He is the first to develop the idea of \u200b\u200ba superman. What's wrong with Nietzsche's idea of \u200b\u200bthe superman

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F. Nietzsche's concept of "Superman"

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Friedrich Nietzsche was born on October 15, 1844, in Saxony. The life of the philosopher was hard: being almost blind, he experienced unbearable headaches; as well as stomach problems. His whole life is a struggle with illness, but, even despite the illness, Nietzsche is working on his works.

The turning point in the formation of Nietzsche's concepts was his reading of Arthur Schopenhauer's book "The World as Will and Representation". I understood him as if he was writing for me , this is how Nietzsche spoke about his teacher.

His most famous work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra." Friedrich Nietzsche was not understood by his contemporaries, so in his book he wrote an unusual subtitle: A book for everyone and for no one ... In the book, the author shows humanity, which has awakened to a new life, points to the desired image of the Superman, as well as the path of becoming this Superman.

There is an interesting moment in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. In a certain city there are two high towers. A rope is stretched between them, very high. At some point, the narrator walking through the city notices how a person appears on the top of one of the towers and begins to move along a rope to another tower. He walks slowly, afraid to fall. And at the same moment, another person appears with a sword. This person follows and catches up with the first. Make way for me! - he exclaims - For I am faster and stronger, and better than you! A man with a sword is a new, "ideal" man, a Superman.

So who is Superman?

Nietzsche distinguished several stages of human development. I think that it is necessary to reveal each stage in order to define the Superman.

The first state is that of a camel. Most people have this state. They dutifully endure all the hardships without trying to change something. Such people live in the power of traditions and laws.

The roaring lion stage is the second state of development. There are fewer such people than camel people. At this stage, the person gets rid of prejudices. He is trying to learn to live with his mind and will. This is a difficult stage because you can easily return to the first stage.

The third state is the state of the child. These are people who are ready to go further, to develop. There is no aggression in it, but there is reconciliation and compromise with the world.

From the point of view of a philosopher, modern man is weak, cowardly; he is incapable of anything, and in trying to hide his existence, he talks about justice, compassion and the like. The ideal of man is the Superman, as F. Nietzsche himself said, “a blond beast” who has a goal in life and confidently goes to it, crushing all generally accepted age-old habits, views and ideals. I want to note that, according to Nietzsche, the main delusion of people is their blind adherence to traditions, religion, morality and laws.

Superman is the meaning of being; he must surpass modern man. Nietzsche believed that in order to return to a person the lost meaning of existence, it is necessary to achieve the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Superman.

At the expense of religion, Friedrich Nietzsche is very simple. Religion for him is moral for the weak, who cannot do anything on their own, therefore they ask for help from a non-existent God. These people are slaves. There are more such people than more powerful masters who strive for power, domination and power.

God, according to the philosopher, does not exist. Superman is his own God. "Take courage, higher people! Now for the first time the mountain of the human future is rushing about in birth pangs. God is dead, now we want the Superman to live!" - so spoke Zarathustra.

Thus, the Superman is an image of a "strong personality" who strives for power. He has the meaning of his existence and confidently goes to the goal, destroying old traditions and moral laws.

Morality plays a destructive role, since morality presupposes obedience and patience, and all this relaxes the will of a person, therefore all forms of human behavior mask the “will to power”.

The philosophy of F. Nietzsche can be perceived in different ways. His work has been analyzed by many thinkers. The responses were quite different. Some critics extolled the ideal of the superman, while others, on the contrary, sharply condemned it. For example, V.S. Solovyov speaks out positively about Nietzsche's idea of \u200b\u200bthe Superman. In his article "Literature or Truth?" he's writing: Isn't the unfortunate Nietzsche right when he claims that all the dignity, the whole value of a person is that he is more than a person, that he is a transition to something else, higher ... Each of us is a superman in possibility, potentially, but to become such in reality requires, of course, a more solid support than one's own desire, feeling, or abstract thought.

But my opinion is that the concept of "Superman" is utopian. I think that the image of the Superman is unattainable, and people who take on the role of God will not be able to achieve anything. They will not become the supreme power, and if they try through murder and fear, it will lead to anarchy. People will not stop following traditions, religion, morality and laws, which contradicts the concept of the philosopher. But, undoubtedly, this concept encourages a person to constantly improve, find meaning in life and go towards his goal. It is clear that it is necessary for humanity!

nietzsche development human morality

List of references

1.F. Nietzsche "Thus Spoke Zarathustra." A book for everyone and for no one. - M: Interbook, 1990.

2.Brief philosophical encyclopedia. "Progress", 1994

3. Sapozhnikov Andrey "Superman after Nietzsche". Url: (date of access: 13.11.2003)

Lysenko Elizaveta Andreevna. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Superman based on the work of F. Nietzsche "Thus Spoke Zarathustra."

Url: (date of access: 2009)

"Features of Nietzsche's philosophy." Url: (date of access: 2004)

Oizerman TI, Ambivalence of Philosophy, M., "Canon +"; "Rehabilitation", 2011 URL:


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These reflections are just interpretations of the ideas of various philosophers and trends. The author seeks to convey them in their original form, but is not immune from accidental speculation.

By themselves, ideas can hardly do anything - these single semantic constructs are too weak, too lonely, too insignificant and therefore not capable of influencing human society. But if we assemble a more or less integral construct from disparate ideas that meets the needs of some kind of social power that has potential or actual power, then things can take a bad turn. The idea of \u200b\u200ba superman is not new to human culture, but by itself it carries nothing and depends too much on the context in which it is placed. A couple of clever logical manipulations and now the idea of \u200b\u200ba superman can be found in the Bible, and in ancient myths, and in advertising slogans for deodorants and shampoos. And your favorite superhero can also turn out to be that still ubermen - you just need to look at him from a certain angle.

If you suddenly want to learn more about Nietzsche's concept, then, most likely, you will first of all find yourself on Wikipedia and not the fact that after that you will want to continue your journey (although it will still not hurt to look at the cyberlenin). Despite the fact that the understanding of the Ubermensch for Nietzsche is primarily a moral understanding (at the same time it is imperative - a superman does not need a society to live morally - he is his own society), subsequent interpretations shifted the focus to the physical characteristics of an Ubermensch, leaving the metaphysical dimension out of the way. good, Nietzsche himself left this loophole when he spoke about human evolution. Perhaps it was this biological pathos that became what allowed the idea of \u200b\u200ba superman to become part of mass culture. Well, the fact that the idea was originally set out in a work of fiction only gave an even greater impetus to subsequent interpretations and interpretations.

“God is dead” - it is this prerequisite that creates the basis for the emergence of the Nietzschean superman, who finds himself face to face in front of a multifaceted world without an ethical guide, without a normative superego that could show him the way and justify (or condemn) all his deeds.

But is it possible for a superman to exist without the death of God? - Yes, it is possible.

Long before Nietzsche, the humanists of the Enlightenment spoke about this, who concluded that since man was created in the image and likeness of God, then he himself is God, which means he is able to act independently, outside the framework imposed on him by the Bible, priests or the prevailing morality. This logical structure allows one to get out of the power of the Big Other, who previously determined the lives of people, in order to become a source of morality for oneself, independent of an external subject.

Something similar was done by the existentialists, who for the most part denied the power of the idea over a person and left him absolutely unprotected before the outside world. If you realized this truth of life, that everything that you believed in was just an invention, then you can believe in any of all possible ones. Or create your own picture of the world, which will be no better than the rest. But at the same time it is not worse.

In order to understand Miracleman as deeply as possible in Alan Moore's interpretation, it is better to keep all of the above in mind, otherwise references to Nietzsche's philosophy will remain just simple references designed to impart conditional depth and value through cultural continuity. But more importantly, it is precisely such a detailed examination of the work that allows us to discover that no matter how Moore tried, he still remained in captivity of the stereotypes of mass culture and could not overcome the framework of the biological understanding of the essence of the superman (although this may be the fault of the superhero genre, overcome the shortcomings of which Moore tried time after time). But for this you need to analyze the plot of the comic in a little more detail.

Attention Spoilers!

One of the most obvious achievements of Moore is the transfer of Miracleman and his miracle family from the Golden Age to the Bronze Age, with all the preservation of previously accumulated experience. Everything that happened then was nothing more than artificially created dreams in secret government laboratories. The entire miracle family is the result of studying alien technology, which allows, with the help of inherent triggers, to change the bodies of living beings, leaving the mind in place. The main weakness of the miracle family is the need for "transformation" to use special words that sometimes cannot be pronounced or can be forgotten. Due to a series of failures, scientists had to bring miraculous people out of sleep, and then try to destroy them with an atomic explosion. One died, the second lost his memory, and the third learned that he was the master of his own destiny and got rid of the shackles of his old world outlook. One of the first attempts to reveal the essence of the superman by artistic means began here. There will be many of them here, but this one seems to me to be one of the most important.

The first and most popular dimension of the superman is physical or biological, even though they are actually two different criteria. Physically, that is, outwardly, a superman can be any intelligent form of humanoid type of life that has an understanding of human culture, because a person is not only a biological construct, but also a social one. Superman is the physical embodiment of the superman, but not biological in any way - he is a representative of an alien race, which purely by chance (and marketing) has the same morphology as you and me. Miracleman Moore, despite the use of alien technologies, is a superhuman at a biological level (but unlike his daughter, artificially created). He embodies the external traits of a superman - invulnerability, the ability to fly, rays from his eyes and a whole heap of super powers that he has not yet mastered. He is a superman by right of power, just like all members of the miracle family are.

Young Miracleman was once a protégé of the protagonist, he was just learning to be a "superhero". If Miracleman had an exceptional compass for determining good and evil (I think you don't need to remind you that these concepts are evaluative and contextual), then both of his assistants had only an orientation towards a mentor, imitation of his actions, thoughts and judgments. When the main character lost his memory (which is tantamount to his death), Young Miracleman was left without an ethical compass. This allowed him to come to the conclusion that ethics as such does not exist. Well, or it existed as long as its bearer was alive - the details are not particularly important. The norms are just an invention, which was designed to subjugate him to someone else's will and force him to act differently than he wanted. He acquired a new type of intelligence, based on following his own desires, and not the desires of the Big Other. Alas, the resentment that followed the realization of this fact did not allow him to build his own moral complex - "God is dead", there remained a nihilistic void, in contrast to which Nietzsche once put forward the idea of \u200b\u200ba superman.

The next point at which the essence of the superman is revealed is the arrival of Miracleman, who has regained his memory (and superpower), to the secret base. A little later, the German soldiers who saw its power will exclaim that this is the Ubermensch that was their ideal during the Third Reich. A blonde-haired athlete with the ability to rip apart tanks with his hands. For Hitler, the idea of \u200b\u200ba superman was an integral part of anti-simitism, a way to restrict people of higher blood from people of lower blood. Delineate their rights at the biological level, destroy the "weak branch" of human evolution. It was just such an ubermen that Miraclemen was - an Aryan, for the good of the nation the most terrible deeds were committed and whose will they did not hide behind. It is on the basis of Moore that he expresses one of his deepest ideas - it is not so important what powers the physical embodiment of the superman possesses, the main thing is that he be on "our side", be controlled and act in "our" interests. Its main task is to maintain the status quo, to keep some in power and prevent others from getting to it. Metaphysically, this is certainly not a superman.

The next important event is the struggle of the Pantheon (Miraclemen (M), Miraclewomen and their alien friends) against Young Miraclemen (MM), who reappears in this world. By that time, Moore will throw a lot of images and meanings to the general storyline, so that the true essence of the next confrontation between the superman (MM) and God (M) is very easy to lose sight of, especially since this battle also becomes the plot culmination. The opposition of these creatures takes on a new meaning - it also begins to reflect the struggle of different perceptions of the world. Despite the fact that Moore himself explains this opposition through the antagonist's craving for Tonatos, death (while the main characters embody Eros, the viviparous principle), the destruction produced by the antagonist has a different symbolic content, consisting of the same nihilism and denial of the current world order as such ... He possesses transcendental strength and only because of this he is able to commit such enormous destruction. And, most importantly, he wants to defeat God, who embodies morality for him. Only with his death will he be able to gain power over his own life. In all other cases, quite real beings will be able to subjugate him to their will. The atheists who fight the church behave in exactly the same way - they want to destroy the source of oppression, symbolically expressed in the power of God over them. The teenagers who rebel against the "system" behave in the same way. When Young Miracleman is defeated, a new chapter begins in the history of this world.

The world after the London massacre is a world that understands that creatures that are capable of unimaginable destruction and are invulnerable to human weapons live together with humanity. The only way to manage them is ideology, but by this time people are deprived of this tool too. Surviving superhumans decide to rebuild human society, but they do it on the basis of, in my opinion, strange premises. The main reason for their "reforms" is "action for the good of the people." The answer to the question why not ask people what they consider good: “Are we asking how the fish are doing? Does the cow want to become minced meat? " The main reason why they consider themselves superior to humanity is their strength. It is in it that their superhumanity lies, and not in the ability to go beyond existing norms and create their own moral and ethical code. They are able to do this, but this does not define them as supermen.

They are destroying all nuclear weapons, seizing conventional weapons, abolishing money and allowing all types of drugs. They allow themselves to do this because they have the power, because they consider themselves to be superior to humans evolutionarily. They make life better for people, but not for people themselves. Or not all. The churches still remain strong, new religious movements are formed, which begin to sing the feats of the Pantheon. They call themselves the Pantheon and take the names of the Greek gods to show their status and make people obey. But, on the other hand, they allow people to ascend and create second bodies for themselves. Those people who are ready to go beyond their own beliefs and abandon the guiding voice of the Big Other. Those who are able to understand their logic will agree and subsequently develop. Those who are able to build their own way of life.

Miracleman, like the Keepers, is distinguished in many ways by the fact that the world is alive here. It changes primarily due to the actions of supermen. Moore, at the conceptual level, laid down that the heroes would not observe the status quo and rewire the world for themselves. This is something that most superheroes have failed, because instead of solving problems systemically, they focused only on eliminating the visible results of contradictions, but in no way resolving the latter. This is due to a number of reasons, including the marketing need to constantly make a profit by selling products with any heroes of mass culture, as well as the fact that for greater immersion, the reader should see in comics a world similar to the one that is on his window ... Miracleman does not have the Citadel of Loneliness, in which one could retire and relieve oneself of responsibility for everything that happens around. He changes the world, but leaves people with the right to enjoy their delusions. In the actions of the Pantheon, reflections of leftist sentiments and Marxist rhetoric are visible, but the world built by Miraclemen is not particularly concretized. Just like the early Strugatskys - there is communism, but how to describe it is not clear, because it is qualitatively superior to existing social relations. Therefore, we have to point out the external signs that can be imagined - the lack of money, for example. And it also reflects a new type of activity, which becomes one of the most important for new superhumans - space exploration. Moore's almost infinite superhuman potential finds application in epistemological activity, creative and constructive. And this becomes another important ideological component of the painting "Miraclemen".

“We can only love something completely dear to us: most of all we love the creature we have invented. It is unnecessary to order to love your work or your child ... ”.

Superman was really something that had grown together with the soul of Nietzsche, poured out from its deepest recesses. He loved him like his child, served and remained faithful to his ideal to the end. But this "fictional creature" was deeply vital, important and necessary. Like any ideal, the superman is the result of criticism of reality, the antipode of existence.

This being is a person contemporary to the philosopher. Tormented incessantly by his question of what humanity means, as well as striving to unravel its high purpose, Nietzsche finally created his ideal of a high man - a superman. “My will clings to a person, I bind myself to a person with chains, since I am drawn upward - to the superman: for there my other will strives”.

In one of his later works, Nietzsche wrote: "My concept, my comparison for this type is, as you know, the word" superman. "

Thus, the superman becomes a kind of symbol, designation of the cultural, ethical and aesthetic ideal that gives meaning and value to life.

In the last period of his work, Nietzsche wrote: "And let there be no doubt that I despise the modern person with whom fate created me at the same time ... I choke on his unclean breath ...". This contempt for modern man was his constant companion. The philosopher called modern man "a self-satisfied gravedigger of all that is high and ideal, who has gone to his little corner and evaluates everyone and everything from there, vulgarizing and belittling life ...". People are shrinking.

Strong and conscientious personalities are already something opposite to the modern philistine man. Nietzsche is worried about the "lack of personality". "She is ... relaxed, dull, colorless, apathetic ... not good for anything good." The philosopher spoke through the mouth of Zarathustra: “You are getting smaller, little people! You are falling to pieces, lovers of convenience! " Nietzsche also noted that such people do not have high and clear goals, vast horizons, and strong will.

The philosopher believed that the consolation of the weak, small people without will and ideals is modern European culture, which brought comfort, convenience, tranquility to human life, which has become much more complicated due to external objective material conditions. European culture absorbed people with this side of it and made them servants, hucksters and pleasure seekers. "How can one ever become pure blood of one whose soul was a money bag, whose happiness consisted of dirty papers?" Nietzsche asks.

People striving for pleasures, seeking only them and seeing everything in this are vulgar. "A vulgar nature is characterized by the fact that she strictly means her own benefit, and that this thought of purpose and benefit is stronger in her than even the strongest instincts."

They cannot include anything higher in their ideal; their ideal is a man “who has his little pleasure during the day and his little pleasure at night.” Such aspirations not only deprive humanity of their ideals, but also signify stagnation, sooner or later lead to it.

People who welcome the "ideal of the last man", who fill their lives with only striving for this ideal, must hold on to some kind of morality, to an appropriate model of behavior. Therefore, Nietzsche is waging a relentless war on morality: "one should not weigh the huckster who is allowed and not allowed on the scales."

Measuring the value of life by the amount of pleasure is superficial. "Hedonism, pessimism, utilitarianism, eudemonism - all these ways of thinking that measure the value of things by pleasure and pain, that is, accompanying, side effects - are superficial and naive." Such aspirations, intentions indicate pettiness, disfigurement, powerlessness of a person.

Alongside this eudemonic aspect of morality, the modern philosopher of man should note another, which is also the result of a lack of will.

This side - admiration for the "morality of morals", as Nietzsche calls it, - admiration for the established custom (modus vivendi), enmity and hatred for everything new, original.

Respect and respect for action and conviction just because it is a custom! “But the firmness of your moral judgment,” exclaims Nietzsche, “can be just the proof of your personal insignificance, impersonality, your“ moral strength ”can have as its source your stubbornness or your inability to contemplate new ideals!”

This falsity, hypocrisy, which permeates the life of a modern philosopher of man, painfully hurt the truth-seeker Nietzsche. Absorbed in the little things of life, people do not know what a vital connection with ideals is; if they do have them, it is only hypocrisy, a desire to hide behind a solemn mantle.

Zarathustra, the “godless,” realizing to the end that there is no God, that he is dead, is horrified. No matter how distant and alien this ideal may be to him, it remains for him the ideal that once guided in life, a faithful and reliable regulator that led humanity forward to a lofty, ideal goal. God was killed by people. “God is dead! exclaims Zarathustra. - And you, you killed him. And they are perplexed, they do not know. The news of his death has not yet reached them! " This is what makes Zarathustra more mature. Kill, lose your ideal, and not know that he is already dead. This can only happen when the worst of murders occurs - murder by indifference: they have crushed the vital seed of their ideal and continue to cling to its empty shell. They do not live, they are not determined by him. “A Buddhist acts differently from a non-Buddhist; the Christian acts like everyone else; for him there is only a Christianity of ceremonies and moods. "

Such criticism led him to search for his ideal, to search for a "true" person worthy of being called that. However, it should be noted that the picture of a modern person is painted in too gloomy colors, too one-sidedly biased.

However, F. Nietzsche, the greatest fighter with his time, the inspired prophet and renovator of humanity, could not have otherwise. This does not in the least detract from the immense importance or relevance of this powerful satirist, under whose sarcasm so much rotten and flabby falls in our modern culture. Nietzsche is a mighty storm that has broken out over Europe and European culture. Like a storm, he blew away everything unsteady and vacillating on his mighty path; after a powerful, strong storm it is easier to breathe, the sky is lighter and abundant rain nourishes new seedlings, shoots.


Mayorov Mikhail Andreevich

2nd year student, Department of Industrial Heat Power Engineering and Heat Engineering, South Ural State University, Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Shubarina Lyubov Vasilievna

scientific adviser, Dr. East. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, South Ural State University, RF, Chelyabinsk


Moral and ethical principles are an integral part of human society and every individual. These principles allow mankind to conduct productive joint activities, serve as regulators of social relations.

Nowadays, there is a noticeable tendency towards demoralization of society, since every year traditional moral norms are supplanted, giving place to new moral and ethical views that replace fundamental values \u200b\u200bwith instrumental ones. The origins of this process can be seen in the philosophy of F. Nietzsche, who sees not God as the subject of the value choice, but a man who encroaches on the fundamental principles of the European morality system based on the foundation of Christianity. In his philosophy, Nietzsche denies any kind of compassion. The main object of the philosopher's creativity is the idea of \u200b\u200ba superman driven by the will to power, the path to which lies through the reassessment of all values.

If the immoralism of F. Nietzsche, existing in the form of a theoretical construct, shocked his contemporaries, then in modern society moral nihilism has become an everyday practice and is taken for granted. In this regard, the study of the concept of immoralism by F. Nietzsche is very important.

In the modern world, first in Western countries, and now in many others, the principle of "self-made man" is actively cultivated - "a man who made himself." One of the characteristic features of this principle is selfishness and the will to power. In this article, we will try to establish that Nietzsche's concept of "superman" is a prototype of the principle of "self-made man".

Superman image

In his works, Nietzsche relies on the theory of Charles Darwin, according to which, in the process of the development of a species, only the strongest can survive. Nietzsche's theory of Darwin manifests itself in the principle of "Will to Power". According to which, life is the most valuable thing and everything that increases the will to live is a truly correct position. All living people are not the highest stage of evolution, but only an intermediate part of it. The true crown of human evolution should be the superman, a special kind of people, which qualitatively differs from modern man, as we differ from the ape.

How to become this superman, Nietzsche teaches us in the book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"

What is a monkey to humans? A laughing stock or an excruciating shame. And the same should be a man for a superman: a laughing stock or a painful shame ... .

In the philosophy of Nietzsche, a special place is occupied by nihilism. It manifests itself in the denial and further revaluation of all the values \u200b\u200binherent in that time. Nihilism is necessary for man, as it will be the first step, the catalyst on the path to the superman. In order for people to realize the need for their development, it is required to look at the present state of affairs, to comprehend the moral principles of society and its structure. And only after this can a person realize the whole necessity of his movement towards the superman.

Nietzsche persistently criticizes morality as the main chimera of the society in which he lives. Morality is an oppressive, authoritarian entity, which is established by a certain class (according to Nietzsche's classification - the lower class). Therefore, having only one kind of morality is a destructive path "Moral judgment and condemnation is the favorite revenge of mentally limited people to people less limited, it is in some way a compensation for the fact that nature has taken poor care of them." .

In this regard, he divides people into two types, the first is the higher people, the second is the lower people. For lower people, that is, slaves, typical moral norms are characteristic: compassion, goodness, beauty, truth. For the highest such morality is destructive. According to his philosophy, it makes a person go against his biological essence.

"The virtuous kind of man is already a lower man, since he does not represent a person." .

It is natural for Nietzsche that higher people, "supermen", should discard the existing morality. Therefore, Nietzsche puts forward the concept of immoralism, but immoralism is not in its direct meaning, as a denial of any morality, but as a new morality, in other words, the morality of immoralism, according to which a person is his own master and cannot rely on traditional moral frameworks. He believes that the superman should act on the basis of his instincts, which ultimately should increase the will to power, the main benefit of Nietzsche.

In this regard, Nietzsche declares the idea of \u200b\u200ba revaluation of values. Where the morality of the masters will come to the leading positions, where the value of life will be the highest value, where a person is free from all moral obligations. Nietzsche encourages inequality because he believes that people are not inherently equal. And any attempt to equalize rights is the path of decadence.

The main obstacle to the development of Nietzsche singles out the church. For him, Christianity is the main culprit in the decline of the will to power. In his opinion, proclaiming virtue, morality, compassion, Christianity exalts slaves, forcing masters to obey this morality. He draws such conclusions because he believes that at a time when there were no monotheistic religions on earth, the image of higher people was the main driving force, the main value, was proclaimed the ideal, which the masses were equal to, with the advent of Christianity, the principle of virtue was cultivated. exalting the weak and the weak.

“O my brothers, am I cruel? But I tell you: what falls, you also need to push! .

Religion, relying on the afterlife, destroys the instinct of real life. Christianity is the source of slavery - it cultivates in the mind of a person a sense of humility, fear, humility, punishment for sins. Christianity denies the independence of the individual, freedom of thought, subordinating him to his will, making him not free - a slave.

The superman is primarily a creator who creates his own morality, opposed to the gray mass. free from obligations and not constrained by any social framework. The contrast between the superman and the human mass was discussed in the article by Isachenko N.N. "The idea of \u200b\u200ba superman is the path from ressentiment to the elevation of the individual," which describes in detail the difference between the worldview of higher (masters) and lower (slaves) people.

What's the point in the "gray herd" if all that is in it is the satisfaction of their base desires for peace and comfort. They glorify equality, but do not see that this equality is killing a person in them: "... they should not be equal!".

Nietzsche sees the only true path on the path to the Superman. A person who is kind to "friends", but merciless to "strangers." A noble, aristocratic person, an egoist, relying only on his instincts, living only for himself. Nietzsche believed that people would obey such a person, because it is inherent in nature - to obey the strong. Such a person does not exist, but one must strive for such an ideal.


We examined the main provisions of Nietzsche's philosophy. And it is not difficult to conclude that the ideas of the superman formulated by the philosopher are increasingly manifested in the modern world. The era of post-industrial society dictates its own laws, here in order to survive, a person again needs to turn to his natural essence, to feel that the framework set by society is illusory, that the truth lies outside of our consciousness.

Since the twentieth century in the world, first in Western and then in many other countries, the principle of “self-made man” began to develop - “a person who made himself”. One of the characteristic features of this principle is selfishness and the will to power. “Self-made man” is a person who has raised from the very bottom to the highest position in society, thanks to persistent work on himself, the active development of his qualities. Having defined in the article the image of Nietzsche's superman, it is not difficult to reveal the objective relationship between the principles of the superman and the principles of “self-made man”.

But society did not stop in its development, at the end of the 20th century, the image of the so-called creative class began to appear more and more often. These are representatives of creative professions: engineers, designers, architects, creating something new, moving the world mind forward. They are characterized by a certain set of values, among which the main ones are: personal self-realization, individual freedoms, preference for intangible benefits to financial success and openness, that is, refusal to follow traditional models of life and career, associate oneself with a certain state or nation and instead strive to freely self-identify and to look for their place in the globalized world. In recent years, quite a few articles have been written about the creative class. And the opinions of many authors differ as to who can be considered a representative of the creative class, what are its main features and concepts. Among the many articles, we single out one of them - "The Creative Class: Another Mask of Neoliberalism." In it, the image of the creative class is viewed mainly from a positive point of view, and we can see confirmation of the connection between the creative class and the superman Nietzsche.

It is worth noting that, according to Nietzsche, the superman is a "piece" product. There simply cannot be many. But these days, the desire to become part of the creative class is becoming widespread. First of all, this is due to the fact that moral norms, which at the time of Nietzsche were unacceptable to the majority, have become the norm of life today.

Summing up, it is safe to say that Nietzsche's superman became a prototype, perhaps even unconsciously adopted for representatives of the creative class. And living Nietzsche in our time, I think, he would have been surprised a lot that his ideas, which were considered delusional among his contemporaries, have so well taken root in our generation, having become generally accepted values.

It is very difficult to conclude whether this is good or bad at the moment, since there will be both opponents and supporters of this idea. But as history shows, ordinary people are very often mistaken, perhaps in order to understand what result these trends will bring us, you just need to wait, well, or have a breadth of thinking, like Nietzsche.

List of references:

  1. Isachenko N.N. The idea of \u200b\u200ba superman - the path from resentment to the elevation of the individual [Electronic resource] - Access mode - URL: www.rae.ru/fs/?section\u003dcontent&op\u003dshow_article&article_id\u003d10005209 (date of access: 06.01.2015).
  2. F. Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil ": Classical ABC; SPb .; 2006 - 347 p.
  3. Nietzsche F. N70 The will to power. Experience of revaluation of all values \u200b\u200b/ Per. with him. E. Gertsyk et al. M .: Kulturnaya Revolyutsiya, 2005. - 880 p.
  4. F. Nietzsche works in 2 volumes, volume 2, publishing house "Mysl", M. 1990 - 335 p.
  5. Tsendrovsky O.Yu. "The ideal of greatness in the philosophy of Nietzsche" [Electronic resource] - Access mode - URL: http://www.nietzsche.ru/look/xxc/etika/zendrovsky/ (date of access: 01/09/2015).

Friedrich Nietzsche(1844-1900) - German philosopher and philologist, the brightest promoter of individualism, voluntarism and irrationalism.

There are three periods in Nietzsche's work:

1) 1871-1876 ("The Birth of Tragedies from the Spirit of Music", "Untimely Reflections");

2) 1876-1877 ("Human, too human", "Motley opinions and sayings", "The Wanderer and His Shadow", "Merry Science") - a period of disappointment and criticality - "sober";

3) 1887-1889 ("Thus Spoke Zarathustra", "Beyond Good and Evil", "Twilight of Idols", "Antichrist", "Nietzsche against Wagner").

For Nietzsche, cognition is interpretations, interpretations closely related to the inner life of a person, he rightly notes that one and the same text allows for multiple interpretations, since thought is a sign with many meanings. To understand a thing, you need to translate the human into the natural, therefore one of the most important means of cognition is the translation of the human into the natural.

According to Nietzsche, man is a "disease of the Earth", he is fleeting, he "is basically something wrong." But it is necessary to create a genuine, new person - a “superman” who would give a goal, would be the winner of “being and nothing” and would be honest, first of all, before himself.

The main problem of man, his essence and nature is the problem of his spirit.

According to Nietzsche, the spirit:

Is endurance;

- courage and freedom;

- assertion of their will.

The main goal of man's aspirations is not benefit, not pleasure, not truth, not a Christian God, but life. Life is cosmic and biological: it is the will to power as a principle of world existence and "eternal return". The will to live is obliged to prove itself not in a miserable struggle for existence, but in a battle for power and supremacy, for the formation of a new person.

In his work Thus Spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche proclaims:

- that a person is something that must be overcome;

- all beings created something that is higher than them;

- people want to become the ebb of this great wave, they are ready to return to the beasts than to overcome a person.

The real greatness of man is that he is a bridge, not a goal. Nietzsche wrote: "Man is a rope stretched between animals and the superman."

Nietzsche's superman is the meaning of being, the salt of the earth. In his opinion, the superman will take the place of the deceased God. Nietzsche believes that the idea of \u200b\u200ba superman as a goal that must be achieved returns to a person the lost meaning of existence. A superman can only come from a generation of aristocrats, masters by nature, in whom the will to power is not suppressed by a hostile culture, from those who are able, united with their own kind, to resist the majority, which does not want to know anything about the true destiny of modern people.

Under the influence of the physico-cosmological research of Dühring, Nietzsche developed the idea of \u200b\u200ban eternal return, which should compensate for the hope that was lost with Christianity for a possible eternal life beyond the grave. If you follow this idea logically, then people are doomed to eternity, because they already live in eternity. Eternity, according to Nietzsche, coincides with the moment.