Why you need to keep the toilet closed. Beware toilet bowl! Why it is worth omitting the toilet cover before the water plum

14.02.2021 Holiday

For a variety, let's give a minute attention a very important domestic question. How correct we do, in a particular situation regarding banal things. Millions of people in our country live in apartments and enjoy the usual washable toilet. There is one hygiene rule that everyone should know.

To begin with, ask us the question: "Do I need to close the cover of the toilet? And if necessary, why? " - Not so many answers gave the Internet:
- Many believe that the cover of the toilet is to close simply because it is so more beautiful. This ritual, as a peculiar manifestation of politeness in relation to other residents of the apartment, etc.

Feng Shui. So, with just one word explain this need for others. According to the philosophy of the Feng Shui, the open cover of the toilet symbolizes the hole of the unhappiness in which energy goes. According to the rules of Fen-Shuya - wash off the water in the toilet when the lid is not impossible, since, together with the contents of the toilet - it is washed off and happiness, and well-being, and money.

- There is still a version, which, closed toilet can be used as a seat. Sitting on a closed toilet you will be convenient to talk with those who at the moment takes the bath or shower, if they are combined, as often happens.

- The next version is more comprehensive. Once, for a very long time, the cover on the toilet was invented for men, since they are due to their laziness - rarely lift the toilet seat, as a result, it is constantly wet and it is not quite aesthetically. For this, the lid and invented that the men still raise her.

The above versions may have the right to exist, but far from all they will kill.
Let's try to consider this question by hygiene. During the water washed in the toilet, millions of microbes, bacteria and other small particles are flying out several meters (in some cases up to 5 meters) from toilet bowl. Nothing prevents these particles to stay on the walls, door handle, towel, as well as toothbrushes and other things.

In the well-known program, the "destroyers of the myths" carried out experience in order to determine whether microbes from the toilet remain on other objects of the bathroom. Experience has shown that a huge number of bacteria accumulates on the toothbrushes. After this it is worth rethinking some household moments.

Detergents manufacturers - advise every day to wipe the surface in the toilet room, in order to protect the health of the inhabitants of the house. It is only first necessary to decide that more dangerous to health - microbes or these disinfectants.

The easiest way to keep the danger is to close the toilet cover in time before the water is lowered. Following this simple rule, you will save the cleanliness in the apartment and save on detergents.

Once my friend was indignant, finding that I did not close the door in the room where we communicate, because through the open doors of qi. Her indignation was even more stormy when she noticed that I did not close the cover of the toilet and in the bath I dripped water from the crane. Since then, we almost do not communicate, because I live "not by fanish."

If we consider that I live not so much about a dozen years old, you can only guess what my life could be if the water sound was heard in the toilet ... so as not to build up unhappy ignoramus, I decided to start saving my drowning energy and learn everything about Fenshie - first-hand from his teacher Tao.

The mass passion of the colonical Chinese science began in Russia not so long ago, but almost all the segments of the population took. The "magic" monetary frog can be seen even in the family of Orthodox and revealed atheists. In the consciousness of the Russian man in the street, an idea of \u200b\u200bFenshie was formed as a knowledge system aimed at creating special conditions in the home - to attract happiness and good luck. Ancient Eastern teaching has become fashionable. But as often happens in the case of popularizing sacred traditions, the deep philosophical essence completely disappeared, only the attributes remained, that is, the superficial understanding of the meaning and the use of things and items for the "correction" of fate.

Like any heritage of the Ancient East, Fengsui is not as simple as it may seem. And the most important and valuable in it has always been available only to the elect, broad masses were content with the most primitive and, in fact, rather meaningless practitioners. We will part the vest of this mystery and tell you what the true meaning of this Chinese "magic" is.

The name of the practice comes from the words "Feng" and "Shui", meaning "winds" and "water". Wind and water is something that has no form and is not available to conventional human vision, if we are talking about underground water flows. Figuratively speaking, Fengshui is a science of invisible forces affecting the events taking place. The oldest sources of these knowledge that came to this day were recognized as "Guanishi Dili Ji Meng" - "elementary indicator of the earth principles of Mr. Guan", written in the 3rd century, and "Zason" - "Book of Burdies", which by the author who lived on turn of 3-4 centuries.

Are you surprised? This is a completely natural surprise of a person with a European worldview, little understanding the principles of dependence of everything from all over the Eastern Philosophy. Anticipating your question about the true meaning of Fenshia, open the main secret: this archaic teaching originated as a system of knowledge about the right sentence of the soul into the world of others - about farewell and burial, as well as the search for the right land for burial. To select a "precious place", air and water flows were of great importance, and the presence of "celestial animals" was important in the landscape - a blue dragon, a red bird, a white tiger and a black turtle.

Only two hundred years later, studies of favorable and negative conditions affecting comfort within the housing and human activity as a whole were added to the main subject of study. Writing a philosopher Van Vai (420-479) "Juan-di Zhai Jing", "Canon of the Yellow Emperor about a dwelling", which came to the present day and considered the ancient monument of this kind - one of the fundamental work, which is still based on true masters of Fenshia and work for a later time is calculated by hundreds.

So over time, two directions of this teaching were formed - Yinsky and Yansk Fengshui. In accordance with the canons of Dao, the energy has two types: this is the energy Yang - men's, external, active, hot, relevant to the external manifestations of life, and the energy of Yin - women's, internal, calm, cold, symbolizing the inner, spiritual content of items and phenomena . Incoming Yinski Fengsui explores the transformation of the spirit after it is separated from the body. Jansky Fengshui in a rather superficial presentation spread throughout the world as a science about the correct construction of the dwelling and the right interior, that is, about the external attributes of life.

Modern Chinese specialists in the field of Fengshui managed to calculate how significant the influence of various impacts on the fate of the person. It turned out that from all sorts of ways to make adjustments to the biography of person, including work with energies, qigong, the share of both sections of the waters and streams accounts for only 17 percent. From this very small share of the Yansky Fengshoy, who so selflessly passionately the huge number of Chinese culture lovers belongs to only 2 percent, and the remaining 15 researchers have given the circumstances related to the burial of the deceased.

The consequences of the keys of the deceased souls into their last shelter are so significant for living that our contemporaries continue to carefully study this difficult science. Of course, in China. Those who did not take knowledge from the hands of the Great Chinese Teachers, it remains to arrange cereal-tangerine in the apartment, rearrange the beds and hang mirrors - for love and wealth.

How now to live women wishing simple happiness to be a wife and mother? How to attach funeral Chinese science to its bright future, full of sincere mutual feelings and material well-being? We give a few simple tips - for those who profes traditional humanistic values, regardless of the religion, age and the country of residence.

Axiom, which needs to be taken - our love relationships, a field in the family, wealth and health may depend on how comfortable the spirits of ancestors. If something does not develop something in your personal life or, on the contrary, there is a very dramatic, the cause of adversity may not be a focus of a relative.

Rule first. The deceased must be buried in accordance with the traditions of the confession to which he belonged. Since we are mainly talking about the Russians, the Orthodox person must be sent off and remember the ninth and fortieth day after care. Making and prayer for the deceased is also part of our Russian Fengshuya.

Rule second. The dead man can mourn, but should not be made to the borderline state of consciousness. If the demonstration of grief will be too long and overly emotional, part of the soul of the deceased can enter the one who flashes especially strongly. The fact is that the soul of the deceased is a certain essential substance that is able to partially move in the body of living. But since this phenomenon violates the laws of the universe, the consequences of the fact that some kind of particle will remain in the body of a relative or a friend can be irreparable. The soul must completely move away to the heavenly abode and do not interfere with the lives of those who stayed on Earth.

Rule third. The souls of those who loved their lives too much and had many material and emotional attachments remain uncountable. That is why many religions insist that material values \u200b\u200bare not significant for believers. The lack of an anchors in the earthly life makes it easier to learn from it and creates fewer problems with the closest who continues the earthly path.

The fourth rule. Tribute to the dust of the ancestors is to maintain purity and order at the burial site, that is, in the cemetery. Do not necessarily arrange a luxurious crypt or decorate the graves of the most expensive monuments. It is enough to ensure that there is a cross, according to Orthodox canon, and that in the fence there is no destruction and garbage. If you commemorate the ancestors, bringing flowers to the grave or lighting church candles, try not to indulge in the ritual for too long, so that you have not been in the world of other essence, which are always a lot on cemeteries, did not penetrate your body. In addition, the Orthodox Church has established certain days when the visit to the native graves is recommended.

Rule fifth. Simple wisdom "About the dead or good, or nothing," one of the commandments of the Yinsky Fengshua. If the spirit of the deceased ancestor suffers from undeserved reproaches and accusations, he can negatively affect your personal life.

In general, the world of dust is dead and live live! Read the ancestors and love those who are nearby. This is the deep wisdom of Fenshia! And open doors, mirrors and other "witchcraft" to your fate almost nothing has nothing!

From the beautiful sex in the direction of strong with joint living, you can often hear: " Close toilet lid.! ". But sometimes even girls cannot explain why it is necessary and whether to close the cover of the toilet, referring only to the arguments: "So it is necessary" and "on the hair dryer it is impossible to leave the cover of the toilet raised so that all happiness and wealth can be left in the hole in the hole. Some simply argue that with a closed toilet, the toilet looks aesthetically or that is so necessary according to etiquette. And it is clear why men are difficult to instill this reflex, because the arguments are inconclusive at all.

So why drop the cover of the toilet or on the contrary, you need to raise it?

Let's treat the root! From the point of view of hygiene, it is necessary to close the cover of the toilet and until the drain button is pressed, it is up to this point! When we wash water in the toilet, a huge army of various microbes (bacteria, viruses, etc.) and small parts of feces and urine fly out in all directions to a distance of 3 meters! If the draining is particularly strong, the diameter of the ruins is not particularly pleasant particles reaches even 5 meters!

Agree, I don't really want to wear all this joy, and if the toilet is combined with the bathroom, then the above-mentioned organisms for our health and substances can get on soap, dental brushes, towels, door handles, you mean, on all items that are In close proximity to the white friend.

Of course, in the presence of time and material resources, then there is money, you can fool around and every day wipe all surfaces in the bathroom and toilet with disinfectants, but are they harmful to us more than bacteria and their own feces? Therefore, to maintain hygiene and cleanliness in the bathroom or toilet, lower the cover of the toilet before it starts to merge water. You will save your precious time and money on detergents.

Close The Lid Before You Flush

Evidence That You Are Spreading Germs by Not Closing The Toilet Lid When You Flush. The video shows how bacteria spread out of the toilet during water drain. Look for sure, it is quite interesting.

"That's just think about. All women closes the toilet cover. What for? Seriously, why do you need a cover on the toilet? Just think about. What is there to do? Store there something? Jam or what is there for the winter? I just incomprehensibly from where the threat is coming from above or below. "

Humorist Alexander Nellobin.

Amazing how often we are absolutely illiterate and dark in domestic issues. Let's fill this small gap in our knowledge. Considering that most of our country's population lives in apartments and uses a flip toilet, everyone should know and apply this hygienic rule.

Before writing advice, I, as usual, decided to first dig on the Internet and see what others write about it. This is how the need to close the cover of the toilet is explained.

Oddly enough, the main answers are a bit.

Many ladies close the toilet cover, guided aesthetics. So more beautiful, aesthetical, so teaches politeness towards people with whom we live and so on.

The second answer is based on philosophy Feng Shui.

According to Feng Shui, the cover of the toilet must be close, as the toilet is considered a hole of the unhappiness, through which the energy of the house goes.

The famous Commandment Feng Shui says: "Close the toilet lid!" Say when you merge water into the toilet with an open lid, together with all the contents of the toilet go there and happiness, and money, and well-being. Our citizens almost close the cover of the toilet. Maybe therefore from the country a money is dried?

In addition, I also found a bunch of funny answers to this question. For example, that you can sit on the lid and talk with those who wash in the bathroom if the bathroom is combined.

Or now the answer is more complicated:

Once upon a time, the cover on the toilet was intended for men. They are lazy people and on their own initiative will never raise a circle of toilet. As a result, the circle will be constantly wet. What, you see, no woman will not like it. That's why the lid came up with - to complicate men with men.

Maybe all this is interesting and deserves attention, but sounds somehow unconvincing. Yes, and if in many families, disputes and scandals and scandals are regularly flared from behind the cover of the toilet, it means that men are not satisfied at all.

Let's take a look at this question on the other hand - from the point of view of hygiene.

What happens when we wash the water in the toilet? Millions of bacteria, microbes and small particles of feces are flying away for a distance of 2-3 meters (according to some data 5 meters) from toilet bowl. All this living nature safely settles on the walls, door handles, towels, toothbrushes, curtains, etc.

In one of the gears of "destroyers of myths", experience was done. Its task was to determine whether particles of the contents of the toilet in the surrounding items are settled. The myth has been confirmed and experience has shown that really on the brushes (they were tested precisely toothbrushes) there is a huge number of small, not visible to the eye, particles - human life activity products. Yes, pleasant little.

Manufacturers of various detergents recommend daily to wipe all the surfaces of the toilet room by disinfecting solutions to protect their health. But whether these funds are not more dangerous for our body than the microbes themselves are still the grandmother.

So to maintain hygiene in the toilet room lower the cover Toilet bowl before starting to drop water.

Thus, you will save money on disinfectants, and the apartment will be cleaner.

Before writing advice, I, as usual, decided to first dig on the Internet and see what others write about it. This is how the need to close the cover of the toilet is explained.

Many ladies close the cover of the toilet, guided by aesthetics. So more beautiful, aesthetical, so teaches politeness towards people with whom we live and so on.

The second answer is based on the philosophy of Feng Shui.

The famous Commandment Feng Shui reads: "Close the toilet cover!" Say when you merge water into the toilet with an open lid, together with all the contents of the toilet go there and happiness, and money, and well-being. Our citizens almost close the cover of the toilet. Maybe therefore from the country a money is dried?

Or now the answer is more complicated:

Once upon a time, the cover on the toilet was intended for men. They are lazy people and on their own initiative will never raise a circle of toilet. As a result, the circle will be constantly wet. What, you see, no woman will not like it. That's why the lid came up with - to complicate men with men.

Let's take a look at this question on the other hand - from the point of view of hygiene.

In one of the gears of "destroyers of myths", experience was done. Its task was to determine whether particles of the contents of the toilet in the surrounding items are settled. The myth has been confirmed and experience has shown that really on the brushes (they were tested precisely toothbrushes) there is a huge number of small, not visible to the eye, particles - human life activity products. Yes, pleasant little.

Manufacturers of various detergents recommend daily to wipe all the surfaces of the toilet room by disinfecting solutions to protect their health. But whether these funds are not more dangerous for our body than the microbes themselves are still the grandmother.

Therefore, to maintain hygiene in the toilet room, lower the toilet cover before starting the water.

Whatever beautiful and functional toilet neither was installed in your toilet room, to use it without a special seat and uncomfortable, and unpleasant. Therefore, any plumbing device is operated precisely with this, at first glance, an insignificant accessory. The greatest distribution in our country has a circle and a cover for the toilet - size 44 on 34, but other types are also available, the description of which is devoted to this material.

Product classification

Regardless of whether the newest plumbing device is installed in your restroom or you can make a device made in the past century, you will need a seat with a cover for toilet bowl. The price of the most simple models of these accessories is small, and the resulting comfort is invaluable.

Many are completely in vain do not pay the choice of this element due attention and acquire the first cover, taking into account only the appearance, as well as whether the dimensions of the cover on the toilease are suitable for the plumbing device installed in them.

But having considered the question more carefully, you can make sure that the choice of this accessory is far from such a simple, as it seems at first glance. After all, it is not necessary to focus on how much the cover is worth, but on the important technical characteristics of which will be discussed below.

By material manufacturing

First of all, when choosing, you need to pay attention to what the cover is made to the toilet. The most common materials and their characteristics are shown in the table below.

Material Description
Plastic Very suitable material for the manufacture of toilet covers. The popularity of products from polymers is due to excellent consumer characteristics and a low price. The covers are easy to maintain clean, and the service life is comparable with the correct treatment of the toilet itself.
Duroplast Products from it occupy the second position in popularity. Externally resemble ceramics, and on the operational properties are superior to plastic. Resistant to external influences, have antiseptic properties and an attractive appearance. Disadvantage - high cost.
Plywood Now the toilet covers from plywood are practically not produced. These models are poorly cleaned of dirt and quickly come into disrepair. Pros - a fairly democratic price.
Whole wood It is used for the manufacture of covers extremely rare. These are basically designer or exclusive models. With high-quality processing, the consumer properties of the wooden cover are absolutely not inferior to plastic analogs.

In form

Another important parameter is the shape of the lid and the circle for the toilet. The greatest distribution has oval models that repeat the contours of the device to which they are installed.

But there may be other options:

  • square;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • in the form of animals;
  • repeating the form of musical instruments and so on.

Pay attention to the processing of the ends. They must be rounded, so as not to damage the skin during use and do not break clothes.

In the lower surface of the lid, rubber or silicone shock absorbers are usually embedded, softening the sound of the blow with a sharp lowering of the accessory. Check their availability and quality of manufacture.

Other parameters

For especially demanding customers, other models of covers are produced:

  • with armrests (usually used by people with limited physical abilities);
  • heated;
  • with a bidet; (See also Article.)
  • for children and so on.

To purchase a suitable lid and not disappointed in the choice made, it is recommended to follow the following advice:

  1. Better to acquire the most hard covers. Although soft and make a visit to the toilet more convenient, their life is minimal. The cover on the toilet cover quickly comes into disrepair, which is why it is necessary to change the entire design.

  1. Before buying, examine the outer surface of the product. It should be perfectly smooth, not to have cracks, chips, jar and burrs that can cause injury to skin cover. Prefer the models covered with special antiseptic compositions.
  2. Install the covers with microlift. In this case, the special mechanism smoothly lowered, having relived from a loud clapping sound, causing anxiety to others.
  3. Pay attention to the appearance, coloring, shape, dimensions and other parameters organically combined with the toilet itself, as well as the general design of the restroom. But the convenience of use should not be sacrificed design.
  4. After buying check the completeness. According to GOST, accessories should be attached to each lid, with the help of which its fixing on the plumbing device is carried out.

  1. Children's cover on the toilet must be made with a document confirming its certification In the relevant state bodies who are responsible for the protection of the health of the younger generation.

Why bow to the toilet bowl cover with a lid

The question made in the title of this section is interested in a huge number of people. Its discussion is devoted to the works of many specialists, sometimes in no way connected with the sphere of plumbing, nor with the health industry.

Let's finally decide once and forever, why close the cover of the toilet and whether it is necessary to do it at all.

First of all, you should list the most common opinions on this issue, some of which are not deprived of a certain proportion of truth.

So, the lid on the bowl of the toilet should be closed:

  1. From aesthetic considerations. Many believe that the closed lid is a sign of politeness towards other visitors. In addition, sometimes this accessory is a decorative element of the toilet room, emphasizing this or that stylistic orientation in the interior design.

Before you decorate the cover of the toilet with your own hands, check if you can use the materials you use in the toilet.
Sanitary rules are not recommended to be placed in the restroom items that are difficult to wash and disinfect.
Agree, textile flowers or a complex ornament of beads are hard to contain clean.

  1. According to the teachings of Feng Shui. An ancient philosophical teaching gives an unambiguous answer to the question whether to close the cover of the toilet. If this does not do and merge the water in the cup just like that, along with biological waste in the sewer, leaving your home happiness, wealth and well-being.
    If you have something wrong in your life, think, perhaps, the culprit is that the ill-fated lid is that?
  2. To make men raise a circle when visiting a toilet for a small need. It is known that some representatives of the strong half of humanity are not driving themselves with a raising circle, after which there are wet traces, which, for obvious reasons, are very unpleasant to women.
    And if the cover from the toilet will be closed, the likelihood of what opens its negligent man to raise at the same time and the circle.

All items listed above have the right to exist, but there is a completely scientifically based explanation for why it is necessary to close the toilet cover before draining the water from the tank.

This, as it turned out, requires the instructions for complying with the rules of personal hygiene when visiting the restroom.

The fact is that during the descent of water, the bacteria in biological waste can operate from the bowl of the toilet to the distance of 2.3, or even 5 meters, after which it safely to settle on the walls, sex and other surfaces of the toilet room, as well as Door handles that enjoy all visiting restroom people.

It is especially dangerous to merge water without closing the cover of the toilet in the restrooms combined with bathrooms (this is often found in one-room small apartments).
In this case, the flying microbes are settled on soap, washcloths, toothbrushes and other items that you use to comply with personal hygiene.

Therefore, be sure to observe a simple rule - close the cover of the toilet before the water from the tank. To teach your loved ones to perform this simple action will help a special sticker on the toilet cover with an appropriate inscription.


The above tips will help you choose a toilet lid, which will be as comfortable as possible and beautiful. But in order not to be disappointed in the purchase, you need to correctly consolidate it on the bowl. This is how the video is dedicated in this article.

From the beautiful sex in the direction of strong with joint living, you can often hear: " Close toilet lid.! ". But sometimes even girls cannot explain why it is necessary and whether to close the cover of the toilet, referring only to the arguments: "So it is necessary" and "on the hair dryer it is impossible to leave the cover of the toilet raised so that all happiness and wealth can be left in the hole in the hole. Some simply argue that with a closed toilet, the toilet looks aesthetically or that is so necessary according to etiquette. And it is clear why men are difficult to instill this reflex, because the arguments are inconclusive at all.

So why drop the cover of the toilet or on the contrary, you need to raise it?

Let's treat the root! From the point of view of hygiene, it is necessary to close the cover of the toilet and until the drain button is pressed, it is up to this point! When we wash water in the toilet, a huge army of various microbes (bacteria, viruses, etc.) and small parts of feces and urine fly out in all directions to a distance of 3 meters! If the draining is particularly strong, the diameter of the ruins is not particularly pleasant particles reaches even 5 meters!

Agree, I don't really want to wear all this joy, and if the toilet is combined with the bathroom, then the above-mentioned organisms for our health and substances can get on soap, dental brushes, towels, door handles, you mean, on all items that are In close proximity to the white friend.

Of course, in the presence of time and material resources, then there is money, you can fool around and every day wipe all surfaces in the bathroom and toilet with disinfectants, but are they harmful to us more than bacteria and their own feces? Therefore, to maintain hygiene and cleanliness in the bathroom or toilet, lower the cover of the toilet before it starts to merge water. You will save your precious time and money on detergents.

Close The Lid Before You Flush

Evidence That You Are Spreading Germs by Not Closing The Toilet Lid When You Flush. The video shows how bacteria spread out of the toilet during water drain. Look for sure, it is quite interesting.

"That's just think about. All women closes the toilet cover. What for? Seriously, why do you need a cover on the toilet? Just think about. What is there to do? Store there something? Jam or what is there for the winter? I just incomprehensibly from where the threat is coming from above or below. "

Humorist Alexander Nellobin.

Amazing how often we are absolutely illiterate and dark in domestic issues. Let's fill this small gap in our knowledge. Considering that most of our country's population lives in apartments and uses a flip toilet, everyone should know and apply this hygienic rule.

Before writing advice, I, as usual, decided to first dig on the Internet and see what others write about it. This is how the need to close the cover of the toilet is explained.

Oddly enough, the main answers are a bit.

Many ladies close the toilet cover, guided aesthetics. So more beautiful, aesthetical, so teaches politeness towards people with whom we live and so on.

The second answer is based on philosophy Feng Shui.

According to Feng Shui, the cover of the toilet must be close, as the toilet is considered a hole of the unhappiness, through which the energy of the house goes.

The famous Commandment Feng Shui says: "Close the toilet lid!" Say when you merge water into the toilet with an open lid, together with all the contents of the toilet go there and happiness, and money, and well-being. Our citizens almost close the cover of the toilet. Maybe therefore from the country a money is dried?

In addition, I also found a bunch of funny answers to this question. For example, that you can sit on the lid and talk with those who wash in the bathroom if the bathroom is combined.

Or now the answer is more complicated:

Once upon a time, the cover on the toilet was intended for men. They are lazy people and on their own initiative will never raise a circle of toilet. As a result, the circle will be constantly wet. What, you see, no woman will not like it. That's why the lid came up with - to complicate men with men.

Maybe all this is interesting and deserves attention, but sounds somehow unconvincing. Yes, and if in many families, disputes and scandals and scandals are regularly flared from behind the cover of the toilet, it means that men are not satisfied at all.

Let's take a look at this question on the other hand - from the point of view of hygiene.

What happens when we wash the water in the toilet? Millions of bacteria, microbes and small particles of feces are flying away for a distance of 2-3 meters (according to some data 5 meters) from toilet bowl. All this living nature safely settles on the walls, door handles, towels, toothbrushes, curtains, etc.

In one of the gears of "destroyers of myths", experience was done. Its task was to determine whether particles of the contents of the toilet in the surrounding items are settled. The myth has been confirmed and experience has shown that really on the brushes (they were tested precisely toothbrushes) there is a huge number of small, not visible to the eye, particles - human life activity products. Yes, pleasant little.

Manufacturers of various detergents recommend daily to wipe all the surfaces of the toilet room by disinfecting solutions to protect their health. But whether these funds are not more dangerous for our body than the microbes themselves are still the grandmother.

So to maintain hygiene in the toilet room lower the cover Toilet bowl before starting to drop water.

Thus, you will save money on disinfectants, and the apartment will be cleaner.

I had a reason to ask a delicate question to everyone. It concerns such a spicy subject in the house, like a toilet, and its accessory - covers. Here you have, yes, yes, yes, you have the one who reads these lines, the cover remains open or does it close the toilet ??? To be clearly understood in photos. I got 3 options. Look!

And how are you???

Banal, but feng Shui believes that the cover of the toilet must be closedIn addition to those cases when you use the toilet to the destination. Why? The Chinese have noticed that the cover lowered on the toilet contains the bad energy of Sha, which adores the nest in the toilet. With a closed lid, it sits myself softly and does not interfere with anyone.

In addition, Feng Shui claims that when the cover is open and a faulty tank with a toilet (yes, yes, yes, you correctly understood, water in a quiet rusty trickle) the money will fall, as if through the fingers. But the closed cover on the toilet effectively holds back financial losses. It holds financial losses and a repaired tank, yes, that is, without the current flowing of water without the current.

Of course, I do not write about it in my book "Feng Shui. Money, apartment, career." What for??? I assume that everyone knows about it: the cover on the toilet must be closed. And you will be lucky in money and other good luck.
Although if you do not take into the calculation of Feng Shui, the toilet with a closed lid is hygienic and aesthetically. It is said that it is better to wash off the feces with a closed lid on the toilet, because the smallest particles can fly up to a distance of up to 3 meters. Fu !!! However solve you!

Those who are interested in cash signs from Feng Shui may familiarize themselves with them in the book. "Feng Shui. Money, Apartment, Career"The other day the 3rd edition of the book was published, by the way, supplemented. It is already selling bookstores with mightway, and I, as always, learn the last. I give impetus my book "Feng Shui. Money, Apartment, Career" !!!

The most attractive price in the Ozone online store.

For those who, with the help of a closed lid, will let cash flow in their lives, will want to buy an apartment for himself, my free webinar "How to buy an apartment and not regret it"

And the presentation of my other books: for real estate agents and those who want to solve the apartment question.