrets, give important advice and even ward off trouble.

And those who open the dream book on time know that fate can be controlled using intuition, trusting the call of the heart and deciphering messages from dreams.

Among the huge, countless number of bright, interesting symbols, the house occupies a special place. This is not just a vision in a dream. And if you correctly interpret what the house is dreaming of, you can make a lot of discoveries.

As a symbol, the house is always connected with our "I", with our life in general. The body is considered the home of the soul - from this point of view, the sign can also be considered.

If you take a closer look, you can consider the parallel between sleep and reality - as a rule, the very thing that happens in dreams with the house, in reality happens to our life. A house collapses - hopes for a better life are collapsing, and a strong, brick house is associated with reliable protection and life "behind a stone wall."

But not everything, of course, is so simple and straightforward - and deciphering what the house is dreaming of is not easy. Because there can be a huge variety of plots for such dreams - and each such dream means something different, unique and always important. For example, you might see the following:

  • The house from the side is large or small, wooden or brick.
  • You dreamed of the house in which you yourself lived many years ago.
  • I saw the house of the deceased grandmother or the parental hearth.
  • Unfinished house.
  • Ruined or abandoned house.
  • See how it crumbles or falls.
  • Guests are dreaming.
  • Fire, burning building.
  • Dreaming about buying a home and moving.
  • You are selling a house.
  • You are dreaming of rooms, many rooms.
  • You are lost in the house.
  • Hide in some house.
  • Build or renovate your home.
  • Cleaning up the mess in your home.

This is not even a complete list, but such dream scenarios are the most common. So let's open and ask a wise dream book - a house that was dreamed of in dreams, what does it mean?

See a house in the distance

As each dream book claims, the house, whatever it may be in a dream, always has a close connection with our life. Suppose you are dreaming of a house, but you see it only from the outside, without going inside, and in no way participating in its life. What does a dream mean - you will find out by remembering all the details of these dreams.

1. The house almost always symbolizes your "I" or your private life, so it is important which of the rooms you dreamed about.

  • If the kitchen is a symbol of internal support, the birth of ideas, thoughts.
  • Hall, hallway mean a transitional period that has come or dragged on in your life.
  • Bathroom, shower - cleansing from unnecessary things, getting rid of.
  • The bedroom is privacy.
  • And the living room is life in society.

Depending on what is happening in each of these rooms, you can understand what is happening in reality in your life.

2. A wooden house is always associated with something cozy, fabulous, beautiful. That's right - a large or small wooden house, provided that it is neat and tidy, symbolizes your well-being, good life, goodness and harmony. We can say with confidence that now is a wonderful period in your life - take care of it as soon as you can.

3. A large, strong stone house means complete reliability and protection from all sorts of everyday storms. You are protected - and now is the time to boldly build new life, to take risks for the sake of happiness, to take decisive steps. Away with fears!

4. A very large brick building, for example, a multi-storey one, portends great surprises. If there are a lot of apartments, rooms, windows, floors in it - you will find a lot of new events, changes, perhaps a strong sharp turn in life. Do not be afraid of changes and new things - you are too stuck in your usual life, it's time to change something.

5. As a reliable dream book will say, a home of your own, a friend, always dreams of exceptional success in all matters and new projects. Feel free to start new business, luck and stability await you. Now you can take risks, go all-in, make high rates - the period is very favorable.

6. Often, you dream about the house of your deceased grandmother, old relatives, parental home, or the place where you yourself used to live, your family used to live. Many people dream of such dreams - and they only say that you are restless, you lack reliability.

You are afraid of adulthood and yearn for a carefree childhood. Grandma's cozy wooden house, complete security - all this is behind, far away, and now you yourself must create a new hearth. Having understood what the old house is dreaming of, you should let go of your fears and childhood - start living.

7. An unfinished house, abandoned construction is a clear symbol of the fact that in your own life you are haunted by some abandoned project. It can be an unfinished plan, a relationship broken halfway - an unfinished house can symbolize a lot.

In any case, if you dreamed of such an unfinished house or building, find something in life that needs to be completed and do it - otherwise it will not let you live. And henceforth try to bring all intentions to their logical conclusion.

8. It is curious what a destroyed house, ruins, building debris dreams of. All these sad things, devastation and collapse, dream of poverty - perhaps your stability is crumbling, be careful.

Do not build high hopes on other people and even more fortunate circumstances - it is from this that you risk getting unexpected collapse of plans and disappointment. Rely only on yourself, and take control of the affairs on which your well-being depends.

9. An abandoned house, deserted, eerie, gloomy, with empty windows and a howling draft - a symbol, as you might guess, not a good one. But knowing what the old house is dreaming of, abandoned and empty, you can avoid many troubles - namely, loneliness and longing.

After all, an abandoned house promises a period of alienation. You will be in a blues and close yourself off from others - but you shouldn't, because loneliness and seclusion will only harm you. Don't close yourself off from people who love you.

10. The parental house in a dream, the family nest and the cradle of childhood, suggests that you are too influenced by your relatives, in particular, mom or dad. If you dreamed of a parental hearth, think about the time to live more independently.

You are an adult, and parents should not be overly involved in your decision-making now. Do not distance yourself from them, but do not allow too much control over your life. She's yours, and you either be happy in her or not.

11. A fire is a dangerous symbol, and knowing what a burnt house is dreaming of, you can try to avoid danger. Be careful about everything, especially in the work area - and be less active anytime soon. Don't risk it.

In addition, it is curious why the house fire is being extinguished by firefighters - this may mean the participation of other people in your problems. But why the burning house that you are extinguishing is dreaming about, it is not surprising to understand - you will be struggling with problems with all your might.

12. Seeing the construction or renovation of a building from the outside is good, it promises success, a new period, perhaps even a long-awaited move to a better new place.

In my house ...

Did you wander in the house in a dream, or did you buy a new home? Did you sell your house, or did you make major repairs? Remember all the details of the dream, it will tell you what stage you are at and where you should turn.

1. If you dream of many dark rooms in which you wander, this symbolizes self-digging, the search for answers.

2. It is curious why the dream of a new house or apartment, which you had a chance to buy in a dream, accept as a gift, and so on. Moving to a new home promises wealth and success, and buying a house means great luck and happiness. Perhaps you have to actually buy the house of your dreams and make a happy long-awaited move!

3. As the dream book says, building a house in a dream is the construction of a new stage, a new business, to gain and profit. Everything will be fine.

4. If you make repairs in a dream, this says that in reality certain external circumstances interfere with you. As the dream book says, a new house or an old one that you are repairing or painting, renovation is a symbol of the obstacles that you will cope with with patience and hard work.

5. Guests in a dream are an ambiguous symbol. If they came to you to celebrate the move, housewarming - expect good news. If your guests were unpleasant in a dream, little troubles await you in reality.

6. I wonder why someone else's house is dreaming, in which you are lost. This can promise a lingering illness, so take care of yourself.

7. Hiding in some house means that the fear of death does not let go. And these obsessions destroy your integrity. Switch to something positive.

8. Selling real estate in a dream is a warning. You may be overwhelmed by failure due to your carelessness, negligence or carelessness.

9. Breaking and destroying a house in a dream promises a change in habitat, a move, and a complete change in the circumstances of life. For the better or vice versa - it depends on you.

10. Cleaning up the mess in the house means that you have to clear the space in life, get rid of unnecessary junk, interfering connections, old remnants. Boldly put things in order in your everyday life, and in your mind, and at home - the update will only benefit you.

The house is a surprisingly ambiguous and multifaceted symbol. Add to the received interpretation of the dream a little of your own subtle intuition, fantasy and logic - and a clear, three-dimensional picture of how it is worth living and what awaits you will emerge.

You can build happiness in your home, in life, in business and in relationships with people - just keep the environment clean, and spare no effort to build a harmonious life for yourself and your loved ones. Author: Vasilina Serova

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you cannot find your home means that you will completely lose faith in the honesty of people. If in a dream you see that you do not have a home, then you will fail in all your endeavors, financial losses. In a dream, changing your home means urgent news and hurried trips. For a young woman to dream that she has left home is a sign that she will be surrounded by treacherous slanderers. If in a dream you visit your old home, then in reality good news awaits you. It is very good to see your old home cozy and joyful - it marks a long prosperity. An abandoned house foreshadows sad events.

See a house in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

In a dream, different things can happen to the house. You can build it or buy it, it can be destroyed, the elements or war can destroy it, invaders can fill it and so on. As a rule, the house dreams of major changes, instability or significant growth. A house teeming with something or occupied by someone indicates your unstable relationship with the world around you. You are in a state of depression - it happens, but if you are in this state all the time, then seeing your house inhabited by any people or animals is a signal of concern. A destroyed house is dreamed of when moving, financial troubles, death or divorce. In such dreams, the house falls apart, losing its primary purpose: to provide a person with shelter. Having seen such a dream, think about what circumstances oppress and oppress you and how this is reflected in your real life. Building a house is a reflection of your life circumstances and changes in perspective. Most likely, you have a promotion or improvement in the future. financial condition, opening up additional possibilities. In a relationship with a person with whom you are dating, a qualitative transition to a more serious level is not excluded, marriage is possible. In any case, dreams about building a house are always positive. Since home is a symbol female influence or a symbol of the mother's womb, in this connection it suggests itself next questions: Are you or your partner pregnant and want to build a nest for future offspring? Do you feel an essential need to enter into a serious, mutually binding relationship with your partner? Do you feel unsupported or too conservative in your disposition?

Why is the house dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see an unknown house for a woman - personal life and relationship with someone (what it looks like - such a relationship); for a man - danger; to build - to improvement, fortunately in the personal; cover - losses; revenge in the house - to guests; someone sweeps - to loss; to wash the floors - to death, to separation; the roof has collapsed, the hole is a crossing; being at home is a nuisance, gossip; a house burning with a pure flame is great joy; prosperity to the poor; for the rich - power; burns with soot and crackle - death among relatives; the house is filled with water - all troubles will go away; painting a house - to move; to see the sky through the collapsed roof - happy news; grandfather's or grandmother's house - death in the family, big troubles; to leave the house (for a girl) - love troubles; to see your own home - expectation of the best; changes in the environment - to the guests; empty - personal disappointment; a new home (for the sick) - death; big changes in personal relationships; see Hut; collapsing - to complete changes, good, if the sleeping person is unharmed; see Catastrophe.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If a young man dreams of family life, then this is a messenger of prosperity, health and progress.

I dreamed of a village

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a beautiful and fertile area with abundant wheat fields, clean rivers, beautiful houses portends the coming of your finest hour. Favorable circumstances will allow you to occupy a high office and get rich. Dry, barren terrain, poor houses - to the onset of a streak of anxiety and despair in your life. In general, a dream about staying in the village promises good health and security. A visit to the house of your country youth in a dream - in reality, unexpected, but pleasant events will follow.

Why is the village dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fortunately; looking for someone's house in the village - worries about gossip, scandals.

Why is fire dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

pipe dreams, disappointment, quarrel in personal life; a burn of the body is a bad name; burning sensation - new friendship, exciting news; wealth in the stove; fire and smoke are danger; on the water - great happiness; from the earth - to disease; himself on fire - high protection; you burn - illness, vice or unhappy love; to heaven - well-being in everything.

The meaning of a dream about fire

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream - soon you will fall in love, and your feeling will be mutual. You will be amazingly suitable for each other, and in sex you will have absolute compatibility and harmony.

Dreamed of fire

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream is good if you yourself do not burn out. It promises lasting prosperity to seafarers, travelers, everyone who works on the land. Seeing your house on fire means loving friends and obedient children. If an entrepreneur sees his store burning, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable businesses. Fighting fire and not letting it flare up promises you hectic work. Seeing the burnt walls of your store or warehouse predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for good luck in business, considering it useless, but fate will suddenly support you again. If you kindle a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. You will be able to visit your distant friends. Seeing a big fire means a successful and safe sailing for sailors. This promises writers success and honors, business people - boundless success in business.

See fire in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Fire has always caused overwhelming fear among representatives different cultures... However, it is often associated with purification: to come out of the fire intact is to purify. But if you dream that you are on fire, therefore, life seems extremely threatening and painful to you. If any object is on fire, a house, a car, and so on, this indicates your excessive attachment to this thing: without it, you simply cannot imagine life. According to Freud, fire symbolizes masculine strength. If you interpret the dream in this vein, then the fire shows that you are striving to master the situation and, to the best of your ability, to control it. If in a dream you successfully cope with the flame, then in real life you will keep the situation under control, and vice versa. Are you questioning your own ethics? Are you looking for cleansing after any wrongdoing? Do you feel that some significant turn is about to take place in your life, requiring spiritual preparation and rethinking?

Why dream about fire

according to Vanga's dream book

To dream of a sheet of paper enveloped in fire is a sign of a severe fire, as a result of which all the forests of the world will be destroyed. The population of the planet will have an urgent need for wood, paper and, of course, air. To see fire approaching from the sky in a dream is a sign that a large meteorite or comet is threatening the Earth in the future. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will severely damage many cities around the globe and claim the lives of a large number of people. If in a dream a bad smell emanates from fire, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers spread about you. You will have to work hard to refute the intrigues of enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others. Keeping warm in a dream by the fire is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore value your neighbors. Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your home is in great danger from a fire. Be careful in handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself without a roof over your head. To dream of a small light from a lighted candle - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will have a wonderful effect on your life. You will find peace, serenity, happiness and love. If you dreamed of cities or forests engulfed in fire, then a terrible drought threatens the globe in the future. There will come a time when people will not have a sip of water, and then heavy rain will come, which will last for several days and nights and will give people the long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. Anyone who survives this drought will never harm nature, for it will be given to people to know that the drought was sent down to them for not believing in the Lord, renouncing religion and ruthless attitude towards the environment.

See a building in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The building can symbolize housing, business and business, sexuality, personify your identity. When interpreting such dreams, take into account who is in the building and what is happening to him. For example, a destroyed building may portend the loss of family members or friends, illness. A building filled with people speaks of business prosperity and prosperity. A building that resembles Freud's phallic symbol - any symbol associated with a male genital organ - can be interpreted as an image of female maturity or sexual intercourse.

Dreamed of a building

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing huge magnificent buildings with green lawns stretching in front of them is a harbinger of a long and prosperous life, travel and discovery in distant lands. Small and newly built houses mean lasting home happiness, and in business - profitable, profitable endeavors. But if the houses are old, shabby and dirty, then expect deterioration in health, decline in business and quarrels with loved ones. If in a dream you observe how a house is being built, then a new direction will soon appear in your affairs. Seeing yourself as the owner of an excellent home promises you a good fortune.

Why dream of a fire

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Fire in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Fire is a symbol of passion, carnal desires, sudden seizure by an idea, a desire for change. Putting out a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop, but simply impossible to prevent. Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive changes that will be provoked by an unfair attitude, a dream promises problems and disorder. Rescuing a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept in suspense and required a lot of strength. Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of treason, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but later will bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and cataclysms. To see horses rushing in a fire means that in 2038 the most a large number of marriages for the whole century and this year will be the beginning of solving the demographic problem for many countries. Seeing the ashes left after the fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place of residence. To see a fire ignited by lightning means to meet the main person of your life under unusual circumstances.

Dreamed of a fire

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a big fire in a dream that happily does without human casualties means changes in the future - to your happiness and benefit.

Why is the son dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

died - a joyful event; seeing the dead is the end of worries; good in business; to see how he dies - to a quarrel, litigation; resurrects - the return of old troubles; for a woman - a relationship with his father, husband; if childless and not married - feeling, connection; for a man - the renewal of relationships, affairs, the sleeping person himself; died and is buried, or lost (left) - a break with a loved one or unhappiness in the family.

Dreamed of a son

according to Miller's dream book

If you have a son and you see him beautiful and obedient in a dream, then you will have something to be proud of, and you will strive for high honors. If you dream of a crippled or suffering child, it means that you should be wary of some kind of trouble. If a mother dreams that her son fell to the bottom of the well, and she hears his cry from there, it means that a lot of grief awaits her. But if in a dream she manages to save her son, it means that the danger threatening this dream will be immediately removed, and the dream must be taken as an incentive to prudence.

Why is flame dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

severe anxiety.

Dreamed of a flame

according to Miller's dream book

Fighting a flame in a dream predicts that you will have to put in tremendous effort and energy if you are going to get rich.

Why are the premises dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

relationship with someone; people inside - our feelings (how they look and behave - such feelings).

Why dream of burning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fail in business; go broke; no wonder they say "burn out on something."

Why dream of setting fire

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

good luck in business, completion of worries; house on fire - incredible news; himself on fire without burns - success in the next endeavor; you have been set on fire - bad in personal, bad company or vices.

Why is a prostitute dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to visit - dubious money; for a girl - a reservation; pathetic (for a girl) - personal understanding; visiting a brothel is easy money.

Dreamed of a prostitute

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are in the company of a prostitute, it means that you will incur the fair ridicule of your friends with your unworthy behavior. If a girl dreams of a prostitute, it means that she will lead her lover by the nose, with all the purity and spontaneity of her nature. This dream will make married woman suspect her husband and bring quarrels to her family.

Why is the hut dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

change of life.

The meaning of a dream about a hut

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a hut, this suggests that your ideas and principles are as ancient as the world. You judge and reason about everything, not based on realities modern life, but as if you live in the century before last. Don't you think that outdated principles prevent you from adequately perceiving the world and people, correctly assessing their intentions in relation to you, as well as their actions?

The meaning of the brothel dream

according to Freud's dream book

If a man dreamed of a brothel, this indicates that, deep down, he really wants to "taste" paid love. What for? Probably, to compare free and paid sex. It is possible that he is a prude and publicly denies that he would like to be with a confused, but in fact he is very much waiting for such an opportunity. If a woman dreams of a brothel and she is his "employee" in her dream, this indicates that she deep down believes that sex should be adequately stimulated by a partner. And it is better that tangible things act as a stimulus: money, jewelry, mink coats, cars, etc. Well, this is not such a stupid thought, by the way. (K, Svetlana)

Looking for a new home in a dream means that your emotional state in reality is unstable, you feel anxiety. The fact that your bedridden father stood up in a dream indicates upcoming changes in the life of the family, but you are not yet ready for them.


The brownie is dreaming. He hugs me tightly from the back. I want to see him, I can't. I see only human hands. I look down, as if hiding its tail. Holds it tightly, does not allow me to move and at the same time takes me off a cliff of enormous height. At the same time, he constantly invites you to live with yourself. Constantly says how well we will live. Why this dream? (Nataliya Kuligina)

Sleep means that in reality you will be able to avoid some serious quarrel or trouble, most likely in family life, and everything will work out for you.

To visit an old home - wait for good news; if you lost your home in a dream - this speaks of alienation, you have lost faith in people and prefer to avoid their society. Seeing yourself as homeless means failing at something. Moving to a new home is a sign of imminent changes or travel.

Why is the house dreaming - according to Vanga's dream book

A cozy house in a dream promises to fulfill a cherished desire, to acquire family happiness. The huge mansion is evidence that the "black streak" in life is over, and bright days are coming. Such a dream can prophesy a new and stable job. Abandoned house - fate has prepared trials for you, you are obliged to cope with them, perhaps you will lose all your property, but God will not leave you in difficult times.

Carrying out construction or repair work in a dwelling is a good sign that promises an increase in capital. Seeing yourself in someone else's house is a sign of change, your life will soon change dramatically.

Why is the house dreaming - according to Freud's dream book

The house often symbolizes the person himself, but a small wooden house, cramped and incapable, is comparable to a coffin. House, depending on appearance, can impersonate a woman or a man. So, the more masculine style is comparable to the strong half, and the feminine - with the weak. Well-equipped, comfortable housing in a dream speaks of the couple's sexual harmony, if you observe chaos, it means that in an intimate sense, not everything is going smoothly for you. A warm house symbolizes - sincere love, cold - most likely, your feelings for each other have long faded away.

Why is the house dreaming - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If you dreamed of a house teeming with cockroaches, secret ill-wishers are trying to ruin your life behind your back. A house without a roof says that among your environment there is a sick person who really needs your support. Take a closer look! A house on a cloud predicts a quick death, moving to a new home - family well-being. A huge number of people in the house testifies to loyal and decent friends.

Why is the house dreaming - according to Loff's dream book

The house dreams, as a rule, of serious changes in the future. You were kicked out of your own home - such a dream reflects an unstable relationship with the world. Being depressed is what you are feeling at the moment. To see the ruins - to move, divorce or financial turmoil. Think about what oppresses and presses on you, how it is connected with real life? Construction or renovation work is a reflection of change in perspective, expect a promotion at work. The transition to a new level of existence is not excluded - if you meet with someone, your relationship will develop into marriage.

Why is the house dreaming - according to Tsvetkov's dream book

- to see an unfamiliar - to danger;
- build - to improve;
- sweep the house, remove the trash - expect guests;
- washing floors portends separation or the imminent death of a relative;
- without a roof - to move soon;
- a burning house - to great joy.

Why is the house dreaming - according to Hasse's dream book

If you see that your house has changed from the inside, it means that soon you will find out some secret; buying a new home - to well-being, falling apart - to illness. Building your nest in a dream is happiness for the newlyweds, rearranging furniture in the house - expect guests, visiting your grandfather's house - to death in the family.

Why is the house dreaming - according to Meneghetti's dream book

Home is a mirror of our essence. It symbolizes a complex of character traits that determine a person's lifestyle. To give an unambiguous interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to study all the details of the dream, in which specific part of the house the events unfold: the kitchen, room, bathroom, etc. For example, being in the bathroom indicates empty eroticism, and the image of the kitchen is neutral only if you do not see cut meat or blood there, which is an indicator of an unbalanced psyche. Being in the bedroom testifies to spiritual comfort, warmth, tranquility and security.

Why is the house dreaming - according to Longo's dream book

Dreams about houses mean an arrangement in society, a state of affairs, so a lot depends on the state of your home. Wandering around empty space in a dream means looking for empty hopes, meaning in life, feeling restlessness, doubting. Build a new one - to resolve problems, if you dreamed of a theft in the house - wait for profit. A dwelling on a hill or on the edge of an abyss prophesies a lonely old age.

In dreams, at times a person can appear a variety of pictures, including even a complete prediction of future events. You should not be afraid of dreams, it is better to interpret them and receive such important tips... Why is someone else's old house dreaming? It's worth looking into.

Why is the old house dreaming - the main interpretation

Home for a person is his abode and his protection. But why is it exactly an old house, a dilapidated building with many cracks, overgrown with grass, in the dream? Such a dream often does not bode well.

So, if you dream of an old house, and you really want to visit it, you do not feel fear of going into it and do not feel inconvenience due to the fact that you invade someone else's estate. Such a dream suggests that you sometimes return to the past, but just in order to once again return to the experience gained from life, there is nothing strange in this. You just want to learn from your own mistakes you've made.

Take a close look at exactly which rooms in the old house you find yourself in. Perhaps you are looking for a basement? Then you should be afraid that your secrets will suddenly become apparent. Also, such a dream can portend problems with your legs, your life paths will be closed, it will be very difficult for you to go forward through life. Therefore, in order to make decisions and move in the chosen direction, you better get the support and help of a patron.

If you are diligently looking for an attic in the house, it means that you want to open other people's secrets and look into the deeper reason for their occurrence. Most likely you have been looking for those very relationships, your destiny for a long time, and when you were literally in a few steps to achieving your goal, your last chance slipped out of your hands.

What should be done if you go up to the attic in an old house and find your room there with horror? Such a dream promises you a lot of troubles and sorrows, most likely you are already feeling uncomfortable being in your room, but after such a dream you will be even more overcome with horror.

Do not panic, just such a dream reminds you that all your troubles have the same roots - your life and your home, yourself. You are hugely guilty of all the incidents that have affected your life. The more you think about whether you need to change something in yourself and in your life, the more the situation is aggravated. There is almost no time left for thinking, so after such a dream, a change of priorities in all areas of life will be the best solution.

What is the dream of someone else's old house in which you are looking for a bathroom? Most likely, you are very tired of routine and everyday conflicts, your body is weakened and it needs peace. You are trying to wash off the guilt for your actions if you wash your hands under running water in a dream. If you are also washing your face, you do not want to see the elementary and simple things that life is eagerly pointing out to you.

To sit at a round table in an old house is to walk in circles around the same question. Moreover, if the table is dusty and broken, you will not be able to find solutions for a long time, but if the table is covered with a beautiful tablecloth and even appliances are placed on it, you complicate the task too much.

If in an old house you happened to meet someone unfamiliar to you, most likely you will in reality acquire a new dubious acquaintance that will only harm you. If you met someone close to you in someone else's old house - listen carefully to every word, look closely at all movements, soon the situation will repeat itself in reality.

Why dream of living in an old house? If you live in an old house in a dream, in reality it is time for you to shake the trash out of your own and forget all the past. You will never say goodbye to relationships that have become obsolete, with people who are no longer your friends, with ideas that no longer benefit you. Learn to say goodbye and forgive, then nervous exhaustion and stress will disappear from your life forever.

Why is the old house dreaming according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that the old house is associated with inner peace of a person and on how filled he is and the future of his dreams depends. If a person considers someone else's old house for a long time, significant health troubles await, depending on which rooms he visits, the organs that will be affected by the disease depend on this:

Peer into the windows - eyes will suffer;

Walking up the stairs for a long time - it is worth worrying about the intestines;

Going down to the basement - your legs will get tired;

Throwing open all the doors - colds and inflammations are possible;

Climbing into the attic is a psychological problem;

If you wander around the kitchen for a long time, your stomach and liver are in danger;

Staying in the living room is a weakening of the immune system.

Why dream of living in an old house? Such a dream suggests that your relationship with your soulmate has not been renewed for a long time, you even managed to get bored with them, and now you live in them as necessary, but not bringing joy.

It is important to remember all the details of how, and with whom, you live in the old house. If you see yourself as young and full of strength and at the same time live in a dilapidated building, then your complexes and fears have their roots in your distant past.

If you live in an old house with your significant other and before your eyes it turns into a new and beautiful building - your relationship will have a wonderful chance to renew, you will become really happy person... If you give the keys to an old house to someone from your old acquaintances, you will forever remember the good that this person did to you.

If the old building is dreamed of by a young girl who has been lonely for a long time, her loneliness will last, and she will not be able to find a life partner for herself for a long time and the problem is not in herself, but in the fact that the right moment has been missed many times.

Why is the old house dreaming according to the esoteric dream book

IN esoteric dream book it is said that an old and dilapidated house in a person's dream personifies his neglected past, which prevents him from fully developing. It is also important to remember whose house appeared to you in a dream. Why is someone else's old house dreaming? Such a dream may mean that, by the will of fate, you became involved in adverse events, the culprits of which were people close to you.

If you see someone else's ruined old house in front of you, and you urgently need to get into it, someone mercilessly ruins your reputation, attributing to you other people's mistakes and defeats. In order to restore your honest name, you will spend a lot of time and effort.

If you dream that someone else's old house begins to blaze from fire - such a dream promises you victory over enemy intrigues. You have very little left until the moment when you can proudly say that your mission has been accomplished and you have achieved a lot yourself.

If you dream of strange signs on an old house - it is worth remembering them, perhaps you will see inscriptions or pictures. All this has a hidden meaning that you really need. You will soon be able to personally see the same signs in reality.

Why is the old house dreaming about other dream books

Miller's dream book says that an old house in a dream is always a harbinger of failures and troubles. Such a dream can portend both problems in love and stagnation in financial affairs. Also, such a dream may indicate health problems that will undermine your faith in yourself. But if in a dream you buy an old house, you will receive news with good news.

Loff's dream book says that an old house often portends changes, but for better or for worse - your emotions and experiences during sleep will tell about this. The condition of the building itself can also indicate this. What is important for you to remember? Whether you wandered alone along its corridors, or someone accompanied you.

Remember who it was and what kind of dialogue you had, usually this is a vital clue that will allow you to solve many problems. Do not be very disappointed after a dream in which the old house collapsed. Most likely, you just finally give up ideas and connections that have become obsolete. It is important to remember that it is necessary to interpret the whole dream. Other signs and symbols of the dream are also important. Give meaning to your mood after sleep. If after him you experience discomfort and malaise, you are too worried about trifles. Take note of the prompts of the dream and continue life as usual - only you can build it at your own discretion.