Libra tiger horoscope for February. Health and Leisure

21.10.2021 Horoscope

Libra will have a month full of passion. Sensual Venus and fiery Mars are located in your home of partnership, so there will be a hot time, love can ignite at any moment.

Moreover, an unpredictable Uranus has been in the house of Libra's partner for a long time, which brings novelty, changes and surprises. The influence of Jupiter in Libra gives all these manifestations breadth and scale. In addition to everything, Mercury, the planet of communication and contacts, passes through your house of love from February 7 to 26, 2017. A lot of communication and flirting is another pleasant feature of the month.

Lonely Libra should pay attention to February 2017 - it is very likely that a fateful meeting will occur, and the topic of loneliness will remain in the past. If you already have a relationship, they will receive a new impetus, they will experience a period of prosperity.

Your attractiveness is high, you are ready to seduce and conquer. You have a lot to offer your partner. However, be careful, because love desires can overshadow the voice of reason. Perhaps, to your beloved you will seem too emotional and impulsive, as a result, conflicts and other excesses are not excluded. The ability to assess circumstances sensibly will be very useful to you.

The lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 illuminates the Libra houses of friendship and love. Friendship and love relationships will be closely intertwined. Maybe through friends you will meet an interesting person who will fill your being with new content. In addition, friends and acquaintances could take on the role of intermediaries in amorous affairs.

Such planetary influences will certainly bring you special experiences in your personal life. Let's hope they turn out to be enjoyable: passionate love, romantic stories, amazing encounters, exciting episodes. Although it should be remembered that due to excess energy, undesirable situations can sometimes occur.

Libra career and finance horoscope for February 2017

Your success at work and in your career depends on how you interact with people. The cluster of planets in the Libra partner sector suggests that now, more than ever, cooperation and the ability to work in a team are important. If necessary, you are able to attract others to achieve your goals. However, the period is not easy, competition, rivalry and disagreements are possible.

The picture of February business life is painted in bright colors. This is a good time to show your best side in a team, to show your talents in working for a common cause. There are good chances to find new business partners, conclude lucrative contracts, and make good deals. Everything will move quickly, you will be required to take active action, as well as timely decision-making. In general, stormy events are expected in February 2017 at work and in business.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 affects the Libra work house. Under his influence, it is possible to change the scope of work duties. Changes may occur in the organization where you work. If you don't see prospects in your current workplace, it makes sense to start looking for the best options. For a job change, the period is suitable.

Collaboration is also important to succeed in the financial arena. By interacting with other people, you will make good money. Nevertheless, the month is quite controversial, when both higher income and losses are equally likely. When it comes to money, take your time and stay prudent. Don't leave anything to chance!


An active and hectic period awaits you when it is not easy to relax. Try to slow down the pace of life. Take a break from time to time. If there are any health problems that you have put off solving, then it's time to return to them. The respiratory system and the nervous system are vulnerable, but not only. Do not ignore even the slightest signs of illness. Be especially careful during holidays.

Libra's personal life in February 2017 will fully correspond to their inner state. Flirting, acquaintances, meetings, rumors, conversations will seriously wear down the representatives of this zodiac sign, and by the end of the month they will want to retire with their soulmates and find their happiness in a quiet family circle. The detailed love horoscope for Libra for February 2017 will tell you what to do to find happiness in love, as well as avoid a breakup and maintain a relationship.

Love horoscope for Libra February 2017

The once calm and measured life of Libra is in danger of staggering. The reason for this will be the excessive gossip of the people around them. February 2017 will be remembered by the representatives of this sign with not the most positive emotions. The situation can only be changed by the complete calmness of Libra and ignoring all attempts to lead to conflict. Libra men and women will look forward to the second half of the month. It was then, according to the predictions of the stars, that a favorable period will begin. Libras no longer have to prove feelings or hide genuine emotions. The second half of February and the end of the month will be a truly pleasant period in the life of Libra. From this moment on, you will not need to worry and fight for your love. Passions will subside, and tired Libra will begin to seek consolation in the arms of their loved ones.

The family horoscope for the representatives of this zodiac sign for February will be more romantic and predicts a complete calm in the relationship for Libra. The spouses will be able to enjoy each other in peace. In a couple, mutual understanding and tenderness will reign. In February, spouses will be able to appreciate the advantages of family life.

Love horoscope for Libra women for February 2017

The shortest month of the year will be the most fruitful and productive for women and girls of the Libra sign. In February, they will be able to understand their own feelings well, prioritize and enjoy the peace of mind. A true love horoscope promises to give time to the Libra girls, so that they can slowly choose a mate for themselves with their heads and hearts. In a series of recent rapidly developing events, Libra had absolutely no time to stop and catch her breath. February 2017 will not be so eventful, even at work things will go in their usual rhythm.

Lonely Libra girls, if they follow the advice of the stars, will definitely meet their soul mate in February 2017. Of course, they will not immediately understand that this is precisely their fateful meeting. Most likely Libra will not even attach importance to a casual acquaintance. But the horoscope of love will once again collide two lonely hearts, and they will never want to part.

In the family of Libra girls, February 2017 will change nothing. Meetings, conversations - everything is as usual. And despite the fact that a couple of months ago the girls were seriously thinking about breaking up, now these thoughts are far in the past.

Love horoscope for Libra men for February 2017

The worries of the Libra men about the upcoming events will not be in vain. In February, they will have to make a lot of effort to maintain precarious happiness. The second half will simply get tired of lack of attention and will be ready to break all relationships. Difficulties will continue for the lonely representatives of this sign. The recently launched Libra romance will end very quickly and leave behind a bitter aftertaste. However, the love horoscope for February will give Libra just one chance to fix everything. It will depend on this whether they begin a favorable period. Libra has an opportunity to change the situation on the eve of the most romantic holiday - Valentine's Day. During this period, it is very important not to miss your luck.

Libra women will be seized with a premonition of imminent change. At work, you may unexpectedly find yourself in the center of male attention. And if you are burdened with a family, then children, their affairs, study and health will be in the sphere of your interests. You will prove yourself as an attentive, caring mother and wife who puts the interests of those closest to you first.

Communication with colleagues will be very important for Libra men. But you can't avoid flirting at work either. Try not to overdo it, otherwise in February you will have to clean up the consequences of a seemingly innocent flirtation. The whole period you will be charming and sweet, not always realizing what impression you make on women.

Horoscope for February 2017 Libra woman

  • Auspicious days for Libra women in February 2017: February 4, 8, 14, 18, 21.
  • Difficult days for Libra women in February 2017: February 1, 2, 15.

Love... Your mood will improve when you finally understand what you want from life and from your partner.

  • From 1 to 10 February... Maternal relatives or your mother will pressure you in love affairs. Loved ones will begin to annoy both your character and your fans.
  • February 11-20... These days you will be plagued by pointless jealousy. But a passionate date with a loved one will fix everything.
  • February 21-28... At the moment, you have a lot of hopes, however, so far these are only fantasies. Remember, everything is just beginning, the most interesting and exciting is ahead!

Health... A couple of beauty treatments, and you will shine again and attract everyone's attention. Only loved ones will know what it cost you.

  • From 1 to 10 February... Now you can learn about the new miracle diet. On the eve of the holidays, this will become very relevant for you.
  • February 11-20... All week you will take time off from playing sports - laziness will attack you. Even your girlfriends will not be able to pull you out of the house.
  • February 21-28... Everything related to appearance and beauty will take on special significance for you. You may even take risks and settle for a facelift or anti-aging injections.

Finance... Financial problems will be solved successfully if you listen to the advice of relatives. It will not be easy for you, but then you can afford a pleasant purchase.

  • From 1 to 10 February... Your optimism is now fully justified. If you need money, your loved ones will help you right there.
  • February 11-20... You may be worried about a strange call or the news of your money. The fears will be far-fetched in many ways, but you will have a chance to make sure that you have friends.
  • February 21-28... You feel that the situation is improving every day. Now is the perfect time to be active at work. It may not be easy, but the effort will pay off.

Horoscope for February 2017 Libra man

  • Auspicious days for Libra men in February 2017: February 3, 9, 13, 17, 28.
  • Difficult days for Libra men in February 2017: February 2, 16, 25.

Love... You are in a frivolous mood. A loved one can feel like a possessive - especially if she is selfish.

  • From 1 to 10 February... In everything that happens, you will be inclined to see signs of fate. You may be apart for now, but you can even dream!
  • February 11-20... In the first half of the week, do some household chores with your friend. Have some fun on the weekend.
  • February 21-28... That's when life will bloom for you with all its colors! In the morning - calls, invitations from numerous female fans. But this is so inappropriate, because you are waiting for a call from a single woman!

Health... You can give your friends valuable advice on their health. And this week you yourself need to communicate more with pleasant and close people. Just do not overeat and completely give up alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

  • From 1 to 10 February... At the beginning of the week, you won't have time to get sick. On weekends, be more careful about your health, dress warmer.
  • February 11-20... Your condition these days will depend on whether you help others understand their well-being problems.
  • February 21-28... Get actively involved in sports with colleagues or friends. Go to the pool or go skiing in the woods. Be sure to include various cereals and dairy products on the menu.

Finance... You will be faced with a choice - you want to spend money, and save your savings, too.

  • From 1 to 10 February... The financial ideas that come to your mind can enrich you for many years to come. The main thing is to be creative and try not to miss the nuances.
  • February 11-20... Your creativity and attractiveness can propel you to the top of your career. True, success with colleagues of the opposite sex can prevent this from happening.
  • February 21-28... You have a chance to make your life much easier - that is, to get rid of some of the extra money. Indeed, no money - no problem. But don't overdo it.

Horoscope for February 2017 Libra child

Daughter. In early February, the Libra girls' attention will be attracted by creativity. If now they tell you that the child has the ability to draw, dance or sing, you should trust this opinion and support your daughter in a new hobby. In February, her interests will acquire a more applied character - she will start making gifts to relatives or participate in those contests where she has a great chance to win.

A son. Libra boys love to be friends with girls, and often this friendship turns into something more. And during this period, your son may fall in love. However, Libra's feelings are very fragile and tender. At the first external obstacle, they may disappear, and you will have to reassure your son, explaining that there is nothing fatal in what happened. At the end of February, turn your child's attention to preparing for the upcoming holidays.

Read the horoscope for February 2017 for other zodiac signs:

Libra in February 2017, among the celestial objects of the solar system, will have two incredibly powerful, and most importantly, diverse patrons. These are Venus and Jupiter. The total energy of these planets guarantees overcoming any negative situations, but, of course, with your active participation. In terms of the work sphere, one of the most significant tendencies should be noted: at this stage of life, those Libra who can act as quickly as possible will win. At the same time, at certain moments, even quality can be sacrificed for speed, but only within objectively acceptable limits. For many Libras, this will be a real test, because those born under this sign are used to acting in a measured manner, without unnecessary stops, but also without an outright "gallop". This cannot be called a test, and it is unlikely to be so difficult, nevertheless, Libra will need at least an extraordinary approach and the ability to quickly navigate in changing conditions. In general, a high level of adaptability will come in handy here. Especially considering the position of Mars, which may lead to the fact that some situations cannot be resolved without a "force approach". At such moments, you need to act very carefully, there is a great risk of losing your position.

Speaking in more detail about the work area, one cannot but dwell on the fact that new business projects will be especially easy for Libra now. In other words, if you suddenly (or purposefully) decided to start your own business, then you will not find a better time than February 2017 (to a relative extent, of course, and only taking into account the current time cycle). The situation is no less true for those who already have their own business. But for such Libra, it will probably be about the formation of new divisions, perhaps about the opening of fundamentally different production lines. In general, situations can develop very individually, but the bottom line will be that success awaits you. But only if you are ready for it! Agree that if, figuratively speaking, you give a million dollars to a person who has never been in business or even planned to do so, the result in most cases will be, let's say, less satisfactory than if a “professional businessman” disposes of the money. A similar situation awaits you, when circumstances require high-quality preparation for further development. Here, poor education, problems in professional knowledge, lack of proper theoretical training - all this will make itself felt, if any.

Libra's personal relationships in February 2017 may be ambiguous, but the ending will be positive in any case. Probably, at the dawn of the first decade, many Libra will have to make a serious choice. It is difficult to concretize this situation, for some it will be about new relationships, while someone will have to solve problems that were not resolved in a timely manner. Nevertheless, even with the most negative development of events, you are unlikely to face a situation that you can define as unambiguously bad, unpromising. This is a time too positive and energetically powerful for there to be a chance of total failure. Lonely Libra will now be able to find solace in the arms of friends, and at the end of the second decade there is a possibility of a bright romance. Family representatives of this zodiac sign will receive good news, and at the end of the month some important event awaits them. You just need to remember that at this stage, despotism should not be allowed. If you allow yourself at least a minimum of cruelty (even if it seems that it is necessary), Mars will immediately take you "into circulation", and the result may be unpredictable.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for February 2017 for the zodiac sign Libra, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our fate is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is generalized and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Libra zodiac sign. A more accurate horoscope can be found by compiling one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the sign of Libra: Personal horoscopes for the sign of Libra:

Libra women will become the darling of fate in February 2018. True, you will have to fight for your happiness, but the result can exceed expectations!

Work and business

The stars favor the representatives of the sign in February. All circumstances will play into the hands of Libra. Most likely, it is during this period that it will turn out to acquire allies, as well as turn ill-wishers into their supporters.

Relations with nonresident and foreign partners, which have not been very successful in the past, will be improved. The prospects for successful negotiations are high, which will lead to positive cooperation in the future.

However, it is too early to celebrate a clear victory. It is quite possible that old conflicts with some partners will be exposed at the end of February. At the forefront will be the issue of real estate - office space or land. Unfortunately, it will hardly be possible to resolve the matter peacefully. And nevertheless, the position of Libra will not be so bad.

Opponents will show unprecedented stubbornness and exactingness, trying to fight for their interests with all their might. There is no need to wait for a compromise, since the opponents have already acquired supporters. Victory in the case for Libra women can be brought by mediators who will resolve the conflict without unnecessary difficulties.

Financial situation

The financial situation of the representatives of the sign will be quite stable. However, one cannot count on excess profits. We can say that in the material sense, Libra can wait for the golden mean - ordinary profit and ordinary expenses.

Love and family

On the love front, Libra in February, perhaps, has no equal. The representatives of the sign will be in the very center of attention. The second month of the year will spin them in a whirlpool of parties, presentations, anniversaries and other entertainment events. It is possible that at one of these parties, Libra women can find their soul mate or, at least, have a whirlwind romance.

The representatives of the sign, who have already met their destiny, are likely to have a relationship to a higher level. A joint trip can push you to such a decision. It can be both distant lands, and just a trip to distant relatives in other cities.

The most difficult thing will be for those Libra, whose family life has broken up from everyday difficulties. Quarrels in such families, alas, will not stop. Children will help to defuse the situation, as well as the participation of older relatives in family matters. If the case starts to "smell" of divorce, then the main problem in such a situation will, of course, be the housing issue. The stars say that this issue is unlikely to be resolved.

Housing problems can also arise for friendly families. However, in this case, the difficulties will only strengthen the marriage of the representatives of the sign. And in the end it will be possible to resolve this issue to some extent.

Health status

In winter February, Libra women will feel excellent. This, of course, will have the most positive effect on their appearance.