Fortune telling without cards. Beauty is a sure sign of divine harmony

Decoration. Decoration. beauty

Decoration. Success. Small favored. There is where to go.


1. Starting nine.

Decorate your toes, get off the cart and go on foot.

2. Six second.

Decorate your mustache and beard.

3. Nine third.

Decoration and kindness. In the case of fortune-telling about the eternal - happiness!

4. Six fourth.

Decorated as if silvered, the white horse rushes like a phoenix. This is not a robber, but a matchmaker.

5. Six fifth.

Decoration in a secluded place. Numerous bundles of silk. Repentance. In the end, happiness.

6. Top nine.

White outfit - there will be no trouble.


1. Starting nine.

Your actions should be graceful, harmonious and etiquette. But you have to be independent. "Walking" means giving up help, benefit and ease of getting what you want. You will not encounter obstacles in achieving the plan, despite the longer path to it.

2. Six second.

A beard and mustache is something secondary. The movement of the chin, facial expressions make the facial hair move. Psychologists believe that a man with a beard hides his feelings, intentions, closes himself from the world. Therefore, embellishing the beard means exaggerating the secondary, caring for the unimportant. This trait predicts a meeting with an influential person, you need to carefully, unobtrusively convey your request, casually hint at the problem itself.

3. Nine third.

Beauty is the kindness of the soul. If you hold this opinion and live according to this worldview, you will receive true happiness, not a beautiful, shiny candy wrapper, but the candy itself. What has come to your life will bring long and serious success, sincerity and peace of mind.

4. Six fourth.

Awareness of truth in beauty, illumination comes to you. Phoenix is \u200b\u200ba symbol of transformation, resurrection from the ashes. The old leaves your life, and the new, happy rushes like a fast horse. You have come to understand what is really beautiful and worthy of respect, and what is an illusion that brings disappointment and pain. This required a certain life lesson (you know what it is about), but you acquired wisdom ("silver-plated" - gray hair, wisdom) and received a reward.

5. Six fifth.

Do not get carried away with the accumulation of expensive things, jewelry, do not hide your talents and capabilities, everything can be lost forever. You will regret your unreasonable behavior, but luck will restore the course of events. How to dispose of the newly received wealth is up to you. Don't repeat mistakes.

6. Top nine.

The most effective behavior for you in a given period of time: simplicity, unpretentiousness, lack of spectacular external attributes and empty mannerisms. You are appreciated for your inner qualities. Embellishment loses all meaning, natural harmony and naturalness have prevailed over the artificial and soulless.


"Man does not live by bread alone", he is drawn to beauty, harmony. People are constantly worried about the priority of external beauty or internal, spiritual values. The hexagram answers the question what is more important and what is true beauty. I recall the words from the song: "Don't drink water from my face, but how I want to be beautiful too ..." The dream of any man or woman is to be irresistible, spectacular, attractive, to easily win the hearts and souls of people you like or need. But not everyone is given this, only a few are born with a beautiful appearance, the rest can only contemplate and think: "If I were a little more beautiful, I would be happy too." And how many complexes and suffering are born in adolescents who enter the world of adult relationships. Often, only the timely help of a psychologist or a wise person saves you from suicide. Yes, the role of external beauty in the life of humanity is huge and too exaggerated, only after going through the bitter lessons of disappointment do we begin to understand that kindness, mercy, understanding, sincere support, honesty are what we need to strive for, what we need to look for in a partner.

Everyone has the opportunity to approach external beauty (especially in our time of plastic surgery and the cosmetology industry), having taste, you can dress fashionably, show your advantages and hide disadvantages, go on a diet, go in for sports. It is necessary to do this, diligence in the field of beauty gives self-confidence, we are approaching the standard of attractiveness, which is a priority at this time. But do not be surprised if the result of your efforts is simplicity, artlessness, food you will be interested only in simple. It is as if you will come back to "poverty", but you are not. You have learned the truth and someone else's opinion does not bother you any more, you are self-sufficient.

The hexagram predicts good luck. The Fire of creativity (Fire) is hidden inside (Mountain) and due to this it is harmonious, controlled by the mind. Do your business, remember the external attributes of communication, do not forget about the external gloss. It is a means, but not an end. Travel, plan new things, enjoy the beauty of nature and the world.

Description of the outer and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world.
A powerful mountain leaves the top behind the clouds.
There is a calm, unshakable and provided with all necessary life.
The sun comes out from behind the mountain, instantly transforming the earth.A certain event occurs radically and very quickly changes the familiar world.
It was just now dark, and soon everything will be flooded with bright sunlight. This event will dramatically change the perception of reality. The dull and gray world will immediately light up, sparkle with bright colors.

A mighty tree grows fast like thunder, feeding on underground waters.
There is a very rapid development of the inner world of a person due to a source hidden very deep in the subconscious.
A huge and dangerous underground sea is locked in the bowels of the earth under a tree.This source is truly huge and very dangerous.
The tree with its roots awakened the sea. Water rushed to the surface in a stormy stream. Soon everything will plunge into dangerous waters. The man has awakened something huge and dangerous in the depths of his subconscious. It is an inner source of strength. Everything else immediately faded into the background. Open power began to manifest itself very violently in the world of events. Now almost all attention will be focused on this inner powerful and dangerous source of strength.

Common interpretation of hexagram No. 22

In the manifested world, the inviolability and calm stay of the mountains will remain in the past. Everything will be illuminated by bright sunlight. Sunrise in the mountains, what could be more beautiful? BEAUTY. From the manifested reality, this vibration (like a flame of fire) will transfer to the plane of the subconscious. On the subtle plane, with thunder (i.e. instantly), everything becomes insignificant (vanity, mobility and excitement will go away). There will come a dangerous dive at the moment. We were mesmerized by the sunrise in the mountains, and we cannot take our eyes off it. Dangerous numbness and grip on the current moment. This is instant illumination and connection with the Highest, with God. We forget about everything in the world and completely immerse ourselves in BEAUTY. Current affairs immediately lose all meaning. BEAUTY, as the presence of the Supreme, the presence of God himself, fills everything. This is extremely dangerous, because it immediately knocks out of the usual life rut. After such an insight, landmarks and even basic life values \u200b\u200bcan change. The state of immersion in BEAUTY leads to profound changes in life. Everything that is proportionate, harmonious, filled with vitality and love is marked with beauty. Turn to beauty, let it become your companion, your guiding star.

The one who has received this hexagram will find the answer to his question through the realization of BEAUTY!




Ugliness is an absurd, ugly, repulsive appearance. Ugliness on the outer plane is the opposite pole of BEAUTY. Ugliness and BEAUTY reflect the dual nature of man, dividing everything into good and bad, into black and white. “When people see beauty in something, ugliness is born,” - Lao-Tzu, “Tao Te Ching”.

Ugliness does not happen without an evaluating person!
Everything in nature is BEAUTIFUL! To see the ugliness can only be those in whose subconscious this ugliness lives!






Awareness positions:

1. Beauty is not evidence of the Highest divine vibrations. We often meet outwardly beautiful and very selfish (and, therefore, inharmonious) people. Beauty is a person's appearance and has little to do with his inner world. Namely, the inner world is responsible for harmony with the Higher powers. Don't be fooled by beauty, it is deceiving.

2. Beauty is a sure sign of divine harmony. The spirit is truly beautiful, not the ego!

3. The sense of beauty was formed by man in the process of struggle for survival. Therefore, everything that is useful for us in terms of survival is perceived as beautiful.

4. Outwardly, at first glance, selfish people are beautiful because they love themselves very much. Which in itself is a wonderful harmonious action directed at ourselves. This is where the phenomenon of human thought manifests itself. Their confidence that they are the most worthy object for love in the Universe transforms their appearance so that they become beautiful. This confidence literally hypnotizes those around them, making them think the same. There is no contradiction in this: love and beauty are companions, and thought works wonders. Another thing is that these people can be disharmonious in relation to the world around them. If we pay attention to this side of them, if we look into the vibration created by the thoughts of these people, we will see that they cannot be called beautiful in any way. Here, disharmony just hurts the eye. You don't have to see an aura for this. You will always notice some darkness in the look, dullness in appearance. Paying attention to this at least once, you will no longer be able to consider such a dull person beautiful. This will become the main determining factor for you in his appearance. True harmony of the soul, love for all makes a person literally shine from within, perhaps even with the most ordinary appearance or irregular nose shape. It attracts like a magnet. And if you notice this, stop your attention on this radiance, then such a person immediately becomes very, very beautiful. And, of course: "Beauty will save the world!"

5. Beauty is a measure of love accumulated in a person. When a person is in love, he is beautiful; when in condemnation, he loses beauty and energy.

6. “To be beautiful does not mean to be born to them, because we can learn beauty. When a person is beautiful in soul, what appearance can compare with her! ”- Omar Khayyam.

7. "Beauty is the brilliance of truth" - E. Levy.

8. Beauty is a sure sign of the concentration of love on oneself. It's always cold with such people, even during close hugs. They are always alone and unable to bring love to the world for others. Outward beauty is the stamp of narcissistic and narrow-minded people.

9. “A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of her” - Sophia Loren.

10. “Eyes that have never cried cannot be beautiful,” - Sophia Loren.

11. “People can forgive a person's mind, even talent, but never beauty” - Monica Bellucci.

12. “Beauty is an intrinsic property. As soon as beauty appears, it begins to flow from your body, from your mind - from everything that you are made of. If your inner Beauty is with you, everything is beautiful ”, - Osho.

13. "Only a superficial person judges people not by their appearance" - Oscar Wilde.

14. "The more flawless a person is outside, the more demons he has inside" - Sigmund Freud.

15. "Beauty is in everything, but not everyone is given to see it" - Confucius.

16. “When people see beauty in something, ugliness is born” - Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching”.

15. "Beauty is the promise of happiness" - F. Nietzsche.

16. Can a villain be handsome? Of course, the real villain is devilishly handsome!

17. “A woman who cannot be ugly is ugly", - Karl Kraus.

18. "Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes" - Coco Chanel.

19. “A particularly beautiful woman is a source of terror. As a rule, a beautiful woman is very disappointing. ”- Carl Jung

20. “The pursuit of truth and beauty is an area of \u200b\u200bactivity in which we can remain children all our lives,” said Albert Einstein.

21. “When I work on a problem, I never think about beauty, but when I’m finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it’s wrong,” - R. Buckminster Fuller.

22. “If I named my greatest value in my life, it would be beauty” - Debbie Ford.

23. A person is able to see beauty only where he has an internal predisposition for this. Awareness of beauty is always a moment of resonance of individual perception with the Supreme, with God. The closer a person is to the Highest, the more and more often he sees the beauty around him.

24. “Never judge at first sight either about a dog or about a person. Because a simple mongrel can have the kindest soul, and a man of pleasant appearance can turn out to be a rare bastard ", - V. Vysotsky.

25. “When someone loves you, and when you make someone happy, you suddenly start to feel like the most beautiful person in the world,” - Angelina Jolie.

26. "God makes a woman beautiful, and the devil - pretty" - Victor Hugo.

27. "Beauty turns a man into a slave." Song "Oh, Esmeralda, I dared to wish you ..."

28. “If a man has beautiful hands, truly beautiful, he cannot be ugly inside. Hands don't lie like faces, ”- Edith Piaf.

29. “We need beauty to be loved by men; and stupidity is for us to love men ”, - Coco Chanel.

30. "If a woman is not beautiful, then she is just stupid" - Coco Chanel.

31. “If you are smart, you will be beautiful. There are no ugly ones. Some are as beautiful as a rose, some are like a cactus, ”- Sharon Stone.

32. “You can fall in love with beauty, but you can love only your soul!” - William Shakespeare.

33. “When taking care of beauty, one must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help,” - Coco Chanel.

34. "No external beauty can be complete if it is not animated by internal beauty" - Victor Hugo.

35. "It is a sin if a woman looks less beautiful than she could be" - Miguel de Cervantes.

36. "You will never become beautiful until you feel beautiful" - Chuck Palahniuk. Invisible.

37. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - Oscar Wilde.

38. "Living things cannot be ugly" - Coco Chanel.

40. “We have lost the ability to perceive beauty in the abstract” - Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey.

41. "... when a person loses beauty, he loses everything" - Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey.

42. "There are no ugly women - there are only women who do not know that they are beautiful" - Vivien Leigh.

43. “Beauty is nonsense, beauty will pass. You don't know how lucky you are to be born a freak. People don't like you for your pretty eyes. ”- Charles Bukowski. The most beautiful woman in town.

44. "Pretty girls are always hated" - Bernard Werber. The last secret.

45. “Often great beauty hides emptiness ... and sometimes even evil,” -Victoria Holt. Indian fan.

46. \u200b\u200b“... Beauty is one of the types of Genius, it is even higher than Genius, for it does not require understanding. She is one of the great phenomena of the world around us, like sunlight, or spring, or the reflection in the dark waters of the silver shield of the moon. Beauty is undeniable. She has the supreme right to power and makes those who possess it kings. ”- Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey.

47. “Isn't it strange that just beauty and happiness inspire a person with the saddest thoughts” - Erich Maria Remarque. A dream shelter.

48. “Beauty attracts vulgar and mediocre critics and scares away timid and gentle clever people. Beauty is a lousy sorter, so beauties are surrounded by goats. It would be more correct to compare physical beauty with fame, and not with power: it is just as ephemeral, false and destructive, so this is the worst criterion for selection, ”- Frederic Beigbeder. A romantic egoist.

49. “The voice of beauty sounds quiet: it penetrates only the most sensitive ears” - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Thus spoke Zarathustra.

50. "Charm is an invisible part of beauty, without which no one can look truly beautiful" - Sophia Loren.

51. "There is no beauty that does not have strangeness in proportions" - Francis Bacon.

52. “Men cannot stand the explosive mixture of beauty and intelligence,” - Sharon Stone.

53. "Love is the best cosmetics" - Gina Lollobrigida.

54. "Everything beautiful should be edible!" - Salvador Dali.

55. "Beauty in three days bothers no less than virtue" - George Bernard Shaw.

56. “Beauty invariably made me want to destroy it, as it did not fit into our ugly world at all,” - Anthony Burgess. A Clockwork Orange.

57. “Husbands of very beautiful women I classify as criminals” - Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey.

58. "Beauty becomes alive and interesting when it is hidden by clothes" - Monica Bellucci.

59. "The body is meant to be looked at, not hidden" - Marilyn Monroe.

29. "A beautiful woman usually suffers from two illnesses at once: megalomania and persecution delusions" - Konstantin Melikhan.

Try to add other qualities to beauty.




Attractiveness. Outer beauty. Decoration. Makeup. Marafet. Embellishment. Description. Spectacle cleaning.

Explanation of the structure

The mountain gives birth to trees and herbs in abundance. The fire under the mountain illuminates them, making the picture beautiful.

The structure of both gua



Use wisely the fruits of your beauty, the beauty of all living things. Sometimes you need to spare a horse, a cart. Walk, possibly with blood on your feet.


Prosperity and beauty are possible only in the contact of bodily, spiritual, spiritual beauty.


Beauty is an obsession, but skillful possession of it is good.



Choose fate not by the face, not by the beauty, it is useless to use only it in assessment. The inability to reap the benefits of beauty for three years.


Beauty in nature. Look around, see how beautiful the birds and flowers are, rejoice in the beautiful.


Beauty is immaculate, do not encroach on it beyond what is given to you. Find will in striving for beauty.

The main thing in gua

Hardness stands out as a pattern on softness. The immobility and clarity of the pattern make up beauty, harmony, a sense of beauty.

The main thesis

The decoration of nature - trees, forests, flowers, all living things. Enjoy the fruits of beauty. She is incorruptible.

The prophetic aspect

Everything is fine, but do not flatter yourself with the appearance, do not trust him. Take a deeper look.
The best beauty is the beauty of the soul, wisdom.
Integrity, modesty are the finest adornments.
If we are talking about a court case, then the decision will be in favor of the accused.
Beauty will save the world.

Compliance with the Tarot

What is beautiful, successful, is under the auspices of the goddess of Fortune and under the influence of the vibrations of Arcanum X, the Wheel of Happiness.

This sign can also be associated with the Minor Arcana, the Ten of Cups, meaning beauty, harmony of the outside world.

But there is one caveat. Beauty cannot be the starting criterion for any assessment, for the second level, the ruler, is occupied by Yin. Beauty is deceiving, but it can be evil, and history knows many examples of this. The Devil may be hiding under a beautiful mask, so beware of it. And therefore Arcanum XV, the Devil, is also put in accordance with the sign BI.

But still, the main Arcanum of correspondence is the Arcanum XIX, the Sun, which means beauty in all hypostases of human life.

And as a warning to especially zealous admirers of beauty as a form of spiritual development, Arkan is taken in the negative, that is, in an inverted position. This is the same Sun, but somewhat weakened, that is, the Sun on a winter day. Then its rays cannot burn, delivering torment ...

Beauty is decoration. When beauty reaches its peak, there is a message - HEN, which leads to exhaustion, therefore, they accept it through the sign BO, RIPE. DECAY.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Social status, politics.

Anything that looks great requires in-depth study. Do not flatter yourself. Sometimes, hiding behind smiles and sugary words, people can pour poison into your bowl. Success can be achieved only when the three components - body, soul and spirit - are coordinated in any undertaking. Beauty requires a special attitude to it, like nature.

2. Business (everything related to the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

Business. Temporary prosperity, but you need to be careful, wisely manage your income. If a legal dispute arises, the dispute will be resolved in your favor.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Acquaintance with a modest girl or a virgin youth. Be tactful, tender. Do not pick flowers before they bloom.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

The relationship is very trusting, especially in the family and among relatives.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Beware of plastic surgery. Diseases of the joints.

The sunset bathes the mountains in soft radiance, the light of the full moon dances on the surface of the river. Grace and beauty adorn the natural world. Grace is not an omnipotent force, essential or fundamental. In itself, it is a form without content. However, grace brings artistic expression of human feelings into the world and enhances the quality of our lives.

In art, grace arises from attachment to form: a dancer shows the choreography of a dance, a musician, gives voice to a musical instrument, the artist becomes one with a brush and canvas. In human affairs, grace is expressed in the mastery of aesthetic and cultural forms, honed by time and the observance of traditions.

Line interpretation:

Line 1 (bottom line)

Resist the temptation to create false impressions of your position or height. It is far more worthy to wash your own car to pick up the guest of honor than renting a limousine.

Low self-esteem doesn't do anything good. Don't devote so much time and attention to detail.

This line refers to the "good mood", thanks to kindness and good humor, gracefully bring charm to the lives of others. Avoid frills and luck will be on your side.

Grace, splendor, glory and wealth? Or simplicity, dignity and honor? If you are faced with such a choice, ask the wise for advice. If you have any doubts, it is likely that simplicity is the answer. Simpler choices may cause mild feelings of regret at first, but will ultimately bring true calm and stable relationships with good people.

Be sincere, even if you are not quite happy with your social status now, try to accept it with humility, and everything will work out.

Line 6 (top line)

A fully developed person radiates grace from his inner world and needs little adornment. When the form is fully consistent with the content, simple measures are sufficient for success.

The twenty-first step in the I Ching was associated with the need to create the world and overcome obstacles, and a positive outcome refers to the next stage.

Hexagram 22 - interpretation of the process of cultural development, when negative components are eliminated, so you can start setting cognitive criteria. This symbol tells us about a long road of development, which is just beginning to be mastered, and therefore innovations are not radical.

Hexagram, 22, Bi, Decoration.


Decoration. Success. Small favored. There is where to go.

According to the book of fate, the process of change begins with external innovations that do not change the essence of the whole situation. In fact, such updates resemble a collection of jewelry that has no value. The pictographic interpretation of the word “Bi” indicates such a meaning of the hieroglyph as “Sink”.

It was shells that were once used in the Chinese state as a unit of exchange, but then they were replaced by money. However, the shell retained its status as a decoration. Returning to the interpretation of the symbol, it should be indicated that hexagram 22, Bi, Decoration indicates the need for some insignificant actions, while important matters in such a situation will not be successful.

This sign explains well the role of external beauty in a person's life, the importance of a metaphorical wrapper or candy wrapper. The pictogram reveals the main truth: after disappointment and bitter experience, a person comes to understand the importance of inner peace. You should pay attention to the kindness, honesty, compassion, empathy of your partner or friend.

Zhou-gun's characteristic of Yao

  • Initial nine. The situation is like a blessing in disguise. Enjoy stability and the world around you on a physical and spiritual level.
  • Six second. You don't have to attach the cart in front of the horse, the Yi Ching suggests. The Book of Changes interprets this Yao as alarming, because a person spends a lot of money on appearance, forgetting about something important. You need to carefully and fully work on the tasks.
  • Third nine... Fortunately, persistence will lead. Trust yourself and don't doubt your own actions. A great time to showcase your talents and abilities.
  • Six fourth... Pretentious and graceful things should play against the background of simple and convenient objects, also not devoid of their beauty. Good luck comes quite late, only after a number of difficulties in life.
  • Fifth six. It's time to realize your happiness from true simplicity. Remember the unpredictability of human destiny. Frustration due to the beloved is likely.
  • Top nine... The most interesting and honored people in our life are not remembered in appearance. In the search for truth, you can get lost if the choice is too great. All conditions help to complete the task flawlessly.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. As the book of changes says, the 22nd hexagram personifies the desire to decorate oneself, to appear better, to hide the minuses. But portraying something different from yourself is a bad idea. The first line says that the desire for decoration is not yet too strong. Therefore, there is an image of rings on the toes. However, in contrast to each such decoration, the realization of the true functions of the limbs is required.
  2. One has to learn to be detached from adornments. Then they will not be able to influence the mind or character in a bad way. The second line of the hexagram is weak, so the subject is obliged to attribute all external innovations not to himself, but to the environment. The Chinese book explains this situation through the image of a face: it expresses individuality, while a mustache or beard is only a frame, a symbol of the immediate environment.
  3. The multidimensional representation of this process necessarily includes a crisis. It comes just at this stage. The danger lies in the passivity of negative elements. It may seem that they are about to disappear, but they only weakened for a short period of time. You need to show maximum perseverance to achieve absolute happiness, you should not give in to the splendor and beauty of the outfits.
  4. Self-denial of personality comes. However, this is no longer enough, because the thirst for jewelry has increased greatly and has a huge impact. True, at this stage other beneficial lines of the hexagram help. These traits personify good friends and teachers. The purest selflessness is contrasted with the colorful decorations in the form of white. A person begins to distrust himself, and this can ruin the whole situation.
  5. According to the book of changes, the fifth line is positive. Here the situation changes due to the weakness of the line and looming obstacles. A person refuses external gloss for the sake of more essential things, but he needs help. However, this support will not be necessary due to the lack of proper strength in the individual. The subject even gives gifts for the sake of external attention, but they are not useful either. Therefore, this stage is identified with great regret on the path to happiness.
  6. It is no longer possible to completely overshadow the jewelry with something important. At this time, a person can only give up the external decoration associated with brilliance and variegation. In this case, you need to make a choice in favor of white jewelry - symbols of purity and purity.

Extended interpretation of the mark

The situation in life is more like a theater or a carnival. A person has many masks, he hides his real face, like those around him. Lack of sincerity, falsehood, and overplaying are major sources of future problems.

According to the Chinese Book of Change, the meaning of this symbol is positive only for people from the field of art. Otherwise, the hexagram does not promise good luck in friendship or love. Only mutual understanding will help to improve the situation in this area. Desires will be fulfilled, but much later. Therefore, accept fate in its natural form and learn from it.

The pentagram predicts a positive outcome in the financial field, politics, negotiations. Complex combinations can play into the hands if a person relies only on himself and is prepared for possible intrigues. It must be remembered that external attributes are only a means, not the end itself.

The hexagram advises to travel and enjoy the beauty of the world and nature. Now man is at the stage when previous efforts have borne fruit. For hard work and dedication in the past, you can get some joy in the present. True, the decoding of the symbol suggests that it is impossible to stop there, it is necessary to continue development.

Associative reading of a hexagram

  • Rain is a symbol of purification and freshness.
  • A pushed cart is an expression of shifts in the career ladder, external assistance in the service.
  • An inflated sail with a boat - performing labor that will be easy thanks to someone's help.
  • The uniformed official walks up the steps. Human movement symbol step by step.
  • Fairy on a cloud with a fragrant osmanthus flower in her hand. The image of a girl in love for the first time.
  • The full expression of the hexagram is associated with the image of a furious tiger leaning on a rock.
  • The basic symbol is light in all directions.

Wen-wang's interpretation of the sign

  1. Success is in the little things. Grace. A good time for different actions.
  2. As the book of Yi Ching testifies, the interpretation of the symbol is very simple: beauty is on the outside, but inside is not good.
  3. The hexagram refers to November. It is bad in the summer, but beautiful in the winter.
  4. Unable to buy a house, you can remodel the apartment so that it overshadows past desires.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

  • There is no need to flatter yourself and take on faith everything beautiful in the field of politics or social status. Praises and smiles can be a cover for scoundrels and enemies. Any success in such conditions consists of 3 points: spirit, soul and body. Treat beauty in a special way.
  • The Chinese book business is entering a period of temporary development. You need to be careful and distribute all income wisely and accurately. Legal disputes will be resolved favorably.
  • Relationships within the family are very trusting. Love relationships require strengthening and maturation. You need to show tact and tenderness. Acquaintances with modest and blameless people are obvious.
  • In the field of health, there is a possibility of diseases of the articular system. You also need to be wary of the proposals of plastic surgeons.

Hexagram 22 - interpretation of everything beautiful in our life. Lush decoration, however, must be properly disposed of. Jewelry requires attention from its owner, but do not forget to think about the inner beauty of your environment. It is better to give preference to purity and innocence than false gloss and feigned glitter.