Clara Kuzenbaeva numerology how to calculate the life code. Numerology: code of fate and thousands

25.01.2021 Energy

Count yourself! Your life code. Popular about numerology To what extent does what happens in our lives depend on numbers? It is hardly possible to establish this scientifically, however, there is a parascience of numerology that studies this dependence. About why it is important to know your "life code" and fulfill the program destined by fate, says numerologist Clara Kuzdenbaeva. - For many, numerology is associated with magic, some kind of magic. What is it really? Numerology is the science of numbers. By the way, even the famous scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was fond of her. The result of my work is mathematical calculations. No magic! I do not predict the future, I just explain what is happening in a person's life from the position of the numbers that surround him. Numerology - And how do you do it? - Each person is born with his own life program, and everyone has a so-called life code. You can calculate it yourself. This is a unique combination of numbers, which is obtained by calculations in the date of birth. He shows what is given to a person by nature, and what is not enough for complete, so to speak, happiness. Many people struggle in vain, trying to understand what they are doing wrong in life, why luck turns away from them. And the answer, it turns out, lies on the surface. - It turns out that you work with what is given to man by nature? And if a person does not like a given, can it be changed? - When you know your pros and cons, what inclinations you have, you can adjust your life program, which will undoubtedly affect the events in your life. In other words, you can change your destiny. Of course, this will happen provided that you are ready to work on yourself. And the sooner you start doing this, the better. - That is, the ideal option is to learn about this in childhood? - Of course! Very often, during consultations, I suggest to parents what they need to pay attention to in order for the child to fulfill the “life program” with which he was born. It is very important. If this does not happen, he will not be satisfied with life. Which could end badly in the end. You have no idea how many people I saved from suicide! Let's say parents come for a consultation, I calculate the child's program and it turns out that he has a thousandth mark. This is a special category of people - they bear a sign of fame and popularity. They are not given a middle path - either pan or lost. A bright future awaits them. The main thing is to learn about your potential and competently realize it. So, while the child does not have sixes in the numerical code, which are responsible for the fight against laziness. This will prevent him from implementing the "program of exclusivity". A person must earn the missing sign - for a given child, this is a six. And I explain to parents why they need to load their child from childhood, to fight laziness. - And if a person fails to “work out” the missing numbers? Is it enough just to surround yourself with them? Will it help? - Partly. For example, you can choose a number cell phone with those numbers that you are missing in the numerical code, or the car number. But this still does not cancel the work on oneself. - As far as I know, people come to you more than once. What else, besides the life code, do they want to know? - The numbers surrounding a person help to calculate not only his life code, but also compatibility in marriage, in partnerships. Numerology covers the issues of raising children, defining a profession. They turn to me about choosing a nanny for a child, a housekeeper. Sometimes plastic surgery goes wrong. And this is not only the fault of doctors, the date is of great importance. Therefore, someone asks to calculate the optimal date for the operation. Or they ask you to choose the date of birth - a caesarean section, so that the child is born with a good program. My grandchildren were born precisely according to the calculations of numerology. And now, watching them grow, talented and inquisitive, I am convinced that the numbers are never wrong! At my consultations, I carry out additional calculations and draw up a “cosmogram” - a person’s life program for a year. By following it, you can avoid many troubles. The numbers can warn you on which days you need to be careful and not tempt fate, and on which, on the contrary, luck is on your side. Every person goes through periods of ups and downs in life. This is normal, there is no need to be afraid of this - nothing in life can be permanent. Exist dangerous days when accidents, accidents, thefts happen. This so-called karmic triangle . At this time, you need to be especially careful. I recommend to all my clients on such days to avoid provoking situations, to be vigilant, careful. For example, Nadezhda Babkina always follows my advice and chooses only good dates for her concerts. - You said that the life code can be calculated independently. How to do it? - You need a date of birth. I confess right away that in my consultations I conduct a deeper digital study using the first and middle names. But the general data can be calculated independently. Most people have a six-digit code. But there are those who have a seven-digit number - these are already known to you thousands of people. Don't be discouraged if your code isn't seven characters long. Everyone can be successful. And numerology will definitely help you with this. Numerology TECHNICAL LAYOUT As an example, let's take the date of birth 06/05/1977. 1. Add up all the numbers in your date of birth (5 + 6+1+9 + 7+7=35). Zeros are not counted! The result will be the first number in the code. 2. Add the numbers that make up the first number (3 + 5=8). The result will become the second number in the code. 3. Multiply by two the first digit of your birthday number (5×2 = 10) and subtract the result from the first number of your life code (35-10=25). This number will become the third in the code. 4. Add up all the digits that make up the third number (2+5=7). The result will be the fourth number. If it turned out to be two-digit, you do not need to add the numbers. As a result, we received the code 358257. Write it down, write your date of birth under it. Count how many units, twos, triples, etc. are found in the code and date of birth. By their number, you can determine how many of a particular quality a person has. UNITS: spiritual shell, self-confidence, willpower, self-sufficiency. Ideally, if there are three units. This suggests that you are a kind, self-sufficient and disciplined person. If there are fewer of them, you have low self-esteem, and it’s a bit tight with self-realization. Outwardly, such people may look quite confident in themselves, but internally they give in to relationships. If there are four units, then you have a strong-willed character, five - you have strong magnetism. TWOS: energy, charm, emotionality. Those who do not have deuces "eat" energy from others. Such people quickly get tired, suffer from mood swings, and are prone to depression. They should do yoga, practices to gain energy (for example, reiki) and wear red clothes more often - this color gives energy. Life partners for such people are needed with at least two deuces in the code. If there are three of them, a person has the ability to heal, four - speaks of pronounced sexuality. But people with five deuces in anger can destroy everything. THREES: talent, intuition, ability to science. People without triples do not hear others, they do not have flexibility and tact, they are straightforward and very stubborn. These are people of rigid limits: either black or white - there is no gray. Fall for flattery. It is believed that they have a very developed intuition, however, they are often mistaken. And they don't understand people at all. If a child does not have triples in the code, I advise parents to develop his logic: give it to chess, for example. Three or four triples - for hypnologists and clairvoyants. FOURS: practicality, patience. If you have at least one four, you are a peacemaker. People without fours do not have the patience to complete what they started. And they are grumpy and very difficult in everyday life. They cannot do business: they save a little, they lose a lot. Often their emotions will prevail over reason. If both do not have fours in a pair, they are doomed to constant abuse. FIVES: sincerity, refinement of nature. A person without fives is very tough. If there are two of them - cordial, sincere, three - with preachers, four - practically Mother Teresa: such people can give all their love to people. SIXES: Calculation and wealth. If they are not, the person is lazy. Three sixes are not a sign of the devil, but an indicator of real workers. Be careful with those who have four of them: a person can be charming, but in fact he will never tolerate someone else's superiority. And he is usually jealous. SEVENS: protection of guardian angels. If a person does not have sevens, he always feels guilty, does not know how to refuse people, he is easy to manipulate. Such people often become victims in relationships, allow themselves to be used. Therefore, they must be taught to say “no” from childhood. Two sevens - for the minions of fate. The presence of sevens is especially important for women. Those who have even one will be happy in family life. EIGHTS: good luck. Those who do not have or have one cannot be called lucky: they achieve everything on their own. Three or more eights speak of great luck in life. NINES: Analytical ability, memory. Everything is simple here: the more nines, the stronger these abilities.

- says the famous Moscow numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva.

Life code by date of birth (method of numerologist Clara Kuzdenbaeva).

In total, it will be necessary to make 4 elementary mathematical calculations. As a result, you will get 4 numbers (numbers, not numbers).

Write your date of birth in numbers on the line. For example, 2/24/1963 (do not take zeros).

1. Add up all the resulting numbers. For example, the same date (2+4+2+1+9+6+3= 27 ). You naturally add up your numbers. Write the number that you got somewhere separately - this is the first number in your code(I recommend writing it down right away so that you don’t get confused in extra numbers later).

2. Now add the numbers that make up the first number (2+7= 9 ). The resulting number is your second number (add it to the first number). If you have a two-digit one, write it down.

3. Now attention. Look at your date of birth, find the first number in it and multiply it by 2 (2x2=4). That's not all: subtract the resulting result from the first number of your personal code(in our example 27-4= 23 ). The result of the subtraction is the third number.

4. Add up all the digits that make up the third number (2+3= 5 ). This is your fourth number. If you have a two-digit one, write it down.

As a result, we got the code - 279235 (you have your own).

Now under it (or next to it, it doesn't matter) write your date of birth - the way you wrote it at the beginning. And now count - how many units, twos, etc. are found together in the code and in the date of birth - up to and including nines. Better write it out separately, in a column.

And now the most interesting thing is what the resulting numbers mean in your code. (Here, it turns out, on what our personal qualities depend - on the number of digits in our code).

So let's look:

Units: the spiritual shell of a person, will, self-confidence. The norm is three units. It means that the person is kind. If there are fewer units, self-esteem is underestimated, there are probably difficulties with self-realization, such people usually give in to difficulties. If you found a lack of units in your child's code, then it is worth accustoming him to self-discipline from early childhood and increasing his self-esteem in every possible way. People with a strong strong-willed character usually have four units, five units have strong magnetism, six are careerists, seven are already despots.

Twos: emotionality, charm, energy. Those who do not have twos in their code are energy vampires. They get tired quickly, they often have mood swings. Creativity is not enough. The way out is to raise energy. For example, do yoga, wear red clothes more often, etc. Two deuces are ordinary energy, three are extrasensory abilities, four are pronounced sexuality. Those who have five twos or more are simply dangerous: such people are destructive in anger. A large number of deuces are often found in ... killers.

Threes: ability to science, talent, intuition. People with a lack of triples are very stubborn, they do not hear others, they lack flexibility and tact (Saakashvili, it turns out, does not have triples). Such people do not distinguish where it is good, where it is bad, they are often capable of low deeds, greedy for flattery. People with a lack of triples cannot become inventors, but they are good performers. The fewer triples, the less intuition. If a child does not have enough triples in the code, you should pay attention to games that develop logic (for example, chess). Are there four triples in the code? You are a born hypnotist or have the gift of clairvoyance. Five - have sorcerers who live according to the principle "a day without dirty tricks is lived in vain."

Fours: patience, practicality, health. If the spouses live in eternal swearing, most likely, both of them do not have fours in the code. A person who does not have fours is a coward. He doesn't have the patience to finish what he started. And it’s also hard to live next to such people, they are eternal grumblers. If there is at least one four in the code - you are a peacemaker, two or three - a good athlete. But if more than three - for some reason, a liar.

Fives: refinement of nature, sincerity. No fives - a tough person. Two are very cordial. Three - indicate a propensity for preaching. Four - Mother Teresa: these people give away the last shirt, even if they themselves are in poverty.

Sixes: prudence and wealth. No sixes - people are lazy. Three sixes are very good, this is an indicator of great diligence (and not a sign of the devil). Oddly enough, four sixes no longer bode well - despite the fact that these people can be wildly charming, they are usually envious and will never tolerate someone else's superiority. Yes, and for some reason, those who have a lot of sixes are more likely than others to have bowel cancer.

Sevens: happiness, protection of guardian angels. If there are no sevens in the code, such a person is a draft horse. He always feels guilty, cannot refuse people, he is easy to manipulate. You have to learn to say "no". Two sevens for the minions of fate, three - a person is happy "to the point of impudence." Four sevens have big boors.

Eights: luck and, again, wealth. Those who do not have them, or one - are clearly not lucky, nothing falls from the sky. No, they can achieve something, but only with their work and talent, that is, perseverance. But those who have two of them are waiting for a successful career. Three or more is a very big luck in life. Children with three eights are born into wealthy families.

Nines: analytical skills. Everything is simple here - the more of them, the stronger these same abilities.

Interview with Clara Kuzenbaeva.

“So how did you become a numerologist, Clara?”

“Fate brought me to this science. I am from Kazakhstan. Studied, worked and lived in Alma-Ata. I always loved mathematics and became an economist. Later, when serious problems arose in family life, I turned to psychology. It was important for me to understand why all this is happening in my life. Around the same time, I met a person who introduced me to numerology. It immediately became clear to me that this was my element.

After all, what is numerology? This is the wisdom of the ancients that has come down to us, the ability to interpret the date of birth and see the fate of a person from it. Pythagoras, expounding this mysterious science to his students, said that, as far as a person is familiar with magical properties numbers, as far as he knows how to use them, so he dominates his fate. And I was convinced of this on my own life experience. Thanks to numerology, I found answers to questions that interested me. I learned to see and understand numbers, I can get along with them, I see what is behind them. And I can help many people answer their questions and correct their destiny.

What questions can numerology answer?

- First of all, to the question "Who am I?". The numbers of the date of birth reflect the person's own "I". They show his strengths and weaknesses, qualities and abilities, accompany him through life and influence his entire life. life path. It's a kind of window into the invisible, but still real world. Probably everyone can look out the window, but only a specialist can see. The more I learn about the mystery of numbers, the more I love this science and never cease to be amazed at its possibilities. Judge for yourself: character, habits, inclinations, abilities, choice of profession, building relationships in the family, issues of raising children, relationships in the team - numerology will give very specific answers to all these questions through simple calculations for a professional.

- Has the acquired knowledge somehow influenced your personal life?

- Of course! The calculation of my program provided answers to a lot of questions - when will I get married, where will I live, and even when will I leave this world. I learned, for example, that the second half of my life would be much more successful than the first, that I would move to live in another country, which would be located in the European part of the mainland, and that it was there that I would meet my spouse. This was confirmed by the predictions of the state oracle of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, astrologers and palmists in India, where I went to study. A few years ago I moved to Moscow, got married, so everything came true. But the most important thing for me from what the calculations showed is the correctness of the path I have chosen. I'm in my place, I'm minding my own business. In my program there is a sign of healing, rehabilitation human soul. This is a combination of "two", "three" and "five".

And how many people around us meet people who have chosen the wrong profession, i.e. minding their own business. Imagine a surgeon whose program does not include, for example, a "two", i.e. positive energy. Basically, he is an energy vampire. Not only will such a person not be able to realize himself in the profession, but he will also destroy the patients, taking away from them the vitality necessary for recovery. It is impossible to imagine a judge with a "five" (gentleness, cordiality) in the program and in the absence of a "four" (fairness) and a "six" (sign of power). I have met psychics more than once, in whose program there is no sign indicating their healing abilities. And if a person does not have such a gift, then he is just a charlatan. In a word, for each kind of activity there is a sign, it is only necessary to determine it in time and correctly. And this is where numerology comes to the rescue.

- On the basis of what the numerologist makes calculations, which is Starting point?

- For initial calculations, the name, patronymic, day, month and year of birth are sufficient. A deeper analysis, of course, requires many additional information. Your life code is calculated based on your date of birth. The fact is that the whole life of a person is represented by a six-year cycle - a digital series of 6 points. Every six years, periods of ups and downs in business, emotional and physical activity of a person are repeated. Knowing this helps a person to withstand difficult situations that are inevitable, but amenable to adjustment. The so-called "zero" period - the period of decline lasts one year and begins after the birthday. Zero is closely related to human energy, and the “zero” period is characterized by the absence of energy. A person has no strength, he is tormented by depression, which means that it makes no sense to start new projects. During this period, you should not lend money: losses will be inevitable. Do not change your place of residence. A person driving a car needs to be extremely careful - the danger of an accident is great. Often there are problems in the family up to divorce, if the "zero" period coincides with both partners. If one of the partners has “zero”, I recommend that the second one be more condescending, gentler, more patient, show compassion. This period always ends, and if you do not commit rash acts, relationships are getting better. You should also not get married during a recession: there are great chances to let a person into your life who will bring destruction. It is worth paying special attention to your health, striving for spiritual self-improvement. Calculating "zero" periods and helping a person survive is one of the main tasks of a numerologist.

- And what information do the other nine digits carry?

- Each number leaves an imprint on the personality of a person. "Unit" defines the spiritual shell of a person. "Deuce" is his energy, charm, emotionality. A person without a "two" in the life code is an energy vampire. "Three" - an indicator of talent, intuition, ability to science. "Four" - health and patience. About the sophistication of nature and sincerity says "five". The three fives are the preachers. "Six" - a sign of grounding, a sign of calculation and wealth. The more sixes, the richer the person. A very important sign in the life of a person, and above all a woman, is the "seven", the earthly guardian angel, responsible for women's happiness. "Eight" - the aspect of luck. The owners of the three "eights" are people-amulets. And finally, "nine". She talks about analytical skills. It is very rare, but it happens that all the numbers are present in a person’s life code. Such people are very harmonious.

But one cannot interpret the numbers straightforwardly: there are many nuances that only an insider, a specialist, knows about. So, in numerology, only three signs are taken as the norm: large quantity may change to a different quality. The absence of some numbers in the life code is just as bad as their overabundance. There should be a "golden mean" in everything.

- If the life program is determined once and for all by the date of your birth, does this mean that a person is “doomed” and there is no way to change anything in his destiny?

- No, it doesn't. You can't change it completely, but you can always change it. For example, there is a category of people who have thousandth signs (a four-digit number) in their life program. At the thousandth sign, no middle way is given. A person is either at the top, at the very top, or at the bottom, at the very bottom. As a rule, such people do not have “sixes”, i.e. often their own laziness interferes with the implementation of the program. But in no case should such people stop there, they must constantly move forward, grow. Otherwise, their life may end "below" and even tragically.

Not so long ago, I had the opportunity to participate in the filming of the documentary "Space Prophet" as an expert numerologist. The film was dedicated to the fate and fate in the life of the great scientist, a genius with an amazing fate, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. I calculated the program of both the scientist himself and his family members. The thousandth sign was present both in Konstantin Eduardovich and in his son Alexander. But if the father was able to implement his program, then the son did not succeed. In one of the zero periods, he committed suicide.

It is very important to properly raise children with a four-digit code of life. Even in childhood, the child must learn and understand how important personal growth, self-education, and raising the intellectual level are for him. In the same way as for children who have a sign of theft in the program. Rigid framework, control and an active explanation of what is good and what is bad will save a person from actions that can destroy his life. It is contraindicated for a woman with a thousandth sign to become a housewife, since this is what provokes problems in the family - her husband will not appreciate her, the children will not reckon with her either. In almost every life situation adjustments can be made if necessary. For example, a businessman does not have a “three” in his code, and without intuition it is difficult to succeed in this type of activity. The missing sign can be “worked out”: take a person with a “troika” as a partner and listen to his opinion. Those who lack practicality and calculation should surround themselves with assistants with “fours” and “sixes”. In a word, there are many ways, you just need to know which one to choose. This is just as important as the understanding of happiness: happy is the person who forgets that he was harmed, and does not remember the one to whom he did good.

- As far as I understand, numbers affect fate not only specific person but of the whole people. Is it possible to find out what is behind any date, event, find out the program of the country?

- Yes, you certainly may. Each nation has its own history, which it deserves, and its own government, and even sad events in the history of the people (or country) - all this is destined. Take, for example, the day of the election of the new president of Russia - March 2, 2008. There are two signs of power on this date, which, in particular, many former and current presidents of states have - Yeltsin, Putin, Nazarbayev ... And there is nothing accidental in this. Whoever believes in chance does not believe in God. Russia is a great country with a thousandth sign in the program, and it has a great future.

- Specialists of your level, Clara, few. Do you belong to special people, unique?

- I am the most ordinary person, I have weaknesses and shortcomings, but at the same time I was given knowledge that is inaccessible to other people. And if I, Klara Kuzdenbaeva, can be wrong, then the numbers are never wrong. You can't fool them. With them it is impossible to be better than you really are.

Conference on the topic: “Numbers decide everything. How does the date of birth affect a career? Answers on questions.

Yuri Shatunov became famous at the age of 14, Grigory Leps came to conquer the capital only at 30!!! Some become popular at a very young age, for others fame comes much later or does not come at all. Why is this happening? Numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva is sure that everything in our life is determined by NUMBERS. It is they who influence the events that take place and help us take our place under the sun! But what if the numbers in your life code are not entirely successful? The most interesting thing is that we can control the situation. As the saying goes: forewarned is forearmed. If you know the weaknesses of your program, you can correct a lot. How? To this and many other questions December 13, 2011 in live AIF.RU replied to Klara Kuzdenbaeva.

Conference leader: Friends, hello! We are in the Arguments and Facts press center. My name is Natalia Kozhina and we have only 30 minutes to ask our questions to the numerologist Clara Kuzdenbaeva. Clara, hello!

Kuzenbaeva Clara: Hello!

Conference leader: We just discussed over the air how much once you've been with us. Already a veteran, but nevertheless I want to say that people's interest does not fall in what you do. A lot of questions. Today we have a very interesting topic, I think. How the date of birth affects our career growth, our success. You can tell a little about how numbers affect what position we take or do not take in life.

Kuzenbaeva Clara: I have already spoken about this, each person comes with his own life program. There is a numerology of people of art, people of creativity, people of business, politicians and, unfortunately, people who have the sign of theft, and even murder. I starred in the film "Serial Killer", there is a killer program and this can be corrected, because if parents know the weaknesses of their child, this can be corrected. How does numerology affect your career? When a person knows what his pluses, what minuses, what inclinations he has, he can correct his behavior, his life. By the way, many people do not even suspect how talented they are. This is exactly what I talk about in my consultations.

Conference leader: Have you already discovered any stars during your consultations?

Kuzenbaeva Clara: Stars are the most ordinary people who have problems, various fears are present, doubts, and in my consultations I clearly show a person his positive and negative qualities and how this can be corrected. As for the stars, we filmed on MTV with Alexei Chumakov, he turned out to have such an interesting program. He chose the right profession, he writes poetry, scripts, shoots, produces. His girlfriend, Yulia Kovalchuk, turned out to be his soulmate, that is, zero combination. So amazing! He himself was amazed. Of course, I gave him recommendations: they both have no patience, so they often quarrel. They need to earn 4.

Conference leader: And how is it earned?

Kuzenbaeva Clara: What does it mean to develop patience? If you want to speak out, when emotions overwhelm you, you need to correct yourself, you can’t restrain yourself, count to 10 and calm down. Why is numerology good? A person clearly sees his positive and negative qualities, he sees how certain signs can be developed, because the lack of some signs is bad, but dominance is bad too.

Conference leader: I can develop patience. Everything is more or less clear here. But you said that there are such minions of fate, people who should have sevens in their life code, they do everything well, but, probably, there are people who are not minions of fate, what should they do, how to grab luck by the tail ?

Kuzenbaeva Clara : When there is no seven, especially for women, this is not very good. This sign is very important for women, this is female happiness, this is a sign that is responsible for the family. Now, if both spouses do not have sevens, this marriage will be doomed, it will not last more than 7 years, therefore people who not only lack a seven, but must have other signs, should get married and marry according to numerology. There is such a concept in numerology "technical layout", which is very easy to calculate, I have these calculations on my website. Therefore, if there are no sevens, then this sign must be worked out. If a child does not have a seven, you need to teach him from childhood the ability to say “no”, to be able to refuse people, because as they grow older it is more and more difficult for such people to refuse, they help people, and then they remain guilty. The child is born and it is necessary to develop some signs. It can be a line of spirituality to raise or energy. If there are no triples, give them to chess in order to develop analytics and logic. It is very important to know your program.

Conference leader: Is there a number in the family code that matters too?

Kuzenbaeva Clara: Just the seven is responsible for the family. Do you know why a person is born without a seven? Numerology is letters from past life. What a person earned in a past life, he received in this one. We have come to earn points for the next life. Therefore, if there is no seven, it means that a person in a past life sinned, loved to take a walk, behaved incorrectly, and now he came into this world to earn himself a seven. Therefore, 2 sevens are the minions of fate, and three are people to whom everything is forgiven.

Conference leader: And in your memory, did anyone have 3 sevens?

Kuzenbaeva Clara: Oksana Fedorova, so she is a favorite, 2 sevens are the minions of fate - Putin, for example.

Conference leader: I'll torment you a little more. The numbers that this year brings?

Kuzenbaeva Clara: There is a concept in numerology when all numbers add up to a whole. 2011 passed under the sign of the four. On the one hand, the four is stability, reliability, justice, but this sign also has a negative quality. For the Chinese, the four symbolizes death, destruction. Those negative events that took place during this year are just connected with the four. Five symbolizes a five-pointed star - a symbol of humanity. That is, all changes, innovations are associated with the five, also the five symbolizes spirituality, that is, there comes a time when a person should think about the spiritual.

Conference host : It turns out that 2012 is a five, 2013 is a six, and 2014 is a seven, and here everything will be fine?

Kuzenbaeva Clara: Yes you are right. Seven means happiness.

Valentina Evgenievna: Dear Mrs Clara! I was born on April 1, 1950 in Uzbekistan. Several times in her life she was on the verge of death, but she survived. I beg you very much. Tell me what awaits me by date of birth? They wrote in the passport that I was born on September 1, and left this error - everything came from the entry in the metric. I beg you please answer. Thank you. Sincerely, V.E. Kuzenbaeva Clara: Very often people who were born on the same date come to me, but the documents contain a different one. Only the digits of a person's date of birth work. If we take the whole program of Valentina Evgenievna - she has three units - she is a kind person. But there are no sevens. When there are no sevens, this person is always guilty. This is a patient person, with good energy, with analytical skills, lucky, because there is a figure eight. She had a lot of periods of recession, because there were many zeros. And what are zeros in the program? This is due to the three rhythms of a person: physical, emotional, intellectual. This means that there is no strength, health problems begin, old diseases worsen, naturally this affects the emotional background, depression, and accordingly, all this affects the work. Valentina has 2 years of growth, 4 years of decline. One zero is already felt in a person, and here there are 4 zeros, of course, life is difficult. Problems with the pancreas, everything connected with the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys - these are all weak organs. Valentina Evgenievna, today's situation is as follows. You are a full 61 years old. Today you are on the eight in rhythms. You have 3 - the Moon, 15 - the Sun. Your year will continue until your birthday plus 13 days. Your new year is April 14th. Before your birthday, you have time to get up. From October 1, there will be a decrease in rhythms, you go to zero, but at the same time you have 3 - the Moon, 13 - the Sun. When the Sun is high, it's good. What is the 13th Sun? As a rule, these are large purchases: houses, apartments, cars, because this is a good year. You have a good period, so do not worry. The next year, which starts after your birthday, you will have a good one. I wish you good luck, because you have a rare program, to have so many zeros, it's certainly difficult. But you have a five in the program, this indicates that you have a heavenly guardian angel, heavenly forces You are being protected. You also have a figure eight, you will never be deprived, with all the ups and downs in life, with all the problems that arose in your life, the Lord guides you and helps you in life.

Conference leader: Exhaustive information!

Kuzenbaeva Clara: A rare combination, four zeros.

Conference leader: I remember. Last time you talked about the fact that this zero period is ahead of you, and how you struggled with it.

Kuzenbaeva Clara: It was a very difficult period. Despite the fact that I am a numerologist, a mathematician, I have been doing programs for a long time, there were doubts and fear, even in India I asked palmists what awaits me. Everything was fine with work, there was a creative upsurge, but my father passed away last year, and in the zero period, there is also the loss of loved ones. It's good that my husband knew that I had such a period, he supported me in everything. I always say in my consultations that if you know what your loved one there comes such a period, you must show compassion, indulgence, because the person will feel bad and emotionally. When there is a recession, this naturally applies to energy as well. When there is not enough energy, there are mood swings, depression, and unpredictable behavior. It is very important when the partner knows about it and shows indulgence to everything.

I looked through the questions and would like to tell all readers: you should never be afraid of anything, all situations in life are passing, nothing in life can be permanent. Any bad situation will be corrected after a while, everything will be fine. Remember, I told you at the last press conference about a girl who fell ill with cancer. She is doing well now. I still keep in touch with her. She recovered and also met her soul mate.

Elena: Hello Clara! My son Ilya was born at 19.50 on November 10, 1996. in the city of Kemerovo. After two years he finishes school, he can not decide on the choice of profession. What do the numbers say about this? In what area of ​​activity can he achieve the greatest professional and material success? What can be said about his future? Thank you in advance and Happy New Year! Kuzenbaeva Clara: In numerology, the time of birth is not important, the main thing is the date of birth. I have more daily calculations. I also have such cosmograms when I can make a forecast for the day, what awaits a person on that day.

Your son has tremendous analytical skills, a strong-willed character, this is a guy who never gives up, the implementation line is expressed, the self-esteem line is not underestimated, 2 sevens indicate that he is a minion of fate, careless, 2 deuces indicate his good energy, but no fours - no patience, this guy needs to learn patience. In numerology, there is a transition of numbers: four units give a four. Due to the fact that he has a strong-willed character, he can earn a four. The negative qualities of your son include an absolute inability to understand people, no matter how insulting it may sound. He needs to marry only according to numerology, because he sees only the outer side of a person, and is mistaken from the inside. You should always know his surroundings, because he is your careless, shirt-guy, he will take off his last. There are six, he is hardworking. No triples and fours - no flexibility and sometimes can be tactless. When there are no triples, this can happen, but at the same time such people are very sincere. These people can be manipulated. Try to praise us: we have a triple and we can feel the vibrations, whether the person is sincere or not. People who do not have triples are subject to influence, they succumb to flattery. Succumbing to flattery, they can be easily manipulated and deceived. As for professional activity. The child is the strongest analyst, expressed Creative skills. Since there is no four, then those professions that are associated with patience: jurisprudence, finance, will be difficult for him. 279 is the sign of people of progress. Even in the character of your son there is sacrifice, you also need to get rid of this. Each person has his own code by which he must live. Your son's code is the gray cardinal code. What is a gray cardinal? It should never have publicity, it should be closed. Girls born under the sign of Scorpio, if they want to get married, should not show themselves as strong personalities, they should not have publicity. Therefore, many Scorpios have problems, their personal lives are not going well.

Andrew: Hello! can you tell me in which area it is better for me to work and what kind of soulmate is she? 03/08/1985. Also, my favorite number is 57. The school was 57, this number is found everywhere ... What can it mean? Kuzenbaeva Clara: There are numbers of luck. For some, this figure carries a positive vibration, for someone negative. If Andrei noticed that this figure carries a positive vibration, why not tie good events to this figure. For me, the number of luck is 9. Andrey gets 347 - the bearer of the sign of artistry. You do not need to worry about your career at all, you have 3 eights. 2 eights are people who are guarded by the upper and lower worlds, 3 eights are people-amulets. Andrey will join the company, the company will begin to grow, he will leave the company, the company may collapse. The most interesting thing is that when such a child as Andrei is born, the parents begin to rise in material terms. Over the summer, I starred in several documentaries as an expert. It turned out that guys who came from provincial cities came to shoot and got a job on the central channels, because they had 3 eights. We counted after filming. All 3 eights! Andrei also belongs to this type of people, lucky and bringing good luck. But, what is your problem, Andrey. Listen carefully. You don’t have deuces in your program, you have weak energy, so the mood swing that occurs during the day is due to the fact that you don’t have deuces. I recommend you do yoga, you need to learn how to manage energy. And there are no sixes - you can’t be lazy. Talented guy - 2 triples. As for the code. Your code is a holiday: it’s beautiful to see, hear and speak, you can’t say bad words, always live in a positive way, with a smile, then you will always be perceived, loved and everything will work out for you. The lack of units suggests that you need to gather, because the dispersion that you have can interfere. Therefore, schedule your day by hours, minutes, because lack of concentration is a disadvantage.

I would like to tell all readers not to be offended. Many are offended, but I receive a huge number of letters, I physically do not have time to answer. There are letters that people wrote in despair, I try to answer such letters, but it’s easier for me when a person calls. At least I can talk on the phone, but I physically cannot answer all the letters. If 2 years ago I said, please write letters, today it is impossible. Therefore, I want to ask readers not to be offended, I can’t answer all the letters.

Svetlana Mozhaeva: Good afternoon, is there V.V. in the life code? Putin's figures indicating that he will be elected president next year? And now a personal question. My date of birth is 01/03/1971. Next year I'm going to move abroad (Kingdom of the Netherlands). Will this move be successful? Kuzenbaeva Clara: Why did Putin become president? He is the bearer of the sign of power, it is already written in his program. This is the current situation. Before his birthday, he had a period of ten - success. To date, he has a year of recovery, so it is impossible to say that he has a bad year. I was on the program "Unreal Politics", I was given the characteristics of Prokhorov. Here he has a year: dozens on one side, but the Sun is low, these are losses, this is an unsuccessful year, so he could not create a party, this would not give a good result, the project was doomed in any case.

Conference leader: Have you considered when Prokhorov is getting married?

Kuzenbaeva Clara: I thought, but now I do not remember the dates. I remember his date of birth. He has an interesting program in that he is a thousandaire. There is such a category of people - thousands of people, people who are not given a middle path, the sign of fame is already written in the program, 3 fives say that he is a patriot. Another thing is that with such a good program he does not have sevens, he is always to blame, he does not have fours, for all his good qualities, his character is not easy, he is emotional, but there are also positive aspects in the fact that there are no fours These people don't know how to lie.

Conference leader: Something I doubt. People who go into politics cannot but lie.

Kuzenbaeva Clara: Why doesn't he get married? All Taurus must behave independently, he behaves correctly, which is why he is also accompanied by luck and success. There are no sevens, no fours - eternal doubts and even fear, this person cannot be called careless, this is a person who has a developed sense of self-preservation. And he is a smart guy, he has 2 nines, these are good analytical skills, he immediately recognizes empty girls, he is not interested. People in whom nines dominate have good intuitive abilities, 3 fives are sensitivity, refinement, sincerity, in girls he appreciates not only external qualities, but also internal ones.

Svetlana has a sign of a peacemaker, four units speak of her strong-willed character. The lack of units affects the life program of a person. As a rule, such people give in, the line of realization is not expressed, the line of self-esteem is underestimated. Svetlana is fine here. Two deuces speak of her good energy, threes - about her talent, polarity, this is just the person who has practicality, patience, justice. She would make a good financier, lawyer. Two sevens are the minion of fate, loneliness is not written. As for the period. Should she move? Life code - 591300. Today the situation is as follows. You are a full 40 years old. You are on the first zero. Despite this, you good year: 5 - Moon, 15 - Sun. Due to the fact that the Sun is high, you have a good year. We are watching next year, which will start 13 days after the birthday. 5 - Moon, 6 - Sun. A good year, despite the fact that the year of recession. The problem is that there are no eights. Svetlana never falls from the sky. She can achieve something only by hard work. Your most successful year will be at 43. As for moving next year, it's the year of zero. I'm not saying it's going to be a bad year, but it's going to be a year of varying success because it's going down anyway. First of all, you need to raise the energy, because when the energy is on the decline, it affects all human cycles.

Olenka Olchik: Hello Clara. In my life, everything seems to go in a circle, the same situations are constantly repeated: if this is work, then someone from the authorities will surely steal, and after that I change jobs, because. although everyone knows that I did not take part in this (the last time I was on a business trip for six months, when everything happened, but still everyone looks askance). And now, because of fear, I can’t get a job: I’m afraid of repetition. In personal life, too, is not sweet. You live with a person for 3-4 years, you prepare for the wedding, and then you find out that he is cheating on me, and his parents have long been aware of it. And so 2 times in a row. Now I suspect my young man, with whom I now live, of all sins. Even with girlfriends somehow it doesn’t work out (sometimes they try to take the guy away, and when it doesn’t work out, they accuse me of all sins: I’m beautiful, and I’m sitting at home, and men love, and everyone loves at work, and they constantly put forward for promotion ... ). If you need help, everyone turns to me, and this year only two friends remembered my birthday, and then a week later. HOW DO I BREAK THE CIRCLE? I want to start a family, give birth to children, have a faithful and loving man nearby, finally find a job where I would be appreciated and respected. My date of birth is November 13, 1985. Born at 23:45. Who should I really be?

Kuzenbaeva Clara: You have six units. This suggests that you should pursue a career, but you do not have fours, you need to learn patience. Your program is 2911, you already have a sign of fame in your program, a thousandth sign, like Prokhorov's. The most interesting thing is that the most ordinary people can have such a sign, but why is there dissatisfaction? When a person does not fulfill his program, he goes down, so you definitely need growth, personal, career. The problem is that there are no fours and sixes. You need everything right now, build everyone: parents, friends. There is also a negative quality of the thousandth sign - categoricalness and pride, so you need to get rid of this, correct yourself. The second sign - 279 - is a sign of progress. You have tremendous analytical skills, you are a talented person. Moreover, there is an eight in the program, you will never be deprived. Everything will be fine. You need to get married according to numerology, because you have six units and no fours, this is a character that is difficult in everyday life. Do not be offended, but this is one of your negative qualities. And you need to get married according to numerology, so that this person has at least one four, because your character is complex. If you do not correct yourself, over the years the character will change for the worse, despotism in behavior will appear. There is not a single zero in your life code. This is great luck! This is happiness! Such people are selfish, because a person cannot be selfish when he has ups and downs, and you have no zeros, no downs. You have a wonderful program. The year will be great. You are now in three. In terms of rhythms, it would seem that it is not very high, but you have 1 - the Moon, the Sun - 10. What is the Sun - 10? This is popularity, fame, success. By the way, I starred in the film “Philip and Alla. Why didn't it work out?" I was asked to calculate Philip Kirkorov's program. He has a year of ten, a year of fame, success, popularity, as well as a year of birth of children. I said this in October, and recently, it turns out, he had a baby. That's what ten is! Therefore, Olya, you have a good period, no doubts, no fears, go ahead! You have a year that began on November 26, a year of success. Ten also - moving to another country. Whatever you start, everything will turn out well.

Maya M.M.: Good afternoon! Could you tell what's in store for the couple. Stanislav - 10/14/1982, Maya - 07/28/1987? Kuzenbaeva Clara: As for Stanislav's program. Libra is such an amazing sign. This is the only sign that brings good luck to everyone. If a woman is having a slump, I always recommend looking for a man under the sign of Libra, and vice versa, because Libra brings good luck. When a Libra child is born, a material rise begins in the family.

Stanislav belongs to this type of people, but despite the fact that Stanislav is a hard worker, he has 2 eights, he is lucky. You, Stanislav, need to obey your spouse, because you don't have triples. You have absolutely no idea about people. You see the outside of a person, but in the inside you are mistaken, and this is due to the fact that you do not have triples. Maya has a very good intuition, Maya is also a hard worker. Maya also has 3 eights, an amulet woman, having 3 eights is happiness. Maya is a minion of fate, a favorite. Maya, you have one of the highest thousandths, so the most important thing for you is personal growth, you cannot be a housewife. If you are a housewife, everything will collapse for you, you will go down, you will be neglected. You have one drawback that you need to get rid of - it is categorical and pride. As for compatibility - you have a triple - this is good compatibility. Poor compatibility is one and two, three is already normal. Maya is sometimes struck in Stanislav by such qualities as straightforwardness, categoricalness, that is, the lack of flexibility and tact. Stanislav understands everything literally, he has black and white, there is no gray, so there may be disagreements between them. In my consultations, I explain how relationships can be adjusted. Family life is daily work.

Conference leader: Clara, our time has long come to an end, but at the end of the conversation I want to read a letter from Stella Tkacheva. “I want to express my deep gratitude to Clara. After all, what she does helps people in life make the right decisions in work, personal life. I am very glad that a few years ago our acquaintance took place, which turned into a good friendship. Thanks!". I think that many people who asked their questions today will sign this letter. Thank you very much, Clara, for coming to us. Some wishes, instructions to those who watched us.

Kuzenbaeva Clara: I ask readers not to be offended that we did not have time to answer all the questions. I would like to wish everyone good luck, personal growth, because the most important thing for a person is spiritual growth and personal growth, never stop there. And again, I repeat, no matter what happens in your life, no matter what problems you have, you should always know that all situations in life pass. We cannot change a bad situation, but we can change our attitude towards it. There is never only good in life, without bad there is no good. Everything in life is passing. I wish you good luck, good health, good to meet New Year, in a good mood, positive, because when a person is positive, then everything will be fine.

Conference leader: Thank you very much, Clara! I'm asking a question that I think is of interest to many. Will you come next year?

Kuzenbaeva Clara: Of course I will! With pleasure! I really like your program and you personally. So there can be no doubt!

Conference leader: Thank you very much. Friends, thank you for being with us and asking your questions. All the best!

Characteristic famous people by life code.

Vladimir Putin (code - 257112, date of birth - 10/07/1952).

“This person has a strong-willed character,” says the numerologist, “he has two fives in a layout, which means he cannot be a tyrant. Two fives is patriotism, a person born for people. Putin is destined to be a leader: four units speak about this. But many numbers are missing: threes, fours, sixes and eights. This suggests that Putin is a humanist, does not have good health and is not inclined to physical labor. The absence of eights is the most amazing thing: according to numerology, this indicates a lack of tolerance and kindness.

Dmitry Medvedev (code - 358336, date of birth - 09/14/1965).

Numerology is considered to be the wisdom of the ancestors that has come down to our time. This is an amazing science that allows you to interpret numbers and use them to predict the fate of a person.

Number values

Science helps to get answers to many serious questions that preoccupy modern people. However, not everyone can figure it out on their own, and therefore requests like “numerology Klara Kuzdenbaeva” are becoming increasingly popular today. After all, everyone wants to use the wisdom of this amazing woman and her amazing gift.

Who is Mrs. Kuzenbaeva

Clara Kuzenbaeva

Clara Kuzdenbaeva is the most famous psychoanalyst and numerologist of our state. At one time, this woman graduated from Alma-Ata State University, and for more than fifteen years she has been successfully engaged in numerology.

Moreover, during this period, Mrs. Kuzdenbaeva also studied at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology and studied the basics of the science of numbers in India. Therefore, in our country today it is very difficult to find a numerologist who could be compared with this amazing woman.

It should be noted that Kuzdenbaeva herself considers numerology to be her mission. She speaks of numbers as revelations of fate, she knows how not only to understand numbers, but also to truly “negotiate” with them. Therefore, with the help of Mrs. Kuzdenbaeva, you can not only understand yourself or find answers to some questions that are relevant to you, but also understand your destiny or even correct it.

Turning to this amazing woman for help, any of our compatriots can get a calculation of their life code, as well as special programs with the possibility of subsequent adjustment of periods of decline and rise of individual cycles.

Can numerology help you?

Possible help

The science in question studies, first of all, the individual numbers of a person - the numbers associated with his first and last name, date of birth, etc. And these figures are extremely important, because they have the ability to reflect the inner "I" of the individual, to demonstrate its main advantages and disadvantages, weaknesses and opportunities, abilities and dangers that lie in wait for this person on the path of life.

Moreover, the numbers accompany each of us throughout our lives, and if you carefully read them, you can learn to treat your destiny differently, change it at your own discretion and achieve success in all areas of activity.

To date, there are many methods by which each person is able to independently determine his "number of fate" or "number of the name" and learn something interesting about his own character, temperament, inclinations and capabilities. However, the information that you will receive in this way will be negligible, and it will not bring you any actual benefit.

Numerology for an amateur is more entertainment than a serious occupation. But in the performance of a true specialist, the interpretation of your individual numbers can get a completely different shade - Klara Kuzdenbaeva is able to provide real help to every person who turns to her.

To believe or not to believe in the possibilities of numerology is solely your right. However, it cannot be denied that the science in question has existed for many years, and its popularity does not decrease over time. This means that people are not disappointed in numerology, and if you also decide to take advantage of its capabilities, and even resort to the help of a real expert, you will not be disappointed either.

Numerology: code of fate and thousands.

Numerology will tell you the causes of problems and ways to get rid of them
Our whole life can be sorted out with the help of numbers, numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva is sure. For many years she has been advising celebrities, politicians, businessmen and, of course, mere mortals. “Numbers are never wrong,” Clara says. - They will name the causes of problems with health, personal life and parenting, and also tell you how to get rid of these problems. Numbers have special vibrations that affect us from birth to death. By the way, if you are being pursued by some number, do not be afraid of it: most likely, it is him and some character trait that you lack in life, which means that you need to surround yourself with such a number - order a special phone number from a mobile operator, for example ".
Today we will reveal the secrets of numerology - we will tell you how to calculate a unique life code and learn how to understand it.

As an example, let's take the date of birth 2/24/1963. Zeros are not involved in numerological calculations.
1. Add up all the numbers in your date of birth (2+4+2+1+9+6+3=27). The result will be the first number in the code.
2. Add the numbers that make up the first number (2+7=9). The result will become the second number in the code.
3. Multiply by two the first number of your birthday (2x2=4) and subtract the result from the first number of your life code (27-4=23). This number will become the third in the code.
4. Add up all the digits that make up the third number (2+3=5). The result will be the fourth number. If it turned out to be two-digit, then you do not need to add the numbers that make it up.
As a result, we received the code 279235. Write it out separately, write your date of birth under it. Count how many units, twos, triples, etc. are found in the code and date of birth. Their number (the norm is three) shows how much a person has this or that quality.
Units: spiritual shell, self-confidence, will
Units in the code do not have henpecked. If there are three units - a good person. When less - his self-esteem is underestimated, and with self-realization is a little tight. Outwardly, such people are confident in themselves, but internally they give in to difficulties. If you see that your child has few units, then teach him discipline from early childhood. If there are four units, then your character is very strong-willed, five - you have strong magnetism, six - a careerist, seven - almost a despot.
Twos: energy, charm, emotionality
Those who do not have twos take energy from others. They get tired quickly, mood swings are not uncommon. They need to do yoga and wear red clothes more often, this color gives energy. Life partners for such people are needed with at least two deuces in the code.
Two deuces - average energy, three - have extrasensory abilities (they can heal with their hands), four - pronounced sexuality. Those who have many twos do not like large crowds of people. If there are five or more deuces, it is already dangerous: such people in anger can destroy everything.
Threes: talent, intuition, ability to science
People with a lack of triples do not hear others, they do not have flexibility and tact, they are very stubborn. Volochkova has no triples, for example. Such people are capable of low deeds, not realizing that this is bad. They cannot become inventors, but good performers. Fall for flattery. It is believed that they have a very developed intuition, but nevertheless they are often mistaken.
If your child does not have triples, develop his logic: give it to chess, for example. Four triples for born hypnologists and clairvoyants, five for sorcerers who live by the principle "I won't fall asleep without dirty tricks."
Fours: practicality, patience
If both of them do not have fours in a pair, eternal abuse awaits them. A person without fours is cowardly, he does not have the patience to complete what he started. And such people are grumblers and very difficult in everyday life. If they lie, they will get caught! If you have at least one four, you are a peacemaker. If two or three - a good athlete. And if more than three - love to lie.
Fives: sincerity, refinement of nature
If there are no fives, the person is tough. If there are two of them - very cordial. Three - there is a penchant for preaching, four - Mother Teresa: they can give everything to people, but they may not be enough for themselves and their loved ones. They are very patient and can endure bad treatment for years.
Sixes: calculation and wealth
When they don't, people are lazy. Three sixes are not a sign of the devil, but an indicator of great workers. Four is already dangerous: a person can be wildly charming, but in fact he will never tolerate someone else's superiority. And he is usually jealous.
Sevens: happiness, protection of guardian angels
If a person does not have sevens, he always feels guilty, he refuses people hard, he is easy to manipulate. Therefore, such people should be taught to say “no” from childhood. Two sevens at the minions of fate. Three - a person is already happy "to impudence." This is the situation with Oksana Fedorova. Four sevens at boors.
Eights: luck and, again, wealth
Those who have two of them are waiting for career growth. Those who have one or none at all cannot be called lucky: they achieve everything only with their talent, mind and work. Three or more eights speak of great luck in life. Children with three eights are born into wealthy families.
Nines: analytical skills
Everything is simple here - the more nines, the stronger these abilities.
Most people have a six-digit code that we have learned to calculate. But there are those who have it seven-digit. For such people, the first or last four digits in the code are 1910, 2810, 2911, 3710, 3811, 3912.
People with this code are called thousanders. They bear the mark of fame and popularity. They are not given a middle path - they are either at the very bottom or at the very top. They cannot be content with little - a bright future can await them. The main thing is to learn about your potential and competently realize it. By the way, than more number of the six listed, the more exclusivity is inherent in a person.
And although being a thousandaire is, of course, good, they must remember their negative qualities - ambitiousness, pride, categoricalness.