Birthday on Monday What does it mean. How birthday affects the character and fate of a person

14.04.2021 Past life

From what time of the day, your child appeared on the light determines some features of his character.

The study in the network of maternity hospitals and the subsequent observation of the children showed that the children were born in the morning, in the evening, during the day and at night are characteristic of characteristic features.

As the birth time of the child affects the behavioral features of a person:
0:00-2:00 - This is the birthday of inquisitive children.

2:00-4:00 - But in this time interval, hardworking personalities are often born, which will always find benefits.

4:00-6:00 - This is the time of birth of rectilinearies and infusional leaders of frontiers.

6:00-8:00 - In such morning hour, dreamy children are born, who are often interested in mysticism.

8:00-10:00 - This is the birthday of the child charming. Often, Great Humanists grow from them.

10:00-12:00 "It was at that time that the most careerists were born.

12:00-14:00 - And at lunchtime, risky adventurers are born, the soul of which is looking for adventures.

14:00-16:00 - The birth time of those who are looking for difficulties and love to complicate even simple things.

16:00-18:00 - The time of peace-loving and good kids.

18:00-20:00 - Time of birth to the strong spirit of personalities.

20:00-22:00 - As soon as stars appear in the sky, and the kids are born with deposits of stars and public persons.

22:00 - 0:00 - Midth events are often children with inner harmony and a philosophical warehouse of the mind. True, they sometimes may not meet any understandable external reactions.

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Kids, born from 6 to 8 amDifferent with impressionability, vulnerability, some anxiety. They are often immersed in their personal inner world, prone to long-term analysis of events. They are more theorists than practice.

Born from 8 to 10 am Children are distinguished by benevolence and kindness. They are optimists. Their emotional development reaches large heights than the rest of the kids. They feel and understand at the same time many different people's character warehouse. Very early, they appear a tendency to help and support the people around them.

Children born in the last morning hours - from 10 to 12 hours - principled and possess a lot of will. They plan their lives for a long time forward. They have developed internal self-discipline, so they try to create order and harmony in the outside world. There are many future managers among such children, as their ambitions and self-esteem are also high. This happens, because while the rest of the children are swing in their development, or go on their emotions, these kids, clearly know what they want from other people and how they should behave and what character traits in themselves to develop.

From 12 to 14 hours - Day children are born. Their leading feature is curiosity. They have two kinds of curiosity. The first is emotional, they seek all their lives to diversify and get all new sensations and impressions. The second curiosity characteristic of them is intellectual. Children are so much and digest information. Moreover, their interests are beyond. Of these, highly educated and erudite people grow.

If your child was born from 14 to 16 hoursIn your family, there was a reliable backbone, which will keep all the traditions of value. This is an inflexible person. There are no insurmountable obstacles for him. Over time, this thrust to overcome barriers on the way can turn into an end in itself. Therefore, such a child is very important since childhood to surround love and give it a lot of time. Perhaps even provide him with home education. Then the family will become the necessary value for him, and he will not be width in search of new unacted peaks.

From 16 to 18 hours Children are born, capable of deep long-term emotional attachments, for eternal love. They very early acquire the ability to penetrate into someone else's inner world and sensitively understand the slightest changes in the sentiments and hopes of people. They start looking for their soul mate early. Having met the satellite, they dedicate themselves their love.

From 18 to 20 hours Any enterprising and responsive children are born. They are smart and always find a solution to any problems. They are successful in creating and maintaining any business undertaking. It is important for parents to teach them to take care not only about other people, but also about themselves. Because they have easily understand the feelings and thoughts of other people and so these processes are keen on that they forget about their own interests.

From 20 to 22 hours Bright and strong natures are born. They have reasonable high self-esteem and try to realize themselves in communicating and various types of creativity. And with age, their aspirations are usually implemented, because they are extremely energetic and difficult to move, from the intended path.

From 22 to 24 hours Expressive and constant children are born. In their life, emotions play a leading role, and not reason. Calm and even slow outside, inside they are experiencing a storm of emotions. Internal equilibrium and stability they reach if they are accompanied by a person who listens to the child and constantly clarifies the true state of affairs, explains which inquiry or reasons to bring the baby to an inadequate solution. With such cooperation, over time, you can help the child to develop logical abilities and personality will reach equilibrium.

From 24 to 2 o'clock There are active inquisitive leaders. Such children should be supplied with the maximum number of information and knowledge. They study well at school, because they are able to assimilate with the ease of knowledge in a wide variety of science spheres.

From 2 to 4 am Affectionate and loving children appear. They are smart and talented, but these are not theorists and philosophers. Kids are practical and responsible. They know how to make money. In the specialty selected, they will achieve the level of skill, in creativity - the level of art. Often among these children there are geniuses and adderkinds.

From 4 to 6 am Independent and bold children are born. They are in kind of war. Already in early childhood, their steel stubborn temper is manifested. It is easy to educate them with pressure. But you can always agree on the rules and their observance. Because they do not recognize leadership, but the law and justice.
Another important point in the upbringing of such babies is not to lose their respect, especially in childhood. He will submit to the rules only if they are valid, and you yourself strictly follow them.
Another feature, through which they can be influenced by educational purposes - sympathy for weak, non-smooth people in childhood. They choose flawless children and take them.
Sympathy is a framework in which you can keep them. Just feel free to show your feelings, and do not be afraid to seem like a child weaker than him. It will become more serious if you will protect you.

How the day of the birth of a child affects the behavioral features of a person:
Birthday on Monday
People born on this day are characterized by such features as a contradiction and devotion, they control the moon. Experience and indecision are always present in the lives of those who have a birthday on Monday. Because of the big mental contradictions, which many Monday people do not turn out to overcome, they cannot achieve those vertices in life, what could they reach. They are open and emotional, sociable, know how to listen and sympathize with others. Have a rich fantasy, which is not always shown by others. A man born on this day is easily adapted, and wants to see a strong partner next to him. Sometimes Monday people suffer from loneliness, because few are ready to take responsibility for them. Relationships appreciate sincerity, comfort and warmth, and are very true to their half.

Birthday on Tuesday
People born on Tuesday, manages Mars - Planet Warriors. The nature of such people is distinguished by assertion, stubbornness, and sometimes aggression. Nevertheless, they may experience doubts about the rightness and loyalty of their findings. Basically, those who have a birthday on Tuesday, need a support and a strong shoulder. We can say about such people: "First makes, then thinks." The second half for a man born on this day can become a meek, gentle and unobtrusive person, in this case, is undoubtedly complete idyll in relations. Their union will be successful and bring great prospects in work and in social activities.

Birthday - Wednesday
People born on this day patronize Mercury. They are successful in science and business, they like to learn and receive a new experience, but they look more conservatives than people who are open to everything new. Such people are persistent, from children's years, they dream of achieving great success, all their lives are organized to a certain goal. The measured and predictable existence of some of them is annoying. In such a situation, they give a way to have accumulated over a long time of negative energy. After that, everything returns "on the circles of its own." In marriage, such people need to sometimes give the opportunity to leave the relationship to side, after that, in this pair everything will be calm and stable.

Birthday on Thursday
Jupiter patronizes people born on this day. They are characterized by large organizational abilities. They achieve success in management and policies. It is stretching more weak people, which strengthens their leadership. People whose birthday is Thursday, have developed intuition and are able to predict the future. Disadvantages, such people can be considered irritability, inconsistency and stubbornness, which is sometimes taking absurdity, despite the fact that they are logical and consistent. In the family they are despotic and demanding. It will be a good union with people who are weak them and led. If you have a fate with a man born on Thursday, try to give up and not to go on the principle. Also these people owners are hard to endure treason. Having learned about it, in 90% of cases they leave and return them almost impossible.

Birthday on Friday
People born on this day patronize Planet Venus. They are endowed with art to enjoy life, love and be loved. These people are optimists who do not endure suffering and sadness. In the character of a person who has a birthday on this day, there is cheerfulness, coquetty and non-seriousness. In their housing, they create the atmosphere of comfort and heat, surround themselves with friends and loved ones. Such people can not be tied to themselves, it is necessary to provide them with freedom of choice, in this case they will reward the love of friends and households. Jealous and powerful people will not be able to stay next to Friday people. Born on Friday easily earn money, comfortably and pleasantly cooperate with them.

Birthday on Saturday
Planet Saturn patronating born on Saturday. Such people are stronger and able to stand up much. They are characteristic of hard work, outstanding abilities and mind. Pages and slowness - this is what people are appreciated. They do not seek to lead, and the position of the head of them is not particularly suitable. Born on this day, not always happy in personal life. They perceive marriage, as the ultimate degree of relationships and do not show initiatives in family life. People of Saturday are characteristic of the extremes: they are or adapting to the partner, or thoroughly defend their point of view. They are tired and annoying a hurry. In adulthood, people born on Saturday feel more comfortable than in young years.

Birthday on Sunday
Born on this day is always cozy and warm, because their patron Sun. Active and successful, about such, we can say: "Balovni of Fate." But failures in their lives also happen. Why is this happening? Sunday people mainly lead the careless lifestyle without applying forces to ensure their future life. Some time they receive gifts of fate, and later life begins to ask them in full program. In nature, such people are manifested by laziness, unwillingness to make a family and achieve success at work. They are inclined to sail downstream. Rise the children born on this day, you need to strictly, try to teach them to hard work, help in choosing a future profession. Having granting assertion and acceleration, you will help them become happy in adulthood. The main goal of such people is to meet the reasonable and persistent satellite of life that has a domineering character.

And remember, in whatever day of the week you could not be born, the main thing is to learn to take yourself and your shortcomings, try to change for the better, making your life bright and harmonious!


All this is very conditional, since the time and day of the week of birth is influenced, but also a month, a year of birth - a full horoscope. Also, the name, surname, patronymic, and others are influenced by the name, surname, the atmosphere of the family of the birth and economic, political state of the country of birth.

By the way, in Asia, the COP is very popular, - because at COP parents themselves determine the date and time of their child's appearance, to influence the most beneficial on his character and fate ...

P. S.: I and my daughter coincided.
Husband does not know how much born ...

Surely you can't wait to find out what your child will be. Does he inherit the purpose of her husband or your softness and compassion? Not finally decisive, but an important factor is what day the baby will be on the light. Today we will talk about what is common all born in the second day of the week.

Tuesday - second day

The patron saint of the day of the week of Tuesday is Planet of Warriors and the Great Communion - Mars. Born under the auspices of this planet are endowed with a strong and volitional character. Martians seek novelty, they are attracted to the uncharted, they are completely absorbed by the thirst for knowledge and new discoveries. These people are able to see all many options that life offers them, because they are difficult to stop in one place or devote themselves to one case.

People born on Tuesday seek leadership and love to be the center of attention. It is important for them to see the recognition of their merits. Such hard features, as the desire to be the first in everything and intolerance to objections are distinguished by the born on Tuesday from other children.

Features of born on Tuesday

Of course, some advantages in man cannot be, therefore, often the hardness of the nature of such children is transformed into stubbornness, egoism and impulsivity. These features just can play a cruel joke in a child's life, as they are able to spoil relationships with loved ones and loved ones. Therefore, children born on Tuesday, in addition to unconditional love and support, need to help in control over emotions.

Tuesday's children have a special charisma and attractiveness for the opposite sex. They are perfectly folded and will have a wonderful physically developed body if they have been learned from their own childhood. Such people are very unpretentious in everyday life.

Independence is also a shared feature for born on Tuesday. From early childhood, such kids are extremely rarely complaining of parents to their problems, as they prefer to independently be released from their life situations. Sitting for a long time in one place or perform monotonous, boring work is the worst for children Tuesday. Neurotic trackers, they always seek to know the new, change of activity, and this fire never fades.

How to behave with a child-Tuesday?

Congratulations, you are a happy mother-Tuesday mother! Now you are a mentor from the birth of an adult, fearless, inquisitive and possess an outstanding mind, a child. Therefore, to behave respectively. The kid will not forgive the dismissive attitude towards himself. It is worth respecting his leadership qualities and the desire to solve their problems independently. But it is important to remember that even the strongest and not requiring help person needs support and approval.

The patron saint of Born on Tuesday is Mars. He gifts his subordinate courage, aggressiveness, physical strength, the desire to take first place.
Born on Tuesday will seek to achieve in the life of everything themselves, love to be independent, do not like objections.
Thanks to personal courage, success is achieved. Always bring to the end begun, but when they have in doubt, they may appear and Apathia will appear.
The impulsiveness peculiar to them may, serve them a bad service. Their egoism creates great problems in friendship. The fact that they first do, and then think, can also create a lot of problems.
They need a partner who would be able to restrain their impulses and impulsiveness. Or knowing how to endure it.
Tuesday's children are physically active, well folded and sexy. It applies equally to men and women.
Elvis Presley (Elvis Presley), Mel Gibson, Robert De Niro (Kevin Costner), Nicolas Cage, Nicolas Cage, Vin Diesel, Tom Cruise (Tom Cruise) Charlie Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin), Jean-Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Sting, Pablo Picasso (Friedrich Nietzsche), John F. Kennedy (John F. Kennedy), Vladimir Putin ;
Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe), Claudia Schiffer (Jennifer Aniston), Nicole Kidman (Nicole Kidman), "Iron Lady" Margaret Tatcher (Margaret Thatcher).

A man born on Tuesday can be found ... Hairstyle!
Such people prefer short hair, haircuts and all sorts of hair shortening - they interfere with them.
People Tuesday are usually dark, stole.
In general, frequency and uncertainty are often distinguished. But they are not able to shove, they do not squeeze and see life from a dark side. For example, treason and generally accepted mud of human relations do not surprise them. They themselves do not mind bring and deceive.
Skeptical view of life and generally accepted human values \u200b\u200bin people born on Tuesday.
People born on Tuesday, there are little with whom they agree and are very difficult for them to convince words.
But at the same time, the people of Tuesday are surprisingly brave people, they will help decent, in their opinion, people and come to help friends.
The secret of the longevity of people born on Tuesday is the ability to adapt. They are unpretentious in food and life.
Often, such people have savings and even capital, accumulate to old age. But, judging by their appearance, you can not even guess and in general, they do not like to brag and more often silent, knowing the nature of people.
A person born on Tuesday is considered solid and reliable, despite his external gloominess and misfortune.

There is a very common and superficial layer, but the main lines are quite indicated. Of course, we are talking only about the most common influences on which many other parameters are superimposed, of which the most important - the will of the person himself.

People born on Monday

If a person was born on Monday, his life is managed by the moon, and such a person can be called lunar. Everything that happens to him, everything he does, goes through his soul, so such people have a lot of experiences, their soul is constantly working, knowing the world at the emotional level. It is not easy to be a lunar person, because his psyche is always tense. Many lunar people become customers of neuropathologists and psychoanalysts. Communicating with friends, lunar people talk a lot about sore, about what is happening in their soul. .

People born on Monday, as a rule, choose a humanitarian profession, are engaged in charity, work with flawing suffering from people. Such a person can become an excellent human soul pecker, absorbing the suffering of others, on the invisible plan absorbing someone else's pain. Being emotional, impressionable, wounded, the lunar man attracts similar lunar energies of other people. The moon is a female planet, which has a negative energy, so the lunar man collects negative energy all his life. And the more the moon man sees the sufferings around him, the harder it is to live. Such a person needs humility, faith in God, since only in this case human suffering will pass through it, without causing significant damage to his psyche. If the lunar man counts only for his strength, believes only in his senses, it thinks independently, without helping people from suffering, it is unlikely to handle the experiences accumulated in his soul and very soon get sick, it will die, can even go crazy .

So that the child born on Monday did not be a victim of his abilities, did not hold his psyche with other people's sufferings, you need to teach it not to delay the negative energy in my soul, forget about the troubles that happened to him, to teach it to live today, to decide today's tasks and not Return in your memory to the experienced, to what you do not return, do not correct.

The permanent emotional saturation of the lunar people often makes them romantics, melancholics, which does not contribute to physical work, the exercise of urgent issues. The lunar man sails through the flow of life and is rarely taken for the oars. He needs a powerful stimulus for creation. The lunar children during study are easily distracted from the subject being studied, they will go to school with a greater hunt, if their teachers are cute, kind, spiritual and soft women. Moon is a mother's planet, so the mother of the lunar child is the most important person in his life. From how harmonious relations of a moon man with his mother depends on his success in many areas of life, his self-esteem, the health of the soul and body. For the development of a lunar child, pets, younger brothers and sisters, dolls, because such a child, regardless of gender, possesses maternal qualities, and everything about whom he can take care, will help him in the disclosure of his potential.

Moon - Planet at home, domestic trouble, so moon people like to spend time at home. They strongly suffer from the lack of home, their room and frequent moves. They can become experts in any profession associated with residential houses and the organization of life. The moon - the planet of the family, and the lunar people without a family are very difficult. In many ways, their success in public life, the level of their income depends on the fact of the presence or absence of family and from the climate of the house, from the relationship with his wife (spouse). The lunar child is no less than an adult in need of a family and a house. Throughout life, any Monday is a happy day for lunar people, when they can solve the most difficult tasks of their lives, adopt the only right decision. Once a few years in their lives, a happy year that began on Monday, is the most favorable period for the start of any serious activity, changes in the lifestyle.

Monday people are gifted by living mind, ambitious, purposefulness, adjacent, commitment. They are responsible for their words and actions. They are charming, they have intuition developed, they are distinguished by the independence and originality of views, energetic and enterprise. Monday people are lucky, they easily comprehend sciences, tend to languages, music and poetry. Honor and glory accompany them in the life path. Often they fall in love soon, but their feelings are long and strong. They are most often happy with their marriage, especially if they do not allow to spill out the negative properties of their character. In his youth, they are predisposed to child and youthful diseases: all sorts of inflammation, furunculam, carbunclam, bronchitis, otititis. However, after 28 years, their health stabilizes and diseases are most often leaving.

People born on Tuesday

If a person was born on Tuesday, Mars manages his whole life and it can be called Marcianin. Martian loves speed, quick ride, as Mars - Planet Speed. A high speed may not bring joy to him, but in the life of such a person many events develop rapidly. Martian can achieve a lot in a short period of time, becoming a big man already in youth, early to create a family. The velocity theme of the red thread passes through his whole life. Often, such a person loses interest in matters in which a long time cannot achieve a result, loses interest in people for whom the process is more important. One of the advantages of Martian - his initiative and the ability to perform any work quickly. Over the years, Martian on his experience learns that the initiative is punishable, and tries to be less initiative. Often about people born on Tuesday, they say that in their hands work is burning.

Regardless of the skills, a man born on Tuesday is much easier than people born on other days of the week, winning competitions in which the result depends on speed, for example, to win in the competition for short distances. Marciana loves to put the goals and tasks in front of them and other people, often they go to their goal to alive, crushing any obstacles. The target put in front of them attracts them, gives an incentive for life and struggle. Speed \u200b\u200bMars gives impulsiveness, creates conditions in which it is difficult or impossible to stop and think about making decisions or committing actions. Often, Martians first say and do something, and then they begin to think if they did it correctly, did not say something extra. In the life of Martian a few problems, but impulsiveness, excessive hurry is one of them. Excessive inuctors will not cause Mrsianin trouble if parents can teach it to weigh every word, think about every act.

The young Martian can be lazy only because he does not see for himself classes capable of bringing an interesting result for him. So that young Martian wants to learn, you need to put it a clear goal and explain its attractiveness. Young Marcianine may lose interest at all, if the learning process is too long, therefore it is not worth it forcing it for many hours in a row to sit on textbooks and long explain to him the subject of study. The best method for obtaining education for Marcianin is external. Regardless of the floor in Martians, many male qualities, as Mars is a male planet. A man born on Tuesday will strive for the rank of a real man. Women can be brave, brave, strong and courageous, often refuse women's clothing items and carry trousers. And those and others tend to show interest in male entertainment: they love cars, attend the gym or rifle club.

Any Martian has many male qualities and has abilities to male classes. You will greatly help Martian, if at the time of his youth teach it to be managed with metal tools, teach ride a bike and car, to understand the mechanics of metal structures, shoot a gun and use sharp, stitching and cutting items. Very useful for any Martianna will be playing sports, especially the exercises with metal devices, because Mars will start metal, and contact with the metal will make Martian more confident. Any Martian is able to simultaneously start several cases, become the discoverer. His body and psyche are often tense from permanent readiness to open a new one. Often, Martians suffer due to overvoltage.

Martian - fire people. They can be pyrome - lovers sit by the fire or firefighters. Mars - Planet of aggression and war, and in the potential of any Martian - brave soldiers who should not learn to fight. They may be theorists, and military practitioners. If you notice in young Marcianin love for fights, disputes, ability to create conflict situations, seriously deal with his upbringing - teach not to destroy, but to create, because the Drachun Martian can grow an extremist. Throughout life, any Tuesday is happy for Martian Day, when they can take for any cases, solve the most difficult issues of their lives. Happy can become for such people and the year of Mars - a year, when their next birthday came on Tuesday.

People born on Tuesday are distinguished by a sharp mind, they grab on the fly, but often their knowledge is superficial, shallow. They have logic and critically belong to everything that they do not like them. They are ingenious, witty and energetic, but they need to bring up in themselves the sequence and perseverance in achieving the goal. The state of health depends on success in affairs, even in infancy it is noticeable. If toys and books are enough, they are healthy if they do not give them something, they begin to root. People are subject to nervous disorders Tuesday, they often meet and suffering from insufficient mobility of the tongue, they have weak lungs, and as a result, frequent pleurisy, pneumonia.

People born on Wednesday

If a person was born on Wednesday, his life is managed by Mercury and can be called Mercuryan. Mercury - a planet of youth and ease, and Mercury, regardless of age, can feel young, look good, to deep old age remain moving people. They can become specialists in the rejuvenation of the body. The topic of friends, brothers and sisters may be an urgent topic in the life of Merkurian, because Mercury, it becomes a friendly relationship, determines relations with brothers and sisters. Mercurian can love his brothers, sisters and buddies, may treat them badly, can have many friends or not one, but this topic is important for him, worries him. Brother, sister and friends are able to give Mercuryan much more than parents.

The young Mercurian is often fidth, very movable, easily distracted. Such children need to teach the mind-reason in motion during games, walking, in transport. The learning process must be not intrusive, but to happen. Much Mercury can teach his brothers, sisters and friends, even more than parents and teachers. Lagoing Mercurian is useful to work out with an excellent student than with a tutor. Mercury is an opponent's opponent, because it is a planet of movement, constant change. And young and adult Mercurians often change their attitude towards people and situations. It is not worth scolding young Mercurian for the fact that he too often changes friends or atmosphere in his room. Changes are necessary for him as air. He will feel bad if there will be no change around him, so it is useful to update the interior items in his room, more often to buy new clothes and toys.

Than moving Mercurian and what a variety of his life, the better he feels. Most young Mercurians need to communicate on equal. They will more confidently feel, force themselves from possible complexes, if they can call adult people by names without patronymic, will turn to them as to friends, on "you". In the upbringing of Mercuryan, it is unacceptable for the ban, since Mercury is a planet of freedom. Forbidden to Mercurya something, especially communication or mobile games, we create a great base for complexes. Try to create for young Mercurya such conditions under which there would be no sense in the ban. Mercury will lead to speech, information, process of thinking, primary education, and often in Mercuryans there are problems with a speech, a desire arises to become a speech therapist, work related to the collection and transfer of information.

Mercurian can be a good primary school teacher, journalist, writer, bookseller. Young Mercurian is useful as soon as possible to teach read, learn concisely express their thoughts, collect information and use it. It is useful for him to teach poems, play intellectual games, parents worth talking more often with him. The more reading the Mercurian, the more freely he will own the word, the more confidently fascinates in life. Mercurians can be cunning and deft capable of commercial activities. Young Mercurians can be scary deceivers, but do not blame them for it, you need to teach them to use our cunning so that no one suffers from it. Moving games will help, especially football and even a game of cards. Throughout the life of Mercuryan, any environment is a happy day for him when he can take for the most difficult affairs. But the most successful periods of life - years of Mercury, which began on Wednesday.

People have a fairly bizarre combination of character traits. They are often peacekeepers, seek justice and harmony, to create and equilibrium. They hate enmity and bloodshed. People have many plans, but trying to realize them, they face difficulties and serious opposition. They have a lot of enemies, as they tend to put pressure on others. Health in people's medium above average, and a margin of stressfulness in stressful situations is great. They quickly restore their strength and again rush to the conquest. People environments often accompany injuries, especially heads. After thirty years, you need to take care of the intestines, internal organs and spine.

People born on Thursday

If a person was born on Thursday, his life is managed by Jupiter and this person can be called Jupitorian. Jupiter - Planet expanding the scope of activity and sphere of influence, planet of large-scale actions, so Jupitorians are able to think globally. They want a lot from life, often put ambitious goals, it is difficult for them to go small chains, they want to achieve their goals quickly. For whatever the case, Jupiterian, he is able to expand him to infinity. Jupitorians have a tendency to exaggeration that great spoils their lives. Jupiterian wants to be a big man and often overestimates his capabilities. It can be a very important person in society, a respected, influential person, but for this he is needed or connections with such people, or a very good education, since Jupiter is associated with higher education. Jupiterian can become a teacher of the university, an excellent teacher who transmit people is not a set of information, but deep knowledge. It can be any specialist in the field of education.

Jupiter is a planet of influential people, and the Jupiter's journalism may depend on the favor of some people, from the mood of the authorities, the favor of rich and influential relatives. He may and himself, to provide major support to people, whose fate is not involved. Jupiter - Planet of public activity, and Jupiteria is difficult to establish a personal life, because social activities, work takes too much time and effort, often interest more than home hearth, family problems. Jupitorian can be a careerist; And the young jumperian often dreams of life of a business man. Jupitorian has abilities for successful business. He needs to give the best education, as otherwise it will not have easy for him in life. Jupiterians are insufficient in their studies. They want to receive serious knowledge, and Aza are uninteresting them.

Try to teach the young Judgment to not exaggerate difficulties. With no matter how problems he faced, do not agree that they are serious, always say that any problems are solvable and most of them are just nothing. Jupiter is associated with the theme of the abroad, and Jupiterians can have good abilities to foreign languages, therefore it is very useful to teach young Jupitorian to several foreign languages. Such people can easily communicate with foreigners, perfectly know geography, become travelers, have craving for overseas lands, the desire to change citizenship. For the harmonious development of a young jupitorian, it is useful to teach geography, send on travel or study abroad. Any Jupitorian is able to look at life, can be a deeply believer man, as Jupiter heads philosophical and religious teachings. Jupitorian can become a preacher, spiritual teacher.

Knowledge of philosophy and religious scriptures helps him in life gives him faith in his strength, so young Jupitorian is useful to acquaint the sacred texts of religious writings and with the works of philosophers. However, you should not impose any religion to him. Jupitorian is able to create his spiritual school, the philosophical system, open a new direction in any science. Throughout the life of Jupitorian, any Thursday is the most successful day, and the year of Jupiter, which began on Thursday, may be a very good period when the Jupsterist will be able to use the ability and much more benefit.

People born on Friday

If a person was born on Friday, his life is managed by Venus and this person can be called a Venusian. Being in power of the planet feelings and pleasures, Venenian is very demanding about living conditions, it can only feel good in comfortable conditions, constantly needs new and new pleasures. He will not be able to study on an empty stomach or in a cool room. Venusiances are almost constantly in the authority of any strong feelings, they like to do what causes pleasant sensations, for example, to work or walk in nature, engage in landscaping, work with beautiful people. Venusalents - sensual nature, feelings, as a rule, are more important for them than common sense. For the development of the abilities of a young Venusalence, it is useful for the development of small years to work on earth, working with wild, garden or indoor plants, greater emphasis in his training should be done on biology and chemistry.

Earth Venus, a beauty planet, makes a relevant theme of the physical body, and Venusianets is often concerned about its health and appearance. To be confident, he needs to look good. Venusiants have an innate taste and are able to decorate the world around themselves, often choose a profession associated with beauty. The more Venusianets is able to make it yourself, the more confident he feels and more achieves in life. Venus gives us different desires, makes you choose, so Venusiance is full of desires, very demanding about the quality of things purchased. Being the planet of the earthly element, Venus gives love for money, the desire to receive a stable income. Venusiants are ready to honestly work for the sake of albeit a small but stable salary. In order for Venusianets to be more adapted to life, it is necessary to teach him from the small years, it is necessary to show him the need for labor. Let him help you at the housework and will start earning independently as early as possible.

Since Venus is a female planet, Venusians easily find a common language with women, they have a lot of girlfriends, women are interested in their more men. Often, the Venusians choose work in the women's team, become experts on women's issues. A young Veneniance is more useful to communicate with women than with men, since they are capable of teaching it a lot, give something very important for its development. Every Friday every Friday is a happy day for a Venusian. Any events taking place with him on this day are good for him. It is on Friday that a Venueanian is easier to decide on an important step, a responsible conversation, it is on this day that he receives greater support of the higher strength. Every year Venus, that is, the year, which began on Friday, is happy for him, a year, when he has a double support of the ruler of his life, Venus.

People born on Friday, sometimes in the features of their character contradictory features. They can be both kind and evil, conspiractive and stubborn in small things, in their souls often there is a struggle between the truth and lies, between the light and darkness. This is especially manifested in those who appeared at the sunset hour. Friday people are super-sensitive and easy wound. They are instinctive "read" people and always hide their opinion about others, but sometimes they are cruel and speak in the cast even more than it should be, although the cooling, always suffer from what has been said.

People Friday are characterized by logical thinking, they give practical advice to others, but themselves, by virtue of natural laziness, do not always use their qualities for their own development. If Friday's man was born in a secured family, there is a chance that it will never develop his best qualities, but will only swim through the course of life until changes come in his life. As for health, most often the heart, stomach and liver suffer from nervous loads. In addition, "malfunctions" happens with kidneys and blades, and in later years, leg injuries and dislocations are possible.

People born on Saturday

If a person was born on Saturday, his life is managed by Saturn and a person can be called Saturnian-Cem. Saturn - Planet of tests and restrictions, and, as a rule, Saturnians perceive their fate as a test, a cross, which needs to be humbly carried through life. The life of Saturnians is heavy from birth. Saturnians is difficult to enjoy life. At most, to which he is capable - philosophically treat your difficulties. Saturn is a planet of evil rock, restrictions, the strength of the spirit, and the life of Saturnians is full of fatal accidents, he lives in constraints for a long time, fate boots his spirit. Satursnian lives in constant spiritual and physical tension, and the stronger his spirit and body, the easier it is to endure the blows of fate. In the upbringing of a young Saturnians, the main emphasis must be done on the hardening of his spirit and body.

From early childhood it is useful to harde it in various ways. It is unacceptable to indulge him, you need to do everything so that it grows by a strong person confident, able to solve his own problems. If the young Saturnian fell, do not hurry to help him, let him fall and calm himself. Feeling strong support and care of parents, Saturnian will not learn independence. The ban in its upbringing is very useful and even necessary, as it will help him at an early age to put up with the fate and more easily transferring her blows in adulthood. Saturnian can be severe, emotionally discreet, very demanding and even an evil and cruel person, because this is the nature of Saturn - the ruler of his life, which determines the basic qualities of his nature. The harsh nature of Saturnians can push people from him, but thanks to this nature, this person can become an excellent specialist in strengthening the spirit and body, a specialist in any field, where physical endurance is needed, character hardness, high composure. Regardless of the physique, Saturnians are very hardy and capable of working for a long time without rest, it is not enough to prevent.

These are real workers who are ready for any work, just to correct their financial position. Young Saturnians need to teach to work from the Small years, let him already know what a piece of bread is worth. It is useful for him to engage in sports in which endurance is needed. Saturnian can become an excellent coach in similar sports. Saturn - Planet of conservatives, and often Saturnians are very conservative in their views, with difficulty changing habits, "lag behind." Thanks to conservatism, Saturnians can be a big fan of classics, with great respect to treat traditions. Often Saturnians take on the Guardian function of what should remain unchanged, for example, become the guardians of the museum, collectors of old objects. Any Saturnian has the ability to preserve what will touch. Enshas serve as Saturnians longer than people born on other days of the week. As a rule, Saturnians are not affected by fashion and build their lives, following their own rules.

Many philosophical exercises suggest that a person comes to earth to change, become better. But a person who lives under the influence of a conservative Saturn, is difficult to change. Such people are difficult to develop their abilities, so the more abilities he will open in his childhood when the Spirit is more moved, the more interesting there will be his life. For Saturnians, traditions, rules and laws are important, as Saturn is a planet legislator. Saturnian can be the keeper of traditions, a leader of the legislative system, an employee of the bodies following the execution of laws and rules. Saturnian is able to be content with small, it can be very economical and often becomes an economist. He has qualities to see unnecessary items, he loves strict simple forms, is able to simplify life, get rid of himself and others from unnecessary difficulties. Saturnians have an innate sense of measure that can make it a specialist in the field of accurate sciences. It is useful to ask the young Saturnians to ask questions about quantities, for example, to ask him "how much you want ...". It will help him discover a sense of measure. But, regardless of his desires, never let him a lot of food, toys and other things. Teach him to be content with small.

Saturn - Planet of the Chiefs, it is associated with the relationship with elders by age or position, so the Saturnians are very important relationships with their own father, elder brother, bosses. A good relationship with the boss or with his father helps him to get a good job in life even more than excellent education. Saturnian who grew up without a father or without other authority, will be a wholedole to look for him a replacement, choose a spouse with the qualities that he would like to see in his father. Lack of father, bad relationship with father - a catastrophe for him. It is a father or someone replacing it will be able to teach Saturnians a lot, to reveal its potential, give education and education necessary for the successful implementation of its life program. Any Saturday is a happy day for Saturnians when he should be taken for the most difficult affairs, accept responsible decisions. A happy year can be the year of Saturn, that is, the year that began on Saturday. Although the year of Saturn for most people is a difficult period, Saturnian in such a year has double support of the ruler of his life and can achieve a lot.

Born on Saturday is either very good, or very bad, they prevail contradictory characteristics in the highest manifestation. If they are smart, then everyone do excellently, if they are stupid, then stupidity is accompanied in everything. In any case, they are very emotional and this feature is key in their character throughout their lives, possessing a big magnetic force, they can gain attention and love even the most non-contact people. They are easily adapted to any atmosphere, but sometimes they fall under the influence of someone else's will and often suffer from this. They hate quarrels, scandals, but among them are often encountered. The dodgy mind of them allows you to see events for several moves forward and build it in their own way. But their fate is often changed: they are highly flying, they rapidly fall down, takeoffs and falls accompany them all their life, undoubtedly, it makes them certain moral damage, but nevertheless, does not knock out of the saddle. They are meticulous, always find out things to the end. But often themselves lead a double game. They always dismiss false and flaying rumors. They are working, never lose in vain, they can be excellent public servants, to manage the enterprise and the country for them will not be difficult. Among them are a lot of investigators and judges, excellent diplomats. In childhood, they usually do not hurt anything, the nose of the gastrointestinal tract and the violation of the work of the internal secretion glands. Saturday people often fall into the accident,

People born on Sunday

If a person was born on Sunday, his life manages the sun and can be called a sunny man. Such a person will feel the creator. As a rule, sunny people have more ideas than the time for their embodiment. In addition, the Sun gives organizational abilities, so such a person is always looking for those who would embody his ideas, orders the embodiment of their ideas to those specialists, but the idea of \u200b\u200bindependent embodiment of ideas comes to him lastly. A sunny man is much more pleasant to represent, as ideas become a reality, than to take into account for the sake of their projects. Sometimes about such people they say that they are not from this world, as they live in a beautiful fantasy world. The biggest thing that we can do for a child born on Sunday is to preserve and develop it fantasy and imagination, not deprive of his joy of inner creativity. Sunny child from the earliest years is to train drawing, singing, dancing, led to the theater, on art exhibitions, acquaint with creative people. Let him not become a great dancer, a singer or artist, but learning this will help him in life, will make it feel more confident, earlier to start an independent life and more achieve.

The sun gives us a feeling of joy and a sense of love, and, as a rule, solar people are optimists throughout life, believe that everything happens for the better, they often smile, exuded the positive energy of good and love and constantly looking for an object for new love, That which they could exchange solar energy of joy and love. Life much more often pleases such people than upset. Answering the question "How are you?", They sincerely can say that they are all good and even excellent. The Sun symbolizes the person, the individuality of each of us, and the sunny person can brightly exercise his individuality, to declare himself as an unusual person. He is capable of non-traditional actions and thoughts. It is very important not to suppress the unconventional manifestations of the sunny child.

Very often, people born on Sunday show interest in luxury, seek to live beautifully. If a child born on Sunday exists more interest in beautiful things than to creative classes, it is necessary to seriously engage in its upbringing, interested in any business. Sunny people with great reluctance are engaged in monotonous work and affairs in which they do not find joy. It is necessary to find such a matter for a child, which would affect the strings of his soul and every day gave him new emotions, information; It is better to teach him several times at once, then it will be interesting for him. The sun is a planet of luxury, and, regardless of the requests of a solar man, he can live a luxury luxury or a significant part of it in luxury or in close proximity to luxury, for example, as an employee of the museum or jewelry company.

One of the best manifestations of the sunny man is a nobility, the ability to make generous gifts. Just as the sun gives us with its energy, the sunny person is capable of broad gestures. Born on Sunday should appreciate this day, because it is on Sunday that they will be able to find solutions to the most difficult tasks. Year when a sunny man marks his next birthday on Sunday, you can call happy. Each person, the year of the Sun promises getting joy, creative inspiration, but for a sunny man it will not be just a year of joy, and a year when he can implement the most important projects, fundamentally change his life.

People born on Sunday have a big life reserve of energy. They are kind and merciful. In a difficult situation, they always find a way out and help to find others. However, some of them are sometimes amenable to the depressive state of the soul and with difficulty leaving them. This is mainly susceptible to those who were born in winter. Sunday people love change in life, with difficulty enduring loneliness, they have many friends and acquaintances, they easily find a common language with everyone. They always have their own point of view, know how to defend it. People born on Sunday are easily comprehended by science and always have a wide range. They skillfully build the life plans and achieve conceived gradually, counting their strength at any distance.

Being a high mind and independent nature, they are leaders in everything, for what is taken. They hate restrictions and rebel against them. Thanks to their own efforts and their energy, they are asked over the social medium prescribed by birth. The health of Sunday people are strong, but they give themselves this work that they often suffer from someone else's injustice, as a result, the heart attack often knocks them out of the gauge, as well as bronchial asthma and ulcers affect their body. Carefully selected diet and exercises help them quickly stand up. During the disease, they are better in solitude. This will help concentrate energy on healing. Physically, they are well folded.

In this article we will talk about the meaning of the week in which you were born. Interestingly, the day of the week in this case, defines your bioenergy potential, the nature and scope of activity in which you will be awaiting success, in one word, almost all your life can be viewed on the day of the week of your appearance.

People born on Monday: contradiction and devotion

People born on Monday, manages the moon. Doubts and confusion are the main features of the nature of those who have a birthday on Monday. Many of them cannot overcome spiritual contradictions, so they do not reach those heights in life, what could have achieved if they sort out in themselves. In emotionality and openness, they have no equal. Such people are very sociable. They have a rich fantasy that they for some reason do not always demonstrate others. People born on this day are easily adapting, as a rule, are led and comfortable in this position. Next to me, they want to see only a strong personality, so sometimes they suffer from loneliness, as few are ready to take responsibility for their lives. Relationships appreciate warmth and comfort, and are very devoted to their second half.

People born on Tuesday: Studies and ambitions

Born on Tuesday live under the sign of Mars, the planet warriors. Their character is distinguished by perseverance, perseverance, and sometimes aggressiveness. However, these people may doubt their rightness and correctness of their decisions. Often those who have a birthday on Tuesday, need support. About such people very often they say "first makes, then thinks." The second half for the born on Tuesday can be a soft, unobtrusive and benevolent person, in this case, will undoubtedly, there will be complete harmony in relations. A successful marriage can bring a lot of perspectives, both in work and in social activities.

People born on Wednesday: Dimension and perseverance

Born on Wednesday patronizes Planet Mercury. They are lucky in science, in business, love to learn and acquire experience, but they look more conservatives rather than people who are open to everything new. Such people are very persistent, since childhood they dream of achieving success, and throughout their lives are scenario to their goal. From such predictable and dynamic life, many of them get tired over time. And here is the following: those whose birthday is environment, give a way out accumulated over the years (by no means positive) energy. Then everything returns "into its circles". There is no feeling about feelings here. People environments are somewhat dangerous in marriage, they need to be able to occasionally go away from the relationship, then in the future in this pair everything will be fine and stable.

People born on Thursday: sequence and leadership

Planet Jupiter patronas all born on Thursday. For people of this day are characterized by high organizational abilities. They seek great success in politics and management. Such people stretch more weak, which strengthens leadership qualities. Those who have a birthday - Thursday may foresee the future. Negative features can be called irritation and stubbornness, sometimes reaching absurdity. Although these people are logical and consistent. In the family they are powerful and not always tolerant. With them will be comfortable to live led people. Born on Thursday it is necessary to give up and better not to come across treason.

People born on Friday: windiness and cheerfulness

People born on Friday, patronize Venus. This planet has a great gift - she gives art to love and be loved. Such people get pleasure from life. They do not lose and do not like to suffer. Optimistic, cheerful and very charming. In the nature of those who have a birthday - Friday, there is playfulness and disadvantage. At home, they create a cozy atmosphere, try to surround themselves with loved ones and friends. Friday people can not be tied to themselves, it is necessary to give them freedom of choice, then they will gladly give love and households, and friends. Jealous people with such people will not be able to be nearby. People of this day are always lucky in money, in working with them very comfortable.

People born on Saturday: Intellect and hard work

Planet Saturn takes under his patronage born on Saturday. These are strong people who can make a lot. They are characterized by tremendous hardworking, talent and outstanding mind. The graduality and dimension is that such people are appreciated. They are not suitable for the role of the chief. Born on Saturday is not always lucky in personal life, as they consider marriage the ultimate goal of relationships and misinterdiction in family life. Those who have a birthday - Saturday, people of extremes: either adapt or noisily defend their interests. They need to mean themselves and at home, and at work, only then they can feel happy. In a more mature age, they feel much harmonious than in youth.

People born on Sunday: carefree and luck

Born on Sunday is always warm, because they are under the auspices of the sun. Easy and lucky, they say "Balovni Fate". However, they often overtake failure. What is it connected with? They often tend to behave carefree lifestyle without applying efforts to ensure their future. For some time they accept the gifts over, and then life begins to ask them in full program. The character shows the tacity, unwillingness to be implemented in the family and in a professional aspect. Those whose birthday is Sunday, can miss the opportunity to prove yourself. It is necessary to educate the children of the resurrection, to help them in choosing a future profession and teach to hard work. Only in this case in the future these people can become happy and successful. The main task is to meet a smart and demanding satellite of life, with the authority.

What day of the week you are neither born, most importantly, you need to learn to perceive yourself as you are, and try to change in a positive aspect, making your life brighter and harmonious!